Divine Destiny( Qadaa and Qadar)
Divine Destiny( Qadaa and Qadar)
Almighty Allah's knowledge is limitless and His power to plan and to execute His plans is infinite. He is also the Creator of man and his deeds. This does not in any way make man fatalist or helpless. He has endowed us with the power of mind in order that we may have the freedom and ability to think, plan and choose our own way of life. But our limited sphere of knowledge and power makes us fail to understand fully or discover Allah's wisdom and justice in what He creates or does. So we should accept in good faith and satisfaction all that Allah does, as our knowledge is limited and our thinking is based on individual or personal considerations, whereas He is Omniscient, All-Seeing, All-Wise, Almighty - His knowledge and Justice are not limited or encompassed by the narrow horizon or sphere of man's knowledge. Allah's timeless knowledge anticipates events, and those events take place according to the exact knowledge of Allah, without forcing man to take any course of action, whether good or evil.
So man bears responsibility in so far as he enjoys the freedom to think and behave. Destiny, in so far as it concerns man's behavior, does not bear any hint of coercion. In its Islamic import, it denotes the happening of things according to Allah's exact infallible knowledge.
So man bears responsibility in so far as he enjoys the freedom to think and behave. Destiny, in so far as it concerns man's behavior, does not bear any hint of coercion. In its Islamic import, it denotes the happening of things according to Allah's exact infallible knowledge.
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