NAdereh (A) Rare
Naghmeh Melody, song, tune
NahAl A young plant
NAheed/NAhid A star, the planet Venus
Nargess A flower (Narcissus )
Naseem/Nasim (A) Breeze
NastarAn A flower much like a wild rose
Nasreen/Nasrin A flower (a wild rose)
NavA Tune
Nayyer Radiant
NAzAfarin Producing delight
NAzanin Sweetheart
NAzgol Cute flower
NAzhin Name of a tree
NAzy Cute
NAzillA Cute
Negeen/Negin The precious stone on a ring or other Jewlery
NegAr Sweetheart
NegAh Look
NedA Voice,call
NeshAt (A) Joy
Niloufar A flower (Water Lily)
Niki Goodness
Nikoo/Nikou Good, Beautiful
NiyooshA A listener
Noor/Nour Light
Noushin Sweet
NoushAfarin Creator of joy