The Making of a Muslim

The Making of a Muslim

Once I was asked: how do Muslim intellectuals read the Quran without noticing its obvious errors? How do they read about Mohammed’s evident murders and stand with the murderer? How do they read about his wars and stand with him, the aggressor? Since I discovered the truth about Islam, I frequently ask myself those same questions, why did I do that? When I look at Islam from where I stand today, all its lies, absurdities and cruelties appear to me with crystal clear precision, so why it took me so long to see the so obvious?

From my own personal experience, I think it has to do with what I believe to be the most extensive brainwashing process a human can ever be subjected to. The Islamization of the Muslim’s mind is a process that starts immediately after birth and continues throughout his/her life. After birth, an adult holds the child and recites the azan, the call for prayers, directly in the ears of the newborn. The moral of the practice is to prime the child‘s hearing with the blessed names of Allah and Mohammed. Indeed, that call for prayers soon becomes the most frequently heard sound by that child or any other Muslim child. The azan is repeated five times a day by every mosque in the area. If there are ten mosques in the area, which is common nowadays, the azan would be heard, through the loud speakers, fifty times a day. In addition, the newborn’s ears will get used to hearing the endless recitations of the Quran that go on almost continuously.

As the child grows up he/she will hear more and read more of the Quran. The newborn will open his/her eyes to the scenes of people performing the prayers, and will grow up to the familiar sight of walls decorated with posters of Arabic calligraphy of some Quranic verses. Those Quranic posters, Islam’s only visual art, soon become mandatory sights in his house or any house he/she may visit. Soon, the mind of the Muslim child gets the message that there is something very special about the Quran, which he/she is destined to read hundreds of times without ever understanding it.

At home and at school, Muslims children get thorough Islamic training, which is in a way similar to the training of circus animals; both respond impressively to commands without understanding why. Muslim children are trained to recite, by heart, the short chapters of the Quran and to give pre formulated answers to specific questions like who your god is and who your prophet is. In addition to this, children are introduced to basic Islamic logic in the form of hypothetical arguments designed to convince a child about Islam. Interestingly, most Muslims will still use those same arguments to defend their religion even when they are adults.

The following are some of the ‘logical arguments’ that are used to make the young child believe that Allah exists and that Islam is the only accepted religion.

Consider the table, the chair or the car, do they create themselves? Obviously not, some people make them. The same is true for a man; is it possible for a man to create himself? Obviously not. The creator of man is Allah, is that difficult to understand? Obviously not, but the atheists are stupid enough not to understand this! To a child, this sounds convincing enough.

Consider that your father bought a new radio or television; doesn’t he need a book to explain all about the equipment? Obviously he does, this is why all new equipments have manuals that explain their functions. It is the manufactures who know everything about their products. The same is true for man; it is only Allah who knows all about man, therefore we must read and abide by His book, the Quran, which is like the manual that explains how we should manage our lives. Is that difficult to understand? Obviously not, but there are people, the infidels, who are stupid enough to put their own earthy laws in preference to Allah’s laws in the Quran.

The pre Islamic Arabs worshiped figures made from stones. Are stones worth worshipping? Would you believe that stones created man? Obviously not. This is just one example that demonstrates the ignorance and stupidity of the Arabs before Islam. In addition, the pre Islamic Arabs practiced wa’ad of girls (burial of female newborns alive) and adultery on a wide scale. The Arabs were destined to remain in darkness if it wasn’t for Mohammed who transformed them to become the best nation in the world.

Other nations outside Arabia worshiped the sun, the fire, the cow etcetera. Do those religions make sense to you? Obviously not, any sane person would realize the stupidity of such beliefs. It doesn’t take a genius to discover that Islam is the right religion and the others are just man made cults.

Christianity and Judaism: they were true religions, but were altered. Their scriptures were manipulated by men. Would any of you believe that Allah can have a son? Obviously not, but look at how many millions out there who believe so. Consider the history of Jews and the troubles they caused to the world, consider why they are so much hated by all nations, and consider why Allah has sent so many prophets to them because they keep changing their scriptures. Would you trust or believe a religion that comes from the Jews? Of course not.

Conclusion: The only religion that makes sense is Islam.

Muslim children become completely convinced that Islam is the right religion and they cannot come to terms with the fact that there are people who follow other religions despite the damming evidence against them. They learn that ‘Alkufr Inad’ which means that all infidels know deep in their hearts that Islam is the right religion but they reject it to avoid the humiliation of appearing to be wrong. Muslims feel lucky to be born as Muslims, hence their common maxim in Arabic ‘Al hamdu lilahi al ni’mati el Islam’, meaning praise be to Allah for blessing us with Islam. With so much luck, Muslims feel they should be thankful to Allah by devoting their lives for His worshipping.

