Taabeer Way
Taadeel Moderation, equality, neutrality.
Taahira Pure; Chaste
Taalea Fortunate
Taalia Rising Star
Taaliah Lucky, fortunate, fortune, destiny.
Taaqul Wise thought.
Taasees Inception, foundation.
Tabalah She was the daughter of Yazid (Called by some as Bunanah); she was a narrator of Hadith.
Taban Glittering, splendid
Tabassum Smile, happiness.
Tabasumm Sweet smile
Tabeedah Complex, zigzag, curling.
Tabeen Followers.
Tabinda Bright, shining.
Tafida Paradise (egyptian name)
Taghreed Singing of birds
Taghrid Singing, cooing.
Tahajeeb Culture
Tahani Congratulations
Tahera Pure, chaste
Tahfeem Beautiful
Tahira Chaste, pure, pious, clean; fem. of Tahir.
Tahirah, Taahira Pure, chaste
Tahiya Greeting, salutation, cheer, welcome.
Tahiyah Greeting, cheer
Tahiyat Greetings
Tahkeem Power, rule.
Tahleem Beauty, decoration, pomp and show.
Tahlibah Loyal, honest
Tahmina Wife of the famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab.
Tahoora Pious, pure
Tahseen Adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment, praise, beautification.
Tahseenah Acclaim
Taiah Submissive, pious
Taiba One who refrains from evil-doings; repentant; fem. of Taib.
Taibah Repentant
Taif Vision, spectre.
Taima, Tayma Oasis in Northwest Arabia
Taisir Felicitation.
Taj Crown; Jewel
Tajmeel Decoration, beauty, show.
Tajweed Praise of Allah, hymn.
Takiyah Pious, righteous
Takreem Respect, honour, sanctity.
Tala Little palm tree, star
Talah, Taalah Young palm tree
Talat Face, Sight
Talbashah A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Kab bin Maalik.
Talhah Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and she was a narrator of Hadith.
Tali Rising star, rising.
Taliba Student, seeker, pursuer; fem. of Talib.
Talibah Seeker after knowledge
Tamadhur Proper name
Tamadur Brilliant
Tamanna To wish, to desire, to hope.
Tamanni Wish, wishing (for), desire.
Tamara Date tree
Tamazur Brilliant, whiteness.
Tameema Complete
Tameemah Name of a poetess, Ahban al-Absiyah.
Tameemiya Perfection.
Tameen Protection, patronage, care.
Tameez Distinction, difference, manner.
Tamkeen Honour, place, status, show.
Tammanna Desire
Tamseel Example, allegory, parable.
Tanaz Delicate body
Tanisha Happiness
Tanjia Rescue, salvation, deliverance.
Tansin Praise, beautification
Tanweer Illumination, lighting.
Tanzeela Revelation, Receiving hospitably.
Tanzila It is used as verb in Quaran as “tanzeel” which means to send by God or to come from the havens. It was used for the revelations and it can also be spelled as Tanzeela
Taqadus Revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil, revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil.
Taqiya Sactity.
Taqiyah God-fearing, devout, pious; fem. of Taqi.
Taqiyya God-fearing, pious
Taqwa, Taqwaa Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of God
Tara Star
Taraab Star
Tarannum Joy & sorrow.
Tareefa Singing
Tarifa Lively, gleeful, merry.
Tarik Rare, exquisite thing or object.
Tariqah This was the name of the freed slave of Labeet of the family of the princes of al-Qays bin Zayd (AN)
Tarique Smile, laughter
Tarneem Morning star
Tarub, Taroob Lively, gleeful, merry.
Tarz Music rythem*
Tasavur Music rythem
Taseefa Imaginary picture
Tasheen Clever, smart
Tasiyah Ever Ambitious.
Taskeen Consolation, comfort.
Tasleem Pacification, alleviation
Taslima Salute, congratulations
Tasliymah Greeting, salutation; fem. of Taslim.
Tasmeekh Peace
Tasmeem Living in fragrance.
Tasmin Strong, durable, long lasting.
Tasneam She who fulfills.
Tasnim A spring in Paradise.
Tasweeb Fountain in paradise
Tatheer Justification, truth.
Taufeeq Purifier, one who purifies
Taufeer Instruction, courage, daring.
Tauqeer Obundance, excess.
Tawaddud Respect, honour.
Tawbah Endearment, showing love or affection to, gaining the love of another.
Tawfeeqa Repentence
Tawfiqa Prosperous
Tawoos Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah); fem. of Tawfiq.
Tayaba Peacock.
Taybah Pure
Tayebba Pure.
