Science and Islam -The Twin Sisters
Science and Islam -The Twin Sisters
Science and Islam's close relationship with it played a tremendous role in strengthening my faith and that of scientists throughout history - even today! This is a fascinating section - do take time to explore it!
"There is indeed no human work prior to modern times that contains statements which were equally in advance of the state of knowledge at the time they appeared and which might be compared to the Quran. It comes as no surprise to learn that Religion and Science have always been considered to be twin sisters by Islam and that today, at a time when science has taken such great strides, they still continue to be associated, and furthermore certain scientific data are used for the better understanding of the Quranic text.
"What is more, in a century where, for many, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic Revelation, have highlighted the supernatural character of certain aspects of the Revelation.
"The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science: these are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists.
"It is not faith in Islam that first guided my steps, but simple research for the truth. [What led me to this conviction was the fact that it would be unthinkable] for a man of Muhammad's time to have been the author of such statements on account of the state of knowledge in his days." ~ Dr. Maurice Bucaille, an eminent medical scientist and a member of the French Academy of Medicine. He is the author of the book entitled "The Bible, The Quran and Science."
"Predictions of The Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) about MiddlEEastTurmoil"
The author of this pamphlet wrote in 1985 a booklet titled "Did the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) Predict The second coming of Jesus(p.b.u.h) and World War III ??" In order to reach a largeer audience with limited resources, it has been decided that only the Prophet's hadith should be reproduced, with the minimum explanation and commentary by the author to facilitate understanding of the reader. Besides other considerations, the following objectives may be achieved by mass circulation of this material.
1. Introducing the message of the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) which has very clear relevance to the contemporary world, thus establishing the need of the world to pay attention to the prophet, not only just as an historical figure, but as the statesman who could provide guidance for the future.
2. To make point that had it not been for his special source of knowledge - wahi (revelation), how could he have precisely anticipitated this situation fourteen centuries ago- thus provoking he was the true prophet of the Almighty.
3. Awakening the muslims and providing them help, in analyzing the world events today or tomorrow, in the light of these predictions.
Traditions Relating to second advent of Jesus(pbuh) son of Mary
Hadrat abu hurairah reports that the holy prophet said "I swear by his in whose hand is my soul: the son of Mary shall descend among you , as a just ruler. Then he will break the cross, and kill swine*, and put an end to war, then there will be such abundance of wealth that nobody will like to accept it, and performing of one sajdah(prostration) before Allah will considered better than the world and what it contains"(Bhukari: kitab ahadith al-anbiya, Muslim: bab Nuzel `Isaa; Tirmidhi: abu ab al-fitan,; Musnad Ahmad: marwiyat abu huraiah). *To break the cross and kill the swine means that christianity wil cease to exist as a separate religion . The entire creed of Christianity is baseed on doctrine that God cause his only son ( the prophet jesus) to die an 'accursed' death on the cross, which made him the atonement for the sin of man. And the distinction of the christianns among the prophetic communities is that they abandoned the whole divive law and only took this doctrine; so much so that they made the swine lawful, which was forbidden in the law of all the prophets. Therefore, when the prophet Jesus (pbuh) will declare 'I am neither son of God, nor did I die on the cross, nor became atonement for anybody's sin". the christian faith will have no basis left for it. Likewise, when he will declare that he had neither made the swine lawful for his followers nor given them the freedom to disobey the law, the other distinctions of christianity will also disappear. "The Prophet Jesus will not lead the people in the Prayer, but will perform his prayer behind the existing Imam of the muslims." Hadrat Abu Hurairah reports that the holy prophet (after making mention of the appearance of the Dajjal) said: "In the meantime, when the muslims will be making preparations to fight him, will be lining up (for the prayer) and the Iqamah will have been pronounced, Jesus (pbuh) son of Mary shall descend and lead them in the prayer, and the enemy of Allah (Dajjal i.e. the antichrist) on seeing him shall start dissolving like salt in water. If Jesus ( pbuh ) were to leave him alone, he would melt to death anyway, but Allah will have him killed at his hand and he will show his blood on his spear to the muslims"(Miskat; Kitab al-Fitan, with reference to Muslim).
Dajjal will be killed at Lydaa ( Israel Airport )
Hadrat nawwas bin sam`an kilabi reports(in connection with the story of the dajjal): in the meantime when the dajjal will be busy doing this and this, Allah will send down Messiah son of Mary, and he will descend in the eastern part of Damascus, near the white tower, dressed in the two yellow garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two angels. When he will bend down his head, waterdrops will appear trickling down, and when he will raise it, it will appear as though pearl-like drops are rolling down. Any disbeliever whom the air of his breath reaches - and it will reach up to the last limit of his sight - will fall dead. Then the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will overtake him at the gate of Lod**, and will kill him." (muslim: dhikr ad-dajjal; abu da`ud: kitab al-malahim; tirmidhi: abwab al-fitan;) **Lod (lydaa) is situated 13 miles south-east of Tel-Aviv, capital of israel, and is the most important airport of the country.
Hudhaifah bin al-ghifari says: once the holy prophet joined our company and we were engaged in mutual talk. He asked, "what are you talking about?" the people said, "we were talking about resurrection." "he said, "resurrection will not take place until sings have appreared." he then pointed out the 10 signs: 1. smoke, 2. the dajjal, 3. daabat al-ard, 4. rising of the sun in the west, 5. descent of jesus(pbuh) son of Mary, 6. gog and magog, 7. 3 big landslides: one in the east, 8. second in the west, 9. the third in arabian peninsula, 10. a fire will arise from Yaman and will drive mankind towards the plain of resurrection."(muslim: kitab al-fitan, abu da'ud: kitab al-malahim).
Euphrates (Iraq) falling in the gulf will uncover gold (oil - black gold?)
The following ahadith also explain the middle east crisis. Abu huraira reported Allah's messenger (pbuh) as saying: the last hour would not come before the euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold for which people will fight. 99 out of each one hundred would die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would the one who would be saved (and thus posses the gold). (sahih muslim- ash raat us saah).
Hostage crisis at Medina
Abu huraira reported Allah's messenger (pbuh) as saying : the last hour would not come until the romans would land at al-A`maq or in Dabi. An army consisting of the best of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina(to counteract them). When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the romans would say: do not stand between us and those (muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the muslims would say: nay, by Allah we would never get aside from you and from out brethren that you may fight them. They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive. A third (part of the army), wich would be constituted of excellect martyrs in Allah's eye, would be killed and the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of constantinople. And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, the satan would cry: the dajjal has take your place among your family. They would then come out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would would come to Syria, he would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing up the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus(pbuh) son of Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer. When the enemy of Allah would see him, it would (disappear) just as the salt disolves itself in water and if he (jesus) were not to confront them at all, even then it would dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by this hand and he would show them their blood on his lance(the lance of Jesus Christ). (sahih - muslim ash raat us Saah) hadith no. 6924.
Destruction of the House of Allah (Kaaba at Makkah)
Hadrat Abdullah and Abi Rabi`a both went to Umm salama, and they asked her about the army which would be sunk in the earth, and this relates to the time when Ibn Zubair( was the governor of mecca). She reported that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) had said that a seeker of refuge would seek refuge in the sacred house and an army would be sent to him (in order to kill him) and when it would enter a plain ground, it would be made to sink. 'I said: Allah's messenger, what about him who would be made to accompany this army will nilly? Thereupon: he said: he would be made to sink along with them but he would be raised on the day of resurrection on the basis of his intention. Abu jafar said : this plain ground means the plain ground of Medina ( sahih muslim) hadith no. 6886. Destruction of Ummah by killing each other? Thauban reported that Allah's messenger(pbuh) said Allah drew ends of the world near one another for my sake. And I seen its eastern and western ends. And the dominion of my Ummah would reach those ends which have been drawn near me and I have been granted the red and the white treasures and I begged my Lord for my Ummah that it should not be destroyed because of famine, nor be dominated by an enemy who is not amongst them to take their lives and destroy them root and branch, and my Lord said: 'Muhammad, whenever, I make a decision, there is none to change it. Well, I grant you for your Ummah that it would not be destroyed by famine and it would not be dominated by an enemy who would not be amongst it and would take their lives and destroy them root and branch even if all the people from the different parts of the world join hands together ( for this purpose), but it would be from amongst them, your Ummah, that some people would kill the others or imprisoon the others.' (sahih muslim ) hadith no. 6904.
Approaching of Dajjal to Medina
Narrated Abu Sa`id: one day Allah's apostle narrated to us a long narration about ad-dajjal and among the things he narrated to us, was "ad-dajjal will come, and he will be forbidden to enter the mountain passes of medina. He will encamp in one of the salt areas neighbouring Medina and there will appear to him a man who will be the best or one of the best of the people. He will say 'I testify that you are ad-dajjal whose story Allah's Apostle has told us." Ad-dajjal will say ( to his audience), "look if I kill this man and then give him life, will you have any doubt about my claim?" They will reply, "no", then ad-dajjal will kill that man and then will make him alive. The man will say, "by Allah , now I recognise you more than ever" ad-dajjal will then try to kill him ( again ) but he will not be given the power to do so." bukhari 28, hadith 246.
Gog And Magog ( Russian and Chinese Tribes?)
