Shaved Armpits While in State of Ihram
Shaved Armpits While in State of Ihram
A man entered the state of Ihram for Umrah, and after that he remembered that it is obligatory to shave the armpits, so he began to shave them while in the state of Ihram. Then he proceeded for the Umrah. We request that you explain the ruling for this and may you be rewarded.
Shaving the armpits or plucking its hairs is not obligatory to enter the state of Ihram. Rather, it is recommended to pluck the hairs or remove them with something clean before entering the state of Ihram, as it is recommended to trim the moustache and nails and shave the pubic hairs if required (i.e. if they have sufficiently grown and need to be trimmed or cut).
It is not imperative this be done once having entered the state of Ihram, rather it is enough if he does so before entering the state of Ihram at home or on the way. And there is nothing upon the one who remembers to shave his armpits to do so, since he is ignorant of the Shari'ah ruling regarding this.
And similarly, for the one who has entered the state of Ihram then forgetfully does any of that which we have mentioned as Allah says:
"Our Lord, do not take us to account for that which we do forgetfully or mistakenly" [Noble Quran 2:286]
For that which has been confirmed on the authority of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), is that Allah has responded to this supplication.
Shaving the armpits or plucking its hairs is not obligatory to enter the state of Ihram. Rather, it is recommended to pluck the hairs or remove them with something clean before entering the state of Ihram, as it is recommended to trim the moustache and nails and shave the pubic hairs if required (i.e. if they have sufficiently grown and need to be trimmed or cut).
It is not imperative this be done once having entered the state of Ihram, rather it is enough if he does so before entering the state of Ihram at home or on the way. And there is nothing upon the one who remembers to shave his armpits to do so, since he is ignorant of the Shari'ah ruling regarding this.
And similarly, for the one who has entered the state of Ihram then forgetfully does any of that which we have mentioned as Allah says:
"Our Lord, do not take us to account for that which we do forgetfully or mistakenly" [Noble Quran 2:286]
For that which has been confirmed on the authority of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), is that Allah has responded to this supplication.
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