Ma as-sama A noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar, had this name; she built a religious school
Maab Place to which one returns
Maahnoor Glow of Moon
Maali Noble things
Mabrooka Blessed, prosperous, abundant; fem. of Mabrook.
Mada Utmost point, degree
Madaniya Civilized, urbane, polished.
Madeeha Praiseworthy
Madhat Praise
Madhia Praiseworthy
Madia Praiseworthy
Madiha Praiseworthy, commendation, commendable.
Madihah, Madeeha Praiseworthy, commendable
Maesa Walking proudly
Mah Moon.
Mah Jabin Beautiful, brow like the moon.
Mah Liqa Moon-like (face).
Mah Naz Humble moon (that would disappear on touch).
Mah Noor Moonlight.
Mah Rukh Face as bright as the moon.
Maha Wild cow, cow-eyes
Mahabbah Love, affection
Mahala Brave.
Mahalfa Opponent.
Mahasin Beauties, good qualities
Mahbasah A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had this name.
Mahbooba Dear, beloved sweetheart; fem. of Mahboob.
Mahdiya Rightly Guided By Allah
Mahdiyah Rightly guided
Maheen Fine or thin texture, feeble voice, Like the moon
Maheera Highly skilled, Expert
Mahek Fragrance
Mahfooza Safeguarded, well-protected; fem. of mahfooz.
Mahfuzah The protected one
Mahibah Noble, respected
Mahin Fine, subtle, thin. Name of a woman.
Mahira Skilled, skilful, proficient; fem. of Mahir.
Mahirah Adept, Expert
Mahjabeen Moon like
Mahjooba Hidden, covered, screened; fem. of Mahjoob.
Mahmooda Praised, praiseworthy, elegant, lauded.
Mahmoodatun Nisa Praised (one) of the women.
Mahmudah Praised, commendable
Mahnaz Pride of the moon.
Mahneerah First born of a pair.
Mahnoor Light of the moon
Mahparah Piece of moon
Mahreen Bright and Beautiful as the sun
Mahrosh Piece of moon, pleasant
Mahroz One who has a face like moon.
Mahrukh Face like a moon, beautiful
Mahtab Moonlight.
Mahtalat Moon-faced
Mahtob Moonlight
Mahum Moon’s Light
Mahveen Light of the Sun
Mahwish Moon-faced, beautiful as moon.
Maida Beautiful
Maimana Right, right-hand side, right wing (of army).
Maimoona, Maymunah Auspicious, blessed; a wife of the Prophet
Maimuna lucky, blessed
Maimunah wife of Prophet Muhammad
Maira Favourable, admirable.
Mais proud gait
Maisaa To walk with a proud swinging gait.
Ma’isah, Maisa Walking with a proud, swinging gait
Maisara Prosperity, abundance, wealth, affluence; left, left-hand side, left wing (of army).
Maisarah Wealth, Richness
Maisha Pretty
Maisoon Of beautiful face and body.
Maisoora Ease; successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous; fem. of maisoor.
Maisun maysoon / meaning
Maiyy Servant, slave
Maizah Discerning
Majda Glory, honour, nobility.
Majdiya Glorious.
Majeeda Glorious, noble, sublime, exalted; fem. of majeed.
Majida Glorious, noble, respected, exalted, fem. of majid.
Majidah, Majeeda Glorious, noble, respected
Makarim, Makaarim Of good and honorable character
Makhtooma Name of a female singer of the past
Makhtoonah Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past.
Makkiyah From Makkah
Maktoonah Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past.
Maladh Protection, shelter
Malaha Beauty, grace, elegance.
Malaika Angel
Malaikah the 35th Surah of the Quran,angels
Malak, Malaeka Angel
Malakah Talent
Malayeka Angel
Maleeha Charming, pretty
Maleehah Salty, Graceful, Brownish colour.
Maleeka Queen; fem. of Maleek.
Maliha Beautiful, pretty, good-looking; fem. of Malih.
Malika Reigning, ruling.
Malikah Queen
Malka Fem. of Malik; queen.
