

Numerological calculations (Abjad) in the Quran

Every letter in the Arabic alphabet has a numerical (gematrical) value. In other words, in Arabic every letter stands for a number. A number of calculations can be made from this basis. These are referred to as numerological (abjad) calculations or "hisab al-jumal."239Muslims who took advantage of the fact that every letter of the alphabet represents a number have used this in a number of fields. Ilm'ul Jafr is one of these.

Jafr is the science of foretelling what is likely to happen in the future. One of the methods employed by people who engage in this is to compare symbolic forms and letters' numerological values. The main difference between "abjad" and "jafr" methods is that the former refers to what has already taken place and the latter to what is likely to take place in the future.240

Miniatures from the Topkapi Museum

Prior to the Turkish revolution in 1924, the Palace was the home to a community that provided all services necessary to everyday court life and ceremonial events: from mosques, schools, baths, workshops, studios, and libraries to the armory, mint, and treasury where the most precious objects were kept. Today this vast collection of riches and relics, together with the buildings within Topkapi's labyrinthine structure, attracts visitors and scholars from all over the world.

Brief Biography Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al - Arabi

Born in the Spanish township of Murcia on 17th of Ramadan 561 AH (27th or 28th of July 1165 AD) with respectable family roots of Banu Tayy, this unique mystic of Islam, Muhammad Muhyiddin ibn ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-‘Arabi al-Ta’i al Hatmi is universally known as al-Shaykh al-Akbar (The Greatest Master). His father, ‘Ali ibn Muhammad served in the Army of Ibn Mardanish, and later when Ibn Mardanish died in 1172 AD, he swiftly shifted his allegiance to the Almohad Sultan, Abu Ya’qub Yusuf I , and became one of his military advisers. While still a boy of eight years old the family of Ibn ‘Arabi left Murcia and took Seville for their home. In Stephen Hartenstein’s words: “Ibn ‘Arabi (RA) spent his youth age in the most advanced city of that time, an atmosphere steeped in the most important ideas – philosophical, scientific and religious – of his day. For the young Ibn ‘Arabi, twelfth century Seville was no doubt the equivalent of today’s London, Paris and New York” (Hirtenstein 36).


One of the most famous and greatest poets of Turkish literature. Fuzuli, who had a perfect knowledge of Turkish, Arabic and Persian, the three great eastern languages of the time, has written his collected poems (Divan) in three different languages. Besides his "kaside", each being a monument, he has given us the best and the most sensitive examples of lyrical Turkish poetry, "Leyla ile Mecnun". This famous love and pain "mesnevi", which is considered to be the most important work of Fuzuli, occupies a special place among the work on the theme of these tragic and legendary lovers by numerous Turkish and Iranian poets. In his work titled "hadikad-üs- Sueda he decribes the tragedy of Kerbela which is an extremely sad incident of the Islamic history. This literary piece is one of the best works produced in Turkish. He also has numerous other works of importance.

Lone Pine Memorial History

The Lone Pine Memorial in Gallipoli in Turkey commemorates over 4,900 New Zealand and Australian soldiers who perished in the Anzac area and who have no known grave during the Gallipoli Campaign of World War I.

The Gallipoli Campaign involved troops from throughout the Commonwealth and from France. It was an eight month effort to open supply lines through the Dardanelles and the Black Sea through to Russia and to remove the Ottoman Empire from the war.

The Lone Pine Memorial is within the Lone Pine Cemetery and stands before the front lines of one of the battle sites of the Gallipoli Campaign.

Biography Ibnu Sina

In the history of medieval philosophical thought, the figure of Ibn Sina in many respects unique, was among the Muslim philosophers he was not only unique, but also gain a greater appreciation into modern times. He is the one - the only great philosopher of Islam who has successfully built a complete system of philosophy and detail, a system that has dominated the Muslim philosophical tradition several centuries.

These influences manifest not only because he has a system, but because the system that he has appeared indicating authenticity of the soul of genius in finding a method - the method and reason - a reason which is required to reformulate the purely rational thought and intellectual traditions of Hellenism which he had inherited and further in the religious system of Islam.