Quran mentioned gog and magog twice, surah Anbiah and Al Khaf. Zainab bin Jahsh reported that Allah's apostle (pbuh) got up from sleep saying: there is no god but Allah; there is a destruction in store for arabia because of turmoil which is at hand, the barrier of gog and magog*** has opened so much. And sufyan mae a sign of ten with the help of his hand(in order to indicate the width of the gap) and I said: Allah's messenger, would we be perished in spite of the fact that there would be good people amongst us? Thereupon he said: of course, but only when the evil predominates. ***the question of gog and magog and the iron barrier built to keep them out is great interest. The bible refers to 'magog' as the second son of japheth between gomer and madai, gomer reprseenting the cimmerians, madia, and medes. But in the list of nations, Gen. 10, the term connotes rather the complex of barbarian peoples dwelling at the extreme north and north-east of earth as one finds in that chapter, in Ezek 39:6, the magog is referred to as a northern people, the leader of whom is gog. According to the jewish encyclopedia, article 'gog and magog' Josephus identifies them with the scythians, a name which among the classical writers stands for a number of unknown ferocious tribes. According to Jermone, magog was situated beyond the caucasus near the caspian Sea( jewish encyclopedia). It is agreed that they were the wild tribes of central asia who made inroads on settled kingdoms and empires at the various stages of world history. The barrier referred to in the hadith and the Quran is the famous wall between derbend and darial. It is a very narrow defile, which overhanging rocks, occcuring on the in the district of Daghistan. Before the southern expansion of Russia in 1813, it belonged to persia.
the footnotes have been taken from the meaning of the Quran by Maududi. We cannot determine the sequence of events and the exact timings, Allah knows best. The reader is encouraged to read the following material for more details and facts related to this subject. The following are the most authentic record of the sayings of the prophet Muhammad(pbuh). references: 1. sahih bukhari chap. 88, afflictions 2. english translation Muhsin Khan, Vol. 9, 3. sahih muslim chap.39 Ash raat us Saah 4. English translation, A.H. Siddiqi, Vol.4 Abu daud, Nisai, Tirmidi, IbnMajah, Baihaqi, Ad Darimi, Musnad Ahmad. 1
How To Lower Our Gaze
"If I were not a Muslim, I would have contracted AIDS" proclaimed my friend. "The ayats in Sura Nur about lowering our gazes doesn't affect me anymore," expressed another youth, talking about the intense temptations felt by today's young. Difficulty in lowering the gaze by both the young and old is readily perceived on the street, weddings, parties and even in the mosques.
What has gone wrong? How can Muslims, called by Allah, our Creator the model community, the custodians of Truth and the upholders of morality behave this way? Why are we adopting the attitudes and routes of the kuffar? How can we rectify ourselves? What follows is a series of practical, though graphic advises which can work for us and set us free from Satan's stronghold, Insha`Allah.
Prophet Muhamad (pbuh), by way of warning and as a reminder said, "There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women." Being optimistic, a ray of hope was also wisely provided during the prophet's Last Sermon "If the Ummah holds on to the Qur`an and Sunnah, it will never go astray."
When Allah created humans with all our desires and urges, he also revealed to us sufficient and complete guidance to properlychannel these desires, both in the midst of Dar-ul-Kufr or Dar-ul-Islam. All we need to do is seek it, contemplate on it and pursue it. "This day I have perfected your deen for you, completed my favors upon you and chosen Islam as your deen." (Maida 4)
We should realize that the fact the great sahabas were human beings also. Biologically there were no different from us. They had desires and temptations but yet, they controlled themselves in the best of ways. We can do the same, Insha`Allah. To possess sensual passions is human, to control them is Muslim.
When confronted with an alluring situation like passing by a non-mahram on the street, office or school, Satan is constantly tempting us to glare at her/him with evil thoughts. Satan is probably excitingly saying, with a big smile, 'yes, yes, yes,' when we steer into the bait he is setting. During these situations, immediately and consciously realize that when we give a second or following glances, we are obeying Satan. "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil" (24:21). By immediately averting our gazes and disobeying Satan, we are giving him a one-two punch in the face and leaving him frustrated and accursed.
Satan rebelled and was expelled by Allah, so let's all rebel against Satan and expel him from our hearts. Satan intends to fight a war against Muslims, so let's gather our forces behind the Qur`an and the Sunnah and defeat him. Remember that even if no human eye is watching us, the Ever-Watchful Allah is constantly monitoring the innermost regions of our hearts. Our eyes, limbs, tongue and private parts will be witnesses on the Judgment Day and not an atom's worth of deed will remain unexamined.
Our minds are conditioned to associate thoughts of stealing clothes from a store to being in handcuffs and hauled into a police van. Likewise we should condition our minds to bring the verses of Surah Nur in front of our eyes during any tempting situations and imagine that Allah is speaking to us directly "Say to the believing, men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.O you believers! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success" (24:30-31) If the Qur`an contained only these two ayats, it would be enough to convince me that it is the book of Allah.
With practice, these associations and the remembrance of Allah during tempting situations will prevent us from getting stuck by devilish arrows. Successfully controlling our gazes also deadens our avoidance of sinful situations. An Islamic idiom says, "Anything that leads to haram is haram in itself." To do a pious deed is a reward; to avoid a sin is a reward too.
One of the biggest culprits in this class is movies. In the name of entertainment, to please our peers and children and an excuse to do something together as a family, we astonishingly allow un-Islamic pictures and dialogues in front of our eyes and ears. Can we ever imagine (aozubillah) any sahaba renting the latest hit from Blockbuster Videos, or listening to music with alluring lyrics at high volume?
Likewise we watch news on TV and stare at the anchor women, adorned in heavy make-up, scanty clothing and seductive smile. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was once approached by a woman with a proposal for marriage. He took a single glance at her face and turned his face away. Jabir bin Abdullah reported: I asked Allah's messenger about the sudden glance on the face of a non-mahram. He commanded me that I should turn away my eyes. (Muslim) Thus, we are not supposed to stare at faces of non-mahrams, be they are our fellow students, our elders, saleswomen or someone on TV.
Pious ladies of the prophet's household were ordered to observe purdah (separation) in front of a blind sahabah. Asking the curious questions as to why cover/separate when the blind sahabah could not see them, the prophet (pbuh) wisely answered, "But you could see him." In our wedding ceremonies and parties and even in many Islamic fundraising dinners, there is heavy free-mixing between brothers and sisters. Often the chairs of males and females are arranged facing each other, knowing that about 90 percent of our sisters do no wear hijab. It is often noticeable to see males and females peeking glances at each other from the opposite ends of the hall. A big curtain is not my intention, but a big iman and befitting Islamic manners is.
"A woman who applies perfumes and goes to a gathering is like an adulteress" the prophet said Muhammad. Compare this with our sisters who clad themselves with expensive perfume, one kilogram of makeup, and the come to mixed gatherings. Will this not attract the attention of males? Let's be real. We have lowered our moral guards so low that a humble word of truth often seems so awfully strange.
Let us contemplate the above humble advices and constantly make the supplication, "O Allah help us control our sensual desires until we get married, and even after we marry, let our desires be only towards our spouses.
How To Lower Our Gaze
By Sabeel Ahmed
"If I were not a Muslim, I would have contracted AIDS" proclaimed my friend. "The ayats in Sura Nur about lowering our gazes doesn't affect me anymore," expressed another youth, talking about the intense temptations felt by today's young. Difficulty in lowering the gaze by both the young and old is readily perceived on the street, weddings, parties and even in the mosques.
What has gone wrong? How can Muslims, called by Allah, our Creator the model community, the custodians of Truth and the upholders of morality behave this way? Why are we adopting the attitudes and routes of the kuffar? How can we rectify ourselves? What follows is a series of practical, though graphic advises which can work for us and set us free from Satan's stronghold, Insha`Allah.
Prophet Muhamad (pbuh), by way of warning and as a reminder said, "There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women." Being optimistic, a ray of hope was also wisely provided during the prophet's Last Sermon "If the Ummah holds on to the Qur`an and Sunnah, it will never go astray."
When Allah created humans with all our desires and urges, he also revealed to us sufficient and complete guidance to properlychannel these desires, both in the midst of Dar-ul-Kufr or Dar-ul-Islam. All we need to do is seek it, contemplate on it and pursue it. "This day I have perfected your deen for you, completed my favors upon you and chosen Islam as your deen." (Maida 4)
We should realize that the fact the great sahabas were human beings also. Biologically there were no different from us. They had desires and temptations but yet, they controlled themselves in the best of ways. We can do the same, Insha`Allah. To possess sensual passions is human, to control them is Muslim.
When confronted with an alluring situation like passing by a non-mahram on the street, office or school, Satan is constantly tempting us to glare at her/him with evil thoughts. Satan is probably excitingly saying, with a big smile, 'yes, yes, yes,' when we steer into the bait he is setting. During these situations, immediately and consciously realize that when we give a second or following glances, we are obeying Satan. "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil" (24:21). By immediately averting our gazes and disobeying Satan, we are giving him a one-two punch in the face and leaving him frustrated and accursed.
Satan rebelled and was expelled by Allah, so let's all rebel against Satan and expel him from our hearts. Satan intends to fight a war against Muslims, so let's gather our forces behind the Qur`an and the Sunnah and defeat him. Remember that even if no human eye is watching us, the Ever-Watchful Allah is constantly monitoring the innermost regions of our hearts. Our eyes, limbs, tongue and private parts will be witnesses on the Judgment Day and not an atom's worth of deed will remain unexamined.