Malmal Soft
Mamoona Trustworthy, honest, faithful, reliable; fem of Mamoon.
Manaal Attainment,Achievement
Manaar Guiding light (lighthouse)
Manab Deputyship, share
Manahel Special flower
Manahil Spring of fresh water.
Manal, Manaal Attainment, achievement
Manar, Manaar Guiding light
Manara Fem. of Manar: light-house.
Mandal Fragrant wood.
Manfoosah She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-FAwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah.
Manha Gift of Allah
Manhalah Spring; Name of many Arab women.
Mann Gift, present, favour, benefit, boon.
Mannana Bountiful, generous; fem. of mannan.
Mansoora Assisted, victorious, supported, triumphant; fem. of Mansoor.
Mansurah Supporter, victorious.
Manzoora Approved of, chosen, promising; fem. of Manzoor.
Maqboola Accepted, admitted, granted, approved; fem. of Maqbool.
Maqboolah A noted woman of the past had this name; Maqboolah Hanim
Maqsooda Intended, destined.
Marab Wish, desire, purpose, use, aim; sing. of Marib.
Marah Happiness, joy.
Maram, Maraam Wish, desire, aspiration.
Mardhiah One who is loved and respected by all.
Marghuba Coveted, desired.
Marhabah Welcome
Maria A lady with fair complexion, kind of bird. Wife of Muhammad who gave birth to son named Ibrahim.
Mariam, Maryam Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), the Biblical Mary.
Marib Pl. of Marab, wish.
Maridah A slave girl of Haroon Rashid had this name.
Mariha Joyful, cheerful, lively.
Mariya A learned woman of Andulus had this name; she was the daughter of Abu Yaqoob al-Faysali.
Mariyah Fair complexion; name of the wife of the Prophet
Mariyya White woman
Marjan Small pearls, corals.
Marjanah Precious stone; She was the mother of Prophet Isa AS and has been mentioned in the Quran frequently and a whole Surah is named after her.
Marnia Wealthy in every aspect
Maroofa Famous, known, eminent, kindness, kind act; fem. of Maruf.
Marqooma Writter, stated, well-defined.
Maruff Famous; Known; Noted; Celebrated
Marwa A mountain in mekkah
Marwah a mountain in Makkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah)
Maryam Name of Mother of Jesus
Maryum Mother of Isa (A.S)
Marziya Accepted, well-pleased, one who is pleasing.
Marziyah another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Marzooqa blessed, fortunate, prosperous, successful; fem. of Marzooq
Marzuqah Blessed by God, fortunate
Mas For Almas; diamond. (only almas is used as name).
Masabeeh Lamps, Lights.
Masabih Pl. of Misbah, lamp.
Masahir Ancient Arabic lute
Masarrah Delight, joy
Masarrat Joy, delight, pleasure, gladness, happiness.
Maseera Happy
Mashaal Light, bright
Mashal Light, bright fire, flame.
Mashhuda Present, manifest.
Mashia wish, desire, will (of Allah)
Mashkoora Thankful
Mashmool Included, sought, after, searched for.
Mashoodah Evidenced.
Masira Noble.
Masooda Fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, gracious, favourable, august; fem. of Masood.
Masooma Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded, protected; fem. of Masoom.
Masoon Safeguarded, well-protected.
Mas’ouda Happy, lucky, fortunate
Masrurah Glad, happy, delighted.
Mastura Latent, hidden, chaste.
Masudah, Masouda Happy, lucky, fortunate
Masumah Innocent
Mateena Strong woman
Mateenah Firm, Solid, determined
Matina Strong, solid, of resolute mind.
Mausooma Namely, viz.
Mawadda Friendship, intimacy, affection, love.
Mawaddah Affection, love, friendliness
Mawahib Talents
Mawara Superior
Mawhiba Gift, talent; sing. of Mawahib.
Mawhooba Gifted, talented, favoured; fem. of Mawhoob.
Mawiya Old Arabic name
Mawiyah, Mawiya The essence of life; clear mirror
Mawsoofa Worthy of description, portrayed, endowed with laudable qualities; fem. of Mawsoof.
