Dagmar German F Splendid or glorious day German
Dagoberto German M Splendid or glorious day Spanish
Dagomar German F Splendid or glorious day German
Darek German M Ruler of the people German
Dearg German M Red haired German
Dedric German M Ruler of the people German
Dedrick German M Ruler of the people German
Dedrik German M Ruler of the people German
Dell German F Bright German
Della German F Bright German
Delma German F Noble protector Unknown
Delmi German F Noble protector Unknown
Delmira German F Noble protector Unknown
Delmy German F Noble protector Unknown
Dereck German M Ruler of the people German
Derek German M Ruler of the people German
Derick German M Ruler of the people German
Derik German M Ruler of the people German
Derrek German M Ruler of the people German
Derrick German M Ruler of the people German
Derrik German M Ruler of the people German
Derry German M Red haired Irish
Deryck German M Ruler of the people German
Deryk German M Ruler of the people German
Deutsch German M A German German
Dick German M Rich and powerful ruler German
Didrika German F Ruler of the people German
Diederich German M Ruler of the people German
Diedrick German M Ruler of the people German
Dierck German M Ruler of the people German
Dieter German M Ruler of the people German
Dietrich German M Ruler of the people German
Dietz German M Ruler of the people German
Dirk German M Ruler of the people Scandinavian
Dolphus German M Noble wolf German
Drud German M Strong German
Drugi German M Strong German
Dutch German M From Germany German