Are Women Evil?
Are Women Evil?
This article will contain a hefty amount of contradictions, this is because the question requires multiple angles due to its subjectivity. At the end of the article I address the contradictions, the different facets, and try to put it all into perspective, so save the “ah ha! gotcha” reactions for the end of the article.
Are women evil? If so, are they born that way?
I personally believe that men are biologically predisposed to have certain vulnerabilities, and women are biologically predisposed to exploit certain male vulnerabilities. I say I believe this, not that it is scientific truth, and not that a reverse isn’t a simultaneous possibility.
If I said (and I have said this in the past) the prostitute, within my code of morality and value system, is pure evil. Every woman has some degree of prostitute in her. Every woman has a little evil in her.
I believe women look for muscular men to protect them. This trait is useful to women, in the way that money is useful.
I believe women like tall men because height implies strength, see above argument.
I believe women like men who are ambitious & confident, because ambitious means “gonna be wealthy one day”.
I believe women’s sexual attractions are all geared towards using men. What they look for in men is utility, usability, a means to an end, a way to profit.
A man is not the end unto itself, but a means to an end. Women don’t love men, they love what they can do for them. It is within reason to say women feel attraction, but they cannot love men. Anyone doubt this? Well then, why don’t we see more hot sexy women supporting, for life, their stay at home husband? It’s not you they want, it’s the money, the safety, the convenience, the utility, the popularity, and the ego stroke of banging a “winner” that they want, not you.
Women don’t love men.
A man is a set of traits that are useful to her. And if a man should become ill or poor, his useful traits are gone, he is like a household appliance that is broke. You wait to see if it can be fixed, if not, throw it out and get a new one.
Is this evil? In my opinion yes, yes this is very evil behavior. Kicking a man out of his own house that he paid for, simply because his back broke and she found a new sugar daddy to pamper her spoiled ass, is indeed very prostitute of her, it is very evil of her, and evil is as evil does.
I believe this is how women are. I believe they are this way naturally, as in, I don’t think they learned these lessons; it came instinctive.
What evidence do I have for that? Well, let me put it to you this way, where did girls learn the lesson that they should like men who are tall? Men who are wealthy, men who are tough, men who are cocky, men who are muscular? Do you honestly believe these traits that women are attracted to, were taught to them? Did feminism or marxism teach women to like tall guys? Of course not.
And of course, we have to ask about the evo psych of it: are they this way as a result of evolutionary biological factors (i.e. evo psych) yes, yes they are.
If we accept this is how women are, and we accept that these sexual traits women seek is instinctive and not taught to her, than this is biologically driven. Is our biology subject to evolution? Yes it is. Does evo psych explain this then? Well here’s the thing, evo psych would be a theoretical framework used to explain the behavior, so it would be the specific evo psych theory based hypothesis that explains the behavior. And that is where I draw the line on the evo psych shit and urge people to stop making up untestable fairy tale hypothesis to explain personal observations even when those observations are generally agreed upon, and even when it is generally agreed upon that it is instinctive and was thus subject to some kind of evolutionary process. You don’t know the exact process, you will make an ass of yourself trying to fabricate one, you’re liable to really be off the mark and your hypothsis does far more damage than good.
But enough of that.
These tendencies in women, are they evil? Well from my perspective, sure, they’re evil. I hate the word evil, it’s far too subjective, but sure, figuratively speaking, and for the sake of this argument, their instincts are evil.
Are all women like that? Yeah pretty much. Sure there may be a super hot Pamela Anderson looking chick who can’t wait to date a short, out of shape, flat broke, uneducated, shy man. Well no, there really isn’t, but scientifically speaking, it could happen. Of course a comet striking the earth and killing us all before we ever find that woman, is far more plausible.
So, are women evil? Yeah pretty much. Are they born that way? Yup.
But here’s a question, are men evil? Are they born that way?
Men are attracted primarily to women’s physical appearance. Sure a man would love a woman with a really awesome personality… except those women are rare as diamonds, married to rock stars or something, and even under that awesome personality, are still evil exploitative cunts (just with a great personality), or they are ugly fat bitches we ain’t touching with a six foot poll… or at least until we had a 6-pack of beer (with each beer, that poll gets shorter).
Men prioritize women’s smooth youthful skin and curvy shape above all other aspects, including her mental health. Bitch can be a schizophrenic talking in tongues and men would nail her.
And also, if a man has the sexual traits women look for, and thus gets his pick of the ladies, he goes through women left and right, and won’t hesitate to tell her any lie to get in her pants, and will even encourage her to drink one alcoholic beverage after another in the hopes of easing her defenses so she will put out. Yes, he will fuck a woman when drunk, knowing if she were sober, he wouldn’t be getting laid (not that I think this should be rape or illegal in any way, but it is loathsome and despicable behavior, and your average guy does it all the time).
So, aren’t men kinda evil? I’d say those behaviors I just mentioned, are pretty evil. He’ll tell her he’s a rock star, his sports car is in the shop, he’s toured with Iron Maiden, he knows M.C. Hammer personally, he’s a black belt in 20 different martial arts, he’s a Navy SEAL… he’s totally not married at all, he loves her and never met a woman like her before, he’s looking for a good woman to settle down with and tie the knot, she’s very special and should believe in herself, he’s never seen a woman as beautiful as her in all his life, he’d take a bullet for her, every one of her stupid opinions is fucking brilliant, her crappy poetry is just so deep.
Yeah, we’ll say any disgusting lie it takes to bang the bitch, and kick her to the curb the moment some new set of bouncing tits walks by. Are men evil? Well evil is as evil does, so yeah, men are evil.
Are they born that way? Well, they weren’t taught to be that way. In fact, they were taught not to be like that. So yeah, men are just “born that way”.
Also, men make up the majority of violent thugs and murderers. That’s right, world wide violence is now and always has been a guy thing.
So, men and women, both evil?
Well, the only things that could realistically be called evil are humans, we can’t hold simple minded animals responsible for their actions. We can label them as potentially lethal, as violent, as mean acting, but we can’t call them evil.
So only humans can wear the label of evil, and there are only two kinds of people (male and female), thus all of humanity is evil?
Well that can’t be right. If humanity is evil, than there is no good, if there is no good, there can be no evil since evil is that which is not good, and good is that which is not evil.
We could say one sex is good and the other is evil, by determining which one is more evil than the other. So how do we do that?
Here’s a way of looking at it. Humanity in general is evil in the sense that we manufacture a certain level of expectations for moral behavior, that none of us can live up to all the time. But we are good in that we recognize what is good, and aspire to be that way. It’s the age old devil on one shoulder and angel on the other. We humans are forever in constant conflict with our selfish impulsive needs and our higher cooperative self. We’re always battling ourselves to try to get the most out of life, while doing the least amount of harm to others as we can to get it. And this varies from individual to individual, both sexes.
Which of the two sexes are more evil? It’s a dumb question.
Are women evil then? It’s not applicable.
Women are human. There is evil in all of us humans, and thus it is vital that no group of humans be given advantages over other humans because power allows us to be abusive towards those beneath us. Morality is a collectivist instinct acting as a social lubricant based on the principal of cooperation. Thus selfishness is the root of immorality (evil), and altruism the root of morality (good).
So which of the two sexes commit the most amount of selfishness? That’s probably impossible to answer.
So let’s try to reduce this to something more simple. Which of the two sexes, in relation to the other, shows more altruism (less selfishness)?
Now it’s important to point out that this is not saying who is more altruistic , who does less selfish harm, in general. And reason being, take for example war. Is it really a guy thing? It appears to be so. But I said “appears” because there is some subjectivity here.
All the killing one male army does against another male army, both under the command of a male leader. Is any of this an act of self sacrifice or altruism ? Could it be both?
Look at one army saying I will sacrifice my life to protect my race, my religion, my country, my culture. Well that’s altruistic… of course the other army is saying the same thing. So they’re both being altruistic? Well, they’re also both being selfish because each is risking their personal life to commit genocide against their enemy so that their people get to live, but the other people, who have been branded “enemy” must die.
Dude, there are both elements of selfishness and altruism in this scenario. Is having a family selfish or altruistic? Let me put it to you this way, not having a family is selfish, so is having a family, both are selfish.
Do you see how complicated this is? So it’s simpler to compare male to female interaction with each other.
Which of the two sexes is more altruistic, less selfish, than the other, in the way we treat each other?
I say men are the more self sacrificing. However that’s just an opinion.
I can point out a man slaving his life away to support his stay at home wife. Of course she’d turn around and say she sacrificed her youth and her body and her independence and her career and on and on. I’d call bullshit on that, but whatever. The point is, it’s subjective.
I will say, in my personal opinion only, men are more giving, and women are more taking.
Things that make me think that is: a man pays for the dinner, pays for the movie, pays for the entire date, and may or may not get sex out of it. Even if he gets sex, the woman has lost nothing, the man has lost money either way.
That’s what gets me about whiny bitches saying “I’m scared, I’m scared of getting used.” I say used for what? She says used for sex. All the while the man is paying for one date after another losing his money trying to score with a woman afraid of “getting used”.
Dude, the whole dynamic between men and women is like this.
Men are givers, and women are takers. And interestingly, the real irony, and we’ve all seen it, in spite of men being the givers and women being the takers, it’ll be the women crying about being taken advantage of. And the man, the man who sacrificed every last dollar in his wallet won’t even consider that he has been taken advantage of.
So yeah, women are truly the more selfish sex.
But when you look at the dynamics of this selfishness, is it biological or environmental? I say it’s biological, but the fault of the man. Men are so horny and desperate to get laid that they are bribing bitches to date them. The biological responsibility here is on the man, not on the woman. So are we looking at women as the greedy sex, or are women just normal every day human greedy, and it’s men who are just designed desperate, made to be taken advantage of?
In other words, switch the power dynamics here.
What if we could put something in the water supply that would kill men’s sex drive by 50% and raise women’s sex drive by 100%
Men have half the sexual urges and women have twice as many, due to the stuff we put in the public water supply. How would this effect gender power dynamics?
Well, I think we’d see a lot of women folding their arms in frustration, being disappointed that she is so fucking desperate to get laid tonight, and yet no guy wants to fuck her. Men, god damn it, all those testosterone bastards do is bowling, and foot ball playing, and foot ball watching, and video game playing and video game making and engineering and guitar playing, and all she wants to do is get laid. She has to go to the mall and ask every guy she sees for his number. Maybe if she owned a sports car that would entice men away from the damn ball game and they’d pay attention to her.