May Old Arabic name
Maya Princess.
Mayameen The blessed, the brave.
Mayeda The fruits of heaven, the cloth on which you eat in Heaven, The suraah Mayeda in the Quran.
Mayesa same as “Maisa” above
Maymanat Blessing, victory
Maymoona Blessed
Maymunah Fortunate, blessed; name of the wife of the Prophet
Mays, Mais Proud gait
Maysa, Maysaa Walking with pride
Maysam The pollen in the flower, honey, sweet
Maysarah Left hand side
Maysoon Of beautiful face and body
Maysoora Successful (prosperous)
Maysun, Maysoon Of beautiful face and body
Mayyadah, Mayyada To walk with a proud, swinging gait
Mayyasah To walk with a proud gait
Mazida Increase, excess, high degree, maximum; fem. of Mazid.
Mazina Of white glittering face
Maziyah Excellence, merit, virtue.
Maznah Glorius
Mazneen Shining of gold
Medina Holy city of Saudi Arabia
Meem The Arabic letter ‘M’ or ‘Mim’
Meena Light
Meeza Quarter moon
Mehak Fragrance
Mehar Kindness, grace
Meharunnisa Kind
Mehbooba A friend
Mehek Smell, fragrance
Meher Benevolence.
Meheroon Charming
Meherunissa Benevolent
Mehjabeen Beautiful as the moon, beloved person.
Mehmuda Beautiful garden in medinah
Mehnaz Prouded like a moon.
Mehndi Beautiful colour.
Mehnoor Light of the moon
Mehr Full Moon.
Mehreen Loving nature
Mehriban Kind, Gentle.
Mehrish Wonderfull smell(mehak).
Mehrnaz Kindness and sweetness.
Mehrun Nisa Sun of the women.
Mehrunisa Pretty woman.
Mehtab Moon
Mehvesh Light of the moon.
Mehvish Bright Star.
Mehwish Moon, beautiful.
Memoona Gladful
Menaal Special flower of heaven
Mersiha The most beautiful.
Mevish Strong
Meymona Good Fortune.
Mibhaj Beautiful
Midhaa Appreciate
Midhah Praise
Midhat Praise, eulogy.
Mihr Sun, affection.
Mina a place near Makkah
Minaal To reach your destination
Minal Gift, achievement.
Minna Grace, bounty
Minnah Mercy, gift from Allah
Minoo Paradise.
Mirah Provisions, supply
Misaal Example, copy.
Misam Impression, mark, beauty.
Misba Innocent
Misbah Lamp, Light.
Misha Beautiful, Pretty.
Mishael Torch, light
Mishall A light, beautiful, pretty.
Mishel A Light.
Miska Piece of musk
Miskeenah Humble.
Mobena Cool
Mohaddisa Story teller.
Mohga The light of happiness.
Mohsana Chaste, virtuous, protected, sheltered, pure, modest, married woman.
Mohsina Benevolent, beneficent, charitable, humanitarian; fem. of Muhsin.
Momina Faithful, Truly Believing
Mona Wish, desire
Monera Shinning light, or guiding light.
Mouna Water.
Mounia A wish or dream come true
Mounira It’s shining.
Muaza Historical name
Muazah Daughter of Abdullah al-Adowiyah was a narrator of Hadith.
Muazzama Exalted, respected, glorified; fem. of Muazzam.
Muazzaz Powerful, strong
Mubaraka Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious; fem. of Mubarak.
Mubashirah Bringer of good news
Mubashshara Giver of good news
Mubassirah One who comments
Mubeena Evident, clear
Mubeenah One who makes something clear.
Mubin Clear, obvious
Mubina Clear, manifest, plain, distinct; fem. of Mubin.
Mubinah Manifest; Clear; One who clarifies
Mueena Helper, assistant
Mueerah The sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan al-Jamimi had this name.
Mufazzalah A poetess of the past had this name.
Mufeeda Useful
Mufiah Obedient, compliant
Mufidah, Mufeeda Useful, helpful, beneficial
Mugheesah One who helps.