Muslim intellectuals spend years reading and learning the Quran without ever noticing any of its errors, which are cleverly camouflaged in a background of deliberate errors and abnormalities. The Quran’s errors and contradictions just blend well in its general image of being an abnormal book.

The Quran is made to look abnormal because of the excessive use of diacritical marks, which are used scarcely in other books. It is also made to look abnormal because it is not printed in the usual Arabic fonts and doesn’t follow the Arabic writing rules, which makes it look as if it contains excessive typographical errors. From the Muslims’ point of view, the disorganised Quran, with all its repetitions, contradictions and errors are just proofs of its divinity because humans do not write books in such ways.

Muslim scholars continue to stress on the eloquence of the Quran. They stun their audience by discussing in details the use of particular words in particular verse to deliver a precise meaning. They carefully avoid discussing the controversial verses and claim that the repetitions are there for a purpose. They claim that the same verse may have a different resonance in the Muslims’ hearts, depending on its location.

How Muslims learn about Mohammed

Islam emphasises the perfect image of Mohammed, who is portrayed as the best man Allah ever created, or will ever create, to the end of time. Mohammed is considered as an extraordinary blessing from the moment he was born; he was perfect even as a child. His name, which means highly praised, was an extraordinarily beautiful name not used by the Arabs before, as if it was reserved for Mohammed (see note1). The following are some examples of the blessings of Mohammed, which Muslims learn (see note 2):

Mohammed’s wet nurse, Halima, noticed she started to produce more milk after breast feeding Mohammed (we wonder why his mother, Amina, did not enjoy such blessing!)

Mohammed never told a lie as a boy.

Mohammed was known as Al Ameen (the trust worthy) in Mecca. And that was before he became a prophet (see note3).

Mohammed was capable of solving a problem of how to put the black stone in its place. Mohammed’s solution was so genius that averted a civil war among the Arabs.

Mohammed was oppressed in Mecca after he became a prophet, but he was so kind that he refused to ask Allah to punish the Meccan, as some prophets did to their people (see note 4).

Everywhere in Islamic teachings, Mohammed is portrayed as a man of high morality who stood by his principles, a hero who defended the rights of the oppressed and the poor, an enlightened man who waged wars against backwardness and corruption.

When Muslim scholars discuss any of Mohammed’s murders, they choose a special language that helps the Muslims’ conscious to remain untouched. The murder of Asma Bintu Marwan was one of the many disturbing assassinations ordered by Mohammed. All those disturbing murders are cleverly removed from the centre of attention in Mohammed’s sira (biography) and kept away in the shade. Most ordinary Muslims don’t even notice them, but even if they do, they do not realize the scale of his cruelty. As an example, this is how ordinary Muslims would read about Mohammed’s assassination of Asma Bintu Marwan:

(Bintu Marwan was an evil woman whose heart was filled with hatred towards Allah and his messenger, peace be upon him. She expressed her evil feelings openly in rude poetry that caused too much offence to the messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. The messenger of Allah asked his companions: who would stop Bintu Marwan’s evil actions for me? One of his companions, Omayr, said: “O the messenger of Allah, I will stop her for you” and when that man came back that night, after employing Allah’s judgement on the evil woman, he prayed in the mosque then told Allah’s messenger, peace be upon him, of what he did. The messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “not even two goats would fight over it. Then, peace be upon him, turned to his companions and said: “if any of you wants to see a man who is a helper to Allah and his messenger, he should look at Omayr ”)

From the beginning, the victim was made criminal. The word murder was not even mentioned anywhere and the whole story was made to look as if Mohammed was performing a religious ritual.

It caught my eyes when I read about Mohammed’s marriage to Safeya Bintu Huyai. This took place in Khayber where the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadeer were raided in the early hours of the day(imagine how merciful that was!) and defeated by the Muslim warriors. The palm trees were set on fire, the chief of the tribe was tortured and killed and women and children were taken as war booties, called sabaya (slaves).