Yeah, I honestly believe that the dynamic of men being on their hands and knees, grovelling and begging for sex, handing dollar bill after dollar bill to women, in hopes that one of them will soothe his desperation, would get reversed if you reversed the level of sexual need in the two sexes.
Would men start acting as greedy as women under those circumstances?
How many men would brag to their guy pals “dude, my girlfriend bought me the new PS5, yeah man, she’s totally cool like that.”
“no way bro, your girlfriend is so thoughtful, I wish my girlfriend understood what kind of presents I like. I mean, she takes me out to all these fancy dinners, but I ain’t that kinda guy. Dude, what I wouldn’t give to find a truly nice girl who totally gets me. Like, valentines day comes and she totally surprises me by handing me a 5150 amp for my Strat.”
Yeah, I honestly believe that if you reversed the level of sexual need in men and women, you’d reverse the entire power dynamic, and guys would be superficial prima donnas whining that their stupid girlfriends just don’t get them, just don’t know how to buy the right gifts for them.
I believe damn near all of the differences in the sexes can be explained by that one fact, men are hornier than women, this puts women in control. Women are human, thus greedy as their environment allows them to be.
And obviously the sexual needs are stronger in men because of biology. Another way of looking at it is, women are biologically predisposed to be less needing of sex, and are thus in control. OK, but does that make them evil?
Well, it causes them to be the selfish sex. Give power to humans and they get abusive. Typically, humans are as abusive as they are allowed to be. Women are allowed to be pretty damn abusive.
Our laws are geared to ensure they get what they want the moment they cry victim. And that is based on men being too prideful of his “male superiority” to complain about disadvantage. Men have to reaffirm their manliness by protecting “the weaker sex” to remind himself of his superiority. And men can’t recognize himself or fellow male as victim, as I explained in this other post on Barbarossa’s website.
If we say women are born evil, what does that even mean? What is evil behavior? If we rule out trying to figure out who is more selfish to the other, and we look at it a different way, what does good female behavior look like?
Go on, open up a word processor and make a list of all the behaviors women should exhibit. Write down all the good qualities and behaviors. Now look at that list, be honest with your self, is that a description of you? Do you have all those behaviors? Let me guess, you don’t act that way, but it’s OK because you’re a man, and men shouldn’t behave that way.
So evil female behavior is when women act in a way that is not in accordance with your every want and desire. You hold women to standards humans do not naturally live up to, and act surprised when you can’t find a woman that acts that way.
But it’s OK, that crime you committed, is also committed by women, women also hold men to standards that mortal men cannot live up to.
Women will stop looking evil, when you start holding them to human standards and realizing women are going to act the way humans act.
You’ll say things like I want a submissive and obedient woman who loves me for me.
Sure, but are you a submissive and obedient man who loves a woman not for her looks but for her inner specialness? No? Well then where do you get off holding women to those demands? Again, it’s different because they’re women… right? That’s your answer, right? And interesting, this is where many MGTOW will start to cross over into tradcon territory, they will insist that the sexes are polar opposites, and they will insist there is a very special role, a very special magical set of traits that proper women are supposed to have. Right, and when women don’t live up to those mystical magical traits, they’re evil.
Look, men everywhere need to stop doing that. They need to stop saying “but women are different”. Because when you do that you create double standards, you will hold women to a set of standards no mortal woman is biologically wired to live up to any more than you are. And when they fail to live up to those standards, you say they’re ruined, feminism got to them, it was better back in the good ol’ days, or women are just evil and wicked.
And women do the same thing with men.
People need to realize that men and women are humans, and humans are selfish lying little vindictive assholes with a “me first” attitude, only moderately masked by the social pressure to cooperate.
A human being, regardless of sex, when given power over you, will be abusive to some extent with that power, bank on it. Therefore, except under certain vital circumstances, no group of people or individual should hold power over you if they cannot, by a third party, be held accountable for the power they wield.
Police, judges, and parents, are groups that must hold power over specific subjects, but they are held accountable to the people, and even then we see constant abuse, imagine how bad the abuse would be if none of these people had to answer to law or the people. Yeah, it’s a recipe for pure mean spirited tyrants. Don’t believe me, look at the Roman emperors and your ex wife.
People should not be given power over other groups of people, and you should never voluntarily let others hold power over you (such as the power you grant a woman in marriage).
You wouldn’t give one of your guy friends complete legal power over you by allowing them, for no reason, to be entitled to half your worldly possessions, would you? What’s the matter, afraid that by virtue of him being a human, he may one day get angry and take advantage of that contract?
But you’ll hand that power to a woman. And then act surprised when the day comes that she takes advantage.
The problem isn’t that she’s evil, it’s that she’s not saintly. You don’t trust the average guy, because you know the average guy will probably fuck you over if he is given a golden opportunity and a big motive. Well you honestly shouldn’t hold women to higher standards.
If we could view women as if they were men, we wouldn’t need to call their bad behavior “evil”, we could call them “human”.
At the risk of being repetitive, repetitious, and even down right redundant, let me say again, if men held women to the same expectations we hold men, men would not act surprised at the normal, every day, bad behavior they exhibit.
Of course one could argue that holding women to the standards we have for men would produce a never ending series of disappointments when women cannot live up to the standards men are held to. But what we have to ask ourselves is, why don’t women measure up to men in any category?
Well, the sexes are different, and in what ways, and to what extent, is anyone’s guess.
I will say one possibility outside of biology, is that women have never been expected to live up to the standards imposed on men.
Men have to be willing to lay their life on the line at a moment’s notice. Men have been conscripted into military, law enforcement, and fire fighting, in the past. It was a societal expectation. Women have always been exempt from any responsibility, and I suspect that women like it that way, it benefits them at men’s expense, so what’s not to like, from their perspective.
Men don’t want women taking on responsibility either. You see, if women could handle responsibility, it erodes the specialness of manhood. Men take pride in viewing themselves as the superior sex, the dominant sex, the stronger sex. He sees himself and fellow man as a thousand foot tall giant. The more incapable women are, the more any man gets to feel “manly”. If women were able to hold responsibility, this would make them more like a male, which would decrease how “manly” men are, and men would feel their manliness being tread on (cue the castration anxiety).
So men and women have both sought to make sure women are held to lower standards, and some times different standards.
Because of this, a woman need not exist as a competent being, in fact, female competence would threaten men’s masculinity.
Because women are not held to the same standards as men, they are exempt from blame in many cases. We even see this in the manosphere with ideas such as “it’s not women, it’s cultural marxism that makes them this way, it’s feminism, it’s the leftists, the commies”. That’s right, never the fault of women. Her husband made her do it, an ideology made her do it, the devil made her do it: it’s never her fault.
And in that right there, the exemption from responsibility leads to the idea that women are somehow more virtuous. It’s as if we are seeing women as god-given angels, perfect, pristine, child-like, innocent, nurturing. Those are the standards we hold them to, and we act surprised when they fail to live up to this.
Men who insist that “women are evil” are merely reacting to a great disappointment. These men, like most men, believed women to be heavenly, angelic, divine. And then he learns the hard way what a sneaky, lying, manipulative, ruthless, selfish creature she was. And then he learns, there is no weeding out the good and the bad; women are just like this in general. They only seem wicked, when you once held them to standards of innocents and obedience that is unnatural, and not found in men.
It can be argued (and god knows someone’s gonna do it) that Not All Women Are Like That.
I say yes all women are like “that”. And the word “that”, is a reference to human. All women are human. How bad a woman will hurt men, how wicked, or “evil” they are, is a spectrum, not a binary. Some more selfish than others. The same is true for men.
We can argue that women are born with entitlement issues. OK, maybe they are, but they are also trained to act entitled. We program this in to them.
When children are afraid of the thunder storm, we tell the girls “It’s OK Honey”, we validate their fear and proceed to comfort their emotions. We tell boys “there’s nothing to be afraid of”, and thus invalidate his feelings. It’s as if we are rewarding girls for their fear, and scolding boys for fear. This example, by the way, appeared in psychology literature, I don’t remember the source, and cannot testify to the validity of any study, could have been rad fem propaganda for all I know.
But I have noticed other double standards in the way parents raise boys and girls, and the theme is geared towards boys are to take it, toughen up, and be strong, girls are to be passive, clean, and exempt from blame and responsibility.
And then we have society that instantly entitles girls the day they start growing breasts, which is right around the same age boys start finding breasts fascinating. Boys will fawn over girls, push each other out of the way to talk to girls, buy girls things, and make fools of themselves to gain their attention, and be more than happy to offer the utility of his strength to protect her and beat up any guy that makes her unhappy. And then in our late teens, boys are competing for her attention by out biding each other, offering her the most expensive dates, ensuring her that he has money and will always be a lot of fun to be with. He revs the engine of his new car to show off his ability to blow cash on her and take her places. Women have spent their lives sheltered, exempt from responsibility, and having men compete to see who can best afford her love.
In a world where men give to women, from the onset of puberty, is it any wonder full grown women feel they are just entitled to men giving them things?
Again, we have programmed females to be exempt from responsibility, expressive of their feelings, and feel they are owed something by men.
Interestingly we also teach them that men are rapists who will get them if they stay out too late, get drunk, or if they don’t use the buddy system.
So women walk this earth irresponsible, cry babies, who think their feelings somehow matter, believe men must compete for them, hold themselves up as something special and precious, and fear an evil male rapist is around every corner.
We teach them this behavior.
While some of that could be biology, we need not even bother to go that road, because we taught those obnoxious behaviors into them.
Women are entitled because we teach them they are entitled. Women walk with the arrogance of a goddess, because we worship them like they’re gods. They believe their pussy is a prize that men must compete for. Where did they get this idea? Oh that’s right, we gave them that idea by competing for their pussy, thus giving their pussy value.
Let’s step back from entitlement, and back to responsibility. Women behave like spoiled tyrants, because we don’t force responsibility on them, because we fear if they can handle responsibility, that would take away from the specialness of our masculinity.
You ever notice men will smirk and complain that women can’t do any thing right? They can’t change a flat, they can’t build a house, can’t do simple house repair, they fail to achieve the standards men do in the workforce, women are just so useless.
We’ve all heard men complain about this. But here’s what you need to understand, this is not men complaining, it’s men bragging.
“Women are so useless” is not a complaint, it’s praise of his own ability. If women weren’t useless, men couldn’t be useful.
