MUSIC - Yes or No?
MUSIC - Yes or No?
What is Islam's position on music? I heard someone say, "There's no authentic Hadith against musical instruments", he also said: "All 4 schools of thought permit singing and music" and "No problem if in moderation". I think he was a scholar or Imam or something. What can you say about this?
Bismillah Rahman Raheem - Salam Alaykum - Peace be unto all who seek true guidance
Thank you for asking about Islam's ruling on singing and music. We have been asked many times about this topic and it seems even when the people hear the answer from the proofs of Islam, they want to keep on asking and even arguing against Allah's rulings. Amazing isn't it?
Actually, I find it amazing and ironic.
Amazing because first of all, so many people are concerned about it.
Here is the answer based on Quran and Sunnah (Teachings of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
The issue of "music" in Islam today is a proof of the accuracy of our beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him).
He actually predicted the time would come when some of the people from his followers who make certain things Halal (although they were forbidden). Amongst these included; men wearing silk, the drinking of alcohol, illegal sex, and musical instruments.
Today there are in fact, several imams and so-called scholars doing anything they can to do exactly what is mentioned in this prophetic statement of our beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) including trying to claim the statement isn't true (although it is recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari, the most trustworthy of all collections of Hadith). - So, it has happened. - This Hadith also indicates to us that it was not all music - but certainly playing of musical instruments is not acceptable. And even then a certain type of drum (called a 'Duff') was not included in what was forbidden.
Also, the human voice is not considered a musical instrument either, but it could still be Haram if it is used in a seductive or stimulating way or if the words are not appropriate.
This subject is also Ironic because you see, I personally, was a musician and owned music stores and teaching studios.
We even had our own music show on cable TV. Our stores sold organs, pianos, band instruments and drums of all types and sizes. Our family was really into music and I made millions of dollars in the music industry over a period of several decades. It is based on this real life experience that I can tell you in all sincerity, there is no doubt in my mind these musical instruments are very much a tool of the Shaytan and something to take people away from the remembrance of Almighty Allah. I have seen it and know there are people who make a lot of money out of this nonsense.
The Quran promises us things in Jannah far beyond our wildest dream. And certainly the music of Paradise is going to be better than any of this trashy stuff here, right? I want the music of Jannah and I want it for all of the Muslims, Ameen.
Leave the argument for those who think they know everything - Allah is the only one who is the "All-Knower" - I don't have time to waste with these silly people and their desires. We are too busy presenting Islam, giving Shahadahs to new people who want the real Islam and are ready to give up all the lusts, desires and greed of this world (and music is almost always one of the first things they want to get away from). Amazing, to me and all who come into the Deen - how much we would like to leave all the nonsense far behind while all the "born Muslims" want to run to the worldly things.
I have listened to a large number of scholars on this topic for many years. The conclusion based on the real evidence is pretty simple:
They are HARAM (forbidden) - Except for the duff.
Not according to today's understanding of the word "singing". It is RESTRICTED to certain occasions, not to opposite sex to arouse or stimulate or distract from Ibadah (worship).
Except in certain conditions and then it is limited to women only, and not for the attraction or seduction of the opposite sex. And definitely not according to how most of us would define "dancing" these days.
Advise: As Allah tells us in the Quran -
"O you who believe, guard yourself and your family against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones." [Noble Quran 66:6]
Let's all use our spare time to learn more Arabic, read more Quran and study more Hadith and the biography of our beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) so the next time someone asks us about "music", we can tell them all about it, insha'Allah.
Jazakallah Khayran for your good question. Pray for us and we are praying for all of the Muslims everywhere. Allah guide us and forgive us and grant us Jannah, Ameen.
"And verily, Allah guides the believers to a straight path. " [Noble Quran 22:54]
Bismillah Rahman Raheem - Salam Alaykum - Peace be unto all who seek true guidance
Thank you for asking about Islam's ruling on singing and music. We have been asked many times about this topic and it seems even when the people hear the answer from the proofs of Islam, they want to keep on asking and even arguing against Allah's rulings. Amazing isn't it?
Actually, I find it amazing and ironic.
Amazing because first of all, so many people are concerned about it.
Here is the answer based on Quran and Sunnah (Teachings of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
The issue of "music" in Islam today is a proof of the accuracy of our beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him).
He actually predicted the time would come when some of the people from his followers who make certain things Halal (although they were forbidden). Amongst these included; men wearing silk, the drinking of alcohol, illegal sex, and musical instruments.
Today there are in fact, several imams and so-called scholars doing anything they can to do exactly what is mentioned in this prophetic statement of our beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) including trying to claim the statement isn't true (although it is recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari, the most trustworthy of all collections of Hadith). - So, it has happened. - This Hadith also indicates to us that it was not all music - but certainly playing of musical instruments is not acceptable. And even then a certain type of drum (called a 'Duff') was not included in what was forbidden.
Also, the human voice is not considered a musical instrument either, but it could still be Haram if it is used in a seductive or stimulating way or if the words are not appropriate.
This subject is also Ironic because you see, I personally, was a musician and owned music stores and teaching studios.
We even had our own music show on cable TV. Our stores sold organs, pianos, band instruments and drums of all types and sizes. Our family was really into music and I made millions of dollars in the music industry over a period of several decades. It is based on this real life experience that I can tell you in all sincerity, there is no doubt in my mind these musical instruments are very much a tool of the Shaytan and something to take people away from the remembrance of Almighty Allah. I have seen it and know there are people who make a lot of money out of this nonsense.
The Quran promises us things in Jannah far beyond our wildest dream. And certainly the music of Paradise is going to be better than any of this trashy stuff here, right? I want the music of Jannah and I want it for all of the Muslims, Ameen.
Leave the argument for those who think they know everything - Allah is the only one who is the "All-Knower" - I don't have time to waste with these silly people and their desires. We are too busy presenting Islam, giving Shahadahs to new people who want the real Islam and are ready to give up all the lusts, desires and greed of this world (and music is almost always one of the first things they want to get away from). Amazing, to me and all who come into the Deen - how much we would like to leave all the nonsense far behind while all the "born Muslims" want to run to the worldly things.
I have listened to a large number of scholars on this topic for many years. The conclusion based on the real evidence is pretty simple:
They are HARAM (forbidden) - Except for the duff.
Not according to today's understanding of the word "singing". It is RESTRICTED to certain occasions, not to opposite sex to arouse or stimulate or distract from Ibadah (worship).
Except in certain conditions and then it is limited to women only, and not for the attraction or seduction of the opposite sex. And definitely not according to how most of us would define "dancing" these days.
Advise: As Allah tells us in the Quran -
"O you who believe, guard yourself and your family against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones." [Noble Quran 66:6]
Let's all use our spare time to learn more Arabic, read more Quran and study more Hadith and the biography of our beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) so the next time someone asks us about "music", we can tell them all about it, insha'Allah.
Jazakallah Khayran for your good question. Pray for us and we are praying for all of the Muslims everywhere. Allah guide us and forgive us and grant us Jannah, Ameen.
"And verily, Allah guides the believers to a straight path. " [Noble Quran 22:54]
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