Iblīs, in Islam, the personal name of the devil, probably derived from the Greek diabolos. Iblīs, the counterpart of the Jewish and Christian Satan, is also referred to as ʿadūw Allāh (enemy of God), ʿadūw (enemy), or, when he is portrayed as a tempter, ash-Shayṭān (demon).
At the creation of man, God ordered all his angels to bow down in obedience before Adam. Iblīsrefused, claiming he was a nobler being since he was created of fire, while man came only of clay. For this exhibition of pride and disobedience, God threw Iblīs out of heaven. His punishment, however, was postponed until the Judgment Day, when he and his host will have to face the eternal fires of hell; until that time he is allowed to tempt all but true believers to evil. As his first demonic act, Iblīs, referred to in this context as shayṭān, entered the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve to eat of the tree of immortality, causing both Adam and Eve to forfeit paradise. Disguised as the hātif, the mysterious voice of Arab mythology, Iblīs also tempted ʿAlī, Muhammad’s son-in-law, unsuccessfully trying to keep him from performing the ritual washing of the Prophet’s dead body.
Iblīs has long been a figure of speculation among Muslim scholars, who have been trying to explain the ambiguous identification of Iblīs in the Qurʾān as either angel or jinnī, a contradiction in terms, as angels are created of light (nūr) and are incapable of sin, while jinn are created of fire (nār) and can sin. Traditions on this point are numerous and conflicting: Iblīs was simply a jinnī who inappropriately found himself among the angels in heaven; he was an angel sent to Earth to do battle with the rebellious jinn who inhabited the Earth before man was created; Iblīs was himself one of the terrestrial jinn captured by the angels during their attack and brought to heaven.
At the creation of man, God ordered all his angels to bow down in obedience before Adam. Iblīsrefused, claiming he was a nobler being since he was created of fire, while man came only of clay. For this exhibition of pride and disobedience, God threw Iblīs out of heaven. His punishment, however, was postponed until the Judgment Day, when he and his host will have to face the eternal fires of hell; until that time he is allowed to tempt all but true believers to evil. As his first demonic act, Iblīs, referred to in this context as shayṭān, entered the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve to eat of the tree of immortality, causing both Adam and Eve to forfeit paradise. Disguised as the hātif, the mysterious voice of Arab mythology, Iblīs also tempted ʿAlī, Muhammad’s son-in-law, unsuccessfully trying to keep him from performing the ritual washing of the Prophet’s dead body.
Iblīs has long been a figure of speculation among Muslim scholars, who have been trying to explain the ambiguous identification of Iblīs in the Qurʾān as either angel or jinnī, a contradiction in terms, as angels are created of light (nūr) and are incapable of sin, while jinn are created of fire (nār) and can sin. Traditions on this point are numerous and conflicting: Iblīs was simply a jinnī who inappropriately found himself among the angels in heaven; he was an angel sent to Earth to do battle with the rebellious jinn who inhabited the Earth before man was created; Iblīs was himself one of the terrestrial jinn captured by the angels during their attack and brought to heaven.
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