Biography Ibnu Sina
Biography Ibnu Sina
In the history of medieval philosophical thought, the figure of Ibn Sina in many respects unique, was among the Muslim philosophers he was not only unique, but also gain a greater appreciation into modern times. He is the one - the only great philosopher of Islam who has successfully built a complete system of philosophy and detail, a system that has dominated the Muslim philosophical tradition several centuries.
These influences manifest not only because he has a system, but because the system that he has appeared indicating authenticity of the soul of genius in finding a method - the method and reason - a reason which is required to reformulate the purely rational thought and intellectual traditions of Hellenism which he had inherited and further in the religious system of Islam.
Ibn Sina's full name is Abu Ali Husain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina. He was born in the year 980 AD in Asfshana, a place near Bukhara. His parents were high officials in the administration of Bukhara Saman.Di dynasty he grew up and studied medicine and philosophy of science - the science of Islamic religion. When the age of ten years he has been studying Islam and memorize the whole Qur'an. From mutafalsir Abu Abdellah Natili, Ibn Sina guidance on the science of elementary logic to study the book Isagoge and Porphyry, Euclid and Al-Magest-Ptolemus. And after his teacher he was deeply moved theology and metaphysics, especially from the teachings of Plato and pure Arsitoteles with the help of commentators - commentators of the authoritarian author of the Greek translated into Arabic.
With the sharpness of his mind he had a lot of studying philosophy and branches - branches, enough seriousness of this amazing show that otodidaknya altitude, but on one occasion he had to wait as he stared explore its metaphysical science Arisstoteles, despite the time already read 40. Only after he had read the book Agradhu ma li li waraet thabie'ah his Aristho Al-Farabi (870 to 950 AD), all problems have answers and explanations of light, like he's got the key to all metaphysical science mistress. So with sincere he admitted that he became a loyal disciple of al-Farabi.
After that he studied medicine at the Isa bin Yahya, a CE. Not to mention his age exceeds sixteen years, expertise in medical science has known people, even many people who come to learn from him. He was not quite with the theory - the theory of medicine, but also to practice and treat people - people sakit.Ia never bored or restless in the reading of books - books of philosophy and each time the face of adversity, so he asked God for guidance was given, and it application It never disappointed. Often - often because of exhaustion she fell asleep reading, then in his sleep that he saw a solution to the difficulties - difficulties that it faces.
17-year-old when he was known as a doctor and the court calls the prince never treat Mansur ibn Nuh so recovered his health. Since then, Ibn Sina very well received, and may also visit the library filled with books - books are hard to come by, and then read with all the fun. For one thing, the library is on fire, then people are inflicted to the charge that he deliberately set fire, so that others can not take advantage of the library. Ability Ibn Sina in the field of philosophy and medicine, the two both the same weight. In the field of medicine he presented Al-Qanun fit-Tibb it, where modern medical science learned a lesson, because this book other than a complete, systematically drawn.
In the field of materialistic medeica, Ibn Sina has a lot to find a new vegetable materials Zanthoxyllum budrunga - which grow - plants banayak help against certain diseases such as bebebrapa meningitis (miningitis).Ibn Sina also as the first person who discovered the human blood circulation, where six hundred years later perfected by William Harvey. He was also the first time say that baby is still in the womb during take food through the umbilical cord.
He is also the first - first practice surgery disease - swelling of malignant disease, and sew. And last but not list him as a doctor also known psychiatrist in a way - the modern way which is now called psychotherapy.
In the field of philosophy, Ibn Sina considered a priest of the philosophers of his time, even before and after. Ibn Sina and self-taught original genius that not only the Islamic world it was a flattering one glittering stars emit their own light, which is not a loan so that Roger Bacon, the famous philosopher of the Western European states in the Middle Ages in the Islamic Regacy of his Gullaume Alfred;
"Most of the Aristotle's philosophy can not give the slightest influence in the West, because his book is hidden somewhere, and if there is, it gets very difficult and very hard to be understood and loved people in the war - a war that reigned in sebeleah lela East, until the time of Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd and other Eastern poets also proves again the philosophy of Aristotle is accompanied by lighting and extensive information. "
In addition to his ability as flosof and doctors, she began to write poetry. Science - science as psychology, medicine and chemistry is written in the form of poetry. So was found to be a book - a book he made for the science of logic with a poem.