Our minds are conditioned to associate thoughts of stealing clothes from a store to being in handcuffs and hauled into a police van. Likewise we should condition our minds to bring the verses of Surah Nur in front of our eyes during any tempting situations and imagine that Allah is speaking to us directly "Say to the believing, men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.O you believers! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success" (24:30-31) If the Qur`an contained only these two ayats, it would be enough to convince me that it is the book of Allah.
With practice, these associations and the remembrance of Allah during tempting situations will prevent us from getting stuck by devilish arrows. Successfully controlling our gazes also deadens our avoidance of sinful situations. An Islamic idiom says, "Anything that leads to haram is haram in itself." To do a pious deed is a reward; to avoid a sin is a reward too.
One of the biggest culprits in this class is movies. In the name of entertainment, to please our peers and children and an excuse to do something together as a family, we astonishingly allow un-Islamic pictures and dialogues in front of our eyes and ears. Can we ever imagine (aozubillah) any sahaba renting the latest hit from Blockbuster Videos, or listening to music with alluring lyrics at high volume?
Likewise we watch news on TV and stare at the anchor women, adorned in heavy make-up, scanty clothing and seductive smile. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was once approached by a woman with a proposal for marriage. He took a single glance at her face and turned his face away. Jabir bin Abdullah reported: I asked Allah's messenger about the sudden glance on the face of a non-mahram. He commanded me that I should turn away my eyes. (Muslim) Thus, we are not supposed to stare at faces of non-mahrams, be they are our fellow students, our elders, saleswomen or someone on TV.
Pious ladies of the prophet's household were ordered to observe purdah (separation) in front of a blind sahabah. Asking the curious questions as to why cover/separate when the blind sahabah could not see them, the prophet (pbuh) wisely answered, "But you could see him." In our wedding ceremonies and parties and even in many Islamic fundraising dinners, there is heavy free-mixing between brothers and sisters. Often the chairs of males and females are arranged facing each other, knowing that about 90 percent of our sisters do no wear hijab. It is often noticeable to see males and females peeking glances at each other from the opposite ends of the hall. A big curtain is not my intention, but a big iman and befitting Islamic manners is.
"A woman who applies perfumes and goes to a gathering is like an adulteress" the prophet said Muhammad. Compare this with our sisters who clad themselves with expensive perfume, one kilogram of makeup, and the come to mixed gatherings. Will this not attract the attention of males? Let's be real. We have lowered our moral guards so low that a humble word of truth often seems so awfully strange.
Let us contemplate the above humble advices and constantly make the supplication, "O Allah help us control our sensual desires until we get married, and even after we marry, let our desires be only towards our spouses.
Music: The Good and the Bad
One of the things which it is necessary to clarify-to myself as well as to others-is the legal position of music in connection with the teachings of Islam, what are references regarding this subject? The verse in the Qur'an in the 31st chapter entitled Luqman is often taken as the basis of the view of music in Islam. The word music itself does not appear, but the term 'vain discourse' or 'idle tales' (lahwun hadith) is mentioned: "But there are among men those purchase idle tales without knowledge or meaning, to mislead men from the path of Allah through ridicule of the path. For such there will a humiliating penalty." (Qur'an 31 : 6).
Lahwun hadith here is translated 'Idle tales'. In some of the sayings of prophet Muhammad (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned in the commentaries, it seems that this verse was revealed in relation to a person who bought a singing slave girl. The purchase or the price given for this purpose is considered legal. So the question is one of legality or illegality (halaal and haraam).
The debate regarding music continues even up to today. There are divergent views and differences of opinion on this matter. First of all it should be understood that any judgement in Islam, any rule of Shari'ah is based essentially on two things: first, the Qur'an and second, the Sunnah-that is to say the sayings and actions of the last prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam). These two are the basic sources of law in Islam and for the understanding of Islam as way of life. After that comes the ruling of the companions of the prophet and those who followed them, understood them and practiced them.
Going back to the view of music amongst the early Muslim community-the tabieen (those who followed the sahabah) it can be seen that the first interpretation of music given by the four schools of thought. First, the Hanafi school of thought of Imam Abu Hanifa was the strictest on these issues, considering listening to musical instruments as sinful. In particular, Abu Hanifa prohibited the wind instruments, tambourines, drums and string instruments.
In the Maliki school, it was again considered that this act of making music with instrumental accompaniment was a frivolity, and in that sense, only performed by the sinful, thus indicating that the act itself was sinful. There was, however, an exception in this school of thought which permitted 'innocent' songs: traveling songs (songs one makes up to avoid boredom when traveling), songs sung when one is working, and Eid (festival) songs on the occasion of Eid for weddings.
All schools of thought considered musical instruments as prohibited, based on the hadith which is found in the collection of Sahih al-Bukhari. The concerned segment states: "The prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) said, 'There will be a people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, the wearing of silk, wine-drinking and the use of musical instruments being al-ma'asif. This, by the way, excludes one particular instrument which was known and used in the presence of the prophet (sallah Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) called the duff (a simple drum with one sides skin). Apart from that, it seems that all other tuned instruments were prohibited.
The first major conclusion is that the term 'music' has no root in the Arabic language. In the Qur'an (31 : 6), it never mentions the word music but mentions lahwun hadith, and the prophet's (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned al-ma'azif.
It appears that songs and singing are lawful, but they become unlawful (haram), abominable (makruh), or laudable (mustahab) according to time, circumstance, place, style, content and motive. The majority view is that tuned musical instruments and accompaniments are prohibited and abominable with the exception of percussion, particularly the duff, which the prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) allowed at certain times.
This does not mean of course that Muslims become melodious-less monks. Muslims have to partake in every aspect of life; everything one does within the confines of the Qur''an and Sunnah becomes worship ('ibadah). This conforms to the purpose of humankind's creation mentioned in the Qur'an: "And I (Allah) did not create jinn or man except to worship Me." (51 : 58). That is the purpose of humankind's existence. Therefore, Muslims must return to this knowledge and science of Islam as it has been divinely granted to them through the Qur'an and the sayings and deeds of the Last Prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam); that is how they can solve this problem of 'music' in Islam.
The Qur'an states: "O children of Adam, wield your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer. Eat and drink, but waste not by excess for Allah loveth not the wasters. Say: 'Who has forbidden gifts of Allah which He has produced for His servants from the things clean and pure which He has provided for sustenance?' Say: 'They are of the life of this world for those who believe and purely for them on the Day of Judgement.' 'Thus do we explain the signs in detail for those who understand.' 'Say: 'The things which my Lord has indeed forbidden are shameful deeds, whether open of secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; the assigning of partners to Allah for which He has given no authority; and sayings things about Allah of which you hath no knowledge.' (7 : 31-33).
In another hadith, the prophet, (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "Allah is beautiful we have heard in these verses, 'Who has made forbidden the beautiful things which Allah has made allowed for His servants?' So therefore, everything is clear in Islam. Also, Muslims should remember that does not mean that they have to live such a pristine and puritanical life that makes them impossible to live with. Human-beings are not angels. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has created angels for that job. Muslims also need time sometimes to relax, sometimes to enjoy to sing. There is hadith is Sahih Bukhari also mentioning when the prophet came home one Eid and he saw A'isha-while she was very young-and her friend playing, singing with the duff. Her father (and later Caliph) Abu Bakr came in and said: "Instruments in the presence of the Prophet!" The Prophet (sallaha 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Leave them," thus indicating that this was a time for such things.
In education, Muslims can start to use song and sound to enliven the educational process. Children find it very easy sometimes to learn a whole chapter when it is sung to them. However, Muslims must be careful not to overdo anything; that is a basic principle Islam, to be balanced, to be conscious-a time for this and a time for that. A Muslim can play golf, can also eat and drink, but we do not do this excessively. The Muslim must go back to the Prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) as the model, the right source of guidance. So a lot more development because there are songs and singing in Islam, there is melody as well as drums, but it has to be within limits. The Qur'an says: 'Ye have indeed in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one whose hope is in Allah and the final day and who engages much in the remembrance of Allah (33:21).
Sciences of Qur'an
The First And Last Revelations Of The Qur'an
There are branches of uloom al-Qur'an that deal with different aspects of the Qur'an such as the first and last verses revealed to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam. Right from the very first received much deliberate attention from the Muslim Ummah by memorizing it, understanding it and putting it into practice as a way of life. Muslims used to compete vigorously as to who would learn it the most. That resulted in having every related aspect of it meticulously recorded. Knowing these aspects of the Qur'an has several benefits and uses:
1. Knowing the verses that were abrogated and the ones that abrogated them if there is an apparent contradiction in their meanings. This occurs in the case when two or more verses are revealed on the same topic such that the meaning of one verse is in opposition or different from the other.
2. Knowing the progression of the revelation of the Qur'anic verses regarding the rulings of some mattes such as the stages in the prohibition of intoxicants. New verses were revealed in each stage, the order of such rulings is very important not only with regard to the matter of drinking but also in knowing that the Qur'an takes nto account the human behavior as in the rulings associated with enjoining people to do good for example.
3. Allowing us to know the history of Islamic legislation (Shari'ah). For example, we learned when and where the verses about fasting in Ramadhan were revealed. This type of knowledge is an essential part of the Islamic Fiqh. Most of the Qur'anic rulings would not be correctly applied to newer situations facing the Muslims communities had w not known the circumstances and sequences of revelations.
