Kâtip Çelebi
Kâtip Çelebi
Kâtip Çelebi, byname Haci Halife, Arabic Khaṭīb Shalabī, or Ḥajjī Khalīfa, original name Muṣṭafa Ibn ʿabd Allāh (born February 1609, Constantinople—died 1657, Constantinople), Turkish historian, geographer, and bibliographer.
Kâtip became an army clerk and took part in many campaigns in the east, meanwhile collecting material for his historical works. As a child he was taught the Qurʾān and Arabic grammar and calligraphy, but his later education was irregular; he attended lectures between military campaigns. An inheritance allowed him to settle permanently in Constantinople, where, except for his duties as government clerk, he was able to devote all his time to collecting books, studying, and writing.
He was an avid bibliophile, an industrious scholar, and a prolific and straightforward writer. Among his chief works is: Kashf al-ẓunūnʿan asāmi al-kutub wa al-funūn (“The Removal of Doubt from the Names of Books and the Sciences”). This work is his masterpiece; it is a bibliographical encyclopaedia in Arabic giving information on 15,000 Arabic, Persian, and Turkish books published up to his time. His Jihannuma (“View of the World”) is a geographical work that makes the first use, in Turkey, of European atlases and other sources. Tuhfat al-Kibar fi Asfar il-Bahar (Eng. trans. of chapters I-IV, The Maritime Wars of the Turks) is a history of the Ottoman navy; Dustūr al-amal li islah al-khalal (“Instructions for the Reform of Abuses”) is a treatise suggesting remedies for the economic crisis in the Ottoman Empire of his day; and Mizan al-ḥaqq fi ikhtijārī al-ahaqq (The Balance of Truth) defends positive sciences and Islāmic doctrine and criticizes fanaticism.
Kâtip became an army clerk and took part in many campaigns in the east, meanwhile collecting material for his historical works. As a child he was taught the Qurʾān and Arabic grammar and calligraphy, but his later education was irregular; he attended lectures between military campaigns. An inheritance allowed him to settle permanently in Constantinople, where, except for his duties as government clerk, he was able to devote all his time to collecting books, studying, and writing.
He was an avid bibliophile, an industrious scholar, and a prolific and straightforward writer. Among his chief works is: Kashf al-ẓunūnʿan asāmi al-kutub wa al-funūn (“The Removal of Doubt from the Names of Books and the Sciences”). This work is his masterpiece; it is a bibliographical encyclopaedia in Arabic giving information on 15,000 Arabic, Persian, and Turkish books published up to his time. His Jihannuma (“View of the World”) is a geographical work that makes the first use, in Turkey, of European atlases and other sources. Tuhfat al-Kibar fi Asfar il-Bahar (Eng. trans. of chapters I-IV, The Maritime Wars of the Turks) is a history of the Ottoman navy; Dustūr al-amal li islah al-khalal (“Instructions for the Reform of Abuses”) is a treatise suggesting remedies for the economic crisis in the Ottoman Empire of his day; and Mizan al-ḥaqq fi ikhtijārī al-ahaqq (The Balance of Truth) defends positive sciences and Islāmic doctrine and criticizes fanaticism.
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