Technology in dreams can represent a wide array of thinking patterns. While computers may reflect what we are thinking, cellphones can point to what it is we value the most. While cameras may symbolize the impressions or memories that situations imprint upon is, a television can reflect the type of experiences we are having.
Answering Machine
To dream of an answering machine represents ideas, insights, advice, or clear instructions that were given to you when you weren't listening to it. "Nobody was home" when something important was said. Feeling that you didn't listen to someone enough when it was important.
Negatively, to dream of an answering machine represents ideas, insights, or advice that you aren't listening to. You've "gotten the message", but aren't doing anything about it. You may have difficulties or frustration in understanding an idea or viewpoint. Something isn't "hitting home" as quickly as it should be. Willfully ignoring advice in the present because you have more important things to do. Preferring to enjoy yourself not having to be concerned a problem until it becomes a big problem.
Example: A man dreamed of his father leaving a message on his answering machine. In real life he was experiencing a moral dilemma with consequences that he was well aware of. His father on the answering machine represented the decision to do the right thing (conscience) being willfully ignored until he was ready to listen to it.
Example 2: A man dreamed of hearing a badly garbled message on an answering machine from his father. In waking life his father had died and he couldn't remember what his father had told him to do about certain property issues after is death.
To dream of a blog represents a personal account of a situation. It may also reflect sharing of personal details or opinions.
Call Display Caller ID
To dream of caller ID represents foresight about how a situation will turn out, or expectations about how something might effect you emotionally if you choose to except it or embrace it. You know what something is or how it will turn out before you actually experience it.
To dream of not looking at your caller ID may represent not caring about how a situation will turn out or effect you emotionally.
To dream of seeing "Unknown Caller" on your caller ID represents foresight about a situation that makes you feel cautious or like it can't be trusted.
To dream of seeing a blank caller ID screen may symbolize your foresight about a situation never being what you want or hope it to be.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing an old friend's name on their call display and picking up the phone. This friend was someone who always made them fell self-conscious. In real life the dreamer was about to make a dramatic lifestyle change. The friend's name on the call display reflected their foresight about how making the big change would begin to "connect" them to their concern about what other people think. They knew what to expect from the change as the time for change was at hand.
*Please See Video Camera.
To dream of a camera represents the ability to decide how something will be remembered. Your perspective on a situation and how it may influence your memories or opinion of yourself later on. An important moment or crossroads that you get to decide the outcome of. Decisions that will effect how you remember the rest of your life. The ability to control how a situation will be remembered by your actions. A wish to look your best so that it will be remembered in a good way for years to come. A pivotal moment or choice that will decide how a situation will be remembered. A wish to avoid making history in a dishonest way.
Negatively, a camera may reflect feelings about bad choices that could effect the rest of your life. Knowing a choice may bring unhappiness, failure, or embarrassment for the rest of your life. Anxiety or paranoia about being remembered in a positive way for the rest of your life. An excessive need to plan how you will make your mark in the world and be remembered for it. A wish to make history in a dishonest way. Choices that will lead to remembering mistakes. Too much concern for appearances.
A camera may also reflect how beliefs or opinions you currently have will effect your memories or impression of a person or situation.
Any pictures taken with a camera in a dream represent impressions or memories that are being formed based on your beliefs or choices.
To dream of adjusting camera settings may reflect your attempts to change the way you see a situation before forming any final impressions or making an important decision.
Example: A man dreamed of someone he didn't like telling him how nice his camera was. In waking life he was warned by a co-worker that he had to appear at a company event or he'd be remembered by other employees like he didn't care about the company. He decided not to go to the company event anyway deciding to put up with whatever bad opinion was made about him. The camera in this case may have reflected his feelings about himself having the power to influence how he would be remembered for the rest of his professional life if he chose not to attend the company event.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her old broken camera working again. In waking life she had just gotten back together with an ex-boyfriend with whom she has had previous tried to sneak getting pregnant without asking him. The broken camera that was now working again might have reflected her feelings about her ability to choose how to remember the rest of her life if she returned to her attempts to get pregnant without asking her boyfriend.
