The rights of children over parents
The rights of children over parents
All praise is due to Allah Who created and proportioned and Who destined and [then] guided. He made children adornment of the worldly life. I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah, having no associates. I also bear witness that our Master Muhammad is the Servant of Allah and His Messenger. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his pure blessed family and companions, and all those who follow them in righteousness till the Day of Judgment.
As to what follows,
I urge you, O servants of Allah, and myself to be aware that you are asked to obey Him the Most High in line with his orders: "O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer." (An-Nisaa: 131).
Dear Muslims,
The Messenger of Allah pbuh said, "A man is a guardian of his family and is responsible for them; a woman is a guardian of her husband's house and children and is responsible for them." Indeed, children are a great blessing and a generous gift from Allah the Almighty. They are the men of the future and its shapers. They are the nation's reserve and wealth that we need to protect. In them all the hopes are pinned and they are extension of their parents. Allah, the Most Exalted, made children a trust in their parents' hands which they should keep safe, take care of and fulfil their duty towards Allah with regards to it.
In this sense, parents should hold themselves accountable for their children rearing and always strive to discharge their responsibility in nursing them and catering for their physical and metaphysical needs.
It is, therefore, good to advise each other on the duties of parents towards their children. In fact, the rights of children on their parents are many, the foremost of which is to strengthen their connection with their Lord and teach them the guidance of their Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Moreover, parents should invoke Allah the Most Gracious for their children, for supplications are amongst the most beneficial things for them in this worldly life. Supplications endure for them and become a cause for their wellbeing, success and great achievements.
The Messenger of Allah pbuh said in this regard, "There are three supplications that will undoubtedly be answered: the supplication of one who has been wronged; the supplication of the traveller; and the supplication of a father for his child." The fact that Allah the Almighty answers the supplications of a father for his son was further emphasised in the holy Quran by mentioning the noble and righteous man who supplicated to His Lord saying, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring." (Al-Ahqaf: 15).
Hence, father should pray to Allah to grant his children all that which is good in this world and in the Hereafter. He is also required to nurture in their hearts and minds good manners and dedication to perform acts of goodness, charity and all that is good for humanity. On this account, Ali Ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Teach yourselves and your children good deeds and discipline them (with good manners)."
More to the point, our children have rights on us to teach them all that which they need in their worldly and religious matters. We should instil deep in them the love of knowledge and devotion to seeking it as well as achieving excellence while doing so. Moreover, amongst the other good conducts that we must entrench in their minds and hearts are to pay due respect to their teachers and appreciate their status as well as preserve the standing of the school and maintain its utilities and assets in good shape.
Parents' responsibility towards their children also include following up on their education and academic achievements, keeping in touch with their teachers and observing the impact of what they have learnt at home and amongst their friends. This way, harmony and coordination between the family and school can be achieved and, ultimately, the concerted effort will, by Allah's grace, result in raising responsible generations who understand what they have been taught and use their knowledge to build their lives, and thereby form solid foundations for the best interest of their nation.
O Servants of Allah,
Amongst the other rights of our sons and daughters on us is to promote the noble social principles amongst them. As such, we need to raise them on such great values as showing kindness to parents, respect them, obey their instructions and keep good bonds with their relatives so as to honour their ties of kinship. The Prophet pbuh said, "Learn enough about your lineage to facilitate keeping your ties of kinship. For indeed honouring the ties of kinship encourages affection amongst the relatives, increases the wealth as well as the lifespan."
Increasing the lifespan is an indication on being blessed in one's lifespan by utilising their time in all that which benefit them in this life and the next.
On another level, another good manner that one should instil in their children is hospitality and etiquette of dealing with others, for this was from the traditions of the Messengers. Furthermore, parents are advised to teach their children their traditions and customs, to treat their neighbours in kindness and recognise their rights and appreciate favours.
