Raaida Leader
Raameen Obedient
Raana Of elegant, statue, soft, lovely, beautiful, graceful, delicate.
Raani A queen.
Raawiya Transmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry)
Rabab White cloud
Rabail A veil of flowers
Rabbab A musical instrument.
Rabbiya Cool breeze of spring season
Rabeea Springtime, garden
Rabeeha Gainful
Rabia The fourth. “Rabia Basri”, name of a saint who lived in Basrah.
Rabiah, Rabeea Garden, springtime
Rabiha Winner, gainer; fem. Rabih.
Rabita Band, bond, link nexus.
Rabitah Bond, tie.
Rabiya Spring, springtime, garden; fem. of Rabi.
Rabiyah Hill
Rabwa Hill
Radeyah, Radhiya Content, satisfied
Radhia Pleasant, satisfied
Radhiyaa Content; Satisfied
Radhwa Name of mountain in Medina
Radifa One who is full of shame.
Radiya Veiled, covered.
Radiyah, Radhiya Content, satisfied
Radwa, Radhwa, Radhwaa A mountain in Medina
Raeesa Leader, chief, princess, a noble lady, a wealthy lady.
Raeesah Princess; Noble lady.
Raeha Fragrance, perfume, scent.
Raeleah Rays of sunshine
Rafa Happiness; Prosperity
Rafah, Rafat Pleasant, luxurious life
Rafal to trail a garment
Rafat Mercy, compassion, pity.
Rafeea Sublime, high
Rafeeah Sublime, high.
Rafeeda Assistance, gift
Rafeef Name of a flower
Rafeeha Living in luxury
Rafeeqa Companion, friend
Rafeeqah Friend; Soft-hearted
Rafia High ranking, noble, sublime, exquisite, exalted, eminent; fem. of Rafi.
Rafiah High, sublime, exquisite
Rafida Generous, liberal
Rafidah Support
Rafif Glittering, shining, gleaming.
Rafiqa Intimate friend, companion, associate; fem. of Rafiq.
Rafiqah Friend, companion
Rafraf Cushion, eyeshade.
Raghad or Raghda Pleasant
Raghada Comfort opulence, affluence.
Raghd Pleasant, plenty.
Raghda Prosperous, affluent
Ragheeda Prosperous, happy
Raghiba Desirous, wishful, willing; fem. of Raghib.
Raghibah Desiring, desirous
Raghid Comfort, opulence, affluence, plenty.
Raghidah Pleasant
Raha Peaceful
Rahaf Delicate, fine
Rahat Rest, comfort, ease, relief.
Raheel Historical name
Raheema Beneficent
Raheemah Merciful
Raheeq Exquisite wine (nectar)
Rahifa Sharp; fem. of Rahif.
Rahil Wife of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob). In the Bible she is mentioned as Rachel.
Rahila One who travels
Rahilah One who travels
Rahima Kind, compassionate; fem. of Rahim.
Rahimah Merciful, compassionate
Rahiq Nectar
Rahla Happy, mirth, joyous.
Rahma Mercy
Rahmaa To have mercy upon
Rahmah Compassion, mercy
Rahmat Mercy, compassion, kindness.
Raida Explorer, guide, leader, pioneer, model, example; fem. of Raid.
Raidah, Raaida Leader
Raifa Very compassionate
Raifah Merciful
Raihana A handful of sweet basil. A bouquet of flowers; Wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
Raima Happiness
Raina Peaceful Queen
Raiqa Pure, clear, tranquil, serene; fem. of Raiq.
Raiqah Clear, Pure, Undisturbed.
Raisa Chief
Raisah Leader, matron
Raitah An early woman narrator of Hadith, she was the daughter of Muslim.
Raja, Raja Hope, anticipation
Rajab The seventh month of the Islamic calendar.
Rajia Hopeful, hoping, full of hope; fem. of Raji.
Rajiha Superior, predominant, fem. of Rajih.
Rajini Kingly, very exclusive.
Rajiya Hope, expectation, wish.
Rajiyah Hoping, full of hope.
Rajwa Expectation, wish
Rakhas Soft and delicate, supple.