When the battle was over, Duhya, one of the companions, came to Mohammed and asked his permission to take one of the captured women to be his own slave, to which Mohammed approved. A short while later, a group of very jealous sahaba complained that the woman was actually the wife of the chief of the tribe, who was just murdered, and was very beautiful. Mohammed ordered the woman to be brought to him; he looked at her and was stunned by her beauty. Muslims’ books describe the scene as this:“The prophet, peace be upon him, threw his gown on her as a sign that he selected her( Istafaha) for himself”. The word Istafa means selected and is usually used to describe blessed selections. Muslims scholars go even further and describe this rape as an act of mercy! They praise Mohammed’s high morality towards his enemy’s wife by offering her two golden opportunities that retain her status; Islam and becoming the prophet’s wife! Indeed, Safyia accepted Mohammed’s offer (the alternative was to remain as Duhya’s slave) and joined Mohammed’s other harem in holding the title the ‘mother of the believers’.

I find it particularly shocking that intellectual Muslims read the story and become touched by Mohammed’s high morality and mercy towards his enemies. I discussed the story with many Muslims, and was amazed at how many of them actually didn’t notice that Safyia’s husband was brutally murdered only a few hours earlier. Their minds were so impressed by Mohammed’s ‘high morality’ to notice Safyia’s ordeal. They were too busy praising Mohammed’s morality to notice that even wild animals do not think of sex after all those scenes of the blood bath that resulted in the actual extinction of an entire tribe.

Although Muslims spend their lives reading about Islam but they never read it with objectivity. The Muslims’ minds and senses are crippled when it comes to objective reading of Islam. It may not be possible to undo a life time’s process of extensive indoctrination by reading a critical article. Islamic indoctrination is an abuse of human minds and there is an urgent need to tell Muslims the truth by systematically and consistently exposing its lies.



(Note 1)There were a few named Mohammed, so our Mohammed was not the first. In the sixth century Arabia, rumours were circulating that a prophet will be borne and his name will be Mohammed, therefore, some Arabs started to name their children Mohammed. Others acquired the name after they claimed to be prophets and this is probably how Mohammed acquired his name. There are reports that Mohammed’s original name was Quthem but there is no way confirming either claim. There is evidence that Mohammed had the habit of changing the names of his companions to more suitable names, like Abu Bakr’s name.

(Note 2)None of the above claims can be confirmed.

(Note 3)Al Ameen (Trusworthy) is a title that used to be given to a person who looks after a trade, like saying the treasurer. If the claim is true, which probably is not, Mohammed probably earned it when he looked after Khadija’s trade business.

(Note 4) The claim that Mohammed was oppressed in Mecca is simply not true. Please read MA Khan’s Islamic Jihad: a legacy of forced conversion, Imperialism and Slavery (Chapter 3).



July 13, 2009 • 9:20 am

Well done Mr Mumin Salih, an excellent article.

Man, you have really assessed the Muslim’s mind and penetrate deeply into his or her programmed irrational thinking. This type of brainwashing proved to be effective as Islam has sustain for more than 1400 years.

Earlier, I listen to one of the Islamic radio program that narrated the event of Safiyya Binti Huyay. The ignorant preacher seemed to be impressed by the conversation between Muhammad and Safiyya but didnt bother to mention the massacre that happened before. My heart suddenly boiled with anger at such extreme stupidity.

This is exactly Muslim’s mind in action. Muhammad contributed nothing to humanity but this human contributed everything to Muhammad for filtering and whitewashing his image.

Humanity is but one family.


July 13, 2009 • 9:47 am

Great work Mr Mumin Salih,,,,,, Excellent Artical…

Its really true with all Knowledge tht Muslim Scholars really never ever dear to mention the truth ab8 Islam….

Once it happend to me a man said very wrong words ab8 Bible and even For Jesus as well…. and for ur surprise he is doing his PHD in LONDON…very literate person.but his thinking started me to learn more and more ab8 Islam…..he is accuratly working on his religion and he is doing wat islam says……..but he was surprised that after saying all these things ab8 Christianity,Bible and Jesus my attitude wid him was same as preivously i was wid him with love and care….he is upest wid his attitude now……and i challenged him to come and share wid me ab8 his thoughts ans views ab8 islam and Christianity…i even sent him a link of Ali sina challenge..but he himself know tht he is not able to answer us.,….but even thn thy are so strong and thy still belive that this is not islamic leterature this is a prapoganda…..Muslims belive tht they are still on the right way and there religion is the true religion…Muhammed was the nobel man…and they lover of the Humanity….and the great thing ab8 these muslims are thy even dont wanna discuse the worse things of islam..thy dont teach ppl these things…and even they dont allow there girls to read and understand the Quran and Esp Hadith in Translations….i’ve many Muslim Frnds and I asked them to gimme Hadiths in Translation but they use to say if u wanna read thn read in Arabic…so sweet na….i even dont understand Arabic thn how can i read….