Men build their entire identity around the fact they can do what women can’t.
We don’t want women taking on responsibility, because if they succeed, we fail, we fail to be as manly as we were (remember, manly means can do what women cannot). Thus we don’t hand women responsibility, and thus when women fuck up, even fuck up by committing bad behavior, we don’t hold them responsible, because responsibility is a masculine trait.
Because women walk this earth seldom ever having to take responsibility for their actions, they never learn to modify their behavior to be cooperative, merciful, honest, or fair.
We call them evil for this. OK, sure, if that’s how we’re using the word evil, but we made them that way.
Now some of you may wince and say “whoa, RBK, are you really committing the hypocrisy of relieving women of responsibility for their actions?”
No, no I am not. They are still responsible for their actions. Let me put it to you like this.
if a child is raised by abusive or irresponsible parents, and he goes on to commit a felony, he must be held accountable for his actions and punished, however, that doesn’t mean the role the parents played can be over looked.
I recall some dude named Chuck, he was tall and fat, 16 years old. He was like a 6’4 Erich Cartmen. The dude was like a pseudo racist bully, who would yell and scream at his mother until she started crying. He was a mean spirited psychopath. One day these two teenage girls were standing on the corner of a Walmart strumming their acoustic guitar while people put quarters in their guitar cases. Chuck decides wouldn’t it be fun to just start throwing quarters at them.
It was such a mean thing to do, he would just throw a quarter at them from time to time. Sometimes they’d yell because the quarter bounced off their guitar, other times the quarter would hit them, eventually one of the quarters struck one of the girls in the head or face, and she decided to pack her guitar up and leave.
This was just the normal every day sociopath shit the guy did. He was just mean as all hell, made everyone’s life miserable, had no empathy or remorse.
Dare I say it, he was evil. It could be argued that he was born evil. But from the one time I went over his house and seen how he interacted with his mother (his only parent), and easily, all genetics aside, the fact he was a spoiled little shit who did what he wanted when he wanted and barked orders at his wreck of a mother, existing in a world with no discipline or consequences for his actions, no guidance or purpose, and physically large enough to bully around all other teenagers, and too young for an adult to stop him, he walked this earth like a spoiled Roman emperor, a fucking psychopathic tyrant who felt entitled to throw coins at people, graffiti and vandalize whatever he wanted, beat up other kids, and grab womens breasts without their permission.
If this lacking of parental authority in his life was present at 16, it was probably there at 15, 14, 13, and who knows, probably since day one. The kid was never taught manners or boundaries. Getting kicked out of school meant he got to sleep in later. The fact his environment provided him with the opportunity to behave this way, is all we need to say he was “raised to be evil”. Could he still have had some predilection to be evil from biology? Sure, I guess so, I mean, you never can rule that out. But why even go there? Why blame genes for what can clearly and undeniably be attributed to parental neglect?
It could be argued that even with the best of parents, he was just going to be a psychopath. And maybe that’s true. But there is no getting around the fact his environment contributed to that. Should Chuck be held accountable for his actions? Yes he should, he was evil, there’s no doubt about that. But his mother should share the blame, she provided him with the environment that led to, or at least, allowed that behavior to go unchallenged.
Anyone that knew him would tell you he was evil, and anyone that went to his home would tell you his environment contributed to that. And no one can say one way or the other whether he was born that way.
So this is how I view the “are women born evil” question.
Could women be born with a certain predilection to commit evil? sure, they very well could. But let’s not over look the fact that in most of their bad behavior, us men teach them to behave this way.
You can argue that we tell women to be submissive, obedient, and to have other characteristics than the ones they have, but that’s a bit like women claiming men should be like X, Y, Z, yet spreading their legs to men possessing other qualities, thereby training men with their actions, a different set of behaviors than the ones expressed verbally.
Women say “Men should be nice, and sensitive, and funny” and then proceed to give sex to the biggest meanest bull dog on the block, or the wealthy guy doing donuts in the parking lot with his new sports car.
Women tell us to be one thing, but reward us for being another.
We tell women to be one thing, but then reward them for being another. We bitch about the way women are, but we trained them to act that way.
We tell women that they are not to have careers, they are not to be self sufficient, they are to be stay at home mothers, reliant on a man’s income… and then sit around wondering why women seek out men who have the most amount of money. Well golly gee, if women are to be poor and not earn money, and reality says the quality of life is largely dependent on how much money you have, is it any wonder they shoot for the richest man?
Now biology may still go into that, but we don’t have to fucking amplify it the way we do.
Really folks, think about it, We (average guy) tell women not to work, they should get their money from their man who supports them. Well, of course they want a wealthy guy. And we bitch that they often use men like stepping stones, ladders to climb, we call it hypergamy. And what is it they do to get labeled as such? They treat husbands like jobs, climbing the corporate ladder. Well if they aren’t meant to work, then each man is in some way, a pay check dispensing boss, than is it hard to see why they are climbing from one pay check dispenser to another? I’m not saying it is the culprit behind the phenomenon called hypergamy, I’m saying it’s a contributing factor at least.
We beat our selves up trying to figure out how to get women to fuck us, we attend seminars, buy books on how to improve game, how to get laid, we invest endless amounts of time, money, and effort into getting women to spread their legs… then scream bloody murder that women now days are cum soaked whores without modesty.
In other words, we tell women to keep their legs closed, and then we bitch that women won’t spread their legs for us, and they’re just too picky.
Well for crying out loud, of course they’re picky. Women have million dollar value because they are born with the holey grail between their legs, the most coveted prize known to the male sex, and there are only two things that can diminish their value, being ugly, and giving it away too much. So the remedy is simple, they obsess about staying pretty, and they turn down dick a hundred times a day and wait for just the right man to give it up to. After all, if you as a man, had to play by these rules we set for women, and you could fuck as many women as you wanted, but with each fuck, your mate quality went down considerably. If you were, on the mating totem, the ultimate perfect 10, and each woman you slept with knocked you down a peg, and 6 women later, you are a 4, (below the average mate value for a man), and you are offered pussy by every woman you meet, you might get really fucking picky about the women you give it up to. You’d want to maintain as high of a status as you can, and shoot for the hottest wife you could get, because too much fucking would lower your mate value to the point where eventually all you can shag is crack whores, you done ruined yourself and the good ones won’t have you any more.
Again, we tell women not to join the work force, and act surprised when they want a man with cash.
We tell women the more they put out, the more worthless they are, and we bitch they don’t put out enough.
And once we have shamed their legs shut, we then try to bribe them open with cold hard cash, we bribe them to go to the movies with us, to dinner, or any where else. We wear thousands of dollars worth of pointless flashy jewelry and brand name clothing to capture their attention. We bribe and bribe them, we praise and worship them, and then we turn around and wonder why women are so stuck up, won’t put out for us, seek out the richest man, and walk the earth with an entitlement complex. Rather than looking in the mirror, realizing our own role in this, we tell ourselves it’s not us, it’s them, they were born this way.
And again, maybe women are born with certain predilections to do these things, maybe we didn’t start the fire, but god damn it we’ve been fueling the fire since day one. We continue to fuel the fire right now, even within the manosphere, we continue to fuel the fire, rather than acknowledging this, we blame their biology. And again, maybe their biology does play into it, but we are making it drastically worse with our behavior and cultural attitudes.
Is it that house wives are evil because they throw men out of their own homes, and take half of everything he owns. Is it her fault? What about the man in this situation? He bribed a woman to live with him and give him sex. He basically purchased a long term prostitute. Should he act surprised when the sex between them was a chore, the orgasms were faked, and she is no longer offering her services when he loses his job and can’t keep up his end of the contract? Should he be surprised when he used money to lore the whore into a marriage contract, and then lost her to a man who could pay her more for the same service? What else would you expect from a whore? And why wouldn’t you consider your stay-at-home wife, who is parasitically leaching off of you, to be a whore? Why did you not see this? How could you not have known this? Did you really fall under the spell of the illusion that deep?
And these husbands who take offense to people like me, calling their stay at home wives parasites, these men, these tradcon men, will go off the deep end, claiming their wife isn’t a parasite, her work is important, her work is vital, it would cost you twice as much to hire people to fix you dinner, clean the house, raise the kids, she most certainly delivers her 50% to the family unit.
Well then, quit screaming “feminism!” when she says “your honor I am entitled to half his money”.
Of course she is, you just said she contributed her share to the family unit. Your income, your life, she was half of what made it possible according to you, by your own admission she is entitled to half your shit, she was half your business partner, you could never have made it without her, you could never have afforded to keep that house, put away all that money in the bank, had you been paying a baby sitter, a house keeper, a cook, and so on.
I know I am going to piss people off, and good, you should be pissed off, but men are at the very least half the damn problem with women. Men are digging their own graves, refusing to acknowledge they are their own grave digger, and blaming it all on feminism. And this is not a defense of feminism, it is just a hardy slap in the face you need to snap you out of it. Stop with the easy answers, stop scape goating. The true TradCon scape goats leftism, MRA’s scape goat specifically feminism, and MGTOW scape goats biology.
You could argue that the bad male behaviors I have listed, are manifestations of biology, and it probably is.
But this would radically change the way we’re viewing it.
For example:
Are women born manipulative, or are men just born suckers?
Are women born exploitative, or are men just born to be exploited?
Are women born with an entitled goddess complex, or are men just born pussy worshipers?
If its all a question of biology, is it the biology of woman or the biology of man that is at fault?
If you had looked at women as men without dicks, from day one, you wouldn’t have deified them in your youth, to be so angry that they didn’t live up to your deification.
And so the question will be asked again, are women born evil? And the answer is: they are born human, and whether you think humanity is ultimately good or think humanity is basically evil, is up to you.
I will caution you against saying women are born evil. I believe evil is not what you are, but what you do.
And to suggest women are born that way, excuses the behavior. Women are born to menstruate, they are born to exploit male sexual need, and thus use a man’s sexual need for her advantage.
If we believe it is the product of biology, and is beyond her control, then she cannot be at fault.
When a wife gets angry and has herself a little fussy tantrum and begins throwing things and breaking things, well you know how women are, they get like that, it’s that time of the month, she is no more able to be held accountable for her hissy fit than she can be held accountable for bleeding from the crotch.
