Fasting Sawm
Fasting Sawm
Fasting in month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam on which the building of Islam is standing
How Muslim fast
Muslim around the world holds fast during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar. The fast starts from the sunrise the Muslims stops eating and drinking all the lawful food till the sunset. Muslims gets up early in the morning to suhoor that is a meal taken before fast starts and then the Muslim broke their fast with a meal called iftar.
When fasting is obligatory
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory for a Muslim. It is obligatory to every person who is fourteen years of age. As fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam that is why the instructions about fast is clearly stated in Holy Quran. Fast is obligatory on each and every Muslim who is healthy. The people who are in journey or sick in the month of Ramadan then it is not compulsory for them to fast but they have to complete their fast in other days when they have been recovered or they are not in journey.
Reasons behind fasting
Muslim fast to achieve taqwa and in the mean time by getting thirsty and hungry for the whole day they came to know the pain of poor people. Fasting also teaches self control and it cleans our body as well as our mind.
Importance of fast
The importance of fast is clearly evident in the verse of Holy Quran in which ALLAH himself ask the Muslims that whoever witness the month of Ramadan should fast.
After thirty days of fast the Muslim celebrates Eid-ul-fitr. Eid -ul- fitr is one of the two biggest religious fPilgrimage Hajj
In the twelfth month of Islamic lunar calendar that is Dhul-hajj begins the biggest festival of all the Muslims round the globe known as Hajj. Hajj is performed during six days. It is obligatory on each and every Muslim at least once in a lifetime for those who are healthy and can bear the expenses. It is a complete kind of worship in which mind, body and soul everything is involved.
The activities those are included in hajj
These activities include some optional and obligatory activities.
First is ihram, men pilgrims wore two pieces of unstitched white cloth and enters into the state of self-control in this state one is not allowed to disturb any creature nor he can raise his voice in anger. There is no specific clothing for women in state of ihram.
Circling around Ka’aba it is building of stone first build by the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail. It is the symbol unity for all the Muslims round the globe as all the prayers performed anywhere on earth are oriented towards ka’aba.
The Sa’i, or "hastening" between safah and marwah the two hills near the Ka’aba.
All the pilgrims gather on 9th Dhul-hajj at the plain near Mecca called Arafah to supplicate ALLAH.
The stoning of three pillars those pillars represents satan’s temptation of Ibrahim. This act is also the indication that the pilgrims reject evil deeds.
Pilgrims cut their hair that is the symbol that hajj is completed.
Pilgrims sacrifice an animal to remember the willingness of prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son on the command of ALLAH.
After completing all the above activities all the Muslims gather to offer the prayers Eid ul-Adha one of the biggest festivals of Muslim sestivals of Muslims the other one are hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
Ramadan is a month of blessing
Ramadan is said to be a blessing month because in this month a whole holy Quran was sent to us. In this month ALLAH gave us a night which is better than a thousand month called (Laylathul Qadr).In this month ALLAH increasing the riziq for Muslims. This month teaches the lesson of kindness towards others .In this month, the primary 10 days are of mercy, second 10 days are of forgiveness and also the last 10 days are of being free of Hell. The month of Ramadan is a month within which the Mercy and Blessings of God descend upon us endlessly. Fasting is a powerful expression of Allah that takes the Muslims to the blessings of His mercy, and a key to disconnect the mysteries of His distance. Fast may be a discipline that gives direct communication between the believers and also the Creator.
Benefit of Ramadan
The quick helps to correct the matter of fat and polygenic disease. Doctors over the years have used fast as a prescription surely ailments the benefits of fast transcend guiding the quicker from chatter and indecent acts. Fast is a guard against illness. Fasting helps in learning the center, the soul, and therefore the body on the virtues of patience, tenacity, and firmness within the face of adversity for a month the belief that the barrier between you and food is your consciousness of your Creator, will higher cause you to ready to exercise patience in just about everything in life.
Meaning of Ramadan
Fasting throughout Ramadan was ordained throughout the second year of Hijrah. During Ramadan the believers get busy seeking Allah’s mercy, forgiveness, and protection from Hell. This is often the month for restorative our commitment and re-establishing our relationship with our Creator. It’s the spring season for goodness and virtues once morality blossoms throughout the Muslim communities. Anyone who fasts throughout this month with purity of belief and with expectation of an honest reward (from his Creator), can have his previous sins forgiven.
Mary in the light of Quran
Muslim gives a lot of respect Mary and loves her. Mary called Marium in Arabic she is one of the most famous women in Islam and one of those eight persons who have a chapter of Holy Quran after them. She is the most righteous and chaste women, who was the virgin mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Asia, the wife of Pharaoh. The story of Mary stated in Quran from the time when she was in the womb. Her mother dedicated the child in her womb in the service of Allah.
The Jesus
Mary gives birth to Jesus who was the Prophet of Allah who was the messenger of Allah as TORAH was revealed to Moses, the GOSPEL was revealed to Jesus. He was provided with many miracles like he can heal the blind and bringing the death back to alive but he performs these miracles by the will and permission of Allah. The miracle of Jesus was when Allah makes him talk when he was very small lying in his cradle. Like all the prophets he was a Muslim who teaches to worship only one Allah. According to the holy Quran Jesus was crucified but not killed by any means, but “God raised him unto Himself”. According to Quran (in verses 15 and 33) Jesus is blessed on
“The day he was born and the day he will die and the day he is raised alive”
How Muslim fast
Muslim around the world holds fast during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar. The fast starts from the sunrise the Muslims stops eating and drinking all the lawful food till the sunset. Muslims gets up early in the morning to suhoor that is a meal taken before fast starts and then the Muslim broke their fast with a meal called iftar.