But still thy blindly belive tht this Cult is the true Religion…


July 13, 2009 • 10:32 am

Sikh family loses court battle against man’s conversion


July 13, 2009 • 11:26 am

Well most children memorize the Quran, and then listen to a Imam at a Mosque. Few venture into studying Islam, Tarikh, Hadith and sunnat al rassul. I have many Muslim friends who gets angry about all this hate talk about Islam, even though themselves cannot recite one surah. I tell them let me show you yoru religion, using onyl Arabic books which Imam use. But FEAR is imprinted in their spirit and they refuse to even listen. Fear is a powerful weapon, and Muslims have to overcome their fear and start looking for answer from within. I have another friend who will not believe about the stars and constellation for the simple fact that it is not mentioned in the Quran, and Hadith (the creation), he thinks of it hanging lights and it is unbelievers propaganda (not I am not joking) and he a master degree in Mechanical Engineering from UK.

He knows the truth but dare nto contradict his Islamic teaching.

I wish people read articles liekthis with open mind, and start ask questions./


July 13, 2009 • 12:06 pm

Why blame only Moslems? There are many BBC’s who are equally stupid and are unwilling to accept that there are plenty of mistakes in their divine book as well. It is another mattre that moslems are willing to die and kill ( not necessarily in that order) for this lie.A lie is a lie no matter in which book it appears.Right?

One feature uniformly noticed amongst all moslems of different nationalities is that the moment you talk of religion, the moscums become very agitated and defensive.They start shouting and cursing.They sooner become angry and violent.Try this out.Seek out a moslem from any country and try out the experiment and moscums pass this test vey quickly.fear is the key and sex is the lock. moslem’s mind gripped with the fear of hell and desire of sex all the time.No time to think rationally


July 13, 2009 • 12:54 pm

Good One,

I hope a good book can be made. Request the FFI to publish books atleast yearly once based on the inputs from the various writers etc.

After going through the details about ataturk, its clear that he was against Islam and tried his best to create a parallel thinking system ‘kemalism’, but unable to root out islam. Unfortunately women are demanding hijab etc in colleges where they were banned initially in this modern age turkey.

What’s the key which made persons like Ayan hirsi ali etc see about islam, which others cant? How can a situation arise that a whole group or country will do ‘mass apostasy’?


July 13, 2009 • 2:28 pm

Mumin Salih ;

You said

“” an adult holds the child and recites the azan, the call for prayers, directly in the ears of the newborn. The moral of the practice is to prime the child‘s hearing with the blessed names of Allah and Mohammed. Indeed, that call for prayers soon becomes the most frequently heard sound by that child or any other Muslim child. The azan is—-”"

Remaining comment deleted, for being irrelevant.


July 13, 2009 • 3:08 pm

I rather have that child baptised than being fondeled by the Prophet of the black stone.

Shafee al-Zindig

July 13, 2009 • 3:10 pm

Talking about the making of a Muslim and what Islam does to the human brain – read this article from the Saudi Gazette about the health benefits of – guess what? CAMEL URINE!

Nano-particles in Camels’ urine may help treat cancer

By Farah Mustafa Wadi

Dr. Faten Abdel-Rahman Khorshid is responsible for one of the Kingdom’s greatest national achievements in the field of science for her work which began with the urine of camels and concluded in a potential cure for cancer. After spending more than five years in lab research, this Saudi scientist and faculty member from King Abdul Aziz University (KAAU) and President of the Tissues Culture Unit at King Fahd Center for Medical Research, has discovered that nano-particles in the urine of camels can attack cancer cells with success. Her work began with experiments involving camel urine, cancer cells found in patients’ lungs and culminated in injecting mice with leukemic cancel cells and camel urine to test the results.

Speaking to the Saudi Gazette, Dr. Khorshid claimed that she was inspired by Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) medical advice and that camel urine consists of natural substances that work to eradicate malignant cells and maintain the number of healthy cells in a cancer patient.

“This treatment is not an invention, but rather, taken from our Prophet’s legacy,” she remarked. A Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari (2855) and Muslim (1671) claims that some people came to Madina and fell ill with bloated abdomens. The Prophet (pbuh) told them to combine the milk and urine of a camel and drink that, after which they recovered. A swollen abdomen may indicate edema, liver disease or cancer. Dr. Khorshid added that she is not a medial doctor but a scientist and her job involves the preparation and testing of a drug in the lab and supervising the manufacture, testing and application of the drug.