I’m sorry but I don’t believe that nonsense. Women are responsible for their behavior, any behavior they are predisposed to is still ultimately under her control. When people are angry, they want to hit the source of their anger. That’s natural, that’s instinct, that’s biology. And men are most likely more biologically predisposed to acts of physical violence than women (probably), but that in no way justifies a man hitting someone in anger. Nor should parents turn a blind eye to their son’s beating up other kids, on the grounds that “he was born that way, boys will be boys”, that shit doesn’t fly.
Women need to be held accountable for their actions. And it could be argued that even if we hold them accountable for their actions, they have a certain predilection to do things because of their biology. And to that suggestion, I say OK, true, but wouldn’t that make them dangerous, not evil?
And is it that women are dangerous, or are men just really vulnerable? Think about it. This is why I often point out male vulnerability. Pointing out where men are vulnerable, how the vulnerability exists in him, what manifestations it has, is more beneficial then pointing out where women are dangerous.
Women are dangerous in a lot of different ways, and all of them starting with you want their pussy more than they want your dick, that puts them in control of you, and that is the origin of all the danger that comes from them. I like to point out the various weak spots in male psychology. It’s like male psychology is a roof, and women are the rain, and my goal isn’t to keep harping on wet the rain is and whining about all the property damage caused by the wet rain leaking through the roof, I would rather shine a light on the holes in the roof and say “that’s where the leak is”. I just believe it is more advantageous to point out where your vulnerabilities are, than to point out all the ways in which women are “out to get you because they were born evil”.
You’re not going to make water stop being wet, you have no say in the weather, but you can repair your roof, or at least move valuables away from the holes in the roof, and put out some pans to catch the drip. You can’t change the external conditions outside of your house, but you have control over the internals of your house.
This is why, regardless of if water chooses to rain on your house, or is just a product of its gravitational nature, from your perspective, it’s all outside of your control, focus on the inward, not on the outward.
In this regard, it may be more digestible, more workable, to assume women have a born evil in them.
If viewing things from that perspective helps you to act in a defensive manner to safeguard yourself, than so be it, considering women to be evil has that utility to you.
But in the larger scheme of things, more in the abstract, no, women are not evil. But again, it may be helpful for some men to just approach them as if they were. They are, after all, dangerous. And of course, as mentioned, they are as dangerous as you allow them to be. Not seeking them removes all, or nearly all, of the danger.
In spite of the fact I fully understand the value, the personal utility of saying “women are born evil”, a fear I have is, if we just say “women are evil”, then I can’t help but suspect that will be used as means to halt inward reflection, and deflect blame for one’s own weaknesses, onto women.
It’s a problem I see often in the TradCon, he wants to “blame feminism”. As I have pointed out countless times, the traditional way of life is self defeating. The TradCon claims women are to stay out of the work force and at home raising children which is what women do best. And then in the divorce, blames feminism for child custody going to her.
He cannot see the holes in the roof because he is too busy blaming the evils of rain. He cannot see the forest for the trees. He is not aware that his own philosophy is flawed. He is not self critical so long as he has a scape goat. That intellectual crutch keeps him from using self criticism which causes his mind to atrophy.
I fear MGTOW using “biology did it” and “born that way” and “evil” as cop outs to shirk responsibility onto a third party; rather than self criticism.
Back before I was MGTOW, I was a moderate TradCon (I was never full blown TradCon). I viewed women as “less then men” I viewed them as a completely different species, I never held them to male standards because I knew the inferior little shits couldn’t live up to those standards, it was just in their biology. I put all blame and responsibility into two categories, women’s biology (their fault) and let’s sock it to the feminists. Before I was MGTOW, I never looked inside myself to see my own failure, vulnerability, and down right errors. And so I fear a blanket statement like “women are evil” or “blame it on biology” will end up leading down one of three paths:
1. Women are removed from personal accountability.
2. Individuals holding this view will not be self critical, and will scape goat.
3. Defeatism and Futility will set in, causing intellectual paralysis.
Evil or not, born or taught, isn’t really important.
You either accept changes, to some degree, can be made, and that those changes must start within you, and then must spread to thy fellow man.
Or you act as if there is no free will, and no course of action should be taken by you or anyone, it’s all so hopeless etcetera.
And if that last one is where you are at mentally, I have to ask: Why? If no amount of knowledge and understanding will change women, men, or you as an individual, in any way, then why the fuck are you reading MGTOW blogs and watching MGTOW videos?
So again, evil or not, born that way or taught, it’s rather irrelevant.
If we are replacing “evil” with “dangerous”, does it make it better or worse? Well, I want nothing to do with her, I don’t want to sleep with her or even really be her friend. I don’t care if she is that way by instinct or taught, a person is the sum of their actions either way.
And now we move on to, what is the answer, what do we do to fix this? How do we fix the problems
Well, I honestly have no easy answer. I don’t know how much of any of this can be fixed. But I can tell you where a fix would start.
A fix would have to begin with an understanding of the problem we face.
TradCons, MRA’s, PUA’s and other “anti-feminists”, realize there is a problem. They often misfire and shoot at things that are not the actual problems. Also, they don’t look for a genuine cause to the problems. They say leftism, progressivism, feminism, etcetera.
They are prideful, and that pride makes them unable to look into the mirror. They look for problems from outside of themselves, they look for solutions outside of themselves, and outside of men.
What we need to do is to not be prideful, we need to look for the problems from within, we need to look for answers from within.
Self reflection, seeing what we really are, and how we are, and then making internal changes in ourselves, changes in our perception and attitudes, and then helping other men to also look within, change their perception and attitude, and when that spreads over our culture slowly but surely, it will cause a cultural shift, new cultural attitudes, new behaviors and values will come from that.
And will that fix our problems? Will that fix any man’s problems? I don’t know, but it’s where the start must take place, from within. We must not allow our ego, our pride, to mask our own weakness when we look in the mirror. We must not say to ourselves “I’m perfect, did it all right, it’s their fault, every thing is their fault” (whoever “their” is referring to).
Let me tell you why you must stop doing that. You cannot change “them”. You, as one individual, cannot change government, dominant political ideologies, biology, women, or even other men. You as an individual cannot force others and groups around you to change, to stop existing or stop being that way. You can inspire others, but not force them.
You only have control over you. So look within yourself, examine your mistakes.
And I am not saying beat yourself up. And I am not telling men who have given up dating to “get back on the horse”. I am telling you to examine how your own ego, and how your own defense mechanisms, and your own prejudice views, have contributed in some way to the problems faced by you and your fellow man, and then… stop doing that. Change the way you see things, change the way you respond to things, and then inspire other men to do the same. But it all starts with shedding the ego, taking off the mask, looking into the mirror, exploring our own existence and how we perceive reality, and the origin of our wants. Just looking into our motivations, our preconceptions, where does any desire come from? And obviously, we’re all wired with wants, that’s a given, but it’s not a deep enough answer, look deeper.
Now, I want to wrap this up.
I have said women are evil, women are not evil, it is men’s fault, it is women’s fault, biology and environment did it. I said we must focus on the internal, while mentioning the importance environment plays rather implies a goal of changing the external.
Yes folks, I am aware of all the contradictions. But these are not direct contradictions, they are the same fact looked at from different angles. The question of: “are women evil, were they born that way, who’s to blame”. This is an amazingly complex problem that requires multiple angles. So let me try to wrap it all up, and make sense of it.
Are women evil?
Well technically no, but it may very well be a useful tool for you as an individual to view them as such.
Is it the fault of men, or the fault of women?
It’s both, it’s a symbiotic problem. Women are selfish and exploitative in their behavior, but I don’t think all of it is being born with a special female evilness, I believe the great bulk of it is just normal, gender neutral, abusive exploitative selfish behavior that makes up humans. They just happen to be in a position to act on it, and we hand them that power by being desperate for sexual relief, which is unfortunately, pretty damn hard wired. And while some men can over come all of it, or even a large portion of this instinct, men in general are going to remain slaves to this instinct. However, men can become aware of certain manifestations of this instinct, learn in exactly what way this hurts him, enslaves him, and then counter this (to some extent).
Should women be judged for their selfish exploitative mating preferences?
Of course. Us men take shit all the time because us rotten pervs like big boobs and rounded asses on a thin woman and oh what shallow superficial “little boys” we are for it. Your damn right women should be shamed and crucified for their disgusting mating preferences just like we are.
Women being “born that way” no more justifies their exploitative actions than “that pedophile was born that way” justifies him violating a child. Both are born with an involuntary instinct, and both must be held accountable when they choose to act on the instinct and someone gets harmed by it.
Is it Nature or environment?
Both. It’s mostly environment, but this environment is a direct manifestation of some simple biological drives. That doesn’t mean it can’t change. The biology will pretty much always be there. But through understanding, our cultural attitude can change, and with a changed attitude and new focus, an acknowledged problem can be remedied, and maybe not 100% but it can be modified. And certain co-morbid behaviors manifesting from the basic drives can be reduced or circumvented too. And of course change leads to change which leads to change etcetera. So how much of the problem can be fixed? I don’t know, we’ll start out slowly and see how far it can be pushed. In the mean time, laws that protect men’s wallets from the predatory behaviors of women can be put in place, and women exploiting mens sexual needs can be punished in many ways, and the men that give in to the exploitation can be shamed for it. These problems, even though they manifest from biology as do all problems ever known to man, can be worked with and reduced, it begins with acknowledging them as problems and then working on fixing them step by step.
Is our goal to change the external or the internal?
Both. We start out, as individuals, looking into ourselves, making notes of things, reconstructing our perspective and value system, and then most likely, even without effort, simply due to the new perspective and values, our unconscious mind will start turning the gears and we will alter, forevermore, how we think and feel, until our behavior correlates to our new values. So we start with the internal, and we encourage other men to follow suit. In time, more and more men do the same. While this process will not be 100% for everyone, it can become at least a cultural trend (I’m not even talking about abstinence; only perspective changing) and it will have a cultural impact eventually. Enough men changing their views and value system, will send a powerful shock wave throughout our culture, eventually, because men and women have a degree of symbiotic interplay, this will have an effect on women, which will feed back into men, which will grow the perspective, which will effect women and so on and so forth until it hits its plateau. What over all effect will it have? How much male freedom, safety, equality, autonomy, will be generated by this? I don’t know, but certainly more than we have now.
What’s-His-Face made a video about “are women evil” and the community seems to be divided on evil women. I believe the great bulk of the community is reacting out of ignorance, and just going with knee jerk reactions on both sides of the debate. Perhaps this article will broaden the picture, offering new information, showing different facets of this multifaceted subject, and lead us to greater understanding… or maybe I don’t know what the fuck I am talking about and should get off my high horses. Either way, made you read this long ass thing, didn’t I :p
Are women evil? If so, are they born that way?