Rakhima soft, pleasant, melodious (voice)
Rakhshan Illuminated, shining
Rakhshi Beautiful-faced, charming.
Rakina Firm, steady; fem. of Rakin.
Ramazan The ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
Rameen Successful woman.
Rameesah Hidden.
Rameesha A bunch of roses
Ramia Sender
Ramidha White rose
Ramisa White rose
Ramla Sand. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Her kunya is Umm Habiba.
Ramlah Old Arabic name
Ramsha Face like moon
Ramzia Gift
Ramziyah Symbolic
Rana Attractive, eye catching
Rand Tree of good scent
Randa Scented, fragrant tree, good for decoration.
Raneem Chant, musical tone
Rani From the arabic name meaning queen. she is an energtic self-starter capable of sustaing a fast pace with strong leadership and qualities. a real motavater
Rania Queen
Ranim, Raneem To recite in a sing song voice
Raniyah, Raniya Gazing
Ranya Conquerer
Raoom Loving, tender.
Raqia Superior, high ranking, educated; fem. of Raqi.
Raqiba Guardian, supervisor.
Raqiqa Delicate, fine, soft, slender, slim.
Raqiyah Ascending, progressing
Rasan Sober, thoughtful, wise
Rasee Life full of happiness.
Rasha A young deer
Rashad Straight
Rashaqa Graceful, stature, grace, elegance.
Rasheeda Righteous, of good character, one who leads onto the right path.
Rasheedah Intelligent one, Sober
Rashida, Rasheeda, Rashidah Follower of the right path, mature, right minded, rightly guided; fem. of Rashid.
Rashiqa Graceful, elegant; fem. of Rashiq.
Rasikha Well-established, well-founded, stable, steady; fem. of Rasikh.
Rasima Designer, planner
Rasina Calm, composed.
Rasmiya Ceremonial, ceremonious, formal; fem. of Rasmi.
Rasmiyah Official, formal
Ratiba Well-arranged, well-ordered.
Raudzah Garden in paradise
Rauhah Happy Contented
Raunaq Beauty, grace, glamour, splendour.
Raunaq Jahan Lustre of the world.
Raushan Light, luminous, bright, splendour.
Raushan Ara Adorning light (female).
Raushan Jabin Of radiant forehead.
Raushani Light, splendour.
Rawah Charm, beauty, splendor
Rawahah A noted narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abu Umar bin Abdur Rahman al-Awzaee had this name.
Rawdah, Rawdha Garden
Rawhah Nice
Rawhiyah Spirituality
Rawia Narrator, reciter, transmitter (of incident Arabic poetry).
Rawiah, Raawiya Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Rawiyah Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Rawza Garden
Raya Aroma, fragrance.
Rayann Its the door of heaven that opens in the month of ramadhan
Rayhanah Aromatic sweet basil
Rayia Guardian, custodian, patron, protector; fem. of Rayi.
Rayna Pure, Clean
Raytah Daughter of Hurays, and a narrator of Hadith.
Rayya, Rayyaa Sated with drink
Razaana One who is calm
Razan, Razaan Sensibility and respect
Razana Calm, composure, self-possession.
Razeena Serious, sober, polite
Razia Satisfied, content, well-pleased; fem. of Razi.
Razina Calm, composed, self-possessed; fem. of Razin.
Raziqa One who feeds others, feeder.
Raziya Delighted, satisfied, contended, pleased; fem. of Razi.
Raziyah another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Raziyya Satisfied, pleased
Razwa Name of a mountain in Madina.
Reeha Air
Reeham Little, light rain
Reem Beautiful Gazelle.
Reema White antelope
Reena Beautiful
Reham Rain drops
Rehana A handfull of sweet basil
Rehemat Gift
Reja Good News
Resha Line
Resham Silk, softness.
Reshma Golden Silk, Expensive
Reshma Silky
Reyah Comfort
Reyhana Sweet smelling flower of paradise
Rida Favored by God
Rifa Happiness, prosperity.
Rifaat Altitude, Height, High.
Rifat Dignity, exaltation, high rank, high standing.