Example 3: A young man dreamed of using a camera to take a picture of a meteor, but then realized that the image was not really a meteor. In waking life he was witnessing his friend doing something important and didn't want to ruin his memory of the moment.
*Please See Video Camera.
Cassette Tapes
To dream of a cassette tape represents issues or situations that are interesting enough to set aside time or resources to exploring. It may reflect making plans to experience something or making a concerted effort to do something. Plans you want to make, hobbies you care about, or anything that you'd have to go out of your way to feel.
To dream of cassette tapes that you don't want to listen to represents resistance to doing something that is up too much time or work. You may think something is too unpleasant or too much work to bother with.
Example: A man dreamed of finding an old cassette tape. In waking life he discovered his old comic books and decided to sit around for the day looking at them.
CD Player
To dream of a CD player represents an ability to control the tone, mood, agenda of a given situation.. Having things your way. You have control over how a situation feels and may be able to change it or stop it if you don't like it.
*Please See CDs Compact Disks.
CDs Compact Disks
To dream of a CD represents memories, feelings, or a sequence of thoughts that you choose to play internally. It reflects a chosen tone, mood, or agenda. "Toeing the line" or conforming to a set standard of thinking.
To dream of giving someone else a cd may represent an attempt to influence another person with certain beliefs or feelings. It may also reflect your own attempt to listen to new ideas.
To dream of buying CD's represents a choice to feel a certain way or to "tow a line" of thinking. A situation has influenced you to conform to a set standard of thinking. Who or where you buy a cd from symbolizes what it is that's influencing you.
Cell Phones
To dream of a cellphone represents emotional or psychological closeness. Urgent feelings of needing something. Wishes, beliefs, desires, or feelings that you feel are important to have or that you don't want to lose. Cellphones may also reflect resources or connections to other people that you always want available to you. Things you want to have, want to experience, or just think about a lot.
To talk on a cellphone in a dream symbolizes your focus on issues that are important to you or emotionally valuable. You are spending a lot of time thinking about something or have a strong interest in making something happen. Talking on a cellphone many also reflect emotional urgency. You feel you need something in order to function.
To dream of losing your cellphone represents emotional disconnection from what's important to you. Difficulties that distract you or prevent you thinking or feeling as you wish.
To dream of being unable to reach someone on your cellphone represents feelings of separation or being cut off. You may be unable to communicate with someone you care about or feel cut off from something that is emotionally supportive. Family members who are separated from loved ones often dream of being unable to use their cellphone to contact that person.
To dream of a cracked cell phone represents feelings about formerly easy connections or access in life being compromised or ruined. Feeling that friendships or relationships you need have some kind of irrecoverable damage to them. Convenient relationships or access feels permanently compromised due to conflicts that are too difficult to overcome. Feeling cut off. Not liking an unpleasant overtone overshadowing a formerly easy thing to do in your life. Special treatment may feel lost. Difficulty letting go of someone or something because life is more difficult without them.
To dream of dropping a cellphone represents waking life situations where you feel that emotional or psychological closeness has been let go of. Accidental loses of access, connections, or feelings that are important to you. Feeling that access or connections have been "dropped." Choosing to intentionally let go of your cellphone may reflect feelings of intentionally disregarding or letting go of something stressful.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing an old friend talking on a cellphone with a girl he liked. This old friend was someone who never gives up. In waking life the young man was rejected by the girl he liked and couldn't stop liking her. The old friend on a cellphone reflected his need to desire this girl in order to function and his unwillingness to stop thinking of her.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of finding a cracked cell phone. In waking life she kept having feelings about getting back with her ex-boyfriend after a very big argument that she felt may have made it impossible to reconcile their very good past relationship. She felt it was no longer easy to be friends with her ex.