I personally believe that men are biologically predisposed to have certain vulnerabilities, and women are biologically predisposed to exploit certain male vulnerabilities. I say I believe this, not that it is scientific truth, and not that a reverse isn’t a simultaneous possibility.
If I said (and I have said this in the past) the prostitute, within my code of morality and value system, is pure evil. Every woman has some degree of prostitute in her. Every woman has a little evil in her.
I believe women look for muscular men to protect them. This trait is useful to women, in the way that money is useful.
I believe women like tall men because height implies strength, see above argument.
I believe women like men who are ambitious & confident, because ambitious means “gonna be wealthy one day”.
I believe women’s sexual attractions are all geared towards using men. What they look for in men is utility, usability, a means to an end, a way to profit.
A man is not the end unto itself, but a means to an end. Women don’t love men, they love what they can do for them. It is within reason to say women feel attraction, but they cannot love men. Anyone doubt this? Well then, why don’t we see more hot sexy women supporting, for life, their stay at home husband? It’s not you they want, it’s the money, the safety, the convenience, the utility, the popularity, and the ego stroke of banging a “winner” that they want, not you.
Women don’t love men.
A man is a set of traits that are useful to her. And if a man should become ill or poor, his useful traits are gone, he is like a household appliance that is broke. You wait to see if it can be fixed, if not, throw it out and get a new one.
Is this evil? In my opinion yes, yes this is very evil behavior. Kicking a man out of his own house that he paid for, simply because his back broke and she found a new sugar daddy to pamper her spoiled ass, is indeed very prostitute of her, it is very evil of her, and evil is as evil does.
I believe this is how women are. I believe they are this way naturally, as in, I don’t think they learned these lessons; it came instinctive.
What evidence do I have for that? Well, let me put it to you this way, where did girls learn the lesson that they should like men who are tall? Men who are wealthy, men who are tough, men who are cocky, men who are muscular? Do you honestly believe these traits that women are attracted to, were taught to them? Did feminism or marxism teach women to like tall guys? Of course not.
And of course, we have to ask about the evo psych of it: are they this way as a result of evolutionary biological factors (i.e. evo psych) yes, yes they are.
If we accept this is how women are, and we accept that these sexual traits women seek is instinctive and not taught to her, than this is biologically driven. Is our biology subject to evolution? Yes it is. Does evo psych explain this then? Well here’s the thing, evo psych would be a theoretical framework used to explain the behavior, so it would be the specific evo psych theory based hypothesis that explains the behavior. And that is where I draw the line on the evo psych shit and urge people to stop making up untestable fairy tale hypothesis to explain personal observations even when those observations are generally agreed upon, and even when it is generally agreed upon that it is instinctive and was thus subject to some kind of evolutionary process. You don’t know the exact process, you will make an ass of yourself trying to fabricate one, you’re liable to really be off the mark and your hypothsis does far more damage than good.
But enough of that.
These tendencies in women, are they evil? Well from my perspective, sure, they’re evil. I hate the word evil, it’s far too subjective, but sure, figuratively speaking, and for the sake of this argument, their instincts are evil.
Are all women like that? Yeah pretty much. Sure there may be a super hot Pamela Anderson looking chick who can’t wait to date a short, out of shape, flat broke, uneducated, shy man. Well no, there really isn’t, but scientifically speaking, it could happen. Of course a comet striking the earth and killing us all before we ever find that woman, is far more plausible.
So, are women evil? Yeah pretty much. Are they born that way? Yup.
But here’s a question, are men evil? Are they born that way?
Men are attracted primarily to women’s physical appearance. Sure a man would love a woman with a really awesome personality… except those women are rare as diamonds, married to rock stars or something, and even under that awesome personality, are still evil exploitative cunts (just with a great personality), or they are ugly fat bitches we ain’t touching with a six foot poll… or at least until we had a 6-pack of beer (with each beer, that poll gets shorter).
Men prioritize women’s smooth youthful skin and curvy shape above all other aspects, including her mental health. Bitch can be a schizophrenic talking in tongues and men would nail her.
And also, if a man has the sexual traits women look for, and thus gets his pick of the ladies, he goes through women left and right, and won’t hesitate to tell her any lie to get in her pants, and will even encourage her to drink one alcoholic beverage after another in the hopes of easing her defenses so she will put out. Yes, he will fuck a woman when drunk, knowing if she were sober, he wouldn’t be getting laid (not that I think this should be rape or illegal in any way, but it is loathsome and despicable behavior, and your average guy does it all the time).
So, aren’t men kinda evil? I’d say those behaviors I just mentioned, are pretty evil. He’ll tell her he’s a rock star, his sports car is in the shop, he’s toured with Iron Maiden, he knows M.C. Hammer personally, he’s a black belt in 20 different martial arts, he’s a Navy SEAL… he’s totally not married at all, he loves her and never met a woman like her before, he’s looking for a good woman to settle down with and tie the knot, she’s very special and should believe in herself, he’s never seen a woman as beautiful as her in all his life, he’d take a bullet for her, every one of her stupid opinions is fucking brilliant, her crappy poetry is just so deep.
Yeah, we’ll say any disgusting lie it takes to bang the bitch, and kick her to the curb the moment some new set of bouncing tits walks by. Are men evil? Well evil is as evil does, so yeah, men are evil.
Are they born that way? Well, they weren’t taught to be that way. In fact, they were taught not to be like that. So yeah, men are just “born that way”.
Also, men make up the majority of violent thugs and murderers. That’s right, world wide violence is now and always has been a guy thing.
So, men and women, both evil?
Well, the only things that could realistically be called evil are humans, we can’t hold simple minded animals responsible for their actions. We can label them as potentially lethal, as violent, as mean acting, but we can’t call them evil.
So only humans can wear the label of evil, and there are only two kinds of people (male and female), thus all of humanity is evil?
Well that can’t be right. If humanity is evil, than there is no good, if there is no good, there can be no evil since evil is that which is not good, and good is that which is not evil.
We could say one sex is good and the other is evil, by determining which one is more evil than the other. So how do we do that?
Here’s a way of looking at it. Humanity in general is evil in the sense that we manufacture a certain level of expectations for moral behavior, that none of us can live up to all the time. But we are good in that we recognize what is good, and aspire to be that way. It’s the age old devil on one shoulder and angel on the other. We humans are forever in constant conflict with our selfish impulsive needs and our higher cooperative self. We’re always battling ourselves to try to get the most out of life, while doing the least amount of harm to others as we can to get it. And this varies from individual to individual, both sexes.
Which of the two sexes are more evil? It’s a dumb question.
Are women evil then? It’s not applicable.
Women are human. There is evil in all of us humans, and thus it is vital that no group of humans be given advantages over other humans because power allows us to be abusive towards those beneath us. Morality is a collectivist instinct acting as a social lubricant based on the principal of cooperation. Thus selfishness is the root of immorality (evil), and altruism the root of morality (good).
So which of the two sexes commit the most amount of selfishness? That’s probably impossible to answer.
So let’s try to reduce this to something more simple. Which of the two sexes, in relation to the other, shows more altruism (less selfishness)?
Now it’s important to point out that this is not saying who is more altruistic , who does less selfish harm, in general. And reason being, take for example war. Is it really a guy thing? It appears to be so. But I said “appears” because there is some subjectivity here.
All the killing one male army does against another male army, both under the command of a male leader. Is any of this an act of self sacrifice or altruism ? Could it be both?
Look at one army saying I will sacrifice my life to protect my race, my religion, my country, my culture. Well that’s altruistic… of course the other army is saying the same thing. So they’re both being altruistic? Well, they’re also both being selfish because each is risking their personal life to commit genocide against their enemy so that their people get to live, but the other people, who have been branded “enemy” must die.
Dude, there are both elements of selfishness and altruism in this scenario. Is having a family selfish or altruistic? Let me put it to you this way, not having a family is selfish, so is having a family, both are selfish.
Do you see how complicated this is? So it’s simpler to compare male to female interaction with each other.
Which of the two sexes is more altruistic, less selfish, than the other, in the way we treat each other?
I say men are the more self sacrificing. However that’s just an opinion.
I can point out a man slaving his life away to support his stay at home wife. Of course she’d turn around and say she sacrificed her youth and her body and her independence and her career and on and on. I’d call bullshit on that, but whatever. The point is, it’s subjective.
I will say, in my personal opinion only, men are more giving, and women are more taking.
Things that make me think that is: a man pays for the dinner, pays for the movie, pays for the entire date, and may or may not get sex out of it. Even if he gets sex, the woman has lost nothing, the man has lost money either way.
That’s what gets me about whiny bitches saying “I’m scared, I’m scared of getting used.” I say used for what? She says used for sex. All the while the man is paying for one date after another losing his money trying to score with a woman afraid of “getting used”.
Dude, the whole dynamic between men and women is like this.
Men are givers, and women are takers. And interestingly, the real irony, and we’ve all seen it, in spite of men being the givers and women being the takers, it’ll be the women crying about being taken advantage of. And the man, the man who sacrificed every last dollar in his wallet won’t even consider that he has been taken advantage of.
So yeah, women are truly the more selfish sex.
But when you look at the dynamics of this selfishness, is it biological or environmental? I say it’s biological, but the fault of the man. Men are so horny and desperate to get laid that they are bribing bitches to date them. The biological responsibility here is on the man, not on the woman. So are we looking at women as the greedy sex, or are women just normal every day human greedy, and it’s men who are just designed desperate, made to be taken advantage of?
In other words, switch the power dynamics here.
What if we could put something in the water supply that would kill men’s sex drive by 50% and raise women’s sex drive by 100%
Men have half the sexual urges and women have twice as many, due to the stuff we put in the public water supply. How would this effect gender power dynamics?
Well, I think we’d see a lot of women folding their arms in frustration, being disappointed that she is so fucking desperate to get laid tonight, and yet no guy wants to fuck her. Men, god damn it, all those testosterone bastards do is bowling, and foot ball playing, and foot ball watching, and video game playing and video game making and engineering and guitar playing, and all she wants to do is get laid. She has to go to the mall and ask every guy she sees for his number. Maybe if she owned a sports car that would entice men away from the damn ball game and they’d pay attention to her.