Rifaya Brilliance
Riffat High.
Rifqa Kindness, gentleness, company, companionship. Wife of the Prophet ishaq.
Rihab Wideness, spaciousness
Riham Lasting, fine rain
Rihana Sweet basil
Rija Desire, Hope
Rijja Heavens beauty
Rim, Reem Gazelle
Rima, Reema White, gazelle, antelope.
Rimsha Bunch of flowers
Rinaaz Great
Riqbah Name of the wife of Prophet Ishaq AS.
Riyaz Pl. of Rawza, garden.
Riza Contentment, satisfaction
Rizeen Dignity, heavy and precious thing, souvenir.
Rizqin Good fortune
Rizwan Satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, contentment, name of the gate-keeper of paradise.
Rizwana Beautiful, Guardian of heaven
Robeena Happy, girl.
Robina Blessing with love, waterfall
Roha Beautiful
Rohaan A river in paradise.
Rohin Rising
Roma Truthful, honest, beautiful, flower, princess
Romana Pomegranate; The fruit of Paradise
Romeesa Heavens beauty
Rona Shining light
Roobi Ruby, pearl.
Roshan Bright.
Roshini Light, noor.
Roshna Light
Roshni Light
Roushana Light, Brightness
Rozinah Daily wages, pension, reward.
Rua Dreams, visions
Ruaa Invisable
Ruba Pl. of Rubwa, Rabwa, hill.
Rubaa Hills, height
Rubaba A two stringed musical instrument.
Rubadah Ash colored
Ruban Pl. of Rubwa, hill.
Rubay She was the daughter of Muawwiz and a companion of the Propphet PBUH from her young age.
Rubeina Bright
Rubi Red gem
Rubina Blessed with love, waterfall
Rubiya Spring season
Rudainah, Rudaynah Old Arabic name
Rufayah An early student of Hadith.
Rufayda She was a female companion who performed surgery on the injured in a tent setup in the mosque.
Ruhab The one who brings happiness
Ruhani Spiritual; Sacred; Divine
Ruhaniya Spirituality.
Ruhee Soul, a flower, who touches the heart.
Ruhi Soul
Ruhina Sweet fragrence
Ruhiya Spiritual.
Ruhm She was the daughter of al-Aswad and a narrator of Hadith.
Rukan Steady, confident
Rukayat It is the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet, it means one who Allah loves
Rukhayam Soft and sweet sounding
Rukhaylah This is also a male name.
Rukhsaar Cheek, Face
Rukhsana Beautiful
Rukhsar Cheek
Rukhsara Loving, charming face, beautiful.
Rukhshana Bright, brilliant, shining.
Ruksana Beautiful, persian princess
Rumailah, Rumaylah Old Arabic name
Rumaisa Bunch of flowers
Rumaithah, Rumaythah Old Arabic name
Rumana Romantic, loving
Rumayla Sand particle
Rumaysa She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator of Hadith.
Rumayta The daughter of al-Hadis bin al-Tufayl al-Azdiyah was known by this name; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Rumeha Beautiful Stone.
Rumman Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate.
Rummana Pomegranate.
Runa Sixth month
Ruqa Pretty, beautiful.
Ruqayqa Delicate
Ruqayqah A name of some prominent women.
Ruqayya Charming, attractive, captivating. Daughter of Muhammad(s) married to Khalifa Usman.
Ruqayyah, Ruqaya, Rugayya The daughter of the prophet Muhammed (S.A.W)
Ruquaiya Daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W)
Ruqya Charm, spell.
Rusayla Having comfortable life
Rushd Sensible conduct
Rushda Knowledge, true path, guidance
Rushdiya Rightly guided, on the right way, following the right path; fem. of Rushdi.
Ruwaa Beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness, pleasing appearance.
Ruwaida Walking gently.
Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah Walking gently
Ruwayda Walking with grace
Ruya Seeing, viewing, looking.
Ruyaa Dream, vision.
Ruyah Dream, vision
Ruzaynah Name of the freed slave-girl of Sayyidah Safiyah RA wife of the Prophet PBUH.