Furthermore, undertaking our responsibility in taking good care of our children also requires us to teach them the art of listening in gatherings and assemblies. In such occasions, they should listen to the eldest amongst them and understand what they have to say, in addition to keeping eye contact with the one who speaks in an indication of respect and concentration on their speech. Yet, after listening attentively, when they should speak they must think carefully about what they have to say so as to utter only that which is righteous and good.
Our Master Muhammad pbuh has urged for such speech etiquettes in one of his concise yet comprehensive in meaning Hadiths. He pbuh said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (or insult) his neighbour; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should entertain his guest generously." So, he pbuh linked between these good qualities and the perfection of faith. This is because such manners have great status and positive impact when they are embraced by the generations and inherited by the younger ones.
Amongst the other most beautiful values that we should strengthen in our children are tolerance, forbearance, pardoning, self-accountability and awareness. Our children also has right on us to teach them the positive meanings of life and that each one of them should have a noble goal and high ambitions to achieve through hard work and wise use of their time, for time is, actually, the lifespan of mankind.
With this in mind, let us implore to Allah the All-High to protect our children and grant success to achieve all that is good.
O Allah, we seek Your grace to guide us all to obey You and obey Your Messenger Muhammad pbuh and obey those You have commanded us to obey in line with Your orders: "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you." (An-Nisaa: 59).
May Allah direct us all to the blessings of the Glorious Quran and the Sunna of His Messenger pbuh.
I say this and ask Allah for forgiveness for me and you, so invoke Him for forgiveness, for He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Second Sermon
All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah, having no associates. I also bear witness that our Master Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His Messenger. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad, his pure family, companions, and all those who follow them in righteousness till the Day of Judgment.
I urge you, O Servants of Allah, and myself to be aware that you are asked to obey Him, the Most High and Exalted.
O Worshipers,
Please know that human beings are born with a good nature and pure soul, for Allah the Most Exalted says "[Adhere to] the fitrah (inborn characteristics) of Allah upon which He has created [all] people." (Ar-Roum: 30). Such inborn characteristics normally get affected by both good and evil and acquires both good and evil ethics. Allah the Almighty says, "and [by] the soul and He who proportioned it, and inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness, he has succeeded who purifies it, and he has failed who instils it [with corruption]." (Ash-Shams: 7-10).
Therefore, if the younger generations are offered sufficient care and rearing, good nurturing and wise guidance that are conducive to strengthen righteous conducts in them, then they will definitely grow up embracing good ethics and adhering to the righteous path. With good care, they will, by Allah's favour, stick to the path of virtue and goodness. On the other hand, there is no doubt any negative quality that can be seen in children mainly results from parents' inattention to nurturing their children.
This may result from the father being occupied by his work to earn living, travel, trade, farm, or any other worldly affairs. Some fathers even prefer to go out to meet their friends rather than set with their children. In like manner, mother might get occupied by her work or friends and neglect her duty in taking care of her children. As a result, the children will acquire their beliefs, culture and behaviours on their own with no one to guide or give them good advice.
Indeed, children are a blessing from Allah which we should appreciate by knowing our responsibilities towards them and striving to undertake them successfully.
That is said, please bear in mind that you are instructed to invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet pbuh. Allah, the Most Sublime, says, "indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allah to grant him] peace." (Al-Ahzab: 56).
On the same matter, the Prophet pbuh said, "For everyone who invokes a blessing on me will receive ten blessings from Allah."
O Allah, please confer Your blessings and grant peace upon our Prophet Muhammad pbuh, his family and all of the companions.
May Allah be pleased with the Rightly Guided Caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, and all of the noble Companions.
O Lord, we seek Your favour to make pardoning amongst our qualities, tolerance our character, compassion our inherited behaviour and giving our culture.
O Allah, please we implore to you to increase us in happiness, tranquillity and welfare. Our Lord, please continue blessing our nation, houses, families and relatives with contentment.