Yeah, I honestly believe that the dynamic of men being on their hands and knees, grovelling and begging for sex, handing dollar bill after dollar bill to women, in hopes that one of them will soothe his desperation, would get reversed if you reversed the level of sexual need in the two sexes.
Would men start acting as greedy as women under those circumstances?
How many men would brag to their guy pals “dude, my girlfriend bought me the new PS5, yeah man, she’s totally cool like that.”
“no way bro, your girlfriend is so thoughtful, I wish my girlfriend understood what kind of presents I like. I mean, she takes me out to all these fancy dinners, but I ain’t that kinda guy. Dude, what I wouldn’t give to find a truly nice girl who totally gets me. Like, valentines day comes and she totally surprises me by handing me a 5150 amp for my Strat.”
Yeah, I honestly believe that if you reversed the level of sexual need in men and women, you’d reverse the entire power dynamic, and guys would be superficial prima donnas whining that their stupid girlfriends just don’t get them, just don’t know how to buy the right gifts for them.
I believe damn near all of the differences in the sexes can be explained by that one fact, men are hornier than women, this puts women in control. Women are human, thus greedy as their environment allows them to be.
And obviously the sexual needs are stronger in men because of biology. Another way of looking at it is, women are biologically predisposed to be less needing of sex, and are thus in control. OK, but does that make them evil?
Well, it causes them to be the selfish sex. Give power to humans and they get abusive. Typically, humans are as abusive as they are allowed to be. Women are allowed to be pretty damn abusive.
Our laws are geared to ensure they get what they want the moment they cry victim. And that is based on men being too prideful of his “male superiority” to complain about disadvantage. Men have to reaffirm their manliness by protecting “the weaker sex” to remind himself of his superiority. And men can’t recognize himself or fellow male as victim, as I explained in this other post on Barbarossa’s website.
If we say women are born evil, what does that even mean? What is evil behavior? If we rule out trying to figure out who is more selfish to the other, and we look at it a different way, what does good female behavior look like?
Go on, open up a word processor and make a list of all the behaviors women should exhibit. Write down all the good qualities and behaviors. Now look at that list, be honest with your self, is that a description of you? Do you have all those behaviors? Let me guess, you don’t act that way, but it’s OK because you’re a man, and men shouldn’t behave that way.
So evil female behavior is when women act in a way that is not in accordance with your every want and desire. You hold women to standards humans do not naturally live up to, and act surprised when you can’t find a woman that acts that way.
But it’s OK, that crime you committed, is also committed by women, women also hold men to standards that mortal men cannot live up to.
Women will stop looking evil, when you start holding them to human standards and realizing women are going to act the way humans act.
You’ll say things like I want a submissive and obedient woman who loves me for me.
Sure, but are you a submissive and obedient man who loves a woman not for her looks but for her inner specialness? No? Well then where do you get off holding women to those demands? Again, it’s different because they’re women… right? That’s your answer, right? And interesting, this is where many MGTOW will start to cross over into tradcon territory, they will insist that the sexes are polar opposites, and they will insist there is a very special role, a very special magical set of traits that proper women are supposed to have. Right, and when women don’t live up to those mystical magical traits, they’re evil.
Look, men everywhere need to stop doing that. They need to stop saying “but women are different”. Because when you do that you create double standards, you will hold women to a set of standards no mortal woman is biologically wired to live up to any more than you are. And when they fail to live up to those standards, you say they’re ruined, feminism got to them, it was better back in the good ol’ days, or women are just evil and wicked.
And women do the same thing with men.
People need to realize that men and women are humans, and humans are selfish lying little vindictive assholes with a “me first” attitude, only moderately masked by the social pressure to cooperate.
A human being, regardless of sex, when given power over you, will be abusive to some extent with that power, bank on it. Therefore, except under certain vital circumstances, no group of people or individual should hold power over you if they cannot, by a third party, be held accountable for the power they wield.
Police, judges, and parents, are groups that must hold power over specific subjects, but they are held accountable to the people, and even then we see constant abuse, imagine how bad the abuse would be if none of these people had to answer to law or the people. Yeah, it’s a recipe for pure mean spirited tyrants. Don’t believe me, look at the Roman emperors and your ex wife.
People should not be given power over other groups of people, and you should never voluntarily let others hold power over you (such as the power you grant a woman in marriage).
You wouldn’t give one of your guy friends complete legal power over you by allowing them, for no reason, to be entitled to half your worldly possessions, would you? What’s the matter, afraid that by virtue of him being a human, he may one day get angry and take advantage of that contract?
But you’ll hand that power to a woman. And then act surprised when the day comes that she takes advantage.
The problem isn’t that she’s evil, it’s that she’s not saintly. You don’t trust the average guy, because you know the average guy will probably fuck you over if he is given a golden opportunity and a big motive. Well you honestly shouldn’t hold women to higher standards.
If we could view women as if they were men, we wouldn’t need to call their bad behavior “evil”, we could call them “human”.
At the risk of being repetitive, repetitious, and even down right redundant, let me say again, if men held women to the same expectations we hold men, men would not act surprised at the normal, every day, bad behavior they exhibit.
Of course one could argue that holding women to the standards we have for men would produce a never ending series of disappointments when women cannot live up to the standards men are held to. But what we have to ask ourselves is, why don’t women measure up to men in any category?
Well, the sexes are different, and in what ways, and to what extent, is anyone’s guess.
I will say one possibility outside of biology, is that women have never been expected to live up to the standards imposed on men.
Men have to be willing to lay their life on the line at a moment’s notice. Men have been conscripted into military, law enforcement, and fire fighting, in the past. It was a societal expectation. Women have always been exempt from any responsibility, and I suspect that women like it that way, it benefits them at men’s expense, so what’s not to like, from their perspective.
Men don’t want women taking on responsibility either. You see, if women could handle responsibility, it erodes the specialness of manhood. Men take pride in viewing themselves as the superior sex, the dominant sex, the stronger sex. He sees himself and fellow man as a thousand foot tall giant. The more incapable women are, the more any man gets to feel “manly”. If women were able to hold responsibility, this would make them more like a male, which would decrease how “manly” men are, and men would feel their manliness being tread on (cue the castration anxiety).
So men and women have both sought to make sure women are held to lower standards, and some times different standards.
Because of this, a woman need not exist as a competent being, in fact, female competence would threaten men’s masculinity.
Because women are not held to the same standards as men, they are exempt from blame in many cases. We even see this in the manosphere with ideas such as “it’s not women, it’s cultural marxism that makes them this way, it’s feminism, it’s the leftists, the commies”. That’s right, never the fault of women. Her husband made her do it, an ideology made her do it, the devil made her do it: it’s never her fault.
And in that right there, the exemption from responsibility leads to the idea that women are somehow more virtuous. It’s as if we are seeing women as god-given angels, perfect, pristine, child-like, innocent, nurturing. Those are the standards we hold them to, and we act surprised when they fail to live up to this.
Men who insist that “women are evil” are merely reacting to a great disappointment. These men, like most men, believed women to be heavenly, angelic, divine. And then he learns the hard way what a sneaky, lying, manipulative, ruthless, selfish creature she was. And then he learns, there is no weeding out the good and the bad; women are just like this in general. They only seem wicked, when you once held them to standards of innocents and obedience that is unnatural, and not found in men.
It can be argued (and god knows someone’s gonna do it) that Not All Women Are Like That.
I say yes all women are like “that”. And the word “that”, is a reference to human. All women are human. How bad a woman will hurt men, how wicked, or “evil” they are, is a spectrum, not a binary. Some more selfish than others. The same is true for men.
We can argue that women are born with entitlement issues. OK, maybe they are, but they are also trained to act entitled. We program this in to them.
When children are afraid of the thunder storm, we tell the girls “It’s OK Honey”, we validate their fear and proceed to comfort their emotions. We tell boys “there’s nothing to be afraid of”, and thus invalidate his feelings. It’s as if we are rewarding girls for their fear, and scolding boys for fear. This example, by the way, appeared in psychology literature, I don’t remember the source, and cannot testify to the validity of any study, could have been rad fem propaganda for all I know.
But I have noticed other double standards in the way parents raise boys and girls, and the theme is geared towards boys are to take it, toughen up, and be strong, girls are to be passive, clean, and exempt from blame and responsibility.
And then we have society that instantly entitles girls the day they start growing breasts, which is right around the same age boys start finding breasts fascinating. Boys will fawn over girls, push each other out of the way to talk to girls, buy girls things, and make fools of themselves to gain their attention, and be more than happy to offer the utility of his strength to protect her and beat up any guy that makes her unhappy. And then in our late teens, boys are competing for her attention by out biding each other, offering her the most expensive dates, ensuring her that he has money and will always be a lot of fun to be with. He revs the engine of his new car to show off his ability to blow cash on her and take her places. Women have spent their lives sheltered, exempt from responsibility, and having men compete to see who can best afford her love.
In a world where men give to women, from the onset of puberty, is it any wonder full grown women feel they are just entitled to men giving them things?
Again, we have programmed females to be exempt from responsibility, expressive of their feelings, and feel they are owed something by men.
Interestingly we also teach them that men are rapists who will get them if they stay out too late, get drunk, or if they don’t use the buddy system.
So women walk this earth irresponsible, cry babies, who think their feelings somehow matter, believe men must compete for them, hold themselves up as something special and precious, and fear an evil male rapist is around every corner.
We teach them this behavior.
While some of that could be biology, we need not even bother to go that road, because we taught those obnoxious behaviors into them.
Women are entitled because we teach them they are entitled. Women walk with the arrogance of a goddess, because we worship them like they’re gods. They believe their pussy is a prize that men must compete for. Where did they get this idea? Oh that’s right, we gave them that idea by competing for their pussy, thus giving their pussy value.
Let’s step back from entitlement, and back to responsibility. Women behave like spoiled tyrants, because we don’t force responsibility on them, because we fear if they can handle responsibility, that would take away from the specialness of our masculinity.
You ever notice men will smirk and complain that women can’t do any thing right? They can’t change a flat, they can’t build a house, can’t do simple house repair, they fail to achieve the standards men do in the workforce, women are just so useless.
We’ve all heard men complain about this. But here’s what you need to understand, this is not men complaining, it’s men bragging.
“Women are so useless” is not a complaint, it’s praise of his own ability. If women weren’t useless, men couldn’t be useful.
Men build their entire identity around the fact they can do what women can’t.