Raaida Leader
Raameen Obedient
Raana Of elegant, statue, soft, lovely, beautiful, graceful, delicate.
Raani A queen.
Raawiya Transmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry)
Rabab White cloud
Rabail A veil of flowers
Rabbab A musical instrument.
Rabbiya Cool breeze of spring season
Rabeea Springtime, garden
Rabeeha Gainful
Rabia The fourth. “Rabia Basri”, name of a saint who lived in Basrah.
Rabiah, Rabeea Garden, springtime
Rabiha Winner, gainer; fem. Rabih.
Rabita Band, bond, link nexus.
Rabitah Bond, tie.
Rabiya Spring, springtime, garden; fem. of Rabi.
Rabiyah Hill
Rabwa Hill
Radeyah, Radhiya Content, satisfied
Radhia Pleasant, satisfied
Radhiyaa Content; Satisfied
Radhwa Name of mountain in Medina
Radifa One who is full of shame.
Radiya Veiled, covered.
Radiyah, Radhiya Content, satisfied
Radwa, Radhwa, Radhwaa A mountain in Medina
Raeesa Leader, chief, princess, a noble lady, a wealthy lady.
Raeesah Princess; Noble lady.
Raeha Fragrance, perfume, scent.
Raeleah Rays of sunshine
Rafa Happiness; Prosperity
Rafah, Rafat Pleasant, luxurious life
Rafal to trail a garment
Rafat Mercy, compassion, pity.
Rafeea Sublime, high
Rafeeah Sublime, high.
Rafeeda Assistance, gift
Rafeef Name of a flower
Rafeeha Living in luxury
Rafeeqa Companion, friend
Rafeeqah Friend; Soft-hearted
Rafia High ranking, noble, sublime, exquisite, exalted, eminent; fem. of Rafi.
Rafiah High, sublime, exquisite
Rafida Generous, liberal
Rafidah Support
Rafif Glittering, shining, gleaming.
Rafiqa Intimate friend, companion, associate; fem. of Rafiq.
Rafiqah Friend, companion
Rafraf Cushion, eyeshade.
Raghad or Raghda Pleasant
Raghada Comfort opulence, affluence.
Raghd Pleasant, plenty.
Raghda Prosperous, affluent
Ragheeda Prosperous, happy
Raghiba Desirous, wishful, willing; fem. of Raghib.
Raghibah Desiring, desirous
Raghid Comfort, opulence, affluence, plenty.
Raghidah Pleasant
Raha Peaceful
Rahaf Delicate, fine
Rahat Rest, comfort, ease, relief.
Raheel Historical name
Raheema Beneficent
Raheemah Merciful
Raheeq Exquisite wine (nectar)
Rahifa Sharp; fem. of Rahif.
Rahil Wife of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob). In the Bible she is mentioned as Rachel.
Rahila One who travels
Rahilah One who travels
Rahima Kind, compassionate; fem. of Rahim.
Rahimah Merciful, compassionate
Rahiq Nectar
Rahla Happy, mirth, joyous.
Rahma Mercy
Rahmaa To have mercy upon
Rahmah Compassion, mercy
Rahmat Mercy, compassion, kindness.
Raida Explorer, guide, leader, pioneer, model, example; fem. of Raid.
Raidah, Raaida Leader
Raifa Very compassionate
Raifah Merciful
Raihana A handful of sweet basil. A bouquet of flowers; Wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
Raima Happiness
Raina Peaceful Queen
Raiqa Pure, clear, tranquil, serene; fem. of Raiq.
Raiqah Clear, Pure, Undisturbed.
Raisa Chief
Raisah Leader, matron
Raitah An early woman narrator of Hadith, she was the daughter of Muslim.
Raja, Raja Hope, anticipation
Rajab The seventh month of the Islamic calendar.
Rajia Hopeful, hoping, full of hope; fem. of Raji.
Rajiha Superior, predominant, fem. of Rajih.
Rajini Kingly, very exclusive.
Rajiya Hope, expectation, wish.
Rajiyah Hoping, full of hope.
Rajwa Expectation, wish
Rakhas Soft and delicate, supple.