Abdülhamid Han Mosque, Kahramanmaraş

The third largest mosque in Turkey was built between 1993 and 2011 in Kahraman on a total of 46,000 square meters of land including 3600 square meters of an enclosed area. A total of 20,000 people can perform their spiritual duty at a time.

Perge History

The ancient city of Perge near Antalya in Turkey is now an impressive archaeological site containing a wealth of ancient ruins, mostly dating back to the Roman period, though the city itself has a history dating back well into antiquity.

The current city is said to have been founded in circa 1000BC, though settlements may well have existed here earlier; in fact Perge was mentioned in a Hittite tablet discovered in 1986. Though the early history of Perge is more obscure, it is known that the site was captured by the Persians and then later by the armies of Alexander the Great in around 333BC. It then became part of the Seleucid Kingdom.

From Atheism to Islam

For one who was an arch atheist, with a communist activist for a father, who could not accept Islam, knowing that it 'required one to be strictly disciplined', Abdullah Adiyar, the celebrated South Indian poet, playwright, orator and journalist of the Tamil-speaking world had come a long way when he breathed his last on 19 September. After almost a lifetime of achievements which would be the envy of most people, Adiyar made a name for himself throughout India, and across the seas, as a fervent champion of Islam, even before he himself had become a Muslim.

What is Marbling?

Hello -- I'm Galen Berry, one of the few professional marblers in the country. I started marbling in 1985, and have been doing it as a full-time occupation for nearly 30 years now. Marbling is the art of printing multi-colored swirled or stone-like patterns on paper or fabric. The patterns are formed by first floating the colors on the surface of a liquid, and then laying the paper or fabric onto the colors to absorb them. Marbling is sometimes still called by its original Turkish name, ebru.


We know little that is really reliable about al-Fârâbî’s life. Abû Nasr al-Fârâbî was probably born in 870 CE (AH 257) in a place called Farab or Farayb. In his youth he moved to Iraq and Baghdad. In 943 CE (AH 331) he went to Syria and Damascus. He may have gone to Egypt but died in Damascus in December 950 CE or January 951 CE (AH 339). Scholars have disputed his ethnic origin. Some claimed he was Turkish but more recent research points to him being a Persian (Rudolph 2012: 363–74).

Al-Fârâbî had two main interests:
1. Philosophy and logic in particular. Such interest explains why he is known as “the second master” (the first one, of course, being Aristotle) and
2. Music. His huge Kitâb al-musiqâ al-kabîr or Great Book of Music is the most important medieval musical treatise in Islamic lands and also includes sophisticated philosophical sections.

Kâtip Çelebi

Kâtip Çelebi, byname Haci Halife, Arabic Khaṭīb Shalabī, or Ḥajjī Khalīfa, original name Muṣṭafa Ibn ʿabd Allāh (born February 1609, Constantinople—died 1657, Constantinople), Turkish historian, geographer, and bibliographer.
Kâtip became an army clerk and took part in many campaigns in the east, meanwhile collecting material for his historical works. As a child he was taught the Qurʾān and Arabic grammar and calligraphy, but his later education was irregular; he attended lectures between military campaigns. An inheritance allowed him to settle permanently in Constantinople, where, except for his duties as government clerk, he was able to devote all his time to collecting books, studying, and writing.

Muhammad in the Torah / Bible

Muslim scholars have identified verses in the Torah they allege foretell the coming of Muhammad (SAW). Yet long before Muhammad’s birth the Jewish people had different tafsir for these prophecies. Is the reasoning of the scholars compatible with the teachings of Judaism?
Deuteronomy 18:18 – A prophet like Moses (AS)
I will establish a prophet for them from among their brothers, like you, and I will place My words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him.
- Devarim 18:18


I am the longest surviving human being whom death has not touched yet. I am over 2000 years old and still healthy, strong and breathing. Who am I?

Answer:Prophet Isa (as)


I am the lucky sahabi (companion of the Prophet) whose name appears in the Quran. Who am I?

Answer:Zayd Ibn Haarithah
