Iba Pride, disdain.
Ibadah Worship
Ibadat Worship.
Ibrah Wisdom, advice
Ibrisam Silk.
Ibrisami Silken.
Ibriz Pure gold.
Ibthaj, Ibtihaj, Ibtihaaj Joy, delight
Ibtihal Supplication, prayer
Ibtisam, Ibtisaam Smiling
Ibtisama Smile.
Idhar Fluff
Idrak Intellect, perception, achievement, attainment.
Iffah, Iffat Purity, chastity, modesty, virtue, abstinence.
Iffat-Ara Decorator of Chastity
Ifra Giving happiness
Ifrah To make happy.
Iftikar Thought, contemplation
Iftikhar Pride, glory
Iftin Light
Iftinan enchantment, captivation
Ifza Protective angel
Ighra Alluring, instigate
Ihaa Inspiration
Ihab Giving, granting
Ihtisham Chastity, modesty, decency, decorum.
Iiham Inspiration, intuition
Ijabo Hope
Ijaz Inimitability of the Quran
Ijlal Glorification, exaltation, honour, distinction, respect.
Ijliyah The daughter of al-Asturlabi al-Ijli.
Ikhlas Sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness.
Iklil Crown, garland, wreath.
Ikraam Honor; Hospitality; Generosity
Ikram, Ikraam Honour, glory, respect, generosity, hospitality.
Ikramiya Honorable, Dignified
Ilaaf Protection
Ilham, Ilhaam Intuition, inspiration, revelation.
Ilhan Respectfull, nice, precious.
Ilm A slave gifl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name.
Ilmeeyat Knowledge
Iltimas Request, appeal, entreaty.
Ilyas Name of a Prophet of Allah. He was called Ilyaseen as well.
Iman, Imaan Belief, faith in Allah.
Imani Faith, Belief.
Imsaal Unique, one of a kind
Imthithal Polite obedience
Imtihal Polite, obedience
Imtinan Gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness.
Imtisal Obedience, conforming to, in compliance with.
Imtithal Polite obedience
Imtiyaz, Imtiyaaz Distinction, mark of honour, intelligent.
Inaam Act of kindness,Benefaction,Bestowal
Inaaya Gift of Allah
Inam, Inaam Gift, present, act of kindness, benefaction, bestowal.
Inan A slave girl belonging to Haroon al-Rashid (Fih)
Inas Friendliness, cordiality, sociability.
Inaya Concern; solicitude
Inayah, Inayat Care, concern
Inayat Concern, solicitude.
Inga Powerful
Insaf Justice, equity
Insha Creation, origination
Inshirah Joy, delight, happiness, cheerfulness.
Intessar Victory
Intisar, Intisaar Victory, triumph; sing.
Intisarat Pl. of Intisar, victory, triumph.
Iqamat Calm, peace, staying.
Iqra Study, read.
Iradat Wish, desire, intention.
Iraj Flower
Iram The Paradise of Shadad, Eden.
Irem A Garden in Heaven
Irsa Rainbow
Irtiza Contentment, approval.
Irum A garden in heaven
Isa Spacious, generous
Isad Making happy of prosperous, blessing.
Isaf Relief, help
Isar Fascinating
Isbah Light
Isha Night Prayer
Ishaal Heaven’s flower
Ishana Goddess Durga
Ishani Goddess Durga
Ishanvi Parvathi
Ishfaq Compassion, affection
Ishraq Brilliance, radiance, shining.
Ishrat Pleasure, enjoyment, delight.
Ishta Another name for Lord Vishnu
Ishya Spring
Isir Inspiritional, strong.
Islah Making right, making good, improvement, betterment.
Islam Submission to Allah’s Will
Isma Safeguarding.
Ismah, Ismat Purity, modesty, infallibility
Ismat Purity, honour, protection, chastity, modesty.
Ismat-Ara Decorator of modesty
Isood A woman of delicate body.
Isra Nocturnal journey; night journey of the Prophet from Makkah to Jerusalem
Istabraq Brocade
Istilah Agreement
Itab Censure
Itaf Clock
Ithar Preference
Itidal Moderateness, moderation, mildness, rectitude.
Itimad Reliance, dependence.
Itrat Lineage, descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Izaz Honour, esteem, regard, affection.
Izdihar, Izdihaar Prosperity, flourishing, bloom, blossoming.
Izma Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour.
Izz The daughter of al-Haytam Muhammad bin al-Haysam was so named.
Izz an-Nisa She was a narrator of Hadith.
Izza Honour, fame, power.
Izza an-Nisa She was the daughter of Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Hibbat Allah bin Khuldoon. She narrated hadith.
Izzah Slave girl. The daughter of Umar bin Mumal was named Jariyah. Before he had become a Muslim, she was the slave of Umar (R.A) and he used to trash her very harshly that she might revoke Islam but she did not and finally he himself became a Muslim.
Izzat Honor; esteem, integrity.