Rakhima soft, pleasant, melodious (voice)
Rakhshan Illuminated, shining
Rakhshi Beautiful-faced, charming.
Rakina Firm, steady; fem. of Rakin.
Ramazan The ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
Rameen Successful woman.
Rameesah Hidden.
Rameesha A bunch of roses
Ramia Sender
Ramidha White rose
Ramisa White rose
Ramla Sand. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Her kunya is Umm Habiba.
Ramlah Old Arabic name
Ramsha Face like moon
Ramzia Gift
Ramziyah Symbolic
Rana Attractive, eye catching
Rand Tree of good scent
Randa Scented, fragrant tree, good for decoration.
Raneem Chant, musical tone
Rani From the arabic name meaning queen. she is an energtic self-starter capable of sustaing a fast pace with strong leadership and qualities. a real motavater
Rania Queen
Ranim, Raneem To recite in a sing song voice
Raniyah, Raniya Gazing
Ranya Conquerer
Raoom Loving, tender.
Raqia Superior, high ranking, educated; fem. of Raqi.
Raqiba Guardian, supervisor.
Raqiqa Delicate, fine, soft, slender, slim.
Raqiyah Ascending, progressing
Rasan Sober, thoughtful, wise
Rasee Life full of happiness.
Rasha A young deer
Rashad Straight
Rashaqa Graceful, stature, grace, elegance.
Rasheeda Righteous, of good character, one who leads onto the right path.
Rasheedah Intelligent one, Sober
Rashida, Rasheeda, Rashidah Follower of the right path, mature, right minded, rightly guided; fem. of Rashid.
Rashiqa Graceful, elegant; fem. of Rashiq.
Rasikha Well-established, well-founded, stable, steady; fem. of Rasikh.
Rasima Designer, planner
Rasina Calm, composed.
Rasmiya Ceremonial, ceremonious, formal; fem. of Rasmi.
Rasmiyah Official, formal
Ratiba Well-arranged, well-ordered.
Raudzah Garden in paradise
Rauhah Happy Contented
Raunaq Beauty, grace, glamour, splendour.
Raunaq Jahan Lustre of the world.
Raushan Light, luminous, bright, splendour.
Raushan Ara Adorning light (female).
Raushan Jabin Of radiant forehead.
Raushani Light, splendour.
Rawah Charm, beauty, splendor
Rawahah A noted narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abu Umar bin Abdur Rahman al-Awzaee had this name.
Rawdah, Rawdha Garden
Rawhah Nice
Rawhiyah Spirituality
Rawia Narrator, reciter, transmitter (of incident Arabic poetry).
Rawiah, Raawiya Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Rawiyah Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Rawza Garden
Raya Aroma, fragrance.
Rayann Its the door of heaven that opens in the month of ramadhan
Rayhanah Aromatic sweet basil
Rayia Guardian, custodian, patron, protector; fem. of Rayi.
Rayna Pure, Clean
Raytah Daughter of Hurays, and a narrator of Hadith.
Rayya, Rayyaa Sated with drink
Razaana One who is calm
Razan, Razaan Sensibility and respect
Razana Calm, composure, self-possession.
Razeena Serious, sober, polite
Razia Satisfied, content, well-pleased; fem. of Razi.
Razina Calm, composed, self-possessed; fem. of Razin.
Raziqa One who feeds others, feeder.
Raziya Delighted, satisfied, contended, pleased; fem. of Razi.
Raziyah another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Raziyya Satisfied, pleased
Razwa Name of a mountain in Madina.
Reeha Air
Reeham Little, light rain
Reem Beautiful Gazelle.
Reema White antelope
Reena Beautiful
Reham Rain drops
Rehana A handfull of sweet basil
Rehemat Gift
Reja Good News
Resha Line
Resham Silk, softness.
Reshma Golden Silk, Expensive
Reshma Silky
Reyah Comfort
Reyhana Sweet smelling flower of paradise
Rida Favored by God
Rifa Happiness, prosperity.
Rifaat Altitude, Height, High.
Rifat Dignity, exaltation, high rank, high standing.