Most of the books - his books have been copied into Latin. When people - the middle of the century Europe, began to use the book - the book as a textbook, dipelbagai university. Hence the name of Ibn Sina in the Middle Ages in Europe is very influential.
In the Islamic world the book - the book of Ibn Sina's famous, not only because of the density of his knowledge, but because its language is good and the way he writes is very bright. In addition to writing in Arabic, Ibn Sina also wrote in Persian. Book - his book in Persian, was published in Tehran in 1954.The work - the work of the famous Ibn Sina in the field of Philosophy is the As-Shifa, An-Najat and Al signal. An-Najat is a resum of the book Al-Shifa. Al-Signal, dikarangkannya then, to the science of Sufism. Apart from that, he has written essays - a short essay called Maqallah. Most maqallah was written when he received the inspiration in something new and immediately form dikarangnya.
Though he lived in a time full of shock and are often preoccupied with state problems, he wrote about two hundred and fifty works. Among the most famous works are "Qanun" which is a compendium of Islamic medicine and taught up to now in the East. This book dterjemahkan to baasa Latin and taught at the Universita centuries old West. The work is both monumental ensiklopedinya "Kitab Al-Syifa". This work is the culmination of philosophy in Islam paripatetik.
Ibn Sina, known in the West with a Avicena (Spain Aven Sina), and his fame in the West as a doctor beyond fame as a philosopher, so he gave them the title "the Prince of the Physicians'. In the Islamic world he is known by the name of al-Shaykh al-Rais. The main leaders (of philosophers - philosophers).
Although he was the recognized as a leader in the faith, worship and scholarship, but for him to drink - alcohol is allowed, as long as not to satisfy lust. Drinking - liquor is prohibited because of bias caused hostility and conflict, whereas if he drank not even sharpen the mind.
In al-Muniqdz min al-Dhalal, al-Ghazali that Ibn Sina had promised to God in one of her will, among other things that he would respect the shari'ah does not neglect the spiritual and physical service and will not be drinking - drinking to satisfy lust, but for the health and obta.Ibn Sina's life was full of activities of hard work. Time spent on the affairs of state and write, so he has stomach ulcers that can not be remedied. At the age of 58 years (428 AH / 1037 CE) Ibn Sina died and was buried in Hamazan.
These influences manifest not only because he has a system, but because the system that he has appeared indicating authenticity of the soul of genius in finding a method - the method and reason - a reason which is required to reformulate the purely rational thought and intellectual traditions of Hellenism which he had inherited and further in the religious system of Islam.
Ibn Sina's full name is Abu Ali Husain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina. He was born in the year 980 AD in Asfshana, a place near Bukhara. His parents were high officials in the administration of Bukhara Saman.Di dynasty he grew up and studied medicine and philosophy of science - the science of Islamic religion. When the age of ten years he has been studying Islam and memorize the whole Qur'an. From mutafalsir Abu Abdellah Natili, Ibn Sina guidance on the science of elementary logic to study the book Isagoge and Porphyry, Euclid and Al-Magest-Ptolemus. And after his teacher he was deeply moved theology and metaphysics, especially from the teachings of Plato and pure Arsitoteles with the help of commentators - commentators of the authoritarian author of the Greek translated into Arabic.
With the sharpness of his mind he had a lot of studying philosophy and branches - branches, enough seriousness of this amazing show that otodidaknya altitude, but on one occasion he had to wait as he stared explore its metaphysical science Arisstoteles, despite the time already read 40. Only after he had read the book Agradhu ma li li waraet thabie'ah his Aristho Al-Farabi (870 to 950 AD), all problems have answers and explanations of light, like he's got the key to all metaphysical science mistress. So with sincere he admitted that he became a loyal disciple of al-Farabi.
After that he studied medicine at the Isa bin Yahya, a CE. Not to mention his age exceeds sixteen years, expertise in medical science has known people, even many people who come to learn from him. He was not quite with the theory - the theory of medicine, but also to practice and treat people - people sakit.Ia never bored or restless in the reading of books - books of philosophy and each time the face of adversity, so he asked God for guidance was given, and it application It never disappointed. Often - often because of exhaustion she fell asleep reading, then in his sleep that he saw a solution to the difficulties - difficulties that it faces.
