Gazala Intelligent, charming
Ghaada Beautiful
Ghaaliya Fragrant
Ghada Delicate young girl, beautiful young woman, youthful and beautiful woman.
Ghadah, Ghaada Beautiful
Ghadeer Brook, rivulet, small stream.
Ghadia Morning, cloud.
Ghadir She was the slave of Musa al-Hadi and then Haroon Rashid (AN)
Ghafira One who hides other’s sins.
Ghaida Young and delicate, soft.
Ghalia Precious, priceless, valuable, dear, beloved.
Ghaliba Conqueror, victor, winner; fem. of Ghalib.
Ghalibah Dominant
Ghaliya precious,dear
Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya Dear, beloved, fragrant, expensive
Ghamza Gestures.
Ghaneemah Spoils, booty.
Ghania Beauty, beautiful girl, pretty girl, danseuse.
Ghaniya Rich, wealthy, prosperous; fem. of Ghani.
Ghaniyah A daughter of “Afeef bin Amr Abdul Qays had this name; she was a very generous, philanthorpic woman
Ghaniyya rich, well-off
Gharam Love
Ghareebah Strange, foreign; the daughter of Salim bin Ahmad at-Tajir had this name (AN)
Gharra Noble lady
Ghashia Guidance.
Ghasna Bud, blossom.
Ghassana youthful, beautiful
Ghatiya Dynamic, moving.
Ghaya goal, aim
Ghayda, Ghaydaa Young and delicate
Ghazal A poem, ode, talk with woman.
Ghazala Gazelle, a young deer, the sun.
Ghazalah Female gazelle
Ghaziya Female Warrior.
Ghaziyah Female Warrior.
Ghibtah She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Ghina Singing, song.
Ghitbah She was a narrator of hadith.
Ghizlan From gazzalle.
Ghufayrah This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night.
Ghufran Forgiveness, pardon
Ghumaysa Her kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; she was a front-rank companion (R.A) and narrated ahadith; she died in the times of Sayyidina Uthman (R.A).
Ghumra saffron
Ghunwa rich, well-off
Ghunwah song
Ghunwah or Ghunyah Indispensible
Ghusn Branch, twig; sing. of Ghusoon.
Ghusoon Branches of a tree
Ghusun, Ghusoon Branches of a tree
Ghuzayyah She was also known as Ghuzaylah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Golnar; Gulnar Flower of the Pomegranate tree
Guhika Voice of a bird
Gul Flower, rose.
Gul Badan Beautiful body resembling rose.
Gul Bahar Rose spring.
Gul Barg Rose petal.
Gul Izar Rosy-cheeked.
Gul Rang Rose-coloured.
Gul Ru Rosy-faced.
Gul Rukh Rose-face.
Gulab Rose, rosewater.
Gulbano Rose
Gul-e-Rana Beautiful delicate scented rose.
Gulika Ball; a pearl
Gulistan Rose garden, garden.
Gulnar A plant whose flowers resemble pomegranates
Gulrez Rose-Sprinkler
Gulshan Rose-garden.
Gulzaar Rose-garden.
Gazala Intelligent, charming
Ghaada Beautiful
Ghaaliya Fragrant
Ghada Delicate young girl, beautiful young woman, youthful and beautiful woman.
Ghadah, Ghaada Beautiful
Ghadeer Brook, rivulet, small stream.
Ghadia Morning, cloud.
Ghadir She was the slave of Musa al-Hadi and then Haroon Rashid (AN)
Ghafira One who hides other’s sins.
Ghaida Young and delicate, soft.
Ghalia Precious, priceless, valuable, dear, beloved.
Ghaliba Conqueror, victor, winner; fem. of Ghalib.
Ghalibah Dominant
Ghaliya precious,dear
Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya Dear, beloved, fragrant, expensive
Ghamza Gestures.
Ghaneemah Spoils, booty.
Ghania Beauty, beautiful girl, pretty girl, danseuse.
Ghaniya Rich, wealthy, prosperous; fem. of Ghani.
Ghaniyah A daughter of “Afeef bin Amr Abdul Qays had this name; she was a very generous, philanthorpic woman
Ghaniyya rich, well-off
Gharam Love
Ghareebah Strange, foreign; the daughter of Salim bin Ahmad at-Tajir had this name (AN)
Gharra Noble lady
Ghashia Guidance.
Ghasna Bud, blossom.
Ghassana youthful, beautiful
Ghatiya Dynamic, moving.
Ghaya goal, aim
Ghayda, Ghaydaa Young and delicate
Ghazal A poem, ode, talk with woman.
Ghazala Gazelle, a young deer, the sun.
Ghazalah Female gazelle
Ghaziya Female Warrior.
Ghaziyah Female Warrior.
Ghibtah She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Ghina Singing, song.
Ghitbah She was a narrator of hadith.
Ghizlan From gazzalle.
Ghufayrah This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night.
Ghufran Forgiveness, pardon
Ghumaysa Her kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; she was a front-rank companion (R.A) and narrated ahadith; she died in the times of Sayyidina Uthman (R.A).
Ghumra saffron
Ghunwa rich, well-off
Ghunwah song
Ghunwah or Ghunyah Indispensible
Ghusn Branch, twig; sing. of Ghusoon.
Ghusoon Branches of a tree
Ghusun, Ghusoon Branches of a tree
Ghuzayyah She was also known as Ghuzaylah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
Golnar; Gulnar Flower of the Pomegranate tree
Guhika Voice of a bird
Gul Flower, rose.
Gul Badan Beautiful body resembling rose.
Gul Bahar Rose spring.
Gul Barg Rose petal.
Gul Izar Rosy-cheeked.
Gul Rang Rose-coloured.
Gul Ru Rosy-faced.
Gul Rukh Rose-face.
Gulab Rose, rosewater.
Gulbano Rose
Gul-e-Rana Beautiful delicate scented rose.
Gulika Ball; a pearl
Gulistan Rose garden, garden.
Gulnar A plant whose flowers resemble pomegranates
Gulrez Rose-Sprinkler
Gulshan Rose-garden.
Gulzaar Rose-garden.
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