4. They provide us with evidence of the amount of attention the Muslim Ummah paid to the Qur'an. We now know with certainty every detail surrounding the Qur'an's revelation. Knowing and appreciating the work our predecessors have done should lead us to make similar efforts and have similar concerns for those who come after us.
The First Revelation
There is a general consensus among the scholars that the first revelation to the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam was the beginning of surah al'alaq (96 : 1-5). At the onset of revelation, while the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam was secluded in the Cave of Hiraa, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ordered angel Jibreel to recite to the prophet: "Read in the name of your Lord, Who created, created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful Who taught the use of the Pen, taught man which he knew not." This event relating how the prophet first received revelation is reported in Bukhari.
In another narration, Aa'isha said, "At first the surahs of (Moffassal) [or those surahs of the last three Juz'e in the Qur'an], which mentioned Hell and Paradise. And as people accepted Islam [and got to know it better] the Qur'an of halal and haram [that brought in it the do's and do not's] was revealed." (Reported by Bukhari). It is clea that this hadeeth is referring to the general content or topics the Qur'an dealt with first in delivering its Message to people.
The Second Revelation
The second portion of the Qur'an revealed to the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam was the beginning of Surat al-Muddaththir [74:1-5]. Allah, says: "O you covered in your cloak, arise ad warn; and your Lord magnify; and your garments purify; and pollution shun (i.e., keep away from the idols)." Other early revelations which have been reported include: Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Masad, Surat at-Takwir, Surat al-A'la, Surat al-Layl, and Surat al-Fajr.
The Last Revelation
There are different opinions among the scholars regarding the last revealed portion of the Qur'an. Here are the strongest:
First: Ibn Abbass said, "The last verse revealed was "And fea the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly." [2:281] (Reported by Nasaa'ie). Ibn Abi Hatim reported the same on the authority of Saeed Ibn Jubair and said that the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam died nine nights after the revelation of this verse.
Second: the last revelation was the verse about debt: "O you who believe! When you contract a debt for a fixed period, write it down." [2:282].
Third: al-Baihequee reported on the authority of Omar that the last revelation was the verse on the prohibition of Riba (usury): "O you who believe! Be conscious of Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (usury) (from now onward), if you (really) are believers." [2:278] Similar reports were also given by Ahmad and Ibn Majah.
Some scholars such As-Suyuti stated that all three verses were revealed on one occasion as they all deal with Islamic rulings about financial transactions. Each of the narrators reported a portion were mentioned by Ibn Hajar in "Fathul Bari."
Other reports on the last revelations include:
1. "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [5:4]. Scholars say that this verse was revealed during the prophet's farewell pilgrimage, and revelation of the Qur'an continued after that. However, they explain that the favors in this verse refer to the victory the Muslims achieved in returning to Makkah and peforming the pilgrimage exclusively for the first time.
2. Al-Baraa Ibn 'Aazib said, "The last verse was 'They ask you (Muhammed) for a legal verdict. Say: 'Allah directs (thus) about Al-Kalalah (those who leave neither descendants nor ascendants as heirs)…" [4:176] (Reported by Bukhari). This was the last verse on matters of inheritance.
3. "Verily, there has come to you a Messenger from amongst yourselves…" [9:128-129] This is interpreted to mean that it is the last portion of this surah.
4. "And their Lord accepted of them (their supplications and answered them), 'Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female. You are (members) one of another." [3:195] This is the last verse pertaining to women.
5. "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him" [4:93]. This is the last verse on the fate of a person who kills a believer intentionally.
6. "When the help of Allah comes and victory (conquest of Makkah); and you see the people entering Allah's religion in crowds; so glorify the praises of your lord, and pray for his forgiveness. Verily, he is the one who accepts the repentance and forgives." [110-:1-3]. According to some of the companions, this is the last complete surah to be revealed. Also, this surah foretold the passing away of the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam.
The Qur'an and Established Scientific Facts
By A. Unal
It is another argument for the divine authorship of the Qur'an that it refers to certain facts of creation recently established by modern scientific methods. How, except on account of its divine authorship, is it possible for the Qur'an to be literally true on matters of which people had not the least inkling at the time when it was revealed? For example, if the Qur'an were not a divine revelation, would it have been possible for it to contain such a verse as this: Do not the unbelievers realize that the heavens and the earth were one unit of creation before we split them asunder? (21:20).
Whether the Qur'an really does refer, explicitly or implicitly, to the kinds of facts the sciences deal with, and the relationship between the Qur'an and modern sciences, are matters of considerable controversy among Muslim intellectuals. We should therefore treat the subject at length.
The Civilization Islam Created
John Davenport, a leading scientist, observed:
It must be owned that all the knowledge whether of Physics, Astronomy, Philosophy or Mathematics, which flourished in Europe from the 10th century was originally derived from the Arabian schools, and the Spanish Saracen may be looked upon as the father of European philosophy (Quoted by A. Karim in Islamic Contribution to Science and Civilation).
Bertrand Russell, the famous British philosopher, wrote (Pakistan Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 3):
The supremacy of the East was not only military. Science, philosophy, poetry, and the arts, all flourished in the Muhammadan world at a time when Europe was sunk in barbarism. Europeans, with unpardonable insularity, call this period 'the Dark Ages': but it was only in Europe that it was dark-indeed only in Christian Europe, for Spain, which was Mohammedan, had a brilliant culture.
Robert Briffault, the renowned historian, acknowledges in this book.
The Making of Humanity:
It is highly probable that but for the Arabs, modern European civilization would have never assumed that character which has enabled it to transcend all previous phases of evolution. For although there is not a single aspect of human growth in which the decisive influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere as in the genesis of that power which constitutes the paramount distinctive force of the modern world and the supreme course of its victory-natural sciences and the scientific spirit…What we call sciences arose in Europe as a result of a new spirit of inquiry; of new methods of investigation, of the method of experiment, observation, measurement, of the development of Mathematics in a form unknown to the Greeks. That spirit and those methods were introduced into the European world by the Arabs.
For the first five centuries of its existence, the realm of Islam was the most civilized and pro-night of the Dark Ages (L. Stoddard, The New World of Islam).
This bright civilization progressed until it suffered the terrible disasters which came like huge overlapping waves, from the West and Far East one after the other in the form of the Crusades and Mongol invasion. The disasters lasted centuries until the Muslim government in Baghdad collapsed and the history of Islam entered, from the beginning of the fourteenth century, a new phase with the Ottoman Turks. Islamic civilization was still vigorous and remained far ahead of the Christian West in economic and military fields until the eighteenth century, despite (from the sixteenth century onwards) despite losing ground to it in sciences.
Cordoba in the tenth century under Muslim rule was the most civilized city in Europe, the wonder and admiration of the world. Travelers from the north heard with something like fear of the city which contained 70 libraries with hundreds of thousands of volumes, and 900 public baths, yet whenever the rulers of Leon Navarre of Barcelona needed a surgeon, an architect, a dressmaker or a musician, it was to Cordoba that they applied (T. Arnold, The Legacy of Islam, p. 9). Muslim literary prestige was so great that in Spain, for example it was found necessary to translate the Bible and liturgy into Arabic for the use of the Christian community. The account given by Alvaro, the Christian zealot and writer, shows vividly how even the non-Muslim Spaniards were attracted to Arab/Muslim literature:
My fellow-Christians delight in the poems and romances of the Arabs. They study the works of Muhammadan theologians and philosophers, not in order to refute them, but to acquire a correct and elegant Arabic style. Where today can a layman be found who reads the Latin commentaries on holy Scriptures? Who is there that studies the Gospels, the Prophets, the Apostles? Alas, the young Christians who are the most conspicuous for their talents have no knowledge of any literature of language save the Arabic; they read and study with avidity Arabian books; they amass whole libraries of them at a vast cost, and they everywhere sing the praises of the Arabian world (Indiculus Luminosus, translated by Dozy).
If the purpose of education and worth of civilization is to raise the sense of pride, dignity, honor in individuals so that they improve their state and consequently the state of society, Islamic civilization is proven to have been a worthy one. There is ample evidence quoted by various writers showing how Islam has succeeded in doing this to various peoples of various regions, e.g. Issac Taylor, in his speech delivered at the Church Congress of England about the effects and influence of Islam on people, said:
When Muhammadanism is embraced, paganism, fetishism, infanticide and whichcraft disappear. Filth is replaced by cleanliness and the new convert acquires personal dignity and self-respect. Immodest dances and promiscuous intercourse of the sewes ceases; female chastity is rewarded as a virtue; industry replaces idleness; license gives place to law; order and sobriety prevail; blood feuds, cruelty to animals and slaves are eradicated. Islam swept away corruption and superstitions. Islam was a revolt against empty polemics.. It gave hope to the slave, brotherhood to mankind, and recognition to the fundamental facts of human nature. The virtues which Islam inculcates are temperance, cleanliness, chastity, justice, fortitude, courage, benevolence, hospitality, veracity and resignation.. Islam preaches a practical brotherhood, the social equality of all Muslims. Slavery is not part of the creed of Islam. Polygamy is a more difficult question. Moses did not prohibit it. It was practiced by David and it is not directly forbidden in the New Testament. Muhammad limited the unbounded license of polygamy. It is the exception rather than the rule… In resignation to God's Will, temperance, chastity, veracity and in brotherhood of believers they (the Muslims) set us a pattern which we should well to follow. Islam has abolished drunkenness, gambling and prostitution, the three curses of the Christian lands. Islam has done more for civilization than Christianity. The conquest of one-third of the earth to his (Muhammed's) creed was a miracle.