Rifaya Brilliance
Riffat High.
Rifqa Kindness, gentleness, company, companionship. Wife of the Prophet ishaq.
Rihab Wideness, spaciousness
Riham Lasting, fine rain
Rihana Sweet basil
Rija Desire, Hope
Rijja Heavens beauty
Rim, Reem Gazelle
Rima, Reema White, gazelle, antelope.
Rimsha Bunch of flowers
Rinaaz Great
Riqbah Name of the wife of Prophet Ishaq AS.
Riyaz Pl. of Rawza, garden.
Riza Contentment, satisfaction
Rizeen Dignity, heavy and precious thing, souvenir.
Rizqin Good fortune
Rizwan Satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, contentment, name of the gate-keeper of paradise.
Rizwana Beautiful, Guardian of heaven
Robeena Happy, girl.
Robina Blessing with love, waterfall
Roha Beautiful
Rohaan A river in paradise.
Rohin Rising
Roma Truthful, honest, beautiful, flower, princess
Romana Pomegranate; The fruit of Paradise
Romeesa Heavens beauty
Rona Shining light
Roobi Ruby, pearl.
Roshan Bright.
Roshini Light, noor.
Roshna Light
Roshni Light
Roushana Light, Brightness
Rozinah Daily wages, pension, reward.
Rua Dreams, visions
Ruaa Invisable
Ruba Pl. of Rubwa, Rabwa, hill.
Rubaa Hills, height
Rubaba A two stringed musical instrument.
Rubadah Ash colored
Ruban Pl. of Rubwa, hill.
Rubay She was the daughter of Muawwiz and a companion of the Propphet PBUH from her young age.
Rubeina Bright
Rubi Red gem
Rubina Blessed with love, waterfall
Rubiya Spring season
Rudainah, Rudaynah Old Arabic name
Rufayah An early student of Hadith.
Rufayda She was a female companion who performed surgery on the injured in a tent setup in the mosque.
Ruhab The one who brings happiness
Ruhani Spiritual; Sacred; Divine
Ruhaniya Spirituality.
Ruhee Soul, a flower, who touches the heart.
Ruhi Soul
Ruhina Sweet fragrence
Ruhiya Spiritual.
Ruhm She was the daughter of al-Aswad and a narrator of Hadith.
Rukan Steady, confident
Rukayat It is the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet, it means one who Allah loves
Rukhayam Soft and sweet sounding
Rukhaylah This is also a male name.
Rukhsaar Cheek, Face
Rukhsana Beautiful
Rukhsar Cheek
Rukhsara Loving, charming face, beautiful.
Rukhshana Bright, brilliant, shining.
Ruksana Beautiful, persian princess
Rumailah, Rumaylah Old Arabic name
Rumaisa Bunch of flowers
Rumaithah, Rumaythah Old Arabic name
Rumana Romantic, loving
Rumayla Sand particle
Rumaysa She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator of Hadith.
Rumayta The daughter of al-Hadis bin al-Tufayl al-Azdiyah was known by this name; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Rumeha Beautiful Stone.
Rumman Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate.
Rummana Pomegranate.
Runa Sixth month
Ruqa Pretty, beautiful.
Ruqayqa Delicate
Ruqayqah A name of some prominent women.
Ruqayya Charming, attractive, captivating. Daughter of Muhammad(s) married to Khalifa Usman.
Ruqayyah, Ruqaya, Rugayya The daughter of the prophet Muhammed (S.A.W)
Ruquaiya Daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W)
Ruqya Charm, spell.
Rusayla Having comfortable life
Rushd Sensible conduct
Rushda Knowledge, true path, guidance
Rushdiya Rightly guided, on the right way, following the right path; fem. of Rushdi.
Ruwaa Beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness, pleasing appearance.
Ruwaida Walking gently.
Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah Walking gently
Ruwayda Walking with grace
Ruya Seeing, viewing, looking.
Ruyaa Dream, vision.
Ruyah Dream, vision
Ruzaynah Name of the freed slave-girl of Sayyidah Safiyah RA wife of the Prophet PBUH.
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