May Allah have mercy on the honourable martyrs of our country and those of the coalition and gather them with the righteous. May Allah make their dwelling with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favour of the prophets and the steadfast affirmers of truth. Indeed, You answer to the supplications.
O Allah, please grant the best reward for the families of the martyrs and offer them patience and solace. May Allah grant victory to the soldiers of the Arab Coalition who gathered to restore the rights to their owners. O Lord, please be by their side and guide the Yemeni people to everything that is good. O Allah, make them rally for the word of truth and legitimacy, and bless them with welfare and stability, O the Most Generous.
O Lord, we beseech You to bless all of the Muslim countries and the whole world with stability and peace.
O Allah, we supplicate to You to make patience our way for achieving creativity, seeking knowledge, obtaining higher status and serving our beloved country as well as keeping its flag fluttering high in the sky.
O Allah, we seek Your grace to increase the UAE in delight and beauty and give the best of rewards and recompense to whoever sowed the seeds of goodness and welfare in it. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.
May Allah grant success and continued health and care to the UAE President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. May Allah also ensure success to his Vice-President, trustworthy Crown Prince and his brothers, Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Emirates.
O Allah, please forgive all of the Muslims, men and women, living and dead. May Allah have mercy on Sheikh Zayed, Sheikh Maktoum and the Late UAE Sheikhs. O Lord, forgive and show mercy on them and bless them with Your kindness and satisfaction. O Lord, forgive and show mercy on our parents, relatives and whoever has done a favour to us.
We pray to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, to continue blessing the UAE with stability and welfare and bless its provisions. O Allah, please continue blessing the UAE with safety and security.
O Allah, please grant us wisdom in our speech and in our deeds. O Allah, please make us amongst those who fulfil their promises and are committed to their covenants. Indeed, You are the Possessor of Glory and Honour.
O Allah, we implore you to send upon us wealthy rain and make us not amongst those who are desperate. O Allah, relieve us! O Allah, relieve us! O Allah, relieve us! O Lord, provide us from the blessings of the sky a beneficial rain and make our crops grow.
Remember Allah and He will remember you. Be grateful of His benevolence and He will increase His blessings to you.
Please stand up for prayer.
As to what follows,
I urge you, O servants of Allah, and myself to be aware that you are asked to obey Him the Most High in line with his orders: "O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer." (An-Nisaa: 131).
Dear Muslims,
The Messenger of Allah pbuh said, "A man is a guardian of his family and is responsible for them; a woman is a guardian of her husband's house and children and is responsible for them." Indeed, children are a great blessing and a generous gift from Allah the Almighty. They are the men of the future and its shapers. They are the nation's reserve and wealth that we need to protect. In them all the hopes are pinned and they are extension of their parents. Allah, the Most Exalted, made children a trust in their parents' hands which they should keep safe, take care of and fulfil their duty towards Allah with regards to it.
In this sense, parents should hold themselves accountable for their children rearing and always strive to discharge their responsibility in nursing them and catering for their physical and metaphysical needs.
It is, therefore, good to advise each other on the duties of parents towards their children. In fact, the rights of children on their parents are many, the foremost of which is to strengthen their connection with their Lord and teach them the guidance of their Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Moreover, parents should invoke Allah the Most Gracious for their children, for supplications are amongst the most beneficial things for them in this worldly life. Supplications endure for them and become a cause for their wellbeing, success and great achievements.
The Messenger of Allah pbuh said in this regard, "There are three supplications that will undoubtedly be answered: the supplication of one who has been wronged; the supplication of the traveller; and the supplication of a father for his child." The fact that Allah the Almighty answers the supplications of a father for his son was further emphasised in the holy Quran by mentioning the noble and righteous man who supplicated to His Lord saying, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring." (Al-Ahqaf: 15).
Hence, father should pray to Allah to grant his children all that which is good in this world and in the Hereafter. He is also required to nurture in their hearts and minds good manners and dedication to perform acts of goodness, charity and all that is good for humanity. On this account, Ali Ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Teach yourselves and your children good deeds and discipline them (with good manners)."