"There is indeed no human work prior to modern times that contains statements which were equally in advance of the state of knowledge at the time they appeared and which might be compared to the Quran. It comes as no surprise to learn that Religion and Science have always been considered to be twin sisters by Islam and that today, at a time when science has taken such great strides, they still continue to be associated, and furthermore certain scientific data are used for the better understanding of the Quranic text.
"What is more, in a century where, for many, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic Revelation, have highlighted the supernatural character of certain aspects of the Revelation.
"The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science: these are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists.
"It is not faith in Islam that first guided my steps, but simple research for the truth. [What led me to this conviction was the fact that it would be unthinkable] for a man of Muhammad's time to have been the author of such statements on account of the state of knowledge in his days." ~ Dr. Maurice Bucaille, an eminent medical scientist and a member of the French Academy of Medicine. He is the author of the book entitled "The Bible, The Quran and Science."
"Predictions of The Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) about MiddlEEastTurmoil"
The author of this pamphlet wrote in 1985 a booklet titled "Did the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) Predict The second coming of Jesus(p.b.u.h) and World War III ??" In order to reach a largeer audience with limited resources, it has been decided that only the Prophet's hadith should be reproduced, with the minimum explanation and commentary by the author to facilitate understanding of the reader. Besides other considerations, the following objectives may be achieved by mass circulation of this material.
1. Introducing the message of the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) which has very clear relevance to the contemporary world, thus establishing the need of the world to pay attention to the prophet, not only just as an historical figure, but as the statesman who could provide guidance for the future.
2. To make point that had it not been for his special source of knowledge - wahi (revelation), how could he have precisely anticipitated this situation fourteen centuries ago- thus provoking he was the true prophet of the Almighty.
3. Awakening the muslims and providing them help, in analyzing the world events today or tomorrow, in the light of these predictions.
Traditions Relating to second advent of Jesus(pbuh) son of Mary
Hadrat abu hurairah reports that the holy prophet said "I swear by his in whose hand is my soul: the son of Mary shall descend among you , as a just ruler. Then he will break the cross, and kill swine*, and put an end to war, then there will be such abundance of wealth that nobody will like to accept it, and performing of one sajdah(prostration) before Allah will considered better than the world and what it contains"(Bhukari: kitab ahadith al-anbiya, Muslim: bab Nuzel `Isaa; Tirmidhi: abu ab al-fitan,; Musnad Ahmad: marwiyat abu huraiah). *To break the cross and kill the swine means that christianity wil cease to exist as a separate religion . The entire creed of Christianity is baseed on doctrine that God cause his only son ( the prophet jesus) to die an 'accursed' death on the cross, which made him the atonement for the sin of man. And the distinction of the christianns among the prophetic communities is that they abandoned the whole divive law and only took this doctrine; so much so that they made the swine lawful, which was forbidden in the law of all the prophets. Therefore, when the prophet Jesus (pbuh) will declare 'I am neither son of God, nor did I die on the cross, nor became atonement for anybody's sin". the christian faith will have no basis left for it. Likewise, when he will declare that he had neither made the swine lawful for his followers nor given them the freedom to disobey the law, the other distinctions of christianity will also disappear. "The Prophet Jesus will not lead the people in the Prayer, but will perform his prayer behind the existing Imam of the muslims." Hadrat Abu Hurairah reports that the holy prophet (after making mention of the appearance of the Dajjal) said: "In the meantime, when the muslims will be making preparations to fight him, will be lining up (for the prayer) and the Iqamah will have been pronounced, Jesus (pbuh) son of Mary shall descend and lead them in the prayer, and the enemy of Allah (Dajjal i.e. the antichrist) on seeing him shall start dissolving like salt in water. If Jesus ( pbuh ) were to leave him alone, he would melt to death anyway, but Allah will have him killed at his hand and he will show his blood on his spear to the muslims"(Miskat; Kitab al-Fitan, with reference to Muslim).
Dajjal will be killed at Lydaa ( Israel Airport )
Hadrat nawwas bin sam`an kilabi reports(in connection with the story of the dajjal): in the meantime when the dajjal will be busy doing this and this, Allah will send down Messiah son of Mary, and he will descend in the eastern part of Damascus, near the white tower, dressed in the two yellow garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two angels. When he will bend down his head, waterdrops will appear trickling down, and when he will raise it, it will appear as though pearl-like drops are rolling down. Any disbeliever whom the air of his breath reaches - and it will reach up to the last limit of his sight - will fall dead. Then the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will overtake him at the gate of Lod**, and will kill him." (muslim: dhikr ad-dajjal; abu da`ud: kitab al-malahim; tirmidhi: abwab al-fitan;) **Lod (lydaa) is situated 13 miles south-east of Tel-Aviv, capital of israel, and is the most important airport of the country.
Hudhaifah bin al-ghifari says: once the holy prophet joined our company and we were engaged in mutual talk. He asked, "what are you talking about?" the people said, "we were talking about resurrection." "he said, "resurrection will not take place until sings have appreared." he then pointed out the 10 signs: 1. smoke, 2. the dajjal, 3. daabat al-ard, 4. rising of the sun in the west, 5. descent of jesus(pbuh) son of Mary, 6. gog and magog, 7. 3 big landslides: one in the east, 8. second in the west, 9. the third in arabian peninsula, 10. a fire will arise from Yaman and will drive mankind towards the plain of resurrection."(muslim: kitab al-fitan, abu da'ud: kitab al-malahim).
Euphrates (Iraq) falling in the gulf will uncover gold (oil - black gold?)
The following ahadith also explain the middle east crisis. Abu huraira reported Allah's messenger (pbuh) as saying: the last hour would not come before the euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold for which people will fight. 99 out of each one hundred would die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would the one who would be saved (and thus posses the gold). (sahih muslim- ash raat us saah).
Hostage crisis at Medina
Abu huraira reported Allah's messenger (pbuh) as saying : the last hour would not come until the romans would land at al-A`maq or in Dabi. An army consisting of the best of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina(to counteract them). When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the romans would say: do not stand between us and those (muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the muslims would say: nay, by Allah we would never get aside from you and from out brethren that you may fight them. They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive. A third (part of the army), wich would be constituted of excellect martyrs in Allah's eye, would be killed and the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of constantinople. And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, the satan would cry: the dajjal has take your place among your family. They would then come out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would would come to Syria, he would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing up the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus(pbuh) son of Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer. When the enemy of Allah would see him, it would (disappear) just as the salt disolves itself in water and if he (jesus) were not to confront them at all, even then it would dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by this hand and he would show them their blood on his lance(the lance of Jesus Christ). (sahih - muslim ash raat us Saah) hadith no. 6924.
Destruction of the House of Allah (Kaaba at Makkah)
Hadrat Abdullah and Abi Rabi`a both went to Umm salama, and they asked her about the army which would be sunk in the earth, and this relates to the time when Ibn Zubair( was the governor of mecca). She reported that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) had said that a seeker of refuge would seek refuge in the sacred house and an army would be sent to him (in order to kill him) and when it would enter a plain ground, it would be made to sink. 'I said: Allah's messenger, what about him who would be made to accompany this army will nilly? Thereupon: he said: he would be made to sink along with them but he would be raised on the day of resurrection on the basis of his intention. Abu jafar said : this plain ground means the plain ground of Medina ( sahih muslim) hadith no. 6886. Destruction of Ummah by killing each other? Thauban reported that Allah's messenger(pbuh) said Allah drew ends of the world near one another for my sake. And I seen its eastern and western ends. And the dominion of my Ummah would reach those ends which have been drawn near me and I have been granted the red and the white treasures and I begged my Lord for my Ummah that it should not be destroyed because of famine, nor be dominated by an enemy who is not amongst them to take their lives and destroy them root and branch, and my Lord said: 'Muhammad, whenever, I make a decision, there is none to change it. Well, I grant you for your Ummah that it would not be destroyed by famine and it would not be dominated by an enemy who would not be amongst it and would take their lives and destroy them root and branch even if all the people from the different parts of the world join hands together ( for this purpose), but it would be from amongst them, your Ummah, that some people would kill the others or imprisoon the others.' (sahih muslim ) hadith no. 6904.
Approaching of Dajjal to Medina
Narrated Abu Sa`id: one day Allah's apostle narrated to us a long narration about ad-dajjal and among the things he narrated to us, was "ad-dajjal will come, and he will be forbidden to enter the mountain passes of medina. He will encamp in one of the salt areas neighbouring Medina and there will appear to him a man who will be the best or one of the best of the people. He will say 'I testify that you are ad-dajjal whose story Allah's Apostle has told us." Ad-dajjal will say ( to his audience), "look if I kill this man and then give him life, will you have any doubt about my claim?" They will reply, "no", then ad-dajjal will kill that man and then will make him alive. The man will say, "by Allah , now I recognise you more than ever" ad-dajjal will then try to kill him ( again ) but he will not be given the power to do so." bukhari 28, hadith 246.
Gog And Magog ( Russian and Chinese Tribes?)
