Was Jesus perfect?

Was Jesus perfect?

When children grow up they look at their parents and sometimes think the parents are unfair or harsh. When they do not get candy on a weekday, or being grounded when coming home to late, when the parents tell them of for treating other children meanly. That may sometimes be the case, that human parents do wrong, but for most the parents knows much more details and have much higher knowledge about life than the children. Together with the fact that most parents love their children more than most children ever understands, make the parents raise and treat their children in ways that the child do not always understand as “good” and not always agreeing with being fair.
Now, magine the creator of the Universe being judged by an ordinary man. A man with even the highest human intelligence, judging the One who knows every single molecule and its individual movement since the birth of the stars. The creator, being the origin of all love, all wisdom and all knowledge ever to be, the only one to know every aspect of them. Now, consider this: would the man understand every action of the Creator? Would the man be able to see all perspectives and give a just judgement of the moral in every single act?
So, if Jesus is God, how could anyone put forward evidence enough to judge Him as immoral?
The question therefore is about one thing only: wether Jesus is God or not.
In Mark 10:17–18 a man approached Jesus to ask how to make oneself get eternal life. He also called Jesus “Good”, showing that he considered Jesus to know the way of how to win eternal life, being “good” as the man called Him. The old testament, the jewish law, which the man was trying to follow and as a religious jew of course had read and knew, says clearly that only God is good and noone else, so Jesus asked the man a rethorical question. “Why are you saying I’m ‘good’?”, Jesus asked. As clearly written, Jesus did not say He was not good. Jesus asked the man a question: why the man thought Jesus was good if He was a human man only. The Old Testament said only God is good and the man, being a jew trying to follow the Old Testament, of course knew the law well enough to know about that. In the end of the chapter Jesus told his point straight out: eternal life was impossible for a man to gain through acting “good”. But “for God all things are possible”. Salvation had to be given as a gift of grace from God, and can impossibly be recieved by self righteousness of man. Jesus did not say that He was not good or not God, as written. He stated that if He was just a human man, he could impossibly be good and impossibly have gained eternal life through behaviour.