Is 666 An Angel Number? What Does 666 Mean?

Is 666 An Angel Number? What Does 666 Mean?

The number 666 in our world today has gotten a bad rap. For many people, seeing this number, or even saying it evokes fear, uncertainty, and mental images of the darkest of forms.
You are probably thinking to yourself right now; “What Does 666 Mean?”
666 as mentioned in the bible, in the book of Revelation does say in Chapter 13:18,“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
All based on this verse in Revelation, the ego mind empowered by the media has run completely wild, and now 666 has become one of the most recognized symbols for the antichrist.
So does this mean 666 is always associated with darkness? Is it a bad sign if you keep seeing 666?
The angels assure us the answer is no, when they show us 666, they do so to convey a much different meaning. Seeing the number 666 isn't a bad omen or sign at all, and it's not a number you need to be afraid of. Its just a number!
With that being said vibrationally, numbers do carry meaning and are often used to drawn our attention to messages and insight from the Angels and from the Divine.