Mughirah Daughter of Hassan; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Muhabbat Love, affection.
Muhariba Fighter, one who entangles.
Muhayra Skilled
Muhayya Countenance, face, look.
Muhibbah Loving
Muhjah, Muhja Heart’s blood, soul
Muhra Filly, a female pony.
Muhsina Charitable
Muhsinah Charitable and kind
Muida Reviser, teacher, fem. of Muid.
Muizza The empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener
Mujahida One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam; fem. of Mujahid.
Mukarram Honored
Mukarrama Honoured, revered, honourable; fem. of Mukarram.
Mukhlisa Devoted, faithful, pure-hearted.
Mukhlisah Devoted, faithful
Mukhtar Free.
Mulayka Diminutive of Malaka, angel.
Mulook Pl. of Malik, king.
Mumayyaz Distinguished
Mumina Lovely, sweet girl
Muminah Pious believer
Mumtaz The distinguished; The best; The queen of emperor Shah Jahan
Mumtaz Mahal Wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
Mumtaza Distinguished
Muna, Mona Wish, desire
Munaam Soft, delicate.
Munas Sabah Wishes of the dawn.
Munawar Bright.
Munawwar Radiant, illuminated
Munawwara Illuminated, brilliant, full of light; fem. of Munawwar.
Munazza Devoid of faults, pure.
Munazzah Sacred, clean, honest.
Muneeah Name of a Slave-girl of Amr bin al-Ala.
Muneeba Penitent, repentant
Muneefa Tall and beautiful
Muneera Illuminating; Shedding light
Muneerah Splendid, bright shine of light, illuminous.
Munerah Illuminating, Shining.
Muniba To consult with Allah, diverted toward Allah.
Munifa Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty; fem. of Munif.
Munira bright, brilliant, shedding light, radiant, luminous, shining; fem. of Munir
Munirah, Muneera Illuminating, shedding light
Munisa Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle; fem. of Munis.
Munisah Friendly
Munize One who brings good luck
Munjiyah A woman who saves someone.
Muntaha The utmost, highest degree
Munya Wish, desire, object of desire; sing. of Muna, wishes.
Munyatul Muna Wish of wishes.
Muqadaas Holy, Pure.
Muqaddasa Sacred, holy.
Muqbala This was the name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ali al-Bazzaz.
Muqbalah Name of a narrator of Hadith.
Murdiyyah Chosen one
Muriha Restful, soothing.
Murjanah Small pearl
Murshida Leader, guide, adviser, counsellor; fem. of Murshid.
Murshidah Guide
Muruj Meadows
Musaddas A poem of six verses.
Musaddiqa One who affirms the truth.
Musaddiqah One who affirms the Truth.
Musarrat Pleasure
Musawat Equality.
Musaykah She was the mother of Yusuf bin Mahik and she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
Mushahida Observance, evidence, study.
Musharrafa Honoured, elevated.
Mushira Counsellor, adviser; fem. of Mushir.
Mushirah, Musheera Giving counsel, advising
Mushtaqa Desirous, covetous
Mushtari Jupiter.
Muskaan Smile
Muskan Smile, Happy
Muslima Follower of the religion of Islam; fem. of Muslim.
Muslimah Devout believer; submitting oneself to God
Musn Rain, clouds
Musnah Rain, clouds
Mussah She was Mussah al-Azdiyah, mother of Bussah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Mussaret Happiness
Mustaeenah One who prays for help.
Mutahhara Purified, chaste.
Mutahharah Purified, chaste.
Mutazah A narrator of Hadith of the later period.
Muteea Obedient, submissive
Mutia Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful; fem. of Muti.
Muwaffaqa Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate; fem. of Muwaffaq.
Muyassar Successful, lucky, prosperous.
Muzaina Diminutive of Muzna, rain, clouds.
Muzaynah Adornment
Muzeea Luminous, bright
Muzna Rain clouds.
Muznah The cloud that carries the rain
Myiesha Lifes blessing
Myreen Same as Mahreen
Mysha Happy for entire life.
