How and when did Muhammad (the Muslim prophet) die?
How and when did Muhammad (the Muslim prophet) die?
Prophet Muhammad died in 632 A.D under natural circumstances. According to the Quran, A Prophet is normal human being who receives special revelation (or “wahy”). There is nothing mysterious about Prophethood. The Prophet's last words before he died were: 'O God, the noblest companion!'
When Prophet Muhammad passed away, some companions could not reconcile with the fact that he was no more. Senior companions like Umar were ready to kill anyone who would state this fact. At the time of Prophet Muhammad’s demise, Abu Bakr (one of the Prophet’s closest companion) was not in Medina. Upon his return, when he saw the reaction of companions, he had said the following to counsel them to overcome the emotional turmoil. He said,
“For those of you who worshipped Muhammad, know that he was a man and he is dead and for those of you who worshipped God know that he is alive and eternal.” (Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 268; Bukhari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 95.)
Afterwards, the companions realized that they were denying reality and accepted the fact of the matter i.e. Prophet Muhammad had died and was not going to return. Abu Bakr had reminded them of the same message that has been alluded to in the following verse of the Quran:
Muhammad is only a messenger. Messengers have passed away before him. If he should die, or be killed, will you turn back on your heels? Those who turn on their heels do not harm the Lord in the least. God will reward the grateful. (Quran3:144)
Death is not a negative event in the life of a believer; it is a part of the Creation Plan of God. If one consciously realizes that death means meeting God, he would become positive in thought and character and will prepare himself for it.
Thank you, Fahmi, for asking me to answer this question.
I had intentionally ignored this question in the past because the anonymous OP did not seem to be serious in knowing or understanding. This question was raised earlier in a little different words and was answered properly, but it was repeated again by this OP for propaganda against Islam. As the derisive tone of the question indicates, it was being raised only to taunt, not to seek to understand.
The matter is very simple. The Prophet's mission was accomplished. It was his time to go; and he preferred to go back to his Lord, Allaah swt. Just as he was born naturally, he also died naturally. He had some kind of infection, fever, headache and died.
His detractors at that time witnessed it and did not find anything to use against him in any way. His opponent of this day and age have no qualms in creating false stories and twisting the facts around in their efforts to make everything about Islam appear negative.
Some claim that he died of poison, although he was poisoned a little more than three years before his death, and was saved by Allaah; after which he stayed healthy completing his mission. Some speculate that perhaps Muslims also believe like Christians that he was raised like Jesus.
When Prophet Muhammad passed away, some companions could not reconcile with the fact that he was no more. Senior companions like Umar were ready to kill anyone who would state this fact. At the time of Prophet Muhammad’s demise, Abu Bakr (one of the Prophet’s closest companion) was not in Medina. Upon his return, when he saw the reaction of companions, he had said the following to counsel them to overcome the emotional turmoil. He said,
“For those of you who worshipped Muhammad, know that he was a man and he is dead and for those of you who worshipped God know that he is alive and eternal.” (Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 268; Bukhari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 95.)
Afterwards, the companions realized that they were denying reality and accepted the fact of the matter i.e. Prophet Muhammad had died and was not going to return. Abu Bakr had reminded them of the same message that has been alluded to in the following verse of the Quran:
Muhammad is only a messenger. Messengers have passed away before him. If he should die, or be killed, will you turn back on your heels? Those who turn on their heels do not harm the Lord in the least. God will reward the grateful. (Quran3:144)
Death is not a negative event in the life of a believer; it is a part of the Creation Plan of God. If one consciously realizes that death means meeting God, he would become positive in thought and character and will prepare himself for it.
Thank you, Fahmi, for asking me to answer this question.
I had intentionally ignored this question in the past because the anonymous OP did not seem to be serious in knowing or understanding. This question was raised earlier in a little different words and was answered properly, but it was repeated again by this OP for propaganda against Islam. As the derisive tone of the question indicates, it was being raised only to taunt, not to seek to understand.
The matter is very simple. The Prophet's mission was accomplished. It was his time to go; and he preferred to go back to his Lord, Allaah swt. Just as he was born naturally, he also died naturally. He had some kind of infection, fever, headache and died.
His detractors at that time witnessed it and did not find anything to use against him in any way. His opponent of this day and age have no qualms in creating false stories and twisting the facts around in their efforts to make everything about Islam appear negative.
Some claim that he died of poison, although he was poisoned a little more than three years before his death, and was saved by Allaah; after which he stayed healthy completing his mission. Some speculate that perhaps Muslims also believe like Christians that he was raised like Jesus.
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