We don’t want women taking on responsibility, because if they succeed, we fail, we fail to be as manly as we were (remember, manly means can do what women cannot). Thus we don’t hand women responsibility, and thus when women fuck up, even fuck up by committing bad behavior, we don’t hold them responsible, because responsibility is a masculine trait.
Because women walk this earth seldom ever having to take responsibility for their actions, they never learn to modify their behavior to be cooperative, merciful, honest, or fair.
We call them evil for this. OK, sure, if that’s how we’re using the word evil, but we made them that way.
Now some of you may wince and say “whoa, RBK, are you really committing the hypocrisy of relieving women of responsibility for their actions?”
No, no I am not. They are still responsible for their actions. Let me put it to you like this.
if a child is raised by abusive or irresponsible parents, and he goes on to commit a felony, he must be held accountable for his actions and punished, however, that doesn’t mean the role the parents played can be over looked.
I recall some dude named Chuck, he was tall and fat, 16 years old. He was like a 6’4 Erich Cartmen. The dude was like a pseudo racist bully, who would yell and scream at his mother until she started crying. He was a mean spirited psychopath. One day these two teenage girls were standing on the corner of a Walmart strumming their acoustic guitar while people put quarters in their guitar cases. Chuck decides wouldn’t it be fun to just start throwing quarters at them.
It was such a mean thing to do, he would just throw a quarter at them from time to time. Sometimes they’d yell because the quarter bounced off their guitar, other times the quarter would hit them, eventually one of the quarters struck one of the girls in the head or face, and she decided to pack her guitar up and leave.
This was just the normal every day sociopath shit the guy did. He was just mean as all hell, made everyone’s life miserable, had no empathy or remorse.
Dare I say it, he was evil. It could be argued that he was born evil. But from the one time I went over his house and seen how he interacted with his mother (his only parent), and easily, all genetics aside, the fact he was a spoiled little shit who did what he wanted when he wanted and barked orders at his wreck of a mother, existing in a world with no discipline or consequences for his actions, no guidance or purpose, and physically large enough to bully around all other teenagers, and too young for an adult to stop him, he walked this earth like a spoiled Roman emperor, a fucking psychopathic tyrant who felt entitled to throw coins at people, graffiti and vandalize whatever he wanted, beat up other kids, and grab womens breasts without their permission.
If this lacking of parental authority in his life was present at 16, it was probably there at 15, 14, 13, and who knows, probably since day one. The kid was never taught manners or boundaries. Getting kicked out of school meant he got to sleep in later. The fact his environment provided him with the opportunity to behave this way, is all we need to say he was “raised to be evil”. Could he still have had some predilection to be evil from biology? Sure, I guess so, I mean, you never can rule that out. But why even go there? Why blame genes for what can clearly and undeniably be attributed to parental neglect?
It could be argued that even with the best of parents, he was just going to be a psychopath. And maybe that’s true. But there is no getting around the fact his environment contributed to that. Should Chuck be held accountable for his actions? Yes he should, he was evil, there’s no doubt about that. But his mother should share the blame, she provided him with the environment that led to, or at least, allowed that behavior to go unchallenged.
Anyone that knew him would tell you he was evil, and anyone that went to his home would tell you his environment contributed to that. And no one can say one way or the other whether he was born that way.
So this is how I view the “are women born evil” question.
Could women be born with a certain predilection to commit evil? sure, they very well could. But let’s not over look the fact that in most of their bad behavior, us men teach them to behave this way.
You can argue that we tell women to be submissive, obedient, and to have other characteristics than the ones they have, but that’s a bit like women claiming men should be like X, Y, Z, yet spreading their legs to men possessing other qualities, thereby training men with their actions, a different set of behaviors than the ones expressed verbally.
Women say “Men should be nice, and sensitive, and funny” and then proceed to give sex to the biggest meanest bull dog on the block, or the wealthy guy doing donuts in the parking lot with his new sports car.
Women tell us to be one thing, but reward us for being another.
We tell women to be one thing, but then reward them for being another. We bitch about the way women are, but we trained them to act that way.
We tell women that they are not to have careers, they are not to be self sufficient, they are to be stay at home mothers, reliant on a man’s income… and then sit around wondering why women seek out men who have the most amount of money. Well golly gee, if women are to be poor and not earn money, and reality says the quality of life is largely dependent on how much money you have, is it any wonder they shoot for the richest man?
Now biology may still go into that, but we don’t have to fucking amplify it the way we do.
Really folks, think about it, We (average guy) tell women not to work, they should get their money from their man who supports them. Well, of course they want a wealthy guy. And we bitch that they often use men like stepping stones, ladders to climb, we call it hypergamy. And what is it they do to get labeled as such? They treat husbands like jobs, climbing the corporate ladder. Well if they aren’t meant to work, then each man is in some way, a pay check dispensing boss, than is it hard to see why they are climbing from one pay check dispenser to another? I’m not saying it is the culprit behind the phenomenon called hypergamy, I’m saying it’s a contributing factor at least.
We beat our selves up trying to figure out how to get women to fuck us, we attend seminars, buy books on how to improve game, how to get laid, we invest endless amounts of time, money, and effort into getting women to spread their legs… then scream bloody murder that women now days are cum soaked whores without modesty.
In other words, we tell women to keep their legs closed, and then we bitch that women won’t spread their legs for us, and they’re just too picky.
Well for crying out loud, of course they’re picky. Women have million dollar value because they are born with the holey grail between their legs, the most coveted prize known to the male sex, and there are only two things that can diminish their value, being ugly, and giving it away too much. So the remedy is simple, they obsess about staying pretty, and they turn down dick a hundred times a day and wait for just the right man to give it up to. After all, if you as a man, had to play by these rules we set for women, and you could fuck as many women as you wanted, but with each fuck, your mate quality went down considerably. If you were, on the mating totem, the ultimate perfect 10, and each woman you slept with knocked you down a peg, and 6 women later, you are a 4, (below the average mate value for a man), and you are offered pussy by every woman you meet, you might get really fucking picky about the women you give it up to. You’d want to maintain as high of a status as you can, and shoot for the hottest wife you could get, because too much fucking would lower your mate value to the point where eventually all you can shag is crack whores, you done ruined yourself and the good ones won’t have you any more.
Again, we tell women not to join the work force, and act surprised when they want a man with cash.
We tell women the more they put out, the more worthless they are, and we bitch they don’t put out enough.
And once we have shamed their legs shut, we then try to bribe them open with cold hard cash, we bribe them to go to the movies with us, to dinner, or any where else. We wear thousands of dollars worth of pointless flashy jewelry and brand name clothing to capture their attention. We bribe and bribe them, we praise and worship them, and then we turn around and wonder why women are so stuck up, won’t put out for us, seek out the richest man, and walk the earth with an entitlement complex. Rather than looking in the mirror, realizing our own role in this, we tell ourselves it’s not us, it’s them, they were born this way.
And again, maybe women are born with certain predilections to do these things, maybe we didn’t start the fire, but god damn it we’ve been fueling the fire since day one. We continue to fuel the fire right now, even within the manosphere, we continue to fuel the fire, rather than acknowledging this, we blame their biology. And again, maybe their biology does play into it, but we are making it drastically worse with our behavior and cultural attitudes.
Is it that house wives are evil because they throw men out of their own homes, and take half of everything he owns. Is it her fault? What about the man in this situation? He bribed a woman to live with him and give him sex. He basically purchased a long term prostitute. Should he act surprised when the sex between them was a chore, the orgasms were faked, and she is no longer offering her services when he loses his job and can’t keep up his end of the contract? Should he be surprised when he used money to lore the whore into a marriage contract, and then lost her to a man who could pay her more for the same service? What else would you expect from a whore? And why wouldn’t you consider your stay-at-home wife, who is parasitically leaching off of you, to be a whore? Why did you not see this? How could you not have known this? Did you really fall under the spell of the illusion that deep?
And these husbands who take offense to people like me, calling their stay at home wives parasites, these men, these tradcon men, will go off the deep end, claiming their wife isn’t a parasite, her work is important, her work is vital, it would cost you twice as much to hire people to fix you dinner, clean the house, raise the kids, she most certainly delivers her 50% to the family unit.
Well then, quit screaming “feminism!” when she says “your honor I am entitled to half his money”.
Of course she is, you just said she contributed her share to the family unit. Your income, your life, she was half of what made it possible according to you, by your own admission she is entitled to half your shit, she was half your business partner, you could never have made it without her, you could never have afforded to keep that house, put away all that money in the bank, had you been paying a baby sitter, a house keeper, a cook, and so on.
I know I am going to piss people off, and good, you should be pissed off, but men are at the very least half the damn problem with women. Men are digging their own graves, refusing to acknowledge they are their own grave digger, and blaming it all on feminism. And this is not a defense of feminism, it is just a hardy slap in the face you need to snap you out of it. Stop with the easy answers, stop scape goating. The true TradCon scape goats leftism, MRA’s scape goat specifically feminism, and MGTOW scape goats biology.
You could argue that the bad male behaviors I have listed, are manifestations of biology, and it probably is.
But this would radically change the way we’re viewing it.
For example:
Are women born manipulative, or are men just born suckers?
Are women born exploitative, or are men just born to be exploited?
Are women born with an entitled goddess complex, or are men just born pussy worshipers?
If its all a question of biology, is it the biology of woman or the biology of man that is at fault?
If you had looked at women as men without dicks, from day one, you wouldn’t have deified them in your youth, to be so angry that they didn’t live up to your deification.
And so the question will be asked again, are women born evil? And the answer is: they are born human, and whether you think humanity is ultimately good or think humanity is basically evil, is up to you.
I will caution you against saying women are born evil. I believe evil is not what you are, but what you do.
And to suggest women are born that way, excuses the behavior. Women are born to menstruate, they are born to exploit male sexual need, and thus use a man’s sexual need for her advantage.
If we believe it is the product of biology, and is beyond her control, then she cannot be at fault.
When a wife gets angry and has herself a little fussy tantrum and begins throwing things and breaking things, well you know how women are, they get like that, it’s that time of the month, she is no more able to be held accountable for her hissy fit than she can be held accountable for bleeding from the crotch.
I’m sorry but I don’t believe that nonsense. Women are responsible for their behavior, any behavior they are predisposed to is still ultimately under her control. When people are angry, they want to hit the source of their anger. That’s natural, that’s instinct, that’s biology. And men are most likely more biologically predisposed to acts of physical violence than women (probably), but that in no way justifies a man hitting someone in anger. Nor should parents turn a blind eye to their son’s beating up other kids, on the grounds that “he was born that way, boys will be boys”, that shit doesn’t fly.