Ibadah Worship
Ibadat Worship.
Ibrah Wisdom, advice
Ibrisam Silk.
Ibrisami Silken.
Ibriz Pure gold.
Ibthaj, Ibtihaj, Ibtihaaj Joy, delight
Ibtihal Supplication, prayer
Ibtisam, Ibtisaam Smiling
Ibtisama Smile.
Idhar Fluff
Idrak Intellect, perception, achievement, attainment.
Iffah, Iffat Purity, chastity, modesty, virtue, abstinence.
Iffat-Ara Decorator of Chastity
Ifra Giving happiness
Ifrah To make happy.
Iftikar Thought, contemplation
Iftikhar Pride, glory
Iftin Light
Iftinan enchantment, captivation
Ifza Protective angel
Ighra Alluring, instigate
Ihaa Inspiration
Ihab Giving, granting
Ihtisham Chastity, modesty, decency, decorum.
Iiham Inspiration, intuition
Ijabo Hope
Ijaz Inimitability of the Quran
Ijlal Glorification, exaltation, honour, distinction, respect.
Ijliyah The daughter of al-Asturlabi al-Ijli.
Ikhlas Sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness.
Iklil Crown, garland, wreath.
Ikraam Honor; Hospitality; Generosity
Ikram, Ikraam Honour, glory, respect, generosity, hospitality.
Ikramiya Honorable, Dignified
Ilaaf Protection
Ilham, Ilhaam Intuition, inspiration, revelation.
Ilhan Respectfull, nice, precious.
Ilm A slave gifl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name.
Ilmeeyat Knowledge
Iltimas Request, appeal, entreaty.
Ilyas Name of a Prophet of Allah. He was called Ilyaseen as well.
Iman, Imaan Belief, faith in Allah.
Imani Faith, Belief.
Imsaal Unique, one of a kind
Imthithal Polite obedience
Imtihal Polite, obedience
Imtinan Gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness.
Imtisal Obedience, conforming to, in compliance with.
Imtithal Polite obedience
Imtiyaz, Imtiyaaz Distinction, mark of honour, intelligent.
Inaam Act of kindness,Benefaction,Bestowal
Inaaya Gift of Allah
Inam, Inaam Gift, present, act of kindness, benefaction, bestowal.
Inan A slave girl belonging to Haroon al-Rashid (Fih)
Inas Friendliness, cordiality, sociability.
Inaya Concern; solicitude
Inayah, Inayat Care, concern
Inayat Concern, solicitude.
Inga Powerful
Insaf Justice, equity
Insha Creation, origination
Inshirah Joy, delight, happiness, cheerfulness.
Intessar Victory
Intisar, Intisaar Victory, triumph; sing.
Intisarat Pl. of Intisar, victory, triumph.
Iqamat Calm, peace, staying.
Iqra Study, read.
Iradat Wish, desire, intention.
Iraj Flower
Iram The Paradise of Shadad, Eden.
Irem A Garden in Heaven
Irsa Rainbow
Irtiza Contentment, approval.
Irum A garden in heaven
Isa Spacious, generous
Isad Making happy of prosperous, blessing.
Isaf Relief, help
Isar Fascinating
Isbah Light
Isha Night Prayer
Ishaal Heaven’s flower
Ishana Goddess Durga
Ishani Goddess Durga
Ishanvi Parvathi
Ishfaq Compassion, affection
Ishraq Brilliance, radiance, shining.
Ishrat Pleasure, enjoyment, delight.
Ishta Another name for Lord Vishnu
Ishya Spring
Isir Inspiritional, strong.
Islah Making right, making good, improvement, betterment.
Islam Submission to Allah’s Will
Isma Safeguarding.
Ismah, Ismat Purity, modesty, infallibility
Ismat Purity, honour, protection, chastity, modesty.
Ismat-Ara Decorator of modesty
Isood A woman of delicate body.
Isra Nocturnal journey; night journey of the Prophet from Makkah to Jerusalem
Istabraq Brocade
Istilah Agreement
Itab Censure
Itaf Clock
Ithar Preference
Itidal Moderateness, moderation, mildness, rectitude.
Itimad Reliance, dependence.
Itrat Lineage, descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Izaz Honour, esteem, regard, affection.
Izdihar, Izdihaar Prosperity, flourishing, bloom, blossoming.
Izma Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour.
Izz The daughter of al-Haytam Muhammad bin al-Haysam was so named.
Izz an-Nisa She was a narrator of Hadith.
Izza Honour, fame, power.
Izza an-Nisa She was the daughter of Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Hibbat Allah bin Khuldoon. She narrated hadith.
Izzah Slave girl. The daughter of Umar bin Mumal was named Jariyah. Before he had become a Muslim, she was the slave of Umar (R.A) and he used to trash her very harshly that she might revoke Islam but she did not and finally he himself became a Muslim.
Izzat Honor; esteem, integrity.
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