Maab Place to which one returns
Maahnoor Glow of Moon
Maali Noble things
Mabrooka Blessed, prosperous, abundant; fem. of Mabrook.
Mada Utmost point, degree
Madaniya Civilized, urbane, polished.
Madeeha Praiseworthy
Madhat Praise
Madhia Praiseworthy
Madia Praiseworthy
Madiha Praiseworthy, commendation, commendable.
Madihah, Madeeha Praiseworthy, commendable
Maesa Walking proudly
Mah Moon.
Mah Jabin Beautiful, brow like the moon.
Mah Liqa Moon-like (face).
Mah Naz Humble moon (that would disappear on touch).
Mah Noor Moonlight.
Mah Rukh Face as bright as the moon.
Maha Wild cow, cow-eyes
Mahabbah Love, affection
Mahala Brave.
Mahalfa Opponent.
Mahasin Beauties, good qualities
Mahbasah A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had this name.
Mahbooba Dear, beloved sweetheart; fem. of Mahboob.
Mahdiya Rightly Guided By Allah
Mahdiyah Rightly guided
Maheen Fine or thin texture, feeble voice, Like the moon
Maheera Highly skilled, Expert
Mahek Fragrance
Mahfooza Safeguarded, well-protected; fem. of mahfooz.
Mahfuzah The protected one
Mahibah Noble, respected
Mahin Fine, subtle, thin. Name of a woman.
Mahira Skilled, skilful, proficient; fem. of Mahir.
Mahirah Adept, Expert
Mahjabeen Moon like
Mahjooba Hidden, covered, screened; fem. of Mahjoob.
Mahmooda Praised, praiseworthy, elegant, lauded.
Mahmoodatun Nisa Praised (one) of the women.
Mahmudah Praised, commendable
Mahnaz Pride of the moon.
Mahneerah First born of a pair.
Mahnoor Light of the moon
Mahparah Piece of moon
Mahreen Bright and Beautiful as the sun
Mahrosh Piece of moon, pleasant
Mahroz One who has a face like moon.
Mahrukh Face like a moon, beautiful
Mahtab Moonlight.
Mahtalat Moon-faced
Mahtob Moonlight
Mahum Moon’s Light
Mahveen Light of the Sun
Mahwish Moon-faced, beautiful as moon.
Maida Beautiful
Maimana Right, right-hand side, right wing (of army).
Maimoona, Maymunah Auspicious, blessed; a wife of the Prophet
Maimuna lucky, blessed
Maimunah wife of Prophet Muhammad
Maira Favourable, admirable.
Mais proud gait
Maisaa To walk with a proud swinging gait.
Ma’isah, Maisa Walking with a proud, swinging gait
Maisara Prosperity, abundance, wealth, affluence; left, left-hand side, left wing (of army).
Maisarah Wealth, Richness
Maisha Pretty
Maisoon Of beautiful face and body.
Maisoora Ease; successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous; fem. of maisoor.
Maisun maysoon / meaning
Maiyy Servant, slave
Maizah Discerning
Majda Glory, honour, nobility.
Majdiya Glorious.
Majeeda Glorious, noble, sublime, exalted; fem. of majeed.
Majida Glorious, noble, respected, exalted, fem. of majid.
Majidah, Majeeda Glorious, noble, respected
Makarim, Makaarim Of good and honorable character
Makhtooma Name of a female singer of the past
Makhtoonah Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past.
Makkiyah From Makkah
Maktoonah Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past.
Maladh Protection, shelter
Malaha Beauty, grace, elegance.
Malaika Angel
Malaikah the 35th Surah of the Quran,angels
Malak, Malaeka Angel
Malakah Talent
Malayeka Angel
Maleeha Charming, pretty
Maleehah Salty, Graceful, Brownish colour.
Maleeka Queen; fem. of Maleek.
Maliha Beautiful, pretty, good-looking; fem. of Malih.
Malika Reigning, ruling.
Malikah Queen
Malka Fem. of Malik; queen.