“We have researched and studied (camel urine) for seven years, during which we have tested the effectiveness of camel urine in fighting cancer to prerequisites set by the International Cancer Institute,” she explained. According to her published study on the subject, the clinical trial her team conducted on patients indicated that the medicine (capsules and syrup) did not entail any harmful side effects.

In the case of a volunteer patient with lung cancer, the medicine helped in halving the size of the tumor after only one month. The patient, and others like him, are still undergoing treatment. Heeding the advice found in the Hadith, Dr. Khorshid is combining specific amounts of camel milk and urine to develop her medicine and focuses on particular types of cancer, including lung cancer, blood cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, brain tumors and breast cancer.

She added that she advises all of her volunteer patients to use fresh camel milk and urine with the two components given individually for a period of time and then combined together later. Other illnesses, including vitiligo (depigmentation in certain areas of the skin), eczema and psoriasis (an autoimmune disease which affects the skin and joints). However, Dr. Khorshid adds that she will only dispense this medicine to patients on a non-voluntary basis when pharmaceutical companies obtain a license to do so. Currently, the medication is still undergoing tests.

“We will provide ointments, capsules, syrup, shampoo, soap and gels to combat a number of the illnesses mentioned, but only after they have been licensed by the Ministry of Health and mass-manufactured by the pharmaceutical company,” she explained.

Her study has obtained the formal approval of the Ethics Committee of Scientific Research at KAAU. Meanwhile, her research has earned her team the gold medal for innovation in the Kingdom in 2008, and the medicine was also chosen as one of the six best innovations out of 600 entrants at the International Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2009, held in Malaysia in May. – SG”

Yep folks – this is Islamic Medicine. It doesn’t get any better than this.


July 13, 2009 • 3:45 pm

9. Shafee al-Zindig, the article leaves out how many she has tested her ‘camel urine’ treatment for cancer and how many were cured and/or went into remission.

I think I will pass on the treatment though. I am sure non of her patients are infidels anyway. Muslims go to infidel hospitals, but I wouldn’t guess that infidels are treated very well in muslim hospitals. (oh by the way, hospitals are a Christian ‘invention’)

A book, ‘Because They Hate’, mentions that after the muslims were torturing and bombing/sniping at the Christians – the hospitals that were the best to go to, even for the muslims, were the Israeli hospitals and the muslims would prefer them over their own.

Raisin Head

July 13, 2009 • 4:04 pm

#7 Most Christians I know could care less if you convert to Christianity. It is a choice. Christians I know just know that to be one baptizing is a must and obama was not baptized. I would not want to go to a Muslim hospital nor have a muslim doctor today. Muslims are insane an still belong to a religion that says kill non-muslims and they pretend Islam is nice. Lying is Islamic Sura 3:54 allah the god of Islam is the DEVIL so he said.


July 13, 2009 • 4:07 pm

May I ask you as to what were your faith, denomination, and religion before you ‎joined the present one; please mention the name of the new ‎faith/denomination/religion also.‎

Mumin Salih

‎1.‎ kenmirzz

‎2.‎ Poma

‎3.‎ Proudkafir

‎4.‎ Pathfinder

‎5.‎ A0000Z

‎6.‎ redjupiter58‎

I already know that friend Shafee al-Zindig was Hanafi Sunni (Deobandi or Brailvi; he ‎has not mentioned) and he is a freethinker as he described elsewhere.‎

Please don’t mind; no compulsion.‎

All human beings are just like a family in this little village called Earth; I don’t hate ‎anyone, rather I love them all.‎

Thanks I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

Raisin Head

July 13, 2009 • 4:07 pm


I have 20 ways on how to con blacks into Islam.

Then I have 20 ways on how to con whites into Islam.

a. enslave dumb black muslims

b. get the dumb black ones to capture non-muslims and sell them like the east africans did


July 13, 2009 • 4:29 pm

13, raisin head – there is dumb on all sides!

But, I really don’t know how any black can become a muslim if they knew that slavery still flourishes in islam and them pulling most of them from Africa. It just boggles my mind how they just gloss over that fact.

And by the way, they already did do #b – it was called ‘White Slavery’. While everyone dismisses it over the black slavery – millions were taken out of Europe and enslaved. Admittedly, it isn’t near as many as they enslaved, and still enslave, from Africa. (source: White Gold by giles Milten) They would raid and take whole towns into slavery in the UK and Europe.

A form of slavery is what is happening in India. The muslims kidnap, rape and force to convert to islam, Hindu girls. They force them to marry muslim men.

Ibn Kammuna

July 13, 2009 • 4:32 pm

Thanks to Mumin Salih for this fine article.

