Qabalah Responsibility; Name of narrator of Hadith, daughter of Yazeed.
Qabila Able, wise.
Qabilah Consenting
Qabool Accepted. An early woman, daughter of Abdullah, freed slave of al-Mustanjid Billah.
Qadira Powerful, able.
Qadr Fate, destiny
Qadriyah to believe in God’s will
Qadriyyah Strong
Qahira Overpowering, victorious.
Qaifa Estimater.
Qailah One who speaks
Qaima Bestower.
Qamar Full moon
Qamar Jahan The moon of the world
Qamarun Nisa Moon of the women.
Qamayr Daughter of Amr al-Khufiyah, wife of Masrooq, she was a narrator of Hadith.
Qameer Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith who quoted Sayyidina Ayshah (R.A)
Qamra Moonlight, moonlit, bright; fem. of Aqmar.
Qanaat Patience.
Qania Contented, satisfied
Qaniah Contended
Qantara Small bridge.
Qanturah 3rd wife of Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham)
Qaraah Cloudlet; A kind lady of the Hijaz had this name.
Qarasafahl She was a narrator of Hadith
Qareebah Near
Qarsafah She was a narrator of Hadith known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah.
Qaseema Beautiful woman, a box in which perfumes are kept.
Qasiba One who plays at flute, flutist.
Qasima Distributor, divider; fem. of Qasim.
Qasira Patient.
Qasoomah This was the name of a poetess daughter of Ismail al-Yahudi.
Qaylah Two women companions had this name.
Qaymayriyah This was the name of an early student of Hadith, wife of Masrooq.
Qaysar A name of women
Qayyima Precious, valuable
Qindeel Light
Qirat Beautiful Recitation
Qisaf Birttle, a student of Hadith, daughter of Abdullah bin Damirah.
Qismah Destiny, fate, ordained by God
Qismat Fate, destiny, area.
Qiyyama Stand for Allah
Quadriyyah Strong
Qubilah Concord
Quddusiyyah Sacred, Pious
Qudsia Holiness, sacredness, glorious, sacred, celestial, a blessed girl, a pious girl.
Qudsiyah Glorious, sacred
Qudsiyya Celestial, blessed girl
Quraybah Utricle
Qurratul Ayn Delights of the eye, darling
Qurratulain Cooling or delight of the eye, joy, pleasure, darling, sweetheart.
Qurrat-ul-ain Delights of an eye
Qutaylah Daughter of Sayfi al-Ansari; she was a companion.
Qutayyah A woman studne tof Hadith who quoted the female companions and daughter of Haram had this name.
Qabalah Responsibility; Name of narrator of Hadith, daughter of Yazeed.
Qabila Able, wise.
Qabilah Consenting
Qabool Accepted. An early woman, daughter of Abdullah, freed slave of al-Mustanjid Billah.
Qadira Powerful, able.
Qadr Fate, destiny
Qadriyah to believe in God’s will
Qadriyyah Strong
Qahira Overpowering, victorious.
Qaifa Estimater.
Qailah One who speaks
Qaima Bestower.
Qamar Full moon
Qamar Jahan The moon of the world
Qamarun Nisa Moon of the women.
Qamayr Daughter of Amr al-Khufiyah, wife of Masrooq, she was a narrator of Hadith.
Qameer Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith who quoted Sayyidina Ayshah (R.A)
Qamra Moonlight, moonlit, bright; fem. of Aqmar.
Qanaat Patience.
Qania Contented, satisfied
Qaniah Contended
Qantara Small bridge.
Qanturah 3rd wife of Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham)
Qaraah Cloudlet; A kind lady of the Hijaz had this name.
Qarasafahl She was a narrator of Hadith
Qareebah Near
Qarsafah She was a narrator of Hadith known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah.
Qaseema Beautiful woman, a box in which perfumes are kept.
Qasiba One who plays at flute, flutist.
Qasima Distributor, divider; fem. of Qasim.
Qasira Patient.
Qasoomah This was the name of a poetess daughter of Ismail al-Yahudi.
Qaylah Two women companions had this name.
Qaymayriyah This was the name of an early student of Hadith, wife of Masrooq.
Qaysar A name of women
Qayyima Precious, valuable
Qindeel Light
Qirat Beautiful Recitation
Qisaf Birttle, a student of Hadith, daughter of Abdullah bin Damirah.
Qismah Destiny, fate, ordained by God
Qismat Fate, destiny, area.
Qiyyama Stand for Allah
Quadriyyah Strong
Qubilah Concord
Quddusiyyah Sacred, Pious
Qudsia Holiness, sacredness, glorious, sacred, celestial, a blessed girl, a pious girl.
Qudsiyah Glorious, sacred
Qudsiyya Celestial, blessed girl
Quraybah Utricle
Qurratul Ayn Delights of the eye, darling
Qurratulain Cooling or delight of the eye, joy, pleasure, darling, sweetheart.
Qurrat-ul-ain Delights of an eye
Qutaylah Daughter of Sayfi al-Ansari; she was a companion.
Qutayyah A woman studne tof Hadith who quoted the female companions and daughter of Haram had this name.
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