Why is it important to be a virgin before marriage according to Islam?

Why is it important to be a virgin before marriage according to Islam?

The prophet Muhammad married many women and only one of them was virgin as far as i know (Aisha).
His first wife (Khadija) who was his single wife for a long time, was older and a divorcée.
So this attitude of religious people to focus on virginity is kind of opposite of the message of the prophet.
The answer was changed and thus, I'll add this in response to it.
Culturally speaking yes, there is an attitude against both couples (but the attitude change in intensity depending on the cultural and social milieu for both gender)
The is certainly a weird and strange cult of virginity in some Arabic societies.
But the orthodox view is opposing such practices
The religious message was purity in the moral sense and not the physical
taking into account that a woman can lose her "chastity" for many reasons and not because she had sex outside marriage.
So there is no reliable way of making sure she's pure or a virgin.
I think i heard a couple of religious predicator that surprisingly said that you have no right to ask your future partner about their past relationships.
They said that according the Quran if you're pure you'll end-up with someone pure and if you're not you'll end up with someone similar
Also the message of the religion is that god accept repentance for any sin
So if intentional killing is the only sin that can't be forgiven (and it can be forgiven by god alone under some special circumstances but this is controversial)
so I see no issue with someone who either was raped or had sexual relationships before he realized that was wrong and repented from it.
So all in all, everyone who repented have the right to marry but, this is a thorny issue, if they should tell their partners about this or not. I'm not sure.
So the situation is more relevant to the persons involved and their moral values.
Also there are many school of thoughts and many opinions about this matter.
So no one opinion is a canon as far as I know.
Also marrying someone who is a virgin isn't a garanty that they won't be involved with infidelity, rather a marriage that's not built on honesty would produce destructive results, both parties being involved in infidelity because of sexual tensions or loss of feelings.