I could not help but think of a “Cult” mentality in Islam while reading how a Muslim is brainwashd right from birth. This article really affirms that Islam is an evil cult gone wild.

To Paarsurrey,

Brother, I appreciate your peaceful stand. Call yourself Ahmadi brother, but not Muslim. There is nothing in Islam that makes one peaceful. Muhammad himself, while in medina, attacked one group or another every one to two months. Now, how peaceful is that?

Peace to all.


July 13, 2009 • 4:44 pm

A0000Z Says:

And the same thing you find when the Christian Cultists Baptize a new born baby. What else one can expect from the twin evil Cults called Islam and Christianity????

These two evil Cults can’t survive if they don’t convert people of other religions.

Christians are more evil compares to Islam. Muslims are Foolish blind believers only. Most Christians are cunning politicians, who are bent upon converting the rest of the world populaces to Vile Christianity for political gains only.

My response:

The topic is about Islam and once again, a Hindu will always go back to its own self and do the same ranting to attack Christianity rather than Islam and such obvious hatred can even bring a Hindu to the extent of delusion that Islam is better than Christianity. This really amazes me. Everyone can agree with me here that there is no other religion in existence today that is worse than Islam. I believe Hinduism is a pagan belief, the same root as that of Islam, but I don’t think Islam is better than Hinduism because Islam is an extreme case of mutated form of paganism which uses the sword for reasoning. It is masked as an Abrahamic religion to make it more palatable to the Arabs who unfortunately incompletely heard the Judeo-Christian belief through the caravans of the Arabian Desert.

Although Islam is a religion primarily established to confront the Judeo-Christian religion, it also masks itself by attacking the Hindu religion by using reasoning from the Abrahamic belief of monotheism stolen from the Judeo-Christian belief (and of course Islam also uses the power of its sword to convince or to kill the Hindus). The problem with this is such that Hindus are not equipped to confront Islam theologically because of its disadvantage of being labeled by Muslims as a pagan religion in which Muhammad supposedly had replaced for good with an absolute form of monotheism to a one single pagan god Muslims call Allah. Besides, Islam uses its very simplistic approach of understanding Allah, even simpler than the Judeo-Christian belief, therefore Islam became more attractive to those who were illiterate which had been the majority during those days whether they were the inhabitants of Arabia, Asia or Africa.

The evidence that the illiteracy rules the masses during Muhammad’s time is the Qur’an itself in which the conundrum it faces for writing inaccurate narrations of the Judeo-Christian scriptures is written permanently in its own pages and there’s nothing Muslims can do but make acrobatic performances of twisting theological scriptures to evade the never ending theological onslaught from the Judeo-Christian scholars to attack Islam’s vulnerability. This we can see today for a fact that through all the religions of the world, though numerous, the Christian scholars are the ones who established the most websites and live debates confronting Islam, and not Hinduism even though Hinduism is the third largest religion after Islam. It is just easier for Christians to disprove Islam because of how Islam so desperately reaches out to the scriptures of the Judeo-Christian belief for validity. Once this validity is broken, Islam becomes automatically false for the benefit even to those who do not belong to the Judeo-Christian religion.

Now back to the subject, the writer of the article above is more than equipped to know what’s in a Muslim’s mind because he used to be one of them. It is even more powerful when a Muslim becomes Christian because not only that he understands the Muslims; he is more willing to expose the discrepancies of Islam publicly exposing himself to Muslim threats, take for example Walid Shoebat, and the team from, for the sole purpose of saving other Muslims from Islam. Surprisingly, there is no front from those who left Islam and became Hindus confronting its absurdities, but we have Hindus here who would rather attack Christianity than Islam.


July 13, 2009 • 6:43 pm


“I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim”.

Just be sure that you don’t mention that “muslim” part in front of other sects or you’ll get beaten. Back to topic paarsurrey. Did you also get brainwashed into believing this gullam fellow? Tell me what kind of man this gullaw fellow was?


July 13, 2009 • 8:50 pm

freedomfighter67, there is a lot of hatred towards Christianity by Hindus because of what some bad men, who claimed to be Christians did. Unfortunately, they are mired into that hatred so they are not seeing what they need to see that they have a big problem in India with Islam.

It isn’t the Christians who have declared yet another jihad against India (in the later part of 2007). The past jihads were terrible, bloody, etc.

I gloss over a lot of the history trying to put it into a few sentences, but if people go back to the base teachings of each we would find that Muhammed was one heck of a nasty guy who became that way AFTER he started Islam! While Christ taught the opposite message.