More to the point, our children have rights on us to teach them all that which they need in their worldly and religious matters. We should instil deep in them the love of knowledge and devotion to seeking it as well as achieving excellence while doing so. Moreover, amongst the other good conducts that we must entrench in their minds and hearts are to pay due respect to their teachers and appreciate their status as well as preserve the standing of the school and maintain its utilities and assets in good shape.
Parents' responsibility towards their children also include following up on their education and academic achievements, keeping in touch with their teachers and observing the impact of what they have learnt at home and amongst their friends. This way, harmony and coordination between the family and school can be achieved and, ultimately, the concerted effort will, by Allah's grace, result in raising responsible generations who understand what they have been taught and use their knowledge to build their lives, and thereby form solid foundations for the best interest of their nation.
O Servants of Allah,
Amongst the other rights of our sons and daughters on us is to promote the noble social principles amongst them. As such, we need to raise them on such great values as showing kindness to parents, respect them, obey their instructions and keep good bonds with their relatives so as to honour their ties of kinship. The Prophet pbuh said, "Learn enough about your lineage to facilitate keeping your ties of kinship. For indeed honouring the ties of kinship encourages affection amongst the relatives, increases the wealth as well as the lifespan."
Increasing the lifespan is an indication on being blessed in one's lifespan by utilising their time in all that which benefit them in this life and the next.
On another level, another good manner that one should instil in their children is hospitality and etiquette of dealing with others, for this was from the traditions of the Messengers. Furthermore, parents are advised to teach their children their traditions and customs, to treat their neighbours in kindness and recognise their rights and appreciate favours.
Furthermore, undertaking our responsibility in taking good care of our children also requires us to teach them the art of listening in gatherings and assemblies. In such occasions, they should listen to the eldest amongst them and understand what they have to say, in addition to keeping eye contact with the one who speaks in an indication of respect and concentration on their speech. Yet, after listening attentively, when they should speak they must think carefully about what they have to say so as to utter only that which is righteous and good.
Our Master Muhammad pbuh has urged for such speech etiquettes in one of his concise yet comprehensive in meaning Hadiths. He pbuh said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (or insult) his neighbour; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should entertain his guest generously." So, he pbuh linked between these good qualities and the perfection of faith. This is because such manners have great status and positive impact when they are embraced by the generations and inherited by the younger ones.
Amongst the other most beautiful values that we should strengthen in our children are tolerance, forbearance, pardoning, self-accountability and awareness. Our children also has right on us to teach them the positive meanings of life and that each one of them should have a noble goal and high ambitions to achieve through hard work and wise use of their time, for time is, actually, the lifespan of mankind.
With this in mind, let us implore to Allah the All-High to protect our children and grant success to achieve all that is good.
O Allah, we seek Your grace to guide us all to obey You and obey Your Messenger Muhammad pbuh and obey those You have commanded us to obey in line with Your orders: "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you." (An-Nisaa: 59).
May Allah direct us all to the blessings of the Glorious Quran and the Sunna of His Messenger pbuh.
I say this and ask Allah for forgiveness for me and you, so invoke Him for forgiveness, for He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Second Sermon
All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah, having no associates. I also bear witness that our Master Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His Messenger. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad, his pure family, companions, and all those who follow them in righteousness till the Day of Judgment.
I urge you, O Servants of Allah, and myself to be aware that you are asked to obey Him, the Most High and Exalted.
O Worshipers,
Please know that human beings are born with a good nature and pure soul, for Allah the Most Exalted says "[Adhere to] the fitrah (inborn characteristics) of Allah upon which He has created [all] people." (Ar-Roum: 30). Such inborn characteristics normally get affected by both good and evil and acquires both good and evil ethics. Allah the Almighty says, "and [by] the soul and He who proportioned it, and inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness, he has succeeded who purifies it, and he has failed who instils it [with corruption]." (Ash-Shams: 7-10).