Malmal Soft
Mamoona Trustworthy, honest, faithful, reliable; fem of Mamoon.
Manaal Attainment,Achievement
Manaar Guiding light (lighthouse)
Manab Deputyship, share
Manahel Special flower
Manahil Spring of fresh water.
Manal, Manaal Attainment, achievement
Manar, Manaar Guiding light
Manara Fem. of Manar: light-house.
Mandal Fragrant wood.
Manfoosah She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-FAwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah.
Manha Gift of Allah
Manhalah Spring; Name of many Arab women.
Mann Gift, present, favour, benefit, boon.
Mannana Bountiful, generous; fem. of mannan.
Mansoora Assisted, victorious, supported, triumphant; fem. of Mansoor.
Mansurah Supporter, victorious.
Manzoora Approved of, chosen, promising; fem. of Manzoor.
Maqboola Accepted, admitted, granted, approved; fem. of Maqbool.
Maqboolah A noted woman of the past had this name; Maqboolah Hanim
Maqsooda Intended, destined.
Marab Wish, desire, purpose, use, aim; sing. of Marib.
Marah Happiness, joy.
Maram, Maraam Wish, desire, aspiration.
Mardhiah One who is loved and respected by all.
Marghuba Coveted, desired.
Marhabah Welcome
Maria A lady with fair complexion, kind of bird. Wife of Muhammad who gave birth to son named Ibrahim.
Mariam, Maryam Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), the Biblical Mary.
Marib Pl. of Marab, wish.
Maridah A slave girl of Haroon Rashid had this name.
Mariha Joyful, cheerful, lively.
Mariya A learned woman of Andulus had this name; she was the daughter of Abu Yaqoob al-Faysali.
Mariyah Fair complexion; name of the wife of the Prophet
Mariyya White woman
Marjan Small pearls, corals.
Marjanah Precious stone; She was the mother of Prophet Isa AS and has been mentioned in the Quran frequently and a whole Surah is named after her.
Marnia Wealthy in every aspect
Maroofa Famous, known, eminent, kindness, kind act; fem. of Maruf.
Marqooma Writter, stated, well-defined.
Maruff Famous; Known; Noted; Celebrated
Marwa A mountain in mekkah
Marwah a mountain in Makkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah)
Maryam Name of Mother of Jesus
Maryum Mother of Isa (A.S)
Marziya Accepted, well-pleased, one who is pleasing.
Marziyah another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Marzooqa blessed, fortunate, prosperous, successful; fem. of Marzooq
Marzuqah Blessed by God, fortunate
Mas For Almas; diamond. (only almas is used as name).
Masabeeh Lamps, Lights.
Masabih Pl. of Misbah, lamp.
Masahir Ancient Arabic lute
Masarrah Delight, joy
Masarrat Joy, delight, pleasure, gladness, happiness.
Maseera Happy
Mashaal Light, bright
Mashal Light, bright fire, flame.
Mashhuda Present, manifest.
Mashia wish, desire, will (of Allah)
Mashkoora Thankful
Mashmool Included, sought, after, searched for.
Mashoodah Evidenced.
Masira Noble.
Masooda Fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, gracious, favourable, august; fem. of Masood.
Masooma Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded, protected; fem. of Masoom.
Masoon Safeguarded, well-protected.
Mas’ouda Happy, lucky, fortunate
Masrurah Glad, happy, delighted.
Mastura Latent, hidden, chaste.
Masudah, Masouda Happy, lucky, fortunate
Masumah Innocent
Mateena Strong woman
Mateenah Firm, Solid, determined
Matina Strong, solid, of resolute mind.
Mausooma Namely, viz.
Mawadda Friendship, intimacy, affection, love.
Mawaddah Affection, love, friendliness
Mawahib Talents
Mawara Superior
Mawhiba Gift, talent; sing. of Mawahib.
Mawhooba Gifted, talented, favoured; fem. of Mawhoob.
Mawiya Old Arabic name
Mawiyah, Mawiya The essence of life; clear mirror
Mawsoofa Worthy of description, portrayed, endowed with laudable qualities; fem. of Mawsoof.
