Discovering Qura´an
Discovering Qura´an
In "Lailatu-l-qadr" (the night of fate and power) on February first of the year 610 after the birth of Jesus (as), in the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the moon calendar was the book of the Almighty Creator revealed to the prophet Muhammed (sas). The revelation of the Quran, the Holy book of Islam, is the most important event in Human history and it will stay this till the Judgement day, because prophethood and revelation of Divine messages came to an end with the death of Prophet Muhammed (sas), the last of all Prophets and Messengers. With a unique man and great prophet in the beneficial history of prophethood begins the history of historical Islam as well. And with the Grace of Allah, which gave the followers of Islam steadfastness and patience, there are more than one billion people being Muslims today.
The Holy book, the Quran, is the word of Allah; the only one, which was conserved in its original and perfect form from its revelation on. No other book in human history is read so often, recited and remembered as the Quran. There is no other book in human life that has in the same way influenced the life of the individual, the family and society. And there is no other book that man has ever known for which rightness, credibility and definition are so characteristic like they are for Quran, for it is the unflawed work of the Creator.
The Quran has many miraculous attributes, which prove that it is a direct revelation of Allah. Among them are scientific facts, which we only discovered with the help of technologies of the 20th century. However they were mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago.
The Holy book, the Quran, is the word of Allah; the only one, which was conserved in its original and perfect form from its revelation on. No other book in human history is read so often, recited and remembered as the Quran. There is no other book in human life that has in the same way influenced the life of the individual, the family and society. And there is no other book that man has ever known for which rightness, credibility and definition are so characteristic like they are for Quran, for it is the unflawed work of the Creator.
The Quran has many miraculous attributes, which prove that it is a direct revelation of Allah. Among them are scientific facts, which we only discovered with the help of technologies of the 20th century. However they were mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago.
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