Who is Allah
Who is Allah
This is a topic which no human being could ever do justice to, for the very reason we are talking about a being who is the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, a being about whom none in the whole world could or would ever have the complete knowledge as to His Tremendous power and Magnanimous Benevolence and Grace and Mercy. We the human beings are His best creations, and if we can use our common sense and see what sophisticated and subtle powers He has instilled in us and if we were to delineate our five senses and the exceptional sixth sense, we could to a very small negligible amount estimate his powers, and if we could see the natural phenomenon and their powers in this world which is a very insignificant creation of God while compared to the whole creation of God’s Universe, then we could � to some extent understand the power of this Unique Being. But if we understand the hereafter, the life after the Judgment day with the rewards and punishments and of Heaven and Hell, then we will realize as to how very small is our insignificant power to estimate the Supreme Greatness of a Being The Creator and Sustainer of ALL that ever existed or exists or would ever exist!!!!.
Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said that Allah the Most High says,
“My servants, all of you are astray except him whom I have guided, but if you ask Me for guidance I will guide you. All of you are poor except him whom I have enriched, but if you ask of me I will give you provision; all of you are sinners except him whom I have preserved (from sin), but if any of you knows that I have power to pardon and ask my pardon I will pardon him, and I do not care. If the first and the last of you, the living and the dead among you, those of you who are fresh and those of you who are withered, all had hearts as pious as the heart of the most pious of My servants, that would not add as much as a gnat’s wing to My dominion. If the first and last of you, the living and the dead among you, those of you who are fresh and those of you who are withered, had all hearts as wretched as the heart of the most wretched of My servants, that would not diminish as much as a gnat’s wing from My dominion. If the first and last of you, the living and the dead among you, those of you who are fresh and those of you who are withered, were gathered in one plain, each one of you asking all he could hope for, and I were to grant the request of each of you who asked, that would cause no more diminution in My dominion than if one of you passed by the sea and, after dipping a needle in it, took it out (the water of the sea would have stuck to the needle and the sea would have lost that much water but Allah would not even have lost so much from His wealth), that being because I am Generous and Glorious, doing what I wish. My giving is speech and my punishment is speech. My command to a thing when I want it is just to say to it `Be’ and it comes into being.”
[Al-Tirmizi 2344]
At the outset, Just as the word God is a term in English, Baghvan in Hindi, Hudha in Urdu, Kadavul in Tamil, denoting a Supreme Being, in Arabic the word Allah denotes a Supreme being, it is not the name of anyone it is just a term in the Arabic language. {Al} means “The” and {Lah} means “Divine” so Allah just means “The Divine” Being. It denotes The Most Supreme Creator, the Lord of ALL the Worlds and everything in it. He exists in the form of a Light, a Light most powerful and very very unlike the lights of earth. He created the Heavens and earth in six days � a day equaling to fifty thousand years of the earth’s calculation, and on the seventh day He sat on His Throne in the seventh Heaven which stands over an ocean of water.
I heard Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) as saying: Allah ordained the measures (of quality) of the creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, as His Throne was upon water.
[Sahih Muslim 6416]
(Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years (to your reckoning) .
[QURAN 70:4]
Verily your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and is firmly established on the Throne (of authority) regulating and governing all things.
[QURAN 10:3]
Touched it. Light upon light (an incomparable light), Allah guideth unto His light whom He will. And Allah speaketh to mankind in allegories, for Allah is knower of all things.
[QURAN 24:35]
For anyone to become a BELIEVER they should completely believe, accept, and utter “LA ILAHA ILLALLAH” meaning there are no gods or deities, all gods and deities are false, EXCEPT One God the sole Supreme being, the Creator and Sustainer of every thing that ever exists or will ever exist. And the Arabic term for this Being is Allah and He alone is worthy to be worshipped.
Allah not only created the human beings but also gave them a crystal clear, faultless, flawless, pure path, a path most perfect, without any doubts or uncertainties , a path which would take you most comfortably towards success and victory in this world as well as in the hereafter, This unique path, – had the whole world jointly researched they would not have found, it was just the Magnanimous Benevolence of Allah to have provided us mankind with this unique path thru all the Prophets from Adam (a.s) right thru Muhammed (s.a.w). Just as rain which comes in a pure form, once it reaches the earth it gets polluted, stained and impure � the pure religion of Allahwhich came thru the Prophets, after them due to a lot of innovations and manipulations of ignorant or selfish people strayed further and further away from the righteous path that the Prophets delivered to mankind. And just as the polluted water again and again gets purified by the sun’s rays (evaporates and comes back as pure rain water) the Prophets one after the other kept on purifying this True Path � the religion of Allah. All the Prophets came with one and only mission � to make mankind worship the Creator and not the Created.
Worshiping the Created is considered to be the worst, the gravest, the nastiest, and most terrible of all sins, there is no sin greater than this!!! The Prophets came to show and teach mankind as to how to worship God, but mankind was always distracted by Satan who made them worship the created things thereby taking them further and further away from Paradise � for it is the aim of Satan to destroy mankind by taking them to Hell.
