Islamic News

Islamic News

Islamic news is basically the news related to Muslims all around the world. Some of the latest Islamic news is as follows

This Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014 photo provided by the anti-government activist group Aleppo Media Center (AMC), which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a Free Syrian Army fighter aiming his weapon during a battle with Islamic State militants in Aleppo, Syria. Members of the Islamic State group have been marching in the northern province of Aleppo capturing areas under the control of the mainstream Free Syrian Army. Islamic State fighters have overrun nearly a dozen towns and villages in Aleppo province last week crushing what little resistance they have encountered. (AP Photo/Aleppo Media Center AMC)

Up to 80 Yazidis have reportedly been killed by Islamic State fighters in the biggest massacre of the Iraqi minority in the jihadists’ brutal campaign so far.
Kurdish and Yazidi sources reported that dozens of people in the village of Kocho, located about 15 miles from Sinjar city, had been summarily executed by jihadists of the Islamic State after refusing to “convert to Islam”.
As the men were rounded up and shot, several hundred women and children were reportedly taken hostage by the militants.
Hoshyar Zebari, a senior Iraqi official, who said he had spoken to eyewitnesses from the scene, said the jihadists had “committed a massacre”.

BADRIYA, Iraq—Looking out from his hilltop post over the fighting for the Mosul Dam, the Kurdish special-forces commander fretted that his 5,000 troops didn't have the firepower to dislodge Islamist insurgents.
Less than 10 miles away, about 80 fighters from the radical Sunni group Islamic State were holed up inside a secondary dam. The area was so heavily booby-trapped and mined that Kurdish forces struggled to advance.

But by the end of the second day of their ground offensive, backed by Iraqi troops andU.S. airstrikes, the Kurdish forces had wrested back control of the fragile dam and driven out militants from the group also known as ISIS or ISIL. Kurdish officials said their success here may pave the way for a broader offensive to reclaim territory in the country's north, including the important city of Mosul
Introduction of Islamic Exorcism
In the Name of Allah Azzawajal, Who is great beneficent and Most merciful. Exorcism is a practice to demolishing, removing or curing a person or a place from demon, evil, jinn and their effects also called as ghosts, devil, spirits, Satan etc. There are many religious healers practicing exorcism according to their religion like Muslim, Christian, jew, hindu and buddhist etc. Exorcismin Islamic way called Ruqyah which is Arabic, includes specific verses of Holy Quran and all lawful incantations that Muhammad peace be upon him told us in Hadith. These all lawful incantations and Quran verses termed as “Ruqyah” and it’s based on an authentic hadith, Imam Muslimreported in Sahi Muslim which Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
“Present to me those who provide curing by the way of ruqyah. There is no objection with it as long as it does not contained any polytheism.”
Diseases or sicknesses in any human body could be a result of medical, psychological or paranormal reason caused by demon, magic or evil eye that reflects as medical disorders in any human.
Medical treatments are beneficial and helpful while treating diseases that caused by medical or psychological disorders. According to Islamic healing, Islamic Exorcism, Raqi (Islamic healer who is practicing Ruqyah) can Mashallah not only gracefully treat paranormal disorders caused by demon, black magic or evil eye but all kind of deadly medical diseases. As mentioned in the Holy Quran
“ We (Allah azzawajal) sent down in the Quran that is a healing and mercy for who do believe.”
[QURAN 17:82]
Exorcism in the Quran and Hadith
Holy Quran compares the state of sinners at the Day of resurrection to state of those made crazy by the Devil or Evil. Please see following verse:
"Those who takes Riba (interest) will stand at the Day of judgment like a person beaten by Dvil (Satan) leading him to insanity…"
[QURAN 2:275]

Most of the famous Islamic scholars such as Al Qurtabi cite this verse (Surah Baqarah: Ayah 275) as a proof against thoese who deny the possession by Jinn or ascribe it to natural causes, those who claim that the Devil (Satan) can not enter any human body nor does he touch them.
There are few narrations that the Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his followers expelled Devil beings from the human bodies of believers using Quran verses. Supplications to AllahAzzawajal, Hijama and Holy Zamzam water. Following example related by Yaa la ibn-e-Murah:
I saw Muhammad (Peace be upon him) do three things and none of us before or after me saw. I was traveling with him. On the way, we passed by a women sitting at the roadside with a boy. She called out to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) “O Messenger of Allah” My boy is afflicted with a trial and from him we have also been afflicted with a trial. Many times per day he is seized by fits. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: Give him to me, so she lifted him up to the Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

He “Muhammad (Peace be upon him)” placed the boy between middle of saddle and himself, opened his mouth and flew in it 3 times with saying “I am slave of Allah, get out enemy of Allah! Then he gave boy back his mother and said: Meet us when we return at this same place and inform me how he is. When we returned, we found her at same place with 3 sheep. Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) asked “How is he” She replied: “By Allah who sent you with truth” we have not seen anything in his behavior up to this time.
[Musnad-e-Ahmad Volume: 4, p.170] and al-Haakim declared it authentic.
Few Islamic treatment Videos
Before contacting an Exorcist
It’s better that if you can cure yourself to have some information about Ruqyah but if you think you can not remove, you can contact an exorcist. Be advised that not everybody can cure and practicing according to Quran and Sunnah who claims to be an exorcist. Most of them are sorcerers, black magician and fake one. You can judge them by following criteria:
• You need to definitely avoid them if they ask your mother name. Only sorcerers, black magicians ask for that and who has Muakkil (Jinn)
• If they ask your birth date, used cloth, hair, nails.
• If they right any Talisman, symbol or unreadable text with or without Quranic verses, leave them.
• If they use sands, knife, lemon, nails, bones, egg, flower, blood, away from them.
• If they ask you to do something wrong like slaughtering a black animal.
• If they don’t practicing prayers at Masjid 5 times day. Few of them practicing prayers to show people.
• If they ask too much money or any other expensive stuff then leave them.
• If you feel that the person is very dirty like smell form his cloths, hairs and body.
Above mentioned points are very common but there can be more.