Quran mentioned gog and magog twice, surah Anbiah and Al Khaf. Zainab bin Jahsh reported that Allah's apostle (pbuh) got up from sleep saying: there is no god but Allah; there is a destruction in store for arabia because of turmoil which is at hand, the barrier of gog and magog*** has opened so much. And sufyan mae a sign of ten with the help of his hand(in order to indicate the width of the gap) and I said: Allah's messenger, would we be perished in spite of the fact that there would be good people amongst us? Thereupon he said: of course, but only when the evil predominates. ***the question of gog and magog and the iron barrier built to keep them out is great interest. The bible refers to 'magog' as the second son of japheth between gomer and madai, gomer reprseenting the cimmerians, madia, and medes. But in the list of nations, Gen. 10, the term connotes rather the complex of barbarian peoples dwelling at the extreme north and north-east of earth as one finds in that chapter, in Ezek 39:6, the magog is referred to as a northern people, the leader of whom is gog. According to the jewish encyclopedia, article 'gog and magog' Josephus identifies them with the scythians, a name which among the classical writers stands for a number of unknown ferocious tribes. According to Jermone, magog was situated beyond the caucasus near the caspian Sea( jewish encyclopedia). It is agreed that they were the wild tribes of central asia who made inroads on settled kingdoms and empires at the various stages of world history. The barrier referred to in the hadith and the Quran is the famous wall between derbend and darial. It is a very narrow defile, which overhanging rocks, occcuring on the in the district of Daghistan. Before the southern expansion of Russia in 1813, it belonged to persia.
the footnotes have been taken from the meaning of the Quran by Maududi. We cannot determine the sequence of events and the exact timings, Allah knows best. The reader is encouraged to read the following material for more details and facts related to this subject. The following are the most authentic record of the sayings of the prophet Muhammad(pbuh). references: 1. sahih bukhari chap. 88, afflictions 2. english translation Muhsin Khan, Vol. 9, 3. sahih muslim chap.39 Ash raat us Saah 4. English translation, A.H. Siddiqi, Vol.4 Abu daud, Nisai, Tirmidi, IbnMajah, Baihaqi, Ad Darimi, Musnad Ahmad. 1
How To Lower Our Gaze
"If I were not a Muslim, I would have contracted AIDS" proclaimed my friend. "The ayats in Sura Nur about lowering our gazes doesn't affect me anymore," expressed another youth, talking about the intense temptations felt by today's young. Difficulty in lowering the gaze by both the young and old is readily perceived on the street, weddings, parties and even in the mosques.
What has gone wrong? How can Muslims, called by Allah, our Creator the model community, the custodians of Truth and the upholders of morality behave this way? Why are we adopting the attitudes and routes of the kuffar? How can we rectify ourselves? What follows is a series of practical, though graphic advises which can work for us and set us free from Satan's stronghold, Insha`Allah.
Prophet Muhamad (pbuh), by way of warning and as a reminder said, "There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women." Being optimistic, a ray of hope was also wisely provided during the prophet's Last Sermon "If the Ummah holds on to the Qur`an and Sunnah, it will never go astray."
When Allah created humans with all our desires and urges, he also revealed to us sufficient and complete guidance to properlychannel these desires, both in the midst of Dar-ul-Kufr or Dar-ul-Islam. All we need to do is seek it, contemplate on it and pursue it. "This day I have perfected your deen for you, completed my favors upon you and chosen Islam as your deen." (Maida 4)
We should realize that the fact the great sahabas were human beings also. Biologically there were no different from us. They had desires and temptations but yet, they controlled themselves in the best of ways. We can do the same, Insha`Allah. To possess sensual passions is human, to control them is Muslim.
When confronted with an alluring situation like passing by a non-mahram on the street, office or school, Satan is constantly tempting us to glare at her/him with evil thoughts. Satan is probably excitingly saying, with a big smile, 'yes, yes, yes,' when we steer into the bait he is setting. During these situations, immediately and consciously realize that when we give a second or following glances, we are obeying Satan. "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil" (24:21). By immediately averting our gazes and disobeying Satan, we are giving him a one-two punch in the face and leaving him frustrated and accursed.
Satan rebelled and was expelled by Allah, so let's all rebel against Satan and expel him from our hearts. Satan intends to fight a war against Muslims, so let's gather our forces behind the Qur`an and the Sunnah and defeat him. Remember that even if no human eye is watching us, the Ever-Watchful Allah is constantly monitoring the innermost regions of our hearts. Our eyes, limbs, tongue and private parts will be witnesses on the Judgment Day and not an atom's worth of deed will remain unexamined.
Our minds are conditioned to associate thoughts of stealing clothes from a store to being in handcuffs and hauled into a police van. Likewise we should condition our minds to bring the verses of Surah Nur in front of our eyes during any tempting situations and imagine that Allah is speaking to us directly "Say to the believing, men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.O you believers! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success" (24:30-31) If the Qur`an contained only these two ayats, it would be enough to convince me that it is the book of Allah.
With practice, these associations and the remembrance of Allah during tempting situations will prevent us from getting stuck by devilish arrows. Successfully controlling our gazes also deadens our avoidance of sinful situations. An Islamic idiom says, "Anything that leads to haram is haram in itself." To do a pious deed is a reward; to avoid a sin is a reward too.
One of the biggest culprits in this class is movies. In the name of entertainment, to please our peers and children and an excuse to do something together as a family, we astonishingly allow un-Islamic pictures and dialogues in front of our eyes and ears. Can we ever imagine (aozubillah) any sahaba renting the latest hit from Blockbuster Videos, or listening to music with alluring lyrics at high volume?
Likewise we watch news on TV and stare at the anchor women, adorned in heavy make-up, scanty clothing and seductive smile. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was once approached by a woman with a proposal for marriage. He took a single glance at her face and turned his face away. Jabir bin Abdullah reported: I asked Allah's messenger about the sudden glance on the face of a non-mahram. He commanded me that I should turn away my eyes. (Muslim) Thus, we are not supposed to stare at faces of non-mahrams, be they are our fellow students, our elders, saleswomen or someone on TV.
Pious ladies of the prophet's household were ordered to observe purdah (separation) in front of a blind sahabah. Asking the curious questions as to why cover/separate when the blind sahabah could not see them, the prophet (pbuh) wisely answered, "But you could see him." In our wedding ceremonies and parties and even in many Islamic fundraising dinners, there is heavy free-mixing between brothers and sisters. Often the chairs of males and females are arranged facing each other, knowing that about 90 percent of our sisters do no wear hijab. It is often noticeable to see males and females peeking glances at each other from the opposite ends of the hall. A big curtain is not my intention, but a big iman and befitting Islamic manners is.
"A woman who applies perfumes and goes to a gathering is like an adulteress" the prophet said Muhammad. Compare this with our sisters who clad themselves with expensive perfume, one kilogram of makeup, and the come to mixed gatherings. Will this not attract the attention of males? Let's be real. We have lowered our moral guards so low that a humble word of truth often seems so awfully strange.
Let us contemplate the above humble advices and constantly make the supplication, "O Allah help us control our sensual desires until we get married, and even after we marry, let our desires be only towards our spouses.
How To Lower Our Gaze
By Sabeel Ahmed
"If I were not a Muslim, I would have contracted AIDS" proclaimed my friend. "The ayats in Sura Nur about lowering our gazes doesn't affect me anymore," expressed another youth, talking about the intense temptations felt by today's young. Difficulty in lowering the gaze by both the young and old is readily perceived on the street, weddings, parties and even in the mosques.
What has gone wrong? How can Muslims, called by Allah, our Creator the model community, the custodians of Truth and the upholders of morality behave this way? Why are we adopting the attitudes and routes of the kuffar? How can we rectify ourselves? What follows is a series of practical, though graphic advises which can work for us and set us free from Satan's stronghold, Insha`Allah.
Prophet Muhamad (pbuh), by way of warning and as a reminder said, "There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women." Being optimistic, a ray of hope was also wisely provided during the prophet's Last Sermon "If the Ummah holds on to the Qur`an and Sunnah, it will never go astray."
When Allah created humans with all our desires and urges, he also revealed to us sufficient and complete guidance to properlychannel these desires, both in the midst of Dar-ul-Kufr or Dar-ul-Islam. All we need to do is seek it, contemplate on it and pursue it. "This day I have perfected your deen for you, completed my favors upon you and chosen Islam as your deen." (Maida 4)
We should realize that the fact the great sahabas were human beings also. Biologically there were no different from us. They had desires and temptations but yet, they controlled themselves in the best of ways. We can do the same, Insha`Allah. To possess sensual passions is human, to control them is Muslim.
When confronted with an alluring situation like passing by a non-mahram on the street, office or school, Satan is constantly tempting us to glare at her/him with evil thoughts. Satan is probably excitingly saying, with a big smile, 'yes, yes, yes,' when we steer into the bait he is setting. During these situations, immediately and consciously realize that when we give a second or following glances, we are obeying Satan. "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil" (24:21). By immediately averting our gazes and disobeying Satan, we are giving him a one-two punch in the face and leaving him frustrated and accursed.
Satan rebelled and was expelled by Allah, so let's all rebel against Satan and expel him from our hearts. Satan intends to fight a war against Muslims, so let's gather our forces behind the Qur`an and the Sunnah and defeat him. Remember that even if no human eye is watching us, the Ever-Watchful Allah is constantly monitoring the innermost regions of our hearts. Our eyes, limbs, tongue and private parts will be witnesses on the Judgment Day and not an atom's worth of deed will remain unexamined.
Our minds are conditioned to associate thoughts of stealing clothes from a store to being in handcuffs and hauled into a police van. Likewise we should condition our minds to bring the verses of Surah Nur in front of our eyes during any tempting situations and imagine that Allah is speaking to us directly "Say to the believing, men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.O you believers! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success" (24:30-31) If the Qur`an contained only these two ayats, it would be enough to convince me that it is the book of Allah.