*Please See Iphone.
*Please See Telephone.
Cell Phone Charger
To dream of a cellphone charger represents feelings about wishing to ensure the continuation of psychological closeness. Making sure that some area of your life will continue working in the manner that you would like. Feelings about things you are doing now that will ensure that an important area of you life functions perfect the next time you try. Patiently waiting for your next opportunity to connect closely to something important in your life.
Alternatively, a cell phone charger may reflect time off a relationship, project, or situation in order to better functioning and closeness at a later time.
Example: A woman dreamed of looking for her cell phone charger. In waking life she had exhausted all attempts to keep believing that she could restore a relationship with her ex-boyfriend and so she was looking for ways to renew her prospects of restarting the relationship.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of the batteries on her cell phone being totally drained and looking trying to find a charger. In waking life she felt that she had exhausted her ability to keep speaking to a man she liked and was patiently thinking up news ways to speak to him while fearing calling him back too soon.
To dream of circuitry represents aspects of your life that need or require power to work. Things you would like to see happen that require resources or a motivating factor.
To dream of electricity flowing through a circuit represents empowerment to attain goals or make something happen. Experiences or desires you want are materializing as the resources or momentum needed is available.
To dream of a computer represents the brain and how you think. What you do or see on a computer symbolizes issues you are focused on or interests you have. You are noticing the manner in which you are thinking and may be motivated to explore issues or improve yourself.
Problems with your computer or glitches reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.
Computer Games
To dream of playing computer games, represents a win or lose situation in your waking life. Consider the type of game and how may symbolically parallel your life.
Alternatively, a computer game may represent situations where you are very concerned about doing everything right. You may sensitive about making any mistakes.
*Please See Video Games.
Computer Lab
To dream of a computer lab represents awareness, focus, or interest on what other people are thinking. Other people's true feelings or beliefs may be visible to you.
Computer Memory
To dream of computer memory represents your short term memory. You may be cramming for a test or trying very hard to remember a lot of information. It may also reflect your ability to apply what you know while under pressure or to adapt to difficult situations.
Computer Mouse
To dream of a computer mouse represents control over your thoughts. The direction of your thinking. Telling yourself what to focus on or what to do. It may also reflect the ability to prioritize.
To dream of a computer mouse being controlled by someone else represents an aspect of your personality that is guiding your decisions. It may also reflect people who are telling you what to or what to focus on.
To give or sell someone a computer mouse may represent helping yourself or someone else to think for themselves. Negatively, it may also point to giving up the ability to think independently or losing sight of what's most important.
To dream of a malfunctioning computer mouse represents confusion, setbacks, or delays.
Computer Virus
To dream of a computer virus represents uncontrollable issues that frustrate you. Ideas or thoughts that cause irritability or anxiety. Feeling forced to think about something that you can't stand. Negative thoughts or feelings that seem impossible to get off your mind. Being got at by another person.
Example: A young man dreamed of his computer getting a computer virus. In waking life he feared embarrassing himself revealing his true feelings toa girl he liked. He felt that if he embarrassed himself with the girl he could never stop being like a idiot who is being noticed thinking stupid for having been honest about his feelings.
Digital Audio Recorder
To dream of digital audio recorder represents choices for the future that can be easily changed. It may reflect a decision you are making that you know you may regret later or wish to change your mind about in the future. Non-serious decisions.
To dream of using a digital audio recorder represents choices for the future that you are making now. Dreams, plans, or a direction in life that you are choosing to pursue.
To dream of listening to a digital audio recorder represents a reexamination of choices that you felt were important. and are considering changing.
*Please See Tape Recorder.
To dream of a DVD represents an experience that you can have whenever you want. A situation or encounter that you can triggered at will. It may also reflect an ability to relive or repeat a certain kind of experience whenever you feel like it.
A DVD may reflect leisurely experiences you can enjoy whenever you want, the ability to manipulate people or situations to your will, or the ability to take time off whenever you please to pursue interests.