Therefore, if the younger generations are offered sufficient care and rearing, good nurturing and wise guidance that are conducive to strengthen righteous conducts in them, then they will definitely grow up embracing good ethics and adhering to the righteous path. With good care, they will, by Allah's favour, stick to the path of virtue and goodness. On the other hand, there is no doubt any negative quality that can be seen in children mainly results from parents' inattention to nurturing their children.
This may result from the father being occupied by his work to earn living, travel, trade, farm, or any other worldly affairs. Some fathers even prefer to go out to meet their friends rather than set with their children. In like manner, mother might get occupied by her work or friends and neglect her duty in taking care of her children. As a result, the children will acquire their beliefs, culture and behaviours on their own with no one to guide or give them good advice.
Indeed, children are a blessing from Allah which we should appreciate by knowing our responsibilities towards them and striving to undertake them successfully.
That is said, please bear in mind that you are instructed to invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet pbuh. Allah, the Most Sublime, says, "indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allah to grant him] peace." (Al-Ahzab: 56).
On the same matter, the Prophet pbuh said, "For everyone who invokes a blessing on me will receive ten blessings from Allah."
O Allah, please confer Your blessings and grant peace upon our Prophet Muhammad pbuh, his family and all of the companions.
May Allah be pleased with the Rightly Guided Caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, and all of the noble Companions.
O Lord, we seek Your favour to make pardoning amongst our qualities, tolerance our character, compassion our inherited behaviour and giving our culture.
O Allah, please we implore to you to increase us in happiness, tranquillity and welfare. Our Lord, please continue blessing our nation, houses, families and relatives with contentment.
May Allah have mercy on the honourable martyrs of our country and those of the coalition and gather them with the righteous. May Allah make their dwelling with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favour of the prophets and the steadfast affirmers of truth. Indeed, You answer to the supplications.
O Allah, please grant the best reward for the families of the martyrs and offer them patience and solace. May Allah grant victory to the soldiers of the Arab Coalition who gathered to restore the rights to their owners. O Lord, please be by their side and guide the Yemeni people to everything that is good. O Allah, make them rally for the word of truth and legitimacy, and bless them with welfare and stability, O the Most Generous.
O Lord, we beseech You to bless all of the Muslim countries and the whole world with stability and peace.
O Allah, we supplicate to You to make patience our way for achieving creativity, seeking knowledge, obtaining higher status and serving our beloved country as well as keeping its flag fluttering high in the sky.
O Allah, we seek Your grace to increase the UAE in delight and beauty and give the best of rewards and recompense to whoever sowed the seeds of goodness and welfare in it. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.
May Allah grant success and continued health and care to the UAE President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. May Allah also ensure success to his Vice-President, trustworthy Crown Prince and his brothers, Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Emirates.
O Allah, please forgive all of the Muslims, men and women, living and dead. May Allah have mercy on Sheikh Zayed, Sheikh Maktoum and the Late UAE Sheikhs. O Lord, forgive and show mercy on them and bless them with Your kindness and satisfaction. O Lord, forgive and show mercy on our parents, relatives and whoever has done a favour to us.
We pray to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, to continue blessing the UAE with stability and welfare and bless its provisions. O Allah, please continue blessing the UAE with safety and security.
O Allah, please grant us wisdom in our speech and in our deeds. O Allah, please make us amongst those who fulfil their promises and are committed to their covenants. Indeed, You are the Possessor of Glory and Honour.
O Allah, we implore you to send upon us wealthy rain and make us not amongst those who are desperate. O Allah, relieve us! O Allah, relieve us! O Allah, relieve us! O Lord, provide us from the blessings of the sky a beneficial rain and make our crops grow.
Remember Allah and He will remember you. Be grateful of His benevolence and He will increase His blessings to you.
Please stand up for prayer.
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