Women need to be held accountable for their actions. And it could be argued that even if we hold them accountable for their actions, they have a certain predilection to do things because of their biology. And to that suggestion, I say OK, true, but wouldn’t that make them dangerous, not evil?
And is it that women are dangerous, or are men just really vulnerable? Think about it. This is why I often point out male vulnerability. Pointing out where men are vulnerable, how the vulnerability exists in him, what manifestations it has, is more beneficial then pointing out where women are dangerous.
Women are dangerous in a lot of different ways, and all of them starting with you want their pussy more than they want your dick, that puts them in control of you, and that is the origin of all the danger that comes from them. I like to point out the various weak spots in male psychology. It’s like male psychology is a roof, and women are the rain, and my goal isn’t to keep harping on wet the rain is and whining about all the property damage caused by the wet rain leaking through the roof, I would rather shine a light on the holes in the roof and say “that’s where the leak is”. I just believe it is more advantageous to point out where your vulnerabilities are, than to point out all the ways in which women are “out to get you because they were born evil”.
You’re not going to make water stop being wet, you have no say in the weather, but you can repair your roof, or at least move valuables away from the holes in the roof, and put out some pans to catch the drip. You can’t change the external conditions outside of your house, but you have control over the internals of your house.
This is why, regardless of if water chooses to rain on your house, or is just a product of its gravitational nature, from your perspective, it’s all outside of your control, focus on the inward, not on the outward.
In this regard, it may be more digestible, more workable, to assume women have a born evil in them.
If viewing things from that perspective helps you to act in a defensive manner to safeguard yourself, than so be it, considering women to be evil has that utility to you.
But in the larger scheme of things, more in the abstract, no, women are not evil. But again, it may be helpful for some men to just approach them as if they were. They are, after all, dangerous. And of course, as mentioned, they are as dangerous as you allow them to be. Not seeking them removes all, or nearly all, of the danger.
In spite of the fact I fully understand the value, the personal utility of saying “women are born evil”, a fear I have is, if we just say “women are evil”, then I can’t help but suspect that will be used as means to halt inward reflection, and deflect blame for one’s own weaknesses, onto women.
It’s a problem I see often in the TradCon, he wants to “blame feminism”. As I have pointed out countless times, the traditional way of life is self defeating. The TradCon claims women are to stay out of the work force and at home raising children which is what women do best. And then in the divorce, blames feminism for child custody going to her.
He cannot see the holes in the roof because he is too busy blaming the evils of rain. He cannot see the forest for the trees. He is not aware that his own philosophy is flawed. He is not self critical so long as he has a scape goat. That intellectual crutch keeps him from using self criticism which causes his mind to atrophy.
I fear MGTOW using “biology did it” and “born that way” and “evil” as cop outs to shirk responsibility onto a third party; rather than self criticism.
Back before I was MGTOW, I was a moderate TradCon (I was never full blown TradCon). I viewed women as “less then men” I viewed them as a completely different species, I never held them to male standards because I knew the inferior little shits couldn’t live up to those standards, it was just in their biology. I put all blame and responsibility into two categories, women’s biology (their fault) and let’s sock it to the feminists. Before I was MGTOW, I never looked inside myself to see my own failure, vulnerability, and down right errors. And so I fear a blanket statement like “women are evil” or “blame it on biology” will end up leading down one of three paths:
1. Women are removed from personal accountability.
2. Individuals holding this view will not be self critical, and will scape goat.
3. Defeatism and Futility will set in, causing intellectual paralysis.
Evil or not, born or taught, isn’t really important.
You either accept changes, to some degree, can be made, and that those changes must start within you, and then must spread to thy fellow man.
Or you act as if there is no free will, and no course of action should be taken by you or anyone, it’s all so hopeless etcetera.
And if that last one is where you are at mentally, I have to ask: Why? If no amount of knowledge and understanding will change women, men, or you as an individual, in any way, then why the fuck are you reading MGTOW blogs and watching MGTOW videos?
So again, evil or not, born that way or taught, it’s rather irrelevant.
If we are replacing “evil” with “dangerous”, does it make it better or worse? Well, I want nothing to do with her, I don’t want to sleep with her or even really be her friend. I don’t care if she is that way by instinct or taught, a person is the sum of their actions either way.
And now we move on to, what is the answer, what do we do to fix this? How do we fix the problems
Well, I honestly have no easy answer. I don’t know how much of any of this can be fixed. But I can tell you where a fix would start.
A fix would have to begin with an understanding of the problem we face.
TradCons, MRA’s, PUA’s and other “anti-feminists”, realize there is a problem. They often misfire and shoot at things that are not the actual problems. Also, they don’t look for a genuine cause to the problems. They say leftism, progressivism, feminism, etcetera.
They are prideful, and that pride makes them unable to look into the mirror. They look for problems from outside of themselves, they look for solutions outside of themselves, and outside of men.
What we need to do is to not be prideful, we need to look for the problems from within, we need to look for answers from within.
Self reflection, seeing what we really are, and how we are, and then making internal changes in ourselves, changes in our perception and attitudes, and then helping other men to also look within, change their perception and attitude, and when that spreads over our culture slowly but surely, it will cause a cultural shift, new cultural attitudes, new behaviors and values will come from that.
And will that fix our problems? Will that fix any man’s problems? I don’t know, but it’s where the start must take place, from within. We must not allow our ego, our pride, to mask our own weakness when we look in the mirror. We must not say to ourselves “I’m perfect, did it all right, it’s their fault, every thing is their fault” (whoever “their” is referring to).
Let me tell you why you must stop doing that. You cannot change “them”. You, as one individual, cannot change government, dominant political ideologies, biology, women, or even other men. You as an individual cannot force others and groups around you to change, to stop existing or stop being that way. You can inspire others, but not force them.
You only have control over you. So look within yourself, examine your mistakes.
And I am not saying beat yourself up. And I am not telling men who have given up dating to “get back on the horse”. I am telling you to examine how your own ego, and how your own defense mechanisms, and your own prejudice views, have contributed in some way to the problems faced by you and your fellow man, and then… stop doing that. Change the way you see things, change the way you respond to things, and then inspire other men to do the same. But it all starts with shedding the ego, taking off the mask, looking into the mirror, exploring our own existence and how we perceive reality, and the origin of our wants. Just looking into our motivations, our preconceptions, where does any desire come from? And obviously, we’re all wired with wants, that’s a given, but it’s not a deep enough answer, look deeper.
Now, I want to wrap this up.
I have said women are evil, women are not evil, it is men’s fault, it is women’s fault, biology and environment did it. I said we must focus on the internal, while mentioning the importance environment plays rather implies a goal of changing the external.
Yes folks, I am aware of all the contradictions. But these are not direct contradictions, they are the same fact looked at from different angles. The question of: “are women evil, were they born that way, who’s to blame”. This is an amazingly complex problem that requires multiple angles. So let me try to wrap it all up, and make sense of it.
Are women evil?
Well technically no, but it may very well be a useful tool for you as an individual to view them as such.
Is it the fault of men, or the fault of women?
It’s both, it’s a symbiotic problem. Women are selfish and exploitative in their behavior, but I don’t think all of it is being born with a special female evilness, I believe the great bulk of it is just normal, gender neutral, abusive exploitative selfish behavior that makes up humans. They just happen to be in a position to act on it, and we hand them that power by being desperate for sexual relief, which is unfortunately, pretty damn hard wired. And while some men can over come all of it, or even a large portion of this instinct, men in general are going to remain slaves to this instinct. However, men can become aware of certain manifestations of this instinct, learn in exactly what way this hurts him, enslaves him, and then counter this (to some extent).
Should women be judged for their selfish exploitative mating preferences?
Of course. Us men take shit all the time because us rotten pervs like big boobs and rounded asses on a thin woman and oh what shallow superficial “little boys” we are for it. Your damn right women should be shamed and crucified for their disgusting mating preferences just like we are.
Women being “born that way” no more justifies their exploitative actions than “that pedophile was born that way” justifies him violating a child. Both are born with an involuntary instinct, and both must be held accountable when they choose to act on the instinct and someone gets harmed by it.
Is it Nature or environment?
Both. It’s mostly environment, but this environment is a direct manifestation of some simple biological drives. That doesn’t mean it can’t change. The biology will pretty much always be there. But through understanding, our cultural attitude can change, and with a changed attitude and new focus, an acknowledged problem can be remedied, and maybe not 100% but it can be modified. And certain co-morbid behaviors manifesting from the basic drives can be reduced or circumvented too. And of course change leads to change which leads to change etcetera. So how much of the problem can be fixed? I don’t know, we’ll start out slowly and see how far it can be pushed. In the mean time, laws that protect men’s wallets from the predatory behaviors of women can be put in place, and women exploiting mens sexual needs can be punished in many ways, and the men that give in to the exploitation can be shamed for it. These problems, even though they manifest from biology as do all problems ever known to man, can be worked with and reduced, it begins with acknowledging them as problems and then working on fixing them step by step.
Is our goal to change the external or the internal?
Both. We start out, as individuals, looking into ourselves, making notes of things, reconstructing our perspective and value system, and then most likely, even without effort, simply due to the new perspective and values, our unconscious mind will start turning the gears and we will alter, forevermore, how we think and feel, until our behavior correlates to our new values. So we start with the internal, and we encourage other men to follow suit. In time, more and more men do the same. While this process will not be 100% for everyone, it can become at least a cultural trend (I’m not even talking about abstinence; only perspective changing) and it will have a cultural impact eventually. Enough men changing their views and value system, will send a powerful shock wave throughout our culture, eventually, because men and women have a degree of symbiotic interplay, this will have an effect on women, which will feed back into men, which will grow the perspective, which will effect women and so on and so forth until it hits its plateau. What over all effect will it have? How much male freedom, safety, equality, autonomy, will be generated by this? I don’t know, but certainly more than we have now.
What’s-His-Face made a video about “are women evil” and the community seems to be divided on evil women. I believe the great bulk of the community is reacting out of ignorance, and just going with knee jerk reactions on both sides of the debate. Perhaps this article will broaden the picture, offering new information, showing different facets of this multifaceted subject, and lead us to greater understanding… or maybe I don’t know what the fuck I am talking about and should get off my high horses. Either way, made you read this long ass thing, didn’t I :p
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