When fasting is obligatory
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory for a Muslim. It is obligatory to every person who is fourteen years of age. As fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam that is why the instructions about fast is clearly stated in Holy Quran. Fast is obligatory on each and every Muslim who is healthy. The people who are in journey or sick in the month of Ramadan then it is not compulsory for them to fast but they have to complete their fast in other days when they have been recovered or they are not in journey.
Reasons behind fasting
Muslim fast to achieve taqwa and in the mean time by getting thirsty and hungry for the whole day they came to know the pain of poor people. Fasting also teaches self control and it cleans our body as well as our mind.
Importance of fast
The importance of fast is clearly evident in the verse of Holy Quran in which ALLAH himself ask the Muslims that whoever witness the month of Ramadan should fast.
After thirty days of fast the Muslim celebrates Eid-ul-fitr. Eid -ul- fitr is one of the two biggest religious fPilgrimage Hajj
In the twelfth month of Islamic lunar calendar that is Dhul-hajj begins the biggest festival of all the Muslims round the globe known as Hajj. Hajj is performed during six days. It is obligatory on each and every Muslim at least once in a lifetime for those who are healthy and can bear the expenses. It is a complete kind of worship in which mind, body and soul everything is involved.
The activities those are included in hajj
These activities include some optional and obligatory activities.
First is ihram, men pilgrims wore two pieces of unstitched white cloth and enters into the state of self-control in this state one is not allowed to disturb any creature nor he can raise his voice in anger. There is no specific clothing for women in state of ihram.
Circling around Ka’aba it is building of stone first build by the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail. It is the symbol unity for all the Muslims round the globe as all the prayers performed anywhere on earth are oriented towards ka’aba.
The Sa’i, or "hastening" between safah and marwah the two hills near the Ka’aba.
All the pilgrims gather on 9th Dhul-hajj at the plain near Mecca called Arafah to supplicate ALLAH.
The stoning of three pillars those pillars represents satan’s temptation of Ibrahim. This act is also the indication that the pilgrims reject evil deeds.
Pilgrims cut their hair that is the symbol that hajj is completed.
Pilgrims sacrifice an animal to remember the willingness of prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son on the command of ALLAH.
After completing all the above activities all the Muslims gather to offer the prayers Eid ul-Adha one of the biggest festivals of Muslim sestivals of Muslims the other one are hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
Ramadan is a month of blessing
Ramadan is said to be a blessing month because in this month a whole holy Quran was sent to us. In this month ALLAH gave us a night which is better than a thousand month called (Laylathul Qadr).In this month ALLAH increasing the riziq for Muslims. This month teaches the lesson of kindness towards others .In this month, the primary 10 days are of mercy, second 10 days are of forgiveness and also the last 10 days are of being free of Hell. The month of Ramadan is a month within which the Mercy and Blessings of God descend upon us endlessly. Fasting is a powerful expression of Allah that takes the Muslims to the blessings of His mercy, and a key to disconnect the mysteries of His distance. Fast may be a discipline that gives direct communication between the believers and also the Creator.
Benefit of Ramadan
The quick helps to correct the matter of fat and polygenic disease. Doctors over the years have used fast as a prescription surely ailments the benefits of fast transcend guiding the quicker from chatter and indecent acts. Fast is a guard against illness. Fasting helps in learning the center, the soul, and therefore the body on the virtues of patience, tenacity, and firmness within the face of adversity for a month the belief that the barrier between you and food is your consciousness of your Creator, will higher cause you to ready to exercise patience in just about everything in life.
Meaning of Ramadan
Fasting throughout Ramadan was ordained throughout the second year of Hijrah. During Ramadan the believers get busy seeking Allah’s mercy, forgiveness, and protection from Hell. This is often the month for restorative our commitment and re-establishing our relationship with our Creator. It’s the spring season for goodness and virtues once morality blossoms throughout the Muslim communities. Anyone who fasts throughout this month with purity of belief and with expectation of an honest reward (from his Creator), can have his previous sins forgiven.
Mary in the light of Quran
Muslim gives a lot of respect Mary and loves her. Mary called Marium in Arabic she is one of the most famous women in Islam and one of those eight persons who have a chapter of Holy Quran after them. She is the most righteous and chaste women, who was the virgin mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Asia, the wife of Pharaoh. The story of Mary stated in Quran from the time when she was in the womb. Her mother dedicated the child in her womb in the service of Allah.
The Jesus
Mary gives birth to Jesus who was the Prophet of Allah who was the messenger of Allah as TORAH was revealed to Moses, the GOSPEL was revealed to Jesus. He was provided with many miracles like he can heal the blind and bringing the death back to alive but he performs these miracles by the will and permission of Allah. The miracle of Jesus was when Allah makes him talk when he was very small lying in his cradle. Like all the prophets he was a Muslim who teaches to worship only one Allah. According to the holy Quran Jesus was crucified but not killed by any means, but “God raised him unto Himself”. According to Quran (in verses 15 and 33) Jesus is blessed on
“The day he was born and the day he will die and the day he is raised alive”
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