Tayyiba Good, pleasant
Tayyibah Good, good-natured, sweet, agreeable, generous, good-tempered; fem. of Tayyib.
Tayyibatun Nisa Good, pleasant, agreeable
Tazeen another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Tazim Good-natured (one) of the women.
Tazima Respect
Tazkia Glorification, exaltation, honour, fem. of Tazim.
Tazmeen To purify, to clean, to spiritualize.
Tehmeed One having good qualities, nature & habits
Tehreem Praise of Allah (swt)
Tehzeeb Forbidden state, respect, sanctity.
Thaabita Civilization, etiquette.
Thaamira Respect.
Thabitah Firm
Thahera Firm.
Thalat Firm
Thaman Clean
Thaminah Precious, valuable
Thamra Precious, generous.
Thana, Thanaa Thankfulness, commendation, praise
Tharwa Wealth
Tharwah Wealth
Tharwat Wealth
Tharya Name of a pious woman
Thashin Name of a pious woman.
Thawab Acclaim
Thazeen Reward
Thoraya Reward
Thubaytah Star
Thufailah She was among the early Muhajirs to Madina and a distinguished woman comapnion, daughter of Yaar bin Zayd al-Ansariyah
Thumamah She was among the early Muhajirs to Madina and a distinguished woman comapnion, daughter of Yaar bin Zayd al-Ansariyah.
Thuml Elegant with good respect for her elders.
Thuraiya, Thurayya Name of an early distinguished woman
Thuraya Star, constellation Pleiades
Thuwaibah, Thuwaybah Star.
Thuwaybah Little mother
Tiba Deserving of God’s reward; name of a female companion of the Prophet
Tibah Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet (S.A.W).
Tibna Goodness, good nature.
Tibyan Goodness, kindness
Tirana Goodness, kindness
Tooba One who is active, lively.
Toufika Good news
Trana Blessedness
Tuba, Tubaa Divine help or guidance, enabling, inner motivation
Tubassum The name of a tree in heaven
Tufaylah The name of a tree in heaven.
Tuhfa This was the name of the freed slave of al-Waleed bin Abdullah; she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah (R.A)
Tulaiha Gift, present.
Tulayhah Snow
Tumadur Daughter of Rabiah bin al-Harish she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
Tumazir She was a narrator of Hadith
Tuqa, Tuqaa Old Arabic name.
Turfa Historical name
Taadeel Moderation, equality, neutrality.
Taahira Pure; Chaste
Taalea Fortunate
Taalia Rising Star
Taaliah Lucky, fortunate, fortune, destiny.
Taaqul Wise thought.
Taasees Inception, foundation.
Tabalah She was the daughter of Yazid (Called by some as Bunanah); she was a narrator of Hadith.
Taban Glittering, splendid
Tabassum Smile, happiness.
Tabasumm Sweet smile
Tabeedah Complex, zigzag, curling.
Tabeen Followers.
Tabinda Bright, shining.
Tafida Paradise (egyptian name)
Taghreed Singing of birds
Taghrid Singing, cooing.
Tahajeeb Culture
Tahani Congratulations
Tahera Pure, chaste
Tahfeem Beautiful
Tahira Chaste, pure, pious, clean; fem. of Tahir.
Tahirah, Taahira Pure, chaste
Tahiya Greeting, salutation, cheer, welcome.
Tahiyah Greeting, cheer
Tahiyat Greetings
Tahkeem Power, rule.
Tahleem Beauty, decoration, pomp and show.
Tahlibah Loyal, honest
Tahmina Wife of the famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab.
Tahoora Pious, pure
Tahseen Adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment, praise, beautification.
Tahseenah Acclaim
Taiah Submissive, pious
Taiba One who refrains from evil-doings; repentant; fem. of Taib.
Taibah Repentant
Taif Vision, spectre.
Taima, Tayma Oasis in Northwest Arabia
Taisir Felicitation.
Taj Crown; Jewel
Tajmeel Decoration, beauty, show.
Tajweed Praise of Allah, hymn.
Takiyah Pious, righteous
Takreem Respect, honour, sanctity.
Tala Little palm tree, star
Talah, Taalah Young palm tree
Talat Face, Sight
Talbashah A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Kab bin Maalik.
Talhah Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and she was a narrator of Hadith.
Tali Rising star, rising.
Taliba Student, seeker, pursuer; fem. of Talib.
Talibah Seeker after knowledge
Tamadhur Proper name
Tamadur Brilliant
Tamanna To wish, to desire, to hope.
Tamanni Wish, wishing (for), desire.
Tamara Date tree
Tamazur Brilliant, whiteness.
Tameema Complete
Tameemah Name of a poetess, Ahban al-Absiyah.