17-year-old when he was known as a doctor and the court calls the prince never treat Mansur ibn Nuh so recovered his health. Since then, Ibn Sina very well received, and may also visit the library filled with books - books are hard to come by, and then read with all the fun. For one thing, the library is on fire, then people are inflicted to the charge that he deliberately set fire, so that others can not take advantage of the library. Ability Ibn Sina in the field of philosophy and medicine, the two both the same weight. In the field of medicine he presented Al-Qanun fit-Tibb it, where modern medical science learned a lesson, because this book other than a complete, systematically drawn.
In the field of materialistic medeica, Ibn Sina has a lot to find a new vegetable materials Zanthoxyllum budrunga - which grow - plants banayak help against certain diseases such as bebebrapa meningitis (miningitis).Ibn Sina also as the first person who discovered the human blood circulation, where six hundred years later perfected by William Harvey. He was also the first time say that baby is still in the womb during take food through the umbilical cord.
He is also the first - first practice surgery disease - swelling of malignant disease, and sew. And last but not list him as a doctor also known psychiatrist in a way - the modern way which is now called psychotherapy.
In the field of philosophy, Ibn Sina considered a priest of the philosophers of his time, even before and after. Ibn Sina and self-taught original genius that not only the Islamic world it was a flattering one glittering stars emit their own light, which is not a loan so that Roger Bacon, the famous philosopher of the Western European states in the Middle Ages in the Islamic Regacy of his Gullaume Alfred;
"Most of the Aristotle's philosophy can not give the slightest influence in the West, because his book is hidden somewhere, and if there is, it gets very difficult and very hard to be understood and loved people in the war - a war that reigned in sebeleah lela East, until the time of Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd and other Eastern poets also proves again the philosophy of Aristotle is accompanied by lighting and extensive information. "
In addition to his ability as flosof and doctors, she began to write poetry. Science - science as psychology, medicine and chemistry is written in the form of poetry. So was found to be a book - a book he made for the science of logic with a poem.
Most of the books - his books have been copied into Latin. When people - the middle of the century Europe, began to use the book - the book as a textbook, dipelbagai university. Hence the name of Ibn Sina in the Middle Ages in Europe is very influential.
In the Islamic world the book - the book of Ibn Sina's famous, not only because of the density of his knowledge, but because its language is good and the way he writes is very bright. In addition to writing in Arabic, Ibn Sina also wrote in Persian. Book - his book in Persian, was published in Tehran in 1954.The work - the work of the famous Ibn Sina in the field of Philosophy is the As-Shifa, An-Najat and Al signal. An-Najat is a resum of the book Al-Shifa. Al-Signal, dikarangkannya then, to the science of Sufism. Apart from that, he has written essays - a short essay called Maqallah. Most maqallah was written when he received the inspiration in something new and immediately form dikarangnya.
Though he lived in a time full of shock and are often preoccupied with state problems, he wrote about two hundred and fifty works. Among the most famous works are "Qanun" which is a compendium of Islamic medicine and taught up to now in the East. This book dterjemahkan to baasa Latin and taught at the Universita centuries old West. The work is both monumental ensiklopedinya "Kitab Al-Syifa". This work is the culmination of philosophy in Islam paripatetik.
Ibn Sina, known in the West with a Avicena (Spain Aven Sina), and his fame in the West as a doctor beyond fame as a philosopher, so he gave them the title "the Prince of the Physicians'. In the Islamic world he is known by the name of al-Shaykh al-Rais. The main leaders (of philosophers - philosophers).
Although he was the recognized as a leader in the faith, worship and scholarship, but for him to drink - alcohol is allowed, as long as not to satisfy lust. Drinking - liquor is prohibited because of bias caused hostility and conflict, whereas if he drank not even sharpen the mind.
In al-Muniqdz min al-Dhalal, al-Ghazali that Ibn Sina had promised to God in one of her will, among other things that he would respect the shari'ah does not neglect the spiritual and physical service and will not be drinking - drinking to satisfy lust, but for the health and obta.Ibn Sina's life was full of activities of hard work. Time spent on the affairs of state and write, so he has stomach ulcers that can not be remedied. At the age of 58 years (428 AH / 1037 CE) Ibn Sina died and was buried in Hamazan.
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