12 Tips to Overcome Laziness
12 Tips to Overcome Laziness
What Is Laziness?
It is the desire to be idle, to do nothing, and to resist effort.
It is a state of passivity and of letting things stay as they are.
Sometimes, we enjoy being a little lazy, such as after working hard for several hours, or when we stay in bed on a very cold day. However, if doing nothing occurs too often, something has to be done about it.
In order to carry out our chores, work efficiently, live to the fullest, and achieve success, we must learn how to overcome laziness.
Simple Tips for Overcoming Laziness:
1) Break down a task into smaller tasks
We often avoid tasks because we find them too big, too overwhelming, too tiring, or taking too much of our time.
Breaking a task into several smaller tasks can solve this problem. Then, each one will not seem so difficult or intimidating. Instead of having one big task, we will have a series of small tasks, which do not require too much effort.
This approach can be applied not only to tasks, but also to goals and everything else we have or need to do. This will tend to melt much of the laziness and inner resistance we often experience.
2) Rest, sleep and exercise
In some cases, laziness is due to being tired and lacking energy. If this is true in your case, you need to give yourself the rest and sleep you need, and also give your body enough exercise and fresh air.
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Overcome procrastination, get rid of laziness, and develop decisiveness.
3) MotivationIn some cases, the reason for laziness is due to lack of motivation. You can strengthen your motivation through affirmations, visualization and thinking about the importance of performing your task or chore or achieving your goal.
4) Have a vision of what and who you want to be
Frequently reflecting on the person we want to be, the goals we want to achieve, and the life we want to live, can motivate us to act.
5) Think about benefits
Think about the benefits you will gain if you overcome your laziness and take action, instead of thinking about the difficulties or obstacles. Focusing on the difficulties of carrying out the task, leads to discouragement, avoidance of taking action and to laziness. It is important that you focus your mind and attention on the benefits, not on the difficulties.
6) Thinking about the consequences
Think about what will happen, if you succumb to laziness, and don't perform your task or chore. Thinking about the consequences of not acting, can also push you to take action.
7) Doing one thing at a time
Focus on doing one thing at a time. If you feel you have a lot to do, you will probably feel overwhelmed and let laziness overcome you, instead of you overcoming laziness.
8) Visualization
Your imagination has a great influence on your mind, habits and action. Visualize yourself performing the task easily, energetically and enthusiastically. Do so before starting with a task or goal, and also when you feel lazy, or when your mind whispers to you to abandon what you are doing.
9) Repeat affirmations
Tell yourself:
"I can accomplish my goal."
"I have the energy and motivation to act and do whatever I want or have to do."
"Doing things makes me stronger."
"Doing things makes things happen."
10) Regards a task as an exercise
Consider each task as an exercise to make you stronger, more decisive and more assertive.
11) Procrastination
Avoid procrastination, which is a form of laziness. If there is something you have to do, why not do it right now and get through with it? Why let it stay nagging at the back of your head?
12) Learn from successful people
Watch successful people, and how they do not let laziness win. Learn from them, talk with them and associate with them.
Overcoming the habit of laziness is achieved through a series of daily actions and activities, when you choose to act, instead of remaining passive. Every time you overcome your laziness you get stronger. Every time you choose to act, you increase your ability to win, achieve goals and improve your life.
It is the desire to be idle, to do nothing, and to resist effort.
It is a state of passivity and of letting things stay as they are.
Sometimes, we enjoy being a little lazy, such as after working hard for several hours, or when we stay in bed on a very cold day. However, if doing nothing occurs too often, something has to be done about it.
In order to carry out our chores, work efficiently, live to the fullest, and achieve success, we must learn how to overcome laziness.
Simple Tips for Overcoming Laziness:
1) Break down a task into smaller tasks
We often avoid tasks because we find them too big, too overwhelming, too tiring, or taking too much of our time.
Breaking a task into several smaller tasks can solve this problem. Then, each one will not seem so difficult or intimidating. Instead of having one big task, we will have a series of small tasks, which do not require too much effort.
This approach can be applied not only to tasks, but also to goals and everything else we have or need to do. This will tend to melt much of the laziness and inner resistance we often experience.
2) Rest, sleep and exercise
In some cases, laziness is due to being tired and lacking energy. If this is true in your case, you need to give yourself the rest and sleep you need, and also give your body enough exercise and fresh air.
Build Up a Strong Willpower
Easy to follow program for increasing your willpower, self discipline and inner strength, with all the instructions, guidance and exercises you need.
Overcome procrastination, get rid of laziness, and develop decisiveness.
3) MotivationIn some cases, the reason for laziness is due to lack of motivation. You can strengthen your motivation through affirmations, visualization and thinking about the importance of performing your task or chore or achieving your goal.
4) Have a vision of what and who you want to be
Frequently reflecting on the person we want to be, the goals we want to achieve, and the life we want to live, can motivate us to act.
5) Think about benefits
Think about the benefits you will gain if you overcome your laziness and take action, instead of thinking about the difficulties or obstacles. Focusing on the difficulties of carrying out the task, leads to discouragement, avoidance of taking action and to laziness. It is important that you focus your mind and attention on the benefits, not on the difficulties.
6) Thinking about the consequences
Think about what will happen, if you succumb to laziness, and don't perform your task or chore. Thinking about the consequences of not acting, can also push you to take action.
7) Doing one thing at a time
Focus on doing one thing at a time. If you feel you have a lot to do, you will probably feel overwhelmed and let laziness overcome you, instead of you overcoming laziness.
8) Visualization
Your imagination has a great influence on your mind, habits and action. Visualize yourself performing the task easily, energetically and enthusiastically. Do so before starting with a task or goal, and also when you feel lazy, or when your mind whispers to you to abandon what you are doing.
9) Repeat affirmations
Tell yourself:
"I can accomplish my goal."
"I have the energy and motivation to act and do whatever I want or have to do."
"Doing things makes me stronger."
"Doing things makes things happen."
10) Regards a task as an exercise
Consider each task as an exercise to make you stronger, more decisive and more assertive.
11) Procrastination
Avoid procrastination, which is a form of laziness. If there is something you have to do, why not do it right now and get through with it? Why let it stay nagging at the back of your head?
12) Learn from successful people
Watch successful people, and how they do not let laziness win. Learn from them, talk with them and associate with them.
Overcoming the habit of laziness is achieved through a series of daily actions and activities, when you choose to act, instead of remaining passive. Every time you overcome your laziness you get stronger. Every time you choose to act, you increase your ability to win, achieve goals and improve your life.
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