With practice, these associations and the remembrance of Allah during tempting situations will prevent us from getting stuck by devilish arrows. Successfully controlling our gazes also deadens our avoidance of sinful situations. An Islamic idiom says, "Anything that leads to haram is haram in itself." To do a pious deed is a reward; to avoid a sin is a reward too.
One of the biggest culprits in this class is movies. In the name of entertainment, to please our peers and children and an excuse to do something together as a family, we astonishingly allow un-Islamic pictures and dialogues in front of our eyes and ears. Can we ever imagine (aozubillah) any sahaba renting the latest hit from Blockbuster Videos, or listening to music with alluring lyrics at high volume?
Likewise we watch news on TV and stare at the anchor women, adorned in heavy make-up, scanty clothing and seductive smile. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was once approached by a woman with a proposal for marriage. He took a single glance at her face and turned his face away. Jabir bin Abdullah reported: I asked Allah's messenger about the sudden glance on the face of a non-mahram. He commanded me that I should turn away my eyes. (Muslim) Thus, we are not supposed to stare at faces of non-mahrams, be they are our fellow students, our elders, saleswomen or someone on TV.
Pious ladies of the prophet's household were ordered to observe purdah (separation) in front of a blind sahabah. Asking the curious questions as to why cover/separate when the blind sahabah could not see them, the prophet (pbuh) wisely answered, "But you could see him." In our wedding ceremonies and parties and even in many Islamic fundraising dinners, there is heavy free-mixing between brothers and sisters. Often the chairs of males and females are arranged facing each other, knowing that about 90 percent of our sisters do no wear hijab. It is often noticeable to see males and females peeking glances at each other from the opposite ends of the hall. A big curtain is not my intention, but a big iman and befitting Islamic manners is.
"A woman who applies perfumes and goes to a gathering is like an adulteress" the prophet said Muhammad. Compare this with our sisters who clad themselves with expensive perfume, one kilogram of makeup, and the come to mixed gatherings. Will this not attract the attention of males? Let's be real. We have lowered our moral guards so low that a humble word of truth often seems so awfully strange.
Let us contemplate the above humble advices and constantly make the supplication, "O Allah help us control our sensual desires until we get married, and even after we marry, let our desires be only towards our spouses.
Music: The Good and the Bad
One of the things which it is necessary to clarify-to myself as well as to others-is the legal position of music in connection with the teachings of Islam, what are references regarding this subject? The verse in the Qur'an in the 31st chapter entitled Luqman is often taken as the basis of the view of music in Islam. The word music itself does not appear, but the term 'vain discourse' or 'idle tales' (lahwun hadith) is mentioned: "But there are among men those purchase idle tales without knowledge or meaning, to mislead men from the path of Allah through ridicule of the path. For such there will a humiliating penalty." (Qur'an 31 : 6).
Lahwun hadith here is translated 'Idle tales'. In some of the sayings of prophet Muhammad (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned in the commentaries, it seems that this verse was revealed in relation to a person who bought a singing slave girl. The purchase or the price given for this purpose is considered legal. So the question is one of legality or illegality (halaal and haraam).
The debate regarding music continues even up to today. There are divergent views and differences of opinion on this matter. First of all it should be understood that any judgement in Islam, any rule of Shari'ah is based essentially on two things: first, the Qur'an and second, the Sunnah-that is to say the sayings and actions of the last prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam). These two are the basic sources of law in Islam and for the understanding of Islam as way of life. After that comes the ruling of the companions of the prophet and those who followed them, understood them and practiced them.
Going back to the view of music amongst the early Muslim community-the tabieen (those who followed the sahabah) it can be seen that the first interpretation of music given by the four schools of thought. First, the Hanafi school of thought of Imam Abu Hanifa was the strictest on these issues, considering listening to musical instruments as sinful. In particular, Abu Hanifa prohibited the wind instruments, tambourines, drums and string instruments.
In the Maliki school, it was again considered that this act of making music with instrumental accompaniment was a frivolity, and in that sense, only performed by the sinful, thus indicating that the act itself was sinful. There was, however, an exception in this school of thought which permitted 'innocent' songs: traveling songs (songs one makes up to avoid boredom when traveling), songs sung when one is working, and Eid (festival) songs on the occasion of Eid for weddings.
All schools of thought considered musical instruments as prohibited, based on the hadith which is found in the collection of Sahih al-Bukhari. The concerned segment states: "The prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) said, 'There will be a people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, the wearing of silk, wine-drinking and the use of musical instruments being al-ma'asif. This, by the way, excludes one particular instrument which was known and used in the presence of the prophet (sallah Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) called the duff (a simple drum with one sides skin). Apart from that, it seems that all other tuned instruments were prohibited.
The first major conclusion is that the term 'music' has no root in the Arabic language. In the Qur'an (31 : 6), it never mentions the word music but mentions lahwun hadith, and the prophet's (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned al-ma'azif.
It appears that songs and singing are lawful, but they become unlawful (haram), abominable (makruh), or laudable (mustahab) according to time, circumstance, place, style, content and motive. The majority view is that tuned musical instruments and accompaniments are prohibited and abominable with the exception of percussion, particularly the duff, which the prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) allowed at certain times.
This does not mean of course that Muslims become melodious-less monks. Muslims have to partake in every aspect of life; everything one does within the confines of the Qur''an and Sunnah becomes worship ('ibadah). This conforms to the purpose of humankind's creation mentioned in the Qur'an: "And I (Allah) did not create jinn or man except to worship Me." (51 : 58). That is the purpose of humankind's existence. Therefore, Muslims must return to this knowledge and science of Islam as it has been divinely granted to them through the Qur'an and the sayings and deeds of the Last Prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam); that is how they can solve this problem of 'music' in Islam.
The Qur'an states: "O children of Adam, wield your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer. Eat and drink, but waste not by excess for Allah loveth not the wasters. Say: 'Who has forbidden gifts of Allah which He has produced for His servants from the things clean and pure which He has provided for sustenance?' Say: 'They are of the life of this world for those who believe and purely for them on the Day of Judgement.' 'Thus do we explain the signs in detail for those who understand.' 'Say: 'The things which my Lord has indeed forbidden are shameful deeds, whether open of secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; the assigning of partners to Allah for which He has given no authority; and sayings things about Allah of which you hath no knowledge.' (7 : 31-33).
In another hadith, the prophet, (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "Allah is beautiful we have heard in these verses, 'Who has made forbidden the beautiful things which Allah has made allowed for His servants?' So therefore, everything is clear in Islam. Also, Muslims should remember that does not mean that they have to live such a pristine and puritanical life that makes them impossible to live with. Human-beings are not angels. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has created angels for that job. Muslims also need time sometimes to relax, sometimes to enjoy to sing. There is hadith is Sahih Bukhari also mentioning when the prophet came home one Eid and he saw A'isha-while she was very young-and her friend playing, singing with the duff. Her father (and later Caliph) Abu Bakr came in and said: "Instruments in the presence of the Prophet!" The Prophet (sallaha 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Leave them," thus indicating that this was a time for such things.
In education, Muslims can start to use song and sound to enliven the educational process. Children find it very easy sometimes to learn a whole chapter when it is sung to them. However, Muslims must be careful not to overdo anything; that is a basic principle Islam, to be balanced, to be conscious-a time for this and a time for that. A Muslim can play golf, can also eat and drink, but we do not do this excessively. The Muslim must go back to the Prophet (salla Allah 'alayhi wa sallam) as the model, the right source of guidance. So a lot more development because there are songs and singing in Islam, there is melody as well as drums, but it has to be within limits. The Qur'an says: 'Ye have indeed in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one whose hope is in Allah and the final day and who engages much in the remembrance of Allah (33:21).
Sciences of Qur'an
The First And Last Revelations Of The Qur'an
There are branches of uloom al-Qur'an that deal with different aspects of the Qur'an such as the first and last verses revealed to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam. Right from the very first received much deliberate attention from the Muslim Ummah by memorizing it, understanding it and putting it into practice as a way of life. Muslims used to compete vigorously as to who would learn it the most. That resulted in having every related aspect of it meticulously recorded. Knowing these aspects of the Qur'an has several benefits and uses:
1. Knowing the verses that were abrogated and the ones that abrogated them if there is an apparent contradiction in their meanings. This occurs in the case when two or more verses are revealed on the same topic such that the meaning of one verse is in opposition or different from the other.
2. Knowing the progression of the revelation of the Qur'anic verses regarding the rulings of some mattes such as the stages in the prohibition of intoxicants. New verses were revealed in each stage, the order of such rulings is very important not only with regard to the matter of drinking but also in knowing that the Qur'an takes nto account the human behavior as in the rulings associated with enjoining people to do good for example.
3. Allowing us to know the history of Islamic legislation (Shari'ah). For example, we learned when and where the verses about fasting in Ramadhan were revealed. This type of knowledge is an essential part of the Islamic Fiqh. Most of the Qur'anic rulings would not be correctly applied to newer situations facing the Muslims communities had w not known the circumstances and sequences of revelations.
4. They provide us with evidence of the amount of attention the Muslim Ummah paid to the Qur'an. We now know with certainty every detail surrounding the Qur'an's revelation. Knowing and appreciating the work our predecessors have done should lead us to make similar efforts and have similar concerns for those who come after us.