To dream of someone stealing your DVDs represents a person or situation that has compromised your ability to do what you want. You may feel less free, less welcome, or unable to enjoy yourself. People may also not respond to you the same or have as much time to spend with you as before.
Example: A girl once dreamed of watching a smurf dvd with her boyfriend. In waking life she was enjoying talking to him daily about all the wonderful things they were going to do with each other like sharing a house, having kids, or going places together.
To dream about email represents a delayed realization or "figuring it out on your own." Figuring something out or "getting the point" after it'd already happened. It reflects a lack of understanding about a current situation where you will "get the message", gain insight, or develop a better understanding later on. Surprise that something has slipped your attention. Awareness or discoveries gained in hindsight.
Positively, dreaming receiving email may reflect delayed realizations that a person in your life was looking out for you or considering your feelings when you were too preoccupied with other things. Unexpected surprised feelings that someone wasn't a jerk. Positive discoveries made in hindsight.
Negatively, receiving an email in a dream may represent shock, embarrassment, or unpleasant feelings about being misinformed about something you had no idea was occurring. Social signals that you are too late to respond to. Anxiety that you've overlooked something or are too late to respond effectively to a problem. Feelings about someone else that may not yet be receptive to the truth. Embarrassment that a problem you've overlooked or misunderstood has not gotten a lot worse because you had no way of clearly understanding it. Negative discoveries made in hindsight.
To dream of emailing someone else represents your intent to let someone else figure out a problem on their own or "get the point" when they are more receptive to the truth. Taking action now that will be clearly understood at a later time.
The people you receive email from in a dream may reflect situations in waking life that bring awareness through hindsight. They may also reflect insight that will be gained at a future date by someone you know due to your current actions.
Example: A girl dreamed of trying to write an email to the girlfriend of a guy she liked, but she kept getting interrupted by the guy she liked and could never finish the email. In waking life she was trying to distance herself from the guy she liked because he already had a girlfriend, but found it hard because the guy would keep showing up wherever she went.
The unfinished emails to the guy's girlfriend in this dream may have reflected her uncomfortable feelings about the guy's girlfriend discovering she liked the guy at some later date and her feelings about being unable to distance herself from the guy now in an obvious way so that if the girlfriend ever did find out about her feelings for the boyfriend at a later date the "delayed realization" would be that she already gave up on pursuing him long ago.
GPS Unit
To dream of GPS represents feelings about a clear sense of direction, purpose, or status based on someone else's intuition, knowledge, or previous experience. Blindly following an expert's advice. Feeling advantaged to follow an expert's advice to easily achieve your goals or understand your current status. Feeling that someone in your life is "paving the way" for you. A clear sense of direction, purpose, or status.
Negatively, a GPS unit may reflect too much reliance on someone else's unproven knowledge or experience. Embarrassment that you followed or trusted someone else's advice as though they were an expert when they aren't.
To dream of using GPS to track someone may reflect abuse or exploitation of secret advantages to dishonestly keep yourself informed about the status of a person or situation. Having people spy on other people for you to keep tabs on them.
Hard Drive
To dream of a hard drive represents the accumulation of knowledge, beliefs, memories, or skills. Areas of your life that you have become adept at or experienced with. A cache of personal experience.
To dream of formatting a hard drive may represent a major change to your belief system or priorities. You may be giving up old interests for new ones. It may also represent new developments that change everything you know. A major correction of some kind.
To dream of throwing out a hard drive represents abandoning an area of your life. You are giving up something that you have a lot of experience with or that was of great interest to you.
To dream of the Internet represents
interests or experiences you want to be a part of. Experiences or resources you wish to gain access to. The ability to connect with people, resources, or situations that give you a desired type of experience. It can also be a reflection of what you wish to achieve, discover, or experience with others.