May Old Arabic name
Maya Princess.
Mayameen The blessed, the brave.
Mayeda The fruits of heaven, the cloth on which you eat in Heaven, The suraah Mayeda in the Quran.
Mayesa same as “Maisa” above
Maymanat Blessing, victory
Maymoona Blessed
Maymunah Fortunate, blessed; name of the wife of the Prophet
Mays, Mais Proud gait
Maysa, Maysaa Walking with pride
Maysam The pollen in the flower, honey, sweet
Maysarah Left hand side
Maysoon Of beautiful face and body
Maysoora Successful (prosperous)
Maysun, Maysoon Of beautiful face and body
Mayyadah, Mayyada To walk with a proud, swinging gait
Mayyasah To walk with a proud gait
Mazida Increase, excess, high degree, maximum; fem. of Mazid.
Mazina Of white glittering face
Maziyah Excellence, merit, virtue.
Maznah Glorius
Mazneen Shining of gold
Medina Holy city of Saudi Arabia
Meem The Arabic letter ‘M’ or ‘Mim’
Meena Light
Meeza Quarter moon
Mehak Fragrance
Mehar Kindness, grace
Meharunnisa Kind
Mehbooba A friend
Mehek Smell, fragrance
Meher Benevolence.
Meheroon Charming
Meherunissa Benevolent
Mehjabeen Beautiful as the moon, beloved person.
Mehmuda Beautiful garden in medinah
Mehnaz Prouded like a moon.
Mehndi Beautiful colour.
Mehnoor Light of the moon
Mehr Full Moon.
Mehreen Loving nature
Mehriban Kind, Gentle.
Mehrish Wonderfull smell(mehak).
Mehrnaz Kindness and sweetness.
Mehrun Nisa Sun of the women.
Mehrunisa Pretty woman.
Mehtab Moon
Mehvesh Light of the moon.
Mehvish Bright Star.
Mehwish Moon, beautiful.
Memoona Gladful
Menaal Special flower of heaven
Mersiha The most beautiful.
Mevish Strong
Meymona Good Fortune.
Mibhaj Beautiful
Midhaa Appreciate
Midhah Praise
Midhat Praise, eulogy.
Mihr Sun, affection.
Mina a place near Makkah
Minaal To reach your destination
Minal Gift, achievement.
Minna Grace, bounty
Minnah Mercy, gift from Allah
Minoo Paradise.
Mirah Provisions, supply
Misaal Example, copy.
Misam Impression, mark, beauty.
Misba Innocent
Misbah Lamp, Light.
Misha Beautiful, Pretty.
Mishael Torch, light
Mishall A light, beautiful, pretty.
Mishel A Light.
Miska Piece of musk
Miskeenah Humble.
Mobena Cool
Mohaddisa Story teller.
Mohga The light of happiness.
Mohsana Chaste, virtuous, protected, sheltered, pure, modest, married woman.
Mohsina Benevolent, beneficent, charitable, humanitarian; fem. of Muhsin.
Momina Faithful, Truly Believing
Mona Wish, desire
Monera Shinning light, or guiding light.
Mouna Water.
Mounia A wish or dream come true
Mounira It’s shining.
Muaza Historical name
Muazah Daughter of Abdullah al-Adowiyah was a narrator of Hadith.
Muazzama Exalted, respected, glorified; fem. of Muazzam.
Muazzaz Powerful, strong
Mubaraka Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious; fem. of Mubarak.
Mubashirah Bringer of good news
Mubashshara Giver of good news
Mubassirah One who comments
Mubeena Evident, clear
Mubeenah One who makes something clear.
Mubin Clear, obvious
Mubina Clear, manifest, plain, distinct; fem. of Mubin.
Mubinah Manifest; Clear; One who clarifies
Mueena Helper, assistant
Mueerah The sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan al-Jamimi had this name.
Mufazzalah A poetess of the past had this name.
Mufeeda Useful
Mufiah Obedient, compliant
Mufidah, Mufeeda Useful, helpful, beneficial
Mugheesah One who helps.