The First Revelation
There is a general consensus among the scholars that the first revelation to the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam was the beginning of surah al'alaq (96 : 1-5). At the onset of revelation, while the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam was secluded in the Cave of Hiraa, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ordered angel Jibreel to recite to the prophet: "Read in the name of your Lord, Who created, created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful Who taught the use of the Pen, taught man which he knew not." This event relating how the prophet first received revelation is reported in Bukhari.
In another narration, Aa'isha said, "At first the surahs of (Moffassal) [or those surahs of the last three Juz'e in the Qur'an], which mentioned Hell and Paradise. And as people accepted Islam [and got to know it better] the Qur'an of halal and haram [that brought in it the do's and do not's] was revealed." (Reported by Bukhari). It is clea that this hadeeth is referring to the general content or topics the Qur'an dealt with first in delivering its Message to people.
The Second Revelation
The second portion of the Qur'an revealed to the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam was the beginning of Surat al-Muddaththir [74:1-5]. Allah, says: "O you covered in your cloak, arise ad warn; and your Lord magnify; and your garments purify; and pollution shun (i.e., keep away from the idols)." Other early revelations which have been reported include: Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Masad, Surat at-Takwir, Surat al-A'la, Surat al-Layl, and Surat al-Fajr.
The Last Revelation
There are different opinions among the scholars regarding the last revealed portion of the Qur'an. Here are the strongest:
First: Ibn Abbass said, "The last verse revealed was "And fea the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly." [2:281] (Reported by Nasaa'ie). Ibn Abi Hatim reported the same on the authority of Saeed Ibn Jubair and said that the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam died nine nights after the revelation of this verse.
Second: the last revelation was the verse about debt: "O you who believe! When you contract a debt for a fixed period, write it down." [2:282].
Third: al-Baihequee reported on the authority of Omar that the last revelation was the verse on the prohibition of Riba (usury): "O you who believe! Be conscious of Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (usury) (from now onward), if you (really) are believers." [2:278] Similar reports were also given by Ahmad and Ibn Majah.
Some scholars such As-Suyuti stated that all three verses were revealed on one occasion as they all deal with Islamic rulings about financial transactions. Each of the narrators reported a portion were mentioned by Ibn Hajar in "Fathul Bari."
Other reports on the last revelations include:
1. "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [5:4]. Scholars say that this verse was revealed during the prophet's farewell pilgrimage, and revelation of the Qur'an continued after that. However, they explain that the favors in this verse refer to the victory the Muslims achieved in returning to Makkah and peforming the pilgrimage exclusively for the first time.
2. Al-Baraa Ibn 'Aazib said, "The last verse was 'They ask you (Muhammed) for a legal verdict. Say: 'Allah directs (thus) about Al-Kalalah (those who leave neither descendants nor ascendants as heirs)…" [4:176] (Reported by Bukhari). This was the last verse on matters of inheritance.
3. "Verily, there has come to you a Messenger from amongst yourselves…" [9:128-129] This is interpreted to mean that it is the last portion of this surah.
4. "And their Lord accepted of them (their supplications and answered them), 'Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female. You are (members) one of another." [3:195] This is the last verse pertaining to women.
5. "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him" [4:93]. This is the last verse on the fate of a person who kills a believer intentionally.
6. "When the help of Allah comes and victory (conquest of Makkah); and you see the people entering Allah's religion in crowds; so glorify the praises of your lord, and pray for his forgiveness. Verily, he is the one who accepts the repentance and forgives." [110-:1-3]. According to some of the companions, this is the last complete surah to be revealed. Also, this surah foretold the passing away of the prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam.
The Qur'an and Established Scientific Facts
By A. Unal
It is another argument for the divine authorship of the Qur'an that it refers to certain facts of creation recently established by modern scientific methods. How, except on account of its divine authorship, is it possible for the Qur'an to be literally true on matters of which people had not the least inkling at the time when it was revealed? For example, if the Qur'an were not a divine revelation, would it have been possible for it to contain such a verse as this: Do not the unbelievers realize that the heavens and the earth were one unit of creation before we split them asunder? (21:20).
Whether the Qur'an really does refer, explicitly or implicitly, to the kinds of facts the sciences deal with, and the relationship between the Qur'an and modern sciences, are matters of considerable controversy among Muslim intellectuals. We should therefore treat the subject at length.
The Civilization Islam Created
John Davenport, a leading scientist, observed:
It must be owned that all the knowledge whether of Physics, Astronomy, Philosophy or Mathematics, which flourished in Europe from the 10th century was originally derived from the Arabian schools, and the Spanish Saracen may be looked upon as the father of European philosophy (Quoted by A. Karim in Islamic Contribution to Science and Civilation).
Bertrand Russell, the famous British philosopher, wrote (Pakistan Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 3):
The supremacy of the East was not only military. Science, philosophy, poetry, and the arts, all flourished in the Muhammadan world at a time when Europe was sunk in barbarism. Europeans, with unpardonable insularity, call this period 'the Dark Ages': but it was only in Europe that it was dark-indeed only in Christian Europe, for Spain, which was Mohammedan, had a brilliant culture.
Robert Briffault, the renowned historian, acknowledges in this book.
The Making of Humanity:
It is highly probable that but for the Arabs, modern European civilization would have never assumed that character which has enabled it to transcend all previous phases of evolution. For although there is not a single aspect of human growth in which the decisive influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere as in the genesis of that power which constitutes the paramount distinctive force of the modern world and the supreme course of its victory-natural sciences and the scientific spirit…What we call sciences arose in Europe as a result of a new spirit of inquiry; of new methods of investigation, of the method of experiment, observation, measurement, of the development of Mathematics in a form unknown to the Greeks. That spirit and those methods were introduced into the European world by the Arabs.
For the first five centuries of its existence, the realm of Islam was the most civilized and pro-night of the Dark Ages (L. Stoddard, The New World of Islam).
This bright civilization progressed until it suffered the terrible disasters which came like huge overlapping waves, from the West and Far East one after the other in the form of the Crusades and Mongol invasion. The disasters lasted centuries until the Muslim government in Baghdad collapsed and the history of Islam entered, from the beginning of the fourteenth century, a new phase with the Ottoman Turks. Islamic civilization was still vigorous and remained far ahead of the Christian West in economic and military fields until the eighteenth century, despite (from the sixteenth century onwards) despite losing ground to it in sciences.
Cordoba in the tenth century under Muslim rule was the most civilized city in Europe, the wonder and admiration of the world. Travelers from the north heard with something like fear of the city which contained 70 libraries with hundreds of thousands of volumes, and 900 public baths, yet whenever the rulers of Leon Navarre of Barcelona needed a surgeon, an architect, a dressmaker or a musician, it was to Cordoba that they applied (T. Arnold, The Legacy of Islam, p. 9). Muslim literary prestige was so great that in Spain, for example it was found necessary to translate the Bible and liturgy into Arabic for the use of the Christian community. The account given by Alvaro, the Christian zealot and writer, shows vividly how even the non-Muslim Spaniards were attracted to Arab/Muslim literature:
My fellow-Christians delight in the poems and romances of the Arabs. They study the works of Muhammadan theologians and philosophers, not in order to refute them, but to acquire a correct and elegant Arabic style. Where today can a layman be found who reads the Latin commentaries on holy Scriptures? Who is there that studies the Gospels, the Prophets, the Apostles? Alas, the young Christians who are the most conspicuous for their talents have no knowledge of any literature of language save the Arabic; they read and study with avidity Arabian books; they amass whole libraries of them at a vast cost, and they everywhere sing the praises of the Arabian world (Indiculus Luminosus, translated by Dozy).
If the purpose of education and worth of civilization is to raise the sense of pride, dignity, honor in individuals so that they improve their state and consequently the state of society, Islamic civilization is proven to have been a worthy one. There is ample evidence quoted by various writers showing how Islam has succeeded in doing this to various peoples of various regions, e.g. Issac Taylor, in his speech delivered at the Church Congress of England about the effects and influence of Islam on people, said:
When Muhammadanism is embraced, paganism, fetishism, infanticide and whichcraft disappear. Filth is replaced by cleanliness and the new convert acquires personal dignity and self-respect. Immodest dances and promiscuous intercourse of the sewes ceases; female chastity is rewarded as a virtue; industry replaces idleness; license gives place to law; order and sobriety prevail; blood feuds, cruelty to animals and slaves are eradicated. Islam swept away corruption and superstitions. Islam was a revolt against empty polemics.. It gave hope to the slave, brotherhood to mankind, and recognition to the fundamental facts of human nature. The virtues which Islam inculcates are temperance, cleanliness, chastity, justice, fortitude, courage, benevolence, hospitality, veracity and resignation.. Islam preaches a practical brotherhood, the social equality of all Muslims. Slavery is not part of the creed of Islam. Polygamy is a more difficult question. Moses did not prohibit it. It was practiced by David and it is not directly forbidden in the New Testament. Muhammad limited the unbounded license of polygamy. It is the exception rather than the rule… In resignation to God's Will, temperance, chastity, veracity and in brotherhood of believers they (the Muslims) set us a pattern which we should well to follow. Islam has abolished drunkenness, gambling and prostitution, the three curses of the Christian lands. Islam has done more for civilization than Christianity. The conquest of one-third of the earth to his (Muhammed's) creed was a miracle.
- The Problem of Abrogation in the Quran
- Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam
- Ramadan
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- The how to's of fasting1
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