The Internet may also symbolize the hidden network of life that seems to bring us closer to what we want through friends, family, or coincidences. The invisible force that always seems to give you what you need or introduces you to people who can help you. Perhaps, you thought of something and then a person showed up to make it happen.
To dream of downloading something or talking to someone on the Internet may reflect waking life experiences where you have met someone or discovered something you wanted.
See the themes section of websites.
*Please See Hacking.
*Please See Computers.
Internet Radio
To dream of an Internet radio show represents experiences or interaction with others where there is absolute control. You or someone else wants to direct the flow of ideas or totally control a situation with other people.
To dream of an Ipad represents a carefree thinking style about an issue in your life. A more comfortable outlook on an existing situation. Noticing that it's easier to think about issues if you don't focus on anything serious. A thinking style that feels convenient or free of jealousy.
Negatively, an Ipad may be a sign that you are spending too much time enjoying yourself thinking about all the easy aspects of a change you are considering with no focus on the negative difficult aspects. Deluding yourself by overlooking anything that makes you jealous.
Example: A woman dreamed of using an Ipad. In waking life she was very focused on leaving her cheating husband. At first she enjoyed how easy it was to have the courage to seriously plan to move, but then had the tendency to revert back to a fearful serious mindset when she had to focus on the reality of her of husband trying to control her, stop her, to prevent her from taking any property when she tried to leave.
To dream of an Iphone represents an increased sense of confidence about issues that have importance or value to you emotionally. It may also represent an important area of your life that has noticeably improved in some manner. Connections or important relationships that you feel are better than what everyone else has.
Example: A young dreamed of losing his Iphone. In waking his relationship with his brother began to drift after months of growing closer.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing someone using a iphone to target and shoot her cheating husband. In waking life she believed that because she was a faithful Christian that God would treat her more special than usualy by punishing her husband. The iPhone in this case may have reflected her feelings about her connection to God being better than other people because she was more devout than they were.
*Please See Cell Phones.
To dream of an Ipod represents an ablity to feel exactly the way you want whenever you want at all times. The ability to do as you please as your mood permits. Instant access to customized enjoyment. Not having to do anything you don't like. The power to stop or change anything unpleasant at any time. iPods may show up in dreams if rich people or people with more than one sexual partner.
To dream of having your songs erased from your Ipod represents unpleasant situations which make you less comfortable or that force you to confront negative emotions. A person or situation prevents you from feeling the way you want. Feeling uncomfortable about loses choice or options to enjoy yourself with.
Example: A man dreamed of having his iPod erased. In waking life he had his porn collection off his computer erased.
To dream of a keyboard represents articulation of views or expression of ideas.
To dream of using a keyboard to communicate over the internet may represent your attempt to express ideas or concerns to other people.
To dream of using as keyboard off-line to write a story, report, or other document may represent working on getting your ideas expressed the correct way or realizing your concerns.
To dream of a laptop computer represents awareness of a thinking style that looks better or is more sophisticated than average. A higher level of interest in how you are thinking. You may be more motivated or excited to explore yourself or improve yourself. Whereas a regular computer reflects a general awareness of what you are thinking, a laptop reflects more enthusiasm in yourself (professional, rich, good job, good at something). Awareness of yourself thinking in ways that are modern, making progress, or savvy. Liking organization, making serious plans, or thinking of issues related to success. Thinking related to enjoying living a professional life. What you do or see on a laptop computer symbolizes areas of your life that are the most interesting or motivating for you to think about. You may want to improve yourself, change beliefs, or cut out bad habits. Making plans on how to get ahead in life.
Problems with your laptop computer reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.
To dream of losing your laptop or having your laptop stolen may reflect fears of having to start over from scratch when you believed you were getting ahead in life. Losing power, employment, or resources that allow you think about the more interesting areas of your life. Feeling that you've lost your ability to get ahead in life or plan interesting things. Feelings about losing the ability to enjoy success or a professional job.
If a laptop computer is your sole computing device then also consider looking up the definition for "computers" for a more general explanation.