Mughirah Daughter of Hassan; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Muhabbat Love, affection.
Muhariba Fighter, one who entangles.
Muhayra Skilled
Muhayya Countenance, face, look.
Muhibbah Loving
Muhjah, Muhja Heart’s blood, soul
Muhra Filly, a female pony.
Muhsina Charitable
Muhsinah Charitable and kind
Muida Reviser, teacher, fem. of Muid.
Muizza The empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener
Mujahida One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam; fem. of Mujahid.
Mukarram Honored
Mukarrama Honoured, revered, honourable; fem. of Mukarram.
Mukhlisa Devoted, faithful, pure-hearted.
Mukhlisah Devoted, faithful
Mukhtar Free.
Mulayka Diminutive of Malaka, angel.
Mulook Pl. of Malik, king.
Mumayyaz Distinguished
Mumina Lovely, sweet girl
Muminah Pious believer
Mumtaz The distinguished; The best; The queen of emperor Shah Jahan
Mumtaz Mahal Wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
Mumtaza Distinguished
Muna, Mona Wish, desire
Munaam Soft, delicate.
Munas Sabah Wishes of the dawn.
Munawar Bright.
Munawwar Radiant, illuminated
Munawwara Illuminated, brilliant, full of light; fem. of Munawwar.
Munazza Devoid of faults, pure.
Munazzah Sacred, clean, honest.
Muneeah Name of a Slave-girl of Amr bin al-Ala.
Muneeba Penitent, repentant
Muneefa Tall and beautiful
Muneera Illuminating; Shedding light
Muneerah Splendid, bright shine of light, illuminous.
Munerah Illuminating, Shining.
Muniba To consult with Allah, diverted toward Allah.
Munifa Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty; fem. of Munif.
Munira bright, brilliant, shedding light, radiant, luminous, shining; fem. of Munir
Munirah, Muneera Illuminating, shedding light
Munisa Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle; fem. of Munis.
Munisah Friendly
Munize One who brings good luck
Munjiyah A woman who saves someone.
Muntaha The utmost, highest degree
Munya Wish, desire, object of desire; sing. of Muna, wishes.
Munyatul Muna Wish of wishes.
Muqadaas Holy, Pure.
Muqaddasa Sacred, holy.
Muqbala This was the name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ali al-Bazzaz.
Muqbalah Name of a narrator of Hadith.
Murdiyyah Chosen one
Muriha Restful, soothing.
Murjanah Small pearl
Murshida Leader, guide, adviser, counsellor; fem. of Murshid.
Murshidah Guide
Muruj Meadows
Musaddas A poem of six verses.
Musaddiqa One who affirms the truth.
Musaddiqah One who affirms the Truth.
Musarrat Pleasure
Musawat Equality.
Musaykah She was the mother of Yusuf bin Mahik and she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
Mushahida Observance, evidence, study.
Musharrafa Honoured, elevated.
Mushira Counsellor, adviser; fem. of Mushir.
Mushirah, Musheera Giving counsel, advising
Mushtaqa Desirous, covetous
Mushtari Jupiter.
Muskaan Smile
Muskan Smile, Happy
Muslima Follower of the religion of Islam; fem. of Muslim.
Muslimah Devout believer; submitting oneself to God
Musn Rain, clouds
Musnah Rain, clouds
Mussah She was Mussah al-Azdiyah, mother of Bussah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Mussaret Happiness
Mustaeenah One who prays for help.
Mutahhara Purified, chaste.
Mutahharah Purified, chaste.
Mutazah A narrator of Hadith of the later period.
Muteea Obedient, submissive
Mutia Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful; fem. of Muti.
Muwaffaqa Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate; fem. of Muwaffaq.
Muyassar Successful, lucky, prosperous.
Muzaina Diminutive of Muzna, rain, clouds.
Muzaynah Adornment
Muzeea Luminous, bright
Muzna Rain clouds.
Muznah The cloud that carries the rain
Myiesha Lifes blessing
Myreen Same as Mahreen
Mysha Happy for entire life.
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