Anyone who gets peace out of islam is just excusing a lot of really, bad behavior from its prophet who used a god as an excuse to do atrocious acts.


July 13, 2009 • 10:10 pm

This is an excellent article.

Hats off to Mumin Salih.

This article reminded me of an afternoon i spent with an imam and a group of Muslims, some of them professionals, in a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I too was a Muslim at the time. The unquestioning cult like behaviour of these “learned” men was absurd and served as another wake-up call that something was seriously wrong with Islam. I remember having to just stop talking for i had the urge to keep correcting their non-sense and speak the truth. From that point on i just listened intently. Man, when i walked out that restaurant i had even more serious doubts about Islam that i could not deny. I could not continue living a lie knowing the harm that Islam does and its falsity.

As we all know Islam is essentially about wanting that ticket to paradise and not wanting to go to hell. Mohammad and his Islam are a joke and what it says about these things are believed only by the under-informed and under-experienced. The whole thing is grounded in fear and it is disgusting and infantile.


July 13, 2009 • 10:13 pm

Ahmediya or bahai is a reformation movement, so that muslims atleast get out of the ugly cesspool like sunni or shia to some decent plataform, so that at least they start to think and then leave Islam for final after sometime. But Saudi or other fanatics will not allow them, they are killed by other muslims of so called ‘puratinical’. Infact Bahai or ahmedya are more in India than in any other country.

Muslims should atleast become non-muslims first without blaming any other faith and be like ‘freethinkers’.


July 13, 2009 • 10:52 pm

R_not Says:

freedomfighter67, there is a lot of hatred towards Christianity by Hindus because of what some bad men, who claimed to be Christians did. Unfortunately, they are mired into that hatred so they are not seeing what they need to see that they have a big problem in India with Islam. It isn’t the Christians who have declared yet another jihad against India (in the later part of 2007). The past jihads were terrible, bloody, etc.

My response:

It’s true that there are bad people who claim to be Christians but the truth is, once these supposedly Christians do bad things, this automatically separates them from being Christians, no matter how much they scream they are. These foolish people claiming to be Christians know this and so do the Christian community. One instance is the pedophile priests; these priests might as well leave their priesthood because, for the Christian community, they have marred their Christian hood to its entirety. They can also say they repented but unfortunately, trust has already been broken between them and the parents of those Christian children they’ve molested. It is possible that the Catholic Church has forgiven them but the point is – is this going to make a difference to the broken bond? People will make excuses that they are weak and they’re only human to make mistakes but if you think about it, you are a priest which goes to extensive indoctrination of learning the Judeo-Christian scriptures by heart for many years. You have a better advantage than the Muslims yet the Muslims have better chance of receiving the Holy Spirit of God than you. You as a priest are free and the Muslims are in bondage. This is why I think; when Muslims become Christians they are more powerful to confront Islam than any of these priests who say Islam believes in the same God as the Christians. These priests even go to the extent of kissing the Qur’an or praying inside a Mosque and praying towards Mecca while the ex-Muslim convert to Christianity will face death to help the Muslims see the truth.

R_not Says:

I gloss over a lot of the history trying to put it into a few sentences, but if people go back to the base teachings of each we would find that Muhammed was one heck of a nasty guy who became that way AFTER he started Islam! While Christ taught the opposite message. Anyone who gets peace out of islam is just excusing a lot of really, bad behavior from its prophet who used a god as an excuse to do atrocious acts.

My response:

You are absolutely correct that Muhammad taught the anti-thesis of Jesus Christ, that’s why I think Islam came from the spirit of the antichrist. The number one purpose why Islam was made is to attack the doctrine of the Judeo-Christian belief. The killings of the Hindus and the followers of other believers is only secondary. The thing that amazes me the most is the similarity of how secular Non-Christian countries such as India and Turkey perceive the Christian missionaries as a greater threat than Islam. For example, the three missionaries that were tortured and killed by the Muslims in Turkey, the Turkish media portrays them as threat rather than victims. The media was even silent in condemning what the Muslims did to these missionaries for some reason. This plight seems to be similar to how Hindus look at the Christian missionaries in India and even here in FFI. For them they are a threat that needs to be annihilated. Islam is only secondary and a lesser threat, therefore, a much more tolerable nuisance.


July 14, 2009 • 12:02 am

“The following are some of the ‘logical arguments’ that are used to make the young child believe that Allah exists and that Islam is the only accepted religion.”

” Consider the table, the chair or the car, do they create themselves? Obviously not, some people make them. The same is true for a man; is it possible for a man to create himself? Obviously not. The creator of man is Allah, is that difficult to understand? Obviously not, but the atheists are stupid enough not to understand this! To a child, this sounds convincing enough.”

