Dar al Islam

Dar al Islam

Dar al Islam (Arabic: دار الإسلا) is the area of the world under the rule of Islam , literally, "the home of Islam" or "the home of submission." This is often used by extremists to include areas that used to be part of the Muslim world such as Al-Andalus (Spain) as well as the Muslim world. It is not a Quranic term or used in the Hadith and it is variously interpreted Moderate Muslims except that Dar al Islam may be any place where Muslims are secure, even if it is a secular society, whereas extremists have a different view.
Dar al Islam is defined as opposed to Dar al Harb, the house of war, where it is permitted according to to some to wage Jihad, holy war for Islam. There are also various intermediate areas defined, such as Dar al Hudna, lands outside Islam that are subject to trucial obligations, and Dar al Kufr (the home of the unbelievers), a term specifically used byMuhammad to refDār al-Islam