Waajidah One who acheives her goals in life, loved, beloved.
Wabisa Something Bright.
Wad Promise
Wadad Love, friendship.
Waddia Amicable, friendly.
Wadeea Gentle, peaceful (humble)
Wadeeda Affectionate
Wadha, Wadhaa Bright
Wadi Gentle, calm.
Wadiah Calm, peaceable
Wadida Attached, devoted, friendly, fond.
Wafa, Wafaa Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith.
Wafeeqa Successful; fem. of Wafiq.
Wafia Faithful, loyal.
Wafiqa Successful.
Wafiqah, Wafeeqa Successful
Wafiya True, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, faithful, perfect, complete; fem. of Wafi.
Wafiyyah, Wafiya Loyal, faithful
Wafiza Fresh air
Wagma Morning breeze, dew.
Wahabah This was the name of a poetess.
Wahbiyah Giving
Waheebah One who gives.
Waheeda; Wahida Beautiful; Peerless; Unique
Wahiba Giver.
Wahibah Giver, donor
Wahida Unique
Wahidah Exclusive, unique
Wahuj First light of day, Dawn, New Beginning.
Waiya Guardian, watchguard, protector.
Wajahat Commanding, Personality, Dignity
Wajd Passion, strong emotion
Wajee Happy, jolly, pleasant.
Wajeeda One who is noble.
Wajeeha Eminent, Distinguished
Wajida Passionately loving
Wajiha High, eminent, distinguished, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious, fem. of Wajih.
Wajihah, Wajeeha Eminent, distinguished, notable
Wajna Happy, jolly, pleasant.
Wakalat Advocacy.
Wakeela Agent.
Wakeelah Agent.
Wala, Walaa Loyalty
Walia Friendly.
Walidah Newborn child.
Walihah This was the name of a poetess.
Wallada Prolific, fertile, fruitful.
Walladah Frequently producing, prolific
Wania Gift of Allah (swt)
Waniya Pearl
Waniyya Pearl
Waqar Dignity
Waqeea Respected.
Waraqa Rich, paper-made.
Warda, Wardah, Worda Rose
Wardah, Wordah Rose
Wareesha Happiness
Warifa Luxuriant, blooming
Warisa Heiress.
Warithah Heiress
Warizah Happiness, bubbly
Warqa, Warqaa Pigeon
Warqah Petal of a flower.
Warsan True news, wonderful news
Wasama Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness.
Waseefah Female Servant; Mid-in-waiting
Waseema Beautiful, pretty, charming.
Waseemah Comely
Wasfiyah Depictive
Washida Bloomed, fresh.
Washma Pretty. greatful, goodwish
Wasia Expansionist, vast, spacious.
Wasifa Praiser
Wasifah One who describes
Wasifi Praiseworthy.
Wasila Inseparable friend.
Wasilah Inseparable friend
Wasima Beautiful, pretty, graceful, handsome of face, goodly, elegant; fem. of Wasim.
Wasimah Graceful, pretty
Wasiqa Confident, sure, certain; fem. of Wasiq.
Wasma A pretty face, beautiful, graceful.
Wasna A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abdur Rahman al-Muqaddasi was so named.
Wateeb Heart
Watheema Historical name
Wathiqa Confident, positive
Watiaa Beautiful
Wazeera Female Minister; The daughter of Yahya bin Muhammad al-Hayuwi al-Tughli was so named; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Wazeerah Female minister.
Wiam Harmony, agreement
Wid Loving, affectionate
Widad, Widaad Love, friendship
Wifaq Harmony, consent
Wijdan Ecstasy, sentiment.
Wisal, Wisaal Reunion, being together, communion in love
Wisam, Wisaam Medal, badge of honor
Wiyyam Truthful, loving
Wurud Roses
Waajidah One who acheives her goals in life, loved, beloved.
Wabisa Something Bright.
Wad Promise
Wadad Love, friendship.
Waddia Amicable, friendly.
Wadeea Gentle, peaceful (humble)
Wadeeda Affectionate
Wadha, Wadhaa Bright
Wadi Gentle, calm.
Wadiah Calm, peaceable
Wadida Attached, devoted, friendly, fond.
Wafa, Wafaa Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith.
Wafeeqa Successful; fem. of Wafiq.
Wafia Faithful, loyal.
Wafiqa Successful.
Wafiqah, Wafeeqa Successful
Wafiya True, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, faithful, perfect, complete; fem. of Wafi.
Wafiyyah, Wafiya Loyal, faithful
Wafiza Fresh air
Wagma Morning breeze, dew.
Wahabah This was the name of a poetess.
Wahbiyah Giving
Waheebah One who gives.
Waheeda; Wahida Beautiful; Peerless; Unique
Wahiba Giver.
Wahibah Giver, donor
Wahida Unique
Wahidah Exclusive, unique
Wahuj First light of day, Dawn, New Beginning.
Waiya Guardian, watchguard, protector.
Wajahat Commanding, Personality, Dignity
Wajd Passion, strong emotion
Wajee Happy, jolly, pleasant.
Wajeeda One who is noble.
Wajeeha Eminent, Distinguished
Wajida Passionately loving
Wajiha High, eminent, distinguished, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious, fem. of Wajih.
Wajihah, Wajeeha Eminent, distinguished, notable
Wajna Happy, jolly, pleasant.
Wakalat Advocacy.
Wakeela Agent.
Wakeelah Agent.
Wala, Walaa Loyalty
Walia Friendly.
Walidah Newborn child.
Walihah This was the name of a poetess.
Wallada Prolific, fertile, fruitful.
Walladah Frequently producing, prolific
Wania Gift of Allah (swt)
Waniya Pearl
Waniyya Pearl
Waqar Dignity
Waqeea Respected.
Waraqa Rich, paper-made.
Warda, Wardah, Worda Rose
Wardah, Wordah Rose
Wareesha Happiness
Warifa Luxuriant, blooming
Warisa Heiress.
Warithah Heiress
Warizah Happiness, bubbly
Warqa, Warqaa Pigeon
Warqah Petal of a flower.
Warsan True news, wonderful news
Wasama Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness.
Waseefah Female Servant; Mid-in-waiting
Waseema Beautiful, pretty, charming.
Waseemah Comely
Wasfiyah Depictive
Washida Bloomed, fresh.
Washma Pretty. greatful, goodwish
Wasia Expansionist, vast, spacious.
Wasifa Praiser
Wasifah One who describes
Wasifi Praiseworthy.
Wasila Inseparable friend.
Wasilah Inseparable friend
Wasima Beautiful, pretty, graceful, handsome of face, goodly, elegant; fem. of Wasim.
Wasimah Graceful, pretty
Wasiqa Confident, sure, certain; fem. of Wasiq.
Wasma A pretty face, beautiful, graceful.
Wasna A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abdur Rahman al-Muqaddasi was so named.
Wateeb Heart
Watheema Historical name
Wathiqa Confident, positive
Watiaa Beautiful
Wazeera Female Minister; The daughter of Yahya bin Muhammad al-Hayuwi al-Tughli was so named; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Wazeerah Female minister.
Wiam Harmony, agreement
Wid Loving, affectionate
Widad, Widaad Love, friendship
Wifaq Harmony, consent
Wijdan Ecstasy, sentiment.
Wisal, Wisaal Reunion, being together, communion in love
Wisam, Wisaam Medal, badge of honor
Wiyyam Truthful, loving
Wurud Roses
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