I say:

The table, chair, and car are not living things.

“Other nations outside Arabia worshiped the sun, the fire, the cow etcetera. Do those religions make sense to you? Obviously not, any sane person would realize the stupidity of such beliefs. It doesn’t take a genius to discover that Islam is the right religion and the others are just man made cults.”

I say:

This is coming from a bunch of people who worship a meteor and believe camel urine is medicinal.

“Christianity and Judaism: they were true religions, but were altered. Their scriptures were manipulated by men. Would any of you believe that Allah can have a son? Obviously not, but look at how many millions out there who believe so.

I say:

If that’s true then all the archaeological evidence, the new testament papyrus, and comments made by archaeologists and historians were sent by the devil.

” Consider the history of Jews and the troubles they caused to the world, consider why they are so much hated by all nations, and consider why Allah has sent so many prophets to them because they keep changing their scriptures. Would you trust or believe a religion that comes from the Jews? Of course not.”

I say:

The Jews never fought in the name of God and most of their major battles took place thousands of years ago, while the Muslims are still committing bloodshed in the name of Allah.

“Conclusion: The only religion that makes sense is Islam.”

I say:

Logical fallacy.

“Muslims feel lucky to be born as Muslims, hence their common maxim in Arabic ‘Al hamdu lilahi al ni’mati el Islam’, meaning praise be to Allah for blessing us with Islam.”

I say:

Praise be to Allah for blessing us with Islam, Translation: Praise be to Allah for blessing us with poverty, illiteracy, and a high mortality, while the kafirs live the easy life.


July 14, 2009 • 1:00 am

Excellent article by Mumin Salih. According to my understanding the fear of hell-fire prevents Muslims from rational thinking. It is also true that their minds are immuned to criticism on Islam.


July 14, 2009 • 1:05 am

Moderator(s), it is essential to delete unwanted comments as we need to concentrate on the subject of this article. Let us not divert our attention.

Thank you for understanding Rationalist. The Moderators were being acussed of being partial and bigoted by some commentors. we feel that all of us are mature adults and we should think twice before posting things that can lead the debate astray. We Don’t really enjoy taking off people’s posts as it is a lot of work and a waste of time.


July 14, 2009 • 1:29 am

rationalist, I think it is not just a fear of hell fire, but never knowing if they have done enough ‘good deeds’, or have done whatever it takes to balance their scales. It is not really defined. The only thing that is clearly defined in Islam to get to heaven – no matter what they have done previously – is to be a martyr.

Look at the things that at least some of the 17 who staged 9/11 did – some gambled and drinked in las Vegas before 9/11. But that doesn’t matter once they die killing for Allah – all they are remembered for is that they are martyrs. The Muslims think they just went to the orgy in the sky and ‘bypassed’ all the measuring of the scales. The celebrations were innumerable by the Muslims.

I mean, they will drive a person nuts with all those PBUHs because they think that putting all that stuff behind Muhammed’s name and calling for his blessing is part of balancing the scales too.

And then there is predestination which I was told by a muslim that wasn’t true (even though it is in their Quran). I asked them, why bother with anything!? They are all predestined so they can put a thousand PBUHs behind everyone’s name, or do whatever, and it won’t do any good. Because their god is a deceiver – how do they know that any of it is valid?!

Raisin Head

July 14, 2009 • 4:36 am

Muslims there is no HELLFIRE. That is a false ideology to make people do as they were told. Pay tiths, kill, enslave and etc. Gehenna was a Jewish place where the real bad people were put to burn and dead animals, etc. God of the Bible said hell was put in the lake of fire and so was death. I didnt know you could burn death. Eccl 9 said there is no functions in sheol or hell or grave.

Poma July 14, 2009 • 5:41 am

Dear Paarsurrey:

Thanx alot for your comment and also good to know tht you want to know ab8 my Faith…..

well dear first of all i want to tell you that i am a HUMAN BEING and i love Humanity…..befor any thing r before any Religion. my First Religion in HUmanity……after that i’m Pakistani and then I’m Christian…..

so dont take me as a Christian my first Religion is Humanity and i love to be called like that.,……

Hope you understand it…

Hi Dear Jamila….. your name sounds like that u r asian…so r fron Pakistan r from India…

and may i know that what is ur Religion can you plz let me know ab8 you and can i’ve you email adress as well..

Hinduism is the fourth largest religion which comes after buddhism.

Excellent article by Mumin Salih. showing how they make a new born child into a DEAD brain c