Can Women Wear Socks & Gloves During Ihram?
Can Women Wear Socks & Gloves During Ihram?
What is the ruling regarding the Ihram of the woman who puts on socks and gloves? Is it permissible for her to take off what she had put on in the state of Ihram?
It is preferable that she puts on socks or footwear. It is better for her as well as mere covering. It will be sufficient if she is dressed in ample clothing. There is no objection if she puts on socks and then takes them off, like a man who puts on shoes then takes them off when he wishes, no harm would befall him.
But it is not permissible for her to assume Ihram in two gloves, because a woman is prohibited from wearing gloves in Ihram. She is also forbidden to put a veil on her face or any other thing similar to a veil, because the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) has forbidden this. But a woman should let down her veil on her face in the presence of non-Mahram. She must do this in Tawaf and Sa’i also.
'Ayshah said: "The riders had been passing by us while we were with the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him). When they were opposite to us or parallel to us, we (the women) would let our veils down on our faces and heads, and when they passed away, we unveiled our faces", [Narrated by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah]
It is permissible for a man to put on slippers or shoes even if they are not cut, according to the right opinion. On the other hand, most of the scholars are of the opinion that he should cut them. The right opinion is that there is no obligation to cut them if he cannot manage sandals.
The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) addressed the people of 'Arafah and said:
"He who could not manage the Izar (an un-sewn piece of cloth), should wear trousers, and he who could not manage sandals should put on slippers." [Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) did not order for them to be cut.
So, it indicated the cancellation of the order of cutting. And Allah is the granter of success.
It is preferable that she puts on socks or footwear. It is better for her as well as mere covering. It will be sufficient if she is dressed in ample clothing. There is no objection if she puts on socks and then takes them off, like a man who puts on shoes then takes them off when he wishes, no harm would befall him.
But it is not permissible for her to assume Ihram in two gloves, because a woman is prohibited from wearing gloves in Ihram. She is also forbidden to put a veil on her face or any other thing similar to a veil, because the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) has forbidden this. But a woman should let down her veil on her face in the presence of non-Mahram. She must do this in Tawaf and Sa’i also.
'Ayshah said: "The riders had been passing by us while we were with the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him). When they were opposite to us or parallel to us, we (the women) would let our veils down on our faces and heads, and when they passed away, we unveiled our faces", [Narrated by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah]
It is permissible for a man to put on slippers or shoes even if they are not cut, according to the right opinion. On the other hand, most of the scholars are of the opinion that he should cut them. The right opinion is that there is no obligation to cut them if he cannot manage sandals.
The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) addressed the people of 'Arafah and said:
"He who could not manage the Izar (an un-sewn piece of cloth), should wear trousers, and he who could not manage sandals should put on slippers." [Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) did not order for them to be cut.
So, it indicated the cancellation of the order of cutting. And Allah is the granter of success.
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