Example: A young woman dreamed of having her laptop stolen. In waking life she feared losing her an extension on her employment. The loss of the laptop in this case may have reflected her fears of losing the ability to think of herself as a successful sophisticated business professional in life if she lost her employment extension and her income.
*Please See Computers.
Laser Printer
To dream of a laser printer represents communicating or expressing what you are thinking with absolute clarity. Perfect articulation.
Alternatively, a laser printer may symbolize the realization of plans in a careful or meticulous manner.
Memory Card
To dream of a photo memory card represents an impermanent impression or accumulation of events. Beliefs, opinions, or notions that can be changed. A fresh start is always an option if you decide to change your mind. Your impression of a situation based on a choice that can be changed at anytime.
A memory card is a sign that a decision you made has left a noticeable or lasting impression on you, and that you can "wipe" this impression clean by changing your mind.
Example: A man dreamed of having a 64 Gig photo memory card. In waking life he refused to go along with demands being made of him knowing it would punish him with terrible lasting memories that he could have chosen to live through differently if he wanted to.
To dream of a computer monitor represents your perception about something you or someone else is thinking. Consider the color of the monitor for additional symbolism.
To dream of a password represents the only solution to a problem. It may also symbolize the only answer known to be right.
A password in a dream may be a sign that you're dealing with issues that have very limited means of being confronted. You need a perfect answer or solution.
Alternatively, passwords in a dream may reflect secretive feelings about some area of your life. A wish for privacy or security. Feeling that there is are things about yourself that you don't like other people knowing. Protecting privacy. A wish to deny access to some area of your life. Feeling denied access to some area of of your life. Feeling that you can't meet certain conditions that other people want perfectly enough. Feeling locked out or excluded. Anxiety about security.
Example: A woman dreamed of a password being changed on a computer network. In waking life she she broke up with a man with whom she was attracted to and felt cut off from a psychic connection that she believed would give her the ability to change his mind to start dating her. The changed password in this case may have reflected her feelings of being excluded from her psychic ability since they weren't helping her to date the man after he rejected her.
Password Cracker
To dream of a password cracker represents situations where everything possible is being done to embarrass or defy someone. You or someone else may be unwilling to take no for an answer or are highly motivated to find a solution to a very rigid problem.
To dream of a password cracker that fails represents inability to find the right solution or answer to very difficult problem.
To dream of a printer represents an ability or wish to express thoughts or ideas so that others can understand.
Communcating what you are thinking or making your plans known. Articulation.
Alternatively, a printer may symbolize the realization of plans.
*Please See Laser Printer.
To dream that you are listening to the radio represents one sided communication. You may be listening to someone that doesn't listen to you. It may also reflect constant orders or instructions that you can't discuss or debate. Situation or agenda that you have no control over. A one way flow of ideas. Hearing the radio may also symbolize the "voice in your head" that you keep listening to.
Negatively, a radio may reflect eavesdropping on other people. It may also reflect the one way nature of authoritarian control that doesn't listen at all.
Alternatively, listening to the radio may represent your feelings about ESP, psychic, or telepathic communication you believe you are experiencing.
To dream of a radio being turned off may represent your unwillingness to listen to someone that is doing all the talking or decision-making. You may be tired of not being listened to or included.
To dream of changing the radio station represents a wish to be directed or informed differently. Preferring to be walked through a situation by someone different.
Example: A dreamer heard the radio repeatedly saying over and over "In the name of the Fuhrer, In the name of the Fuhrer." In waking life this dream occurred to a German living in Nazi Germany during the war. The dream may have reflected the person's growing unease about one way nature of the Nazi authority that society seemed to blindly follow and the growing use of propaganda.
Security Cameras
To dream of security cameras represents feelings of being monitored, or scrutinized. You may also be concerned about what other people think you or something you're doing.