Tameemiya Perfection.
Tameen Protection, patronage, care.
Tameez Distinction, difference, manner.
Tamkeen Honour, place, status, show.
Tammanna Desire
Tamseel Example, allegory, parable.
Tanaz Delicate body
Tanisha Happiness
Tanjia Rescue, salvation, deliverance.
Tansin Praise, beautification
Tanweer Illumination, lighting.
Tanzeela Revelation, Receiving hospitably.
Tanzila It is used as verb in Quaran as “tanzeel” which means to send by God or to come from the havens. It was used for the revelations and it can also be spelled as Tanzeela
Taqadus Revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil, revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil.
Taqiya Sactity.
Taqiyah God-fearing, devout, pious; fem. of Taqi.
Taqiyya God-fearing, pious
Taqwa, Taqwaa Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of God
Tara Star
Taraab Star
Tarannum Joy & sorrow.
Tareefa Singing
Tarifa Lively, gleeful, merry.
Tarik Rare, exquisite thing or object.
Tariqah This was the name of the freed slave of Labeet of the family of the princes of al-Qays bin Zayd (AN)
Tarique Smile, laughter
Tarneem Morning star
Tarub, Taroob Lively, gleeful, merry.
Tarz Music rythem*
Tasavur Music rythem
Taseefa Imaginary picture
Tasheen Clever, smart
Tasiyah Ever Ambitious.
Taskeen Consolation, comfort.
Tasleem Pacification, alleviation
Taslima Salute, congratulations
Tasliymah Greeting, salutation; fem. of Taslim.
Tasmeekh Peace
Tasmeem Living in fragrance.
Tasmin Strong, durable, long lasting.
Tasneam She who fulfills.
Tasnim A spring in Paradise.
Tasweeb Fountain in paradise
Tatheer Justification, truth.
Taufeeq Purifier, one who purifies
Taufeer Instruction, courage, daring.
Tauqeer Obundance, excess.
Tawaddud Respect, honour.
Tawbah Endearment, showing love or affection to, gaining the love of another.
Tawfeeqa Repentence
Tawfiqa Prosperous
Tawoos Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah); fem. of Tawfiq.
Tayaba Peacock.
Taybah Pure
Tayebba Pure.
Tayyiba Good, pleasant
Tayyibah Good, good-natured, sweet, agreeable, generous, good-tempered; fem. of Tayyib.
Tayyibatun Nisa Good, pleasant, agreeable
Tazeen another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Tazim Good-natured (one) of the women.
Tazima Respect
Tazkia Glorification, exaltation, honour, fem. of Tazim.
Tazmeen To purify, to clean, to spiritualize.
Tehmeed One having good qualities, nature & habits
Tehreem Praise of Allah (swt)
Tehzeeb Forbidden state, respect, sanctity.
Thaabita Civilization, etiquette.
Thaamira Respect.
Thabitah Firm
Thahera Firm.
Thalat Firm
Thaman Clean
Thaminah Precious, valuable
Thamra Precious, generous.
Thana, Thanaa Thankfulness, commendation, praise
Tharwa Wealth
Tharwah Wealth
Tharwat Wealth
Tharya Name of a pious woman
Thashin Name of a pious woman.
Thawab Acclaim
Thazeen Reward
Thoraya Reward
Thubaytah Star
Thufailah She was among the early Muhajirs to Madina and a distinguished woman comapnion, daughter of Yaar bin Zayd al-Ansariyah
Thumamah She was among the early Muhajirs to Madina and a distinguished woman comapnion, daughter of Yaar bin Zayd al-Ansariyah.
Thuml Elegant with good respect for her elders.
Thuraiya, Thurayya Name of an early distinguished woman
Thuraya Star, constellation Pleiades
Thuwaibah, Thuwaybah Star.
Thuwaybah Little mother
Tiba Deserving of God’s reward; name of a female companion of the Prophet
Tibah Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet (S.A.W).
Tibna Goodness, good nature.
Tibyan Goodness, kindness
Tirana Goodness, kindness
Tooba One who is active, lively.
Toufika Good news
Trana Blessedness
Tuba, Tubaa Divine help or guidance, enabling, inner motivation
Tubassum The name of a tree in heaven
Tufaylah The name of a tree in heaven.
Tuhfa This was the name of the freed slave of al-Waleed bin Abdullah; she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah (R.A)
Tulaiha Gift, present.
Tulayhah Snow
Tumadur Daughter of Rabiah bin al-Harish she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
Tumazir She was a narrator of Hadith
Tuqa, Tuqaa Old Arabic name.
Turfa Historical name
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