A man or woman has so many people who love them dearly, i.e. their mother, father, brother, sister, sons or daughters or lover etc. etc. but Allah loves each and every individual much more than any one of them, His love for every individual is far more greater than all these people’s love put together � and He is also much more closer to them than their spinal cord, i.e. meaning how fast a reflex action is executed by the nervous system in the body, but Allah would act much more faster than that, and He knows much more about you than you know about yourself. There is none in this world who loves you more dearly than Allah and none in this world who knows more about you than Allah.
Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said that Allah the Most High says,
“My servants, all of you are astray except him whom I have guided, but if you ask Me for guidance I will guide you. All of you are poor except him whom I have enriched, but if you ask of me I will give you provision; all of you are sinners except him whom I have preserved (from sin), but if any of you knows that I have power to pardon and ask my pardon I will pardon him, and I do not care. If the first and the last of you, the living and the dead among you, those of you who are fresh and those of you who are withered, all had hearts as pious as the heart of the most pious of My servants, that would not add as much as a gnat’s wing to My dominion. If the first and last of you, the living and the dead among you, those of you who are fresh and those of you who are withered, had all hearts as wretched as the heart of the most wretched of My servants, that would not diminish as much as a gnat’s wing from My dominion. If the first and last of you, the living and the dead among you, those of you who are fresh and those of you who are withered, were gathered in one plain, each one of you asking all he could hope for, and I were to grant the request of each of you who asked, that would cause no more diminution in My dominion than if one of you passed by the sea and, after dipping a needle in it, took it out (the water of the sea would have stuck to the needle and the sea would have lost that much water but Allah would not even have lost so much from His wealth), that being because I am Generous and Glorious, doing what I wish. My giving is speech and my punishment is speech. My command to a thing when I want it is just to say to it `Be’ and it comes into being.”
[Al-Tirmizi 2344]
At the outset, Just as the word God is a term in English, Baghvan in Hindi, Hudha in Urdu, Kadavul in Tamil, denoting a Supreme Being, in Arabic the word Allah denotes a Supreme being, it is not the name of anyone it is just a term in the Arabic language. {Al} means “The” and {Lah} means “Divine” so Allah just means “The Divine” Being. It denotes The Most Supreme Creator, the Lord of ALL the Worlds and everything in it. He exists in the form of a Light, a Light most powerful and very very unlike the lights of earth. He created the Heavens and earth in six days � a day equaling to fifty thousand years of the earth’s calculation, and on the seventh day He sat on His Throne in the seventh Heaven which stands over an ocean of water.
I heard Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) as saying: Allah ordained the measures (of quality) of the creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, as His Throne was upon water.
[Sahih Muslim 6416]
(Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years (to your reckoning) .
[QURAN 70:4]
Verily your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and is firmly established on the Throne (of authority) regulating and governing all things.
[QURAN 10:3]
Touched it. Light upon light (an incomparable light), Allah guideth unto His light whom He will. And Allah speaketh to mankind in allegories, for Allah is knower of all things.
[QURAN 24:35]
For anyone to become a BELIEVER they should completely believe, accept, and utter “LA ILAHA ILLALLAH” meaning there are no gods or deities, all gods and deities are false, EXCEPT One God the sole Supreme being, the Creator and Sustainer of every thing that ever exists or will ever exist. And the Arabic term for this Being is Allah and He alone is worthy to be worshipped.
Allah not only created the human beings but also gave them a crystal clear, faultless, flawless, pure path, a path most perfect, without any doubts or uncertainties , a path which would take you most comfortably towards success and victory in this world as well as in the hereafter, This unique path, – had the whole world jointly researched they would not have found, it was just the Magnanimous Benevolence of Allah to have provided us mankind with this unique path thru all the Prophets from Adam (a.s) right thru Muhammed (s.a.w). Just as rain which comes in a pure form, once it reaches the earth it gets polluted, stained and impure � the pure religion of Allahwhich came thru the Prophets, after them due to a lot of innovations and manipulations of ignorant or selfish people strayed further and further away from the righteous path that the Prophets delivered to mankind. And just as the polluted water again and again gets purified by the sun’s rays (evaporates and comes back as pure rain water) the Prophets one after the other kept on purifying this True Path � the religion of Allah. All the Prophets came with one and only mission � to make mankind worship the Creator and not the Created.
Worshiping the Created is considered to be the worst, the gravest, the nastiest, and most terrible of all sins, there is no sin greater than this!!! The Prophets came to show and teach mankind as to how to worship God, but mankind was always distracted by Satan who made them worship the created things thereby taking them further and further away from Paradise � for it is the aim of Satan to destroy mankind by taking them to Hell.
A man or woman has so many people who love them dearly, i.e. their mother, father, brother, sister, sons or daughters or lover etc. etc. but Allah loves each and every individual much more than any one of them, His love for every individual is far more greater than all these people’s love put together � and He is also much more closer to them than their spinal cord, i.e. meaning how fast a reflex action is executed by the nervous system in the body, but Allah would act much more faster than that, and He knows much more about you than you know about yourself. There is none in this world who loves you more dearly than Allah and none in this world who knows more about you than Allah.
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