Sex in Islam

Sex in Islam

Islam is a very beautiful religion that is why it stops every evil deed and its cause at grass root level that is why Islam has set some laws for every aspect of life. Islam accepts the urge for sexuality that is why allowed sex after marriage but is strictly prohibited with anybody else for both men and women. A husband and wife are allowed to have sex any day any time except when they are fasting and during menstrual cycle of the wife.
Concept of adultery
Adultery is strictly prohibited in Islam. It is considered to be one of the greatest sins and that should be severely punished.
Marriages in the light of Islam
As Islam recognizes the sexual desires of human being that is why encourages marriages and thus made wife and husband legal for each other. By defining this relationship Islam protects Muslims from performing immoral acts to satisfy their sexual needs. Thus it is very clearly stated in Islam that Muslims are allowed to have sex with their wives and husbands only. Have sex with anyone else is a sin and a shameful deed that will be punished severly.