Alternatively, it may reflect a close observation of someone you are interested in or don't trust.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing security cameras filming him while he was in a music store trying to buy a cd. In waking life he was becoming annoyed with his employers at work because they were starting to watch every single thing he did at work which prevented him from enjoying his breaks.
*Please See Hidden Cameras.
Software Programs
To dream of software represents your personality traits, behaviors and habits. A way of thinking. Consider the type of software. Installing or downloading software onto your computer may represent adapting to a new way of thinking of a different way of doing things.
Tape Recorder
To dream of tape recorder represents choices for the future that can't be easily changed. It may reflect a decision you are making that you know you may regret later or that will be difficult to change later on.
To dream of using a tape recorder represents more serious or permanent choices for the future that you are making now. Dreams, plans, or a direction in life that you are choosing to pursue.
To dream of listening to a tape recorder represents a reexamination of choices that you felt were important, or that are difficult to change.
*Please See Digital Audio Recorder.
To dream of a telephone represents psychological communication with an aspect of yourself or issues that need attention. The ability to "get through" to people, listen to an inner voice, or realize an objective at will. It may also reflect an situations that could be "called " into being if desired. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others.
To dream of phoning someone represents a desire to make available, get through, or be connected to certain feelings, situations, people. An aspect of yourself that you are to "calling into being" or want attention from. Beliefs, feelings, or situations that you want available to you right now. Negatively, phoning someone may point to reliance on bad habits or negative thinking patterns.
To dream that a phone doesn't work or is broken represents an inability to initiate a situation or desired reaction. Feeling extremely frustrated or cut off from power. There is no means to go about starting something. A situation may have gone awry and you feel that you can't do anything about it. You can only think of wanting to try something. Feeling cut off from resources or abilities. It may also reflect an inability to get in touch with someone. Feeling socially cut off.
To dream of phoning someone with no answer represents frustration or failure to achieve an objective. Alternatively, you may feel unable to get through to someone or unable to get attention. People may not be listening to you or respecting your wishes.
To dream of being ignored on the phone may represent failure to listen to your inner voice or get help or attention. It may also reflect a need to speak up more in waking life situations where someone may not being listening to your concerns enough.
To dream of a phone ringing or that someone is calling you represents aspects of your personality that are "getting through" to you. Something in your life wants attention. You are more open or perceptive to insight or realizations. A situation might be becoming clearer to you. You may also be a lot more cooperative with another person or listening to someone more. Negatively, it may point to unpleasant issues that you are being forced to confront.
To dream of an unanswered phone ringing represents areas of your life that you are ignoring. Issues or situations that you don't want to deal with or refuse to see. You may need to pay closer attention to something. Refusing to listen to advice.
To dream of emergency calls or calling 911 represents an urgent need or strong desire to avoid something. Desperation to get rid of a problem.
To dream of a very large telephone represents the importance of a message you wish to convey to others or a significant influence that you may be considering opening yourself up to. You or someone else may be close to accepting a big idea or making a dramatic change.
To dream of phone being left off the hook represents shutting yourself out. Issues or problems that you want no part of or can't be bothered with.
To dream of a busy signal represents people or situations you feel forced to be patient with. Feeling frustrated having to wait.
To dream of having troubling dialing a phone in a dream represents frustrations with initiating a situation. Having problems knowing how to start something. Unsure of yourself. Feeling nervous about doing something right. Feeling nervous about asking someone for help. Not believing that what you are trying to do will work. Feeling unsure how to connect to someone or initiate a conversation.
To dream of calling the wrong person or reaching the wrong person represents waking life miscommunication. It may also reflect disappointment that something is not doing what you expected it to do.
To dream if having a bad connection on the telephone represents disrupted waking life communication or insecurity about a relationship. Bad communication skills. It may also reflect a lack of confidence in your ability to maintain a strong position or do something you are usually quite confident about.
Dreams of telephone calls from the deceased are very common when people are grieving. The dreams may reflect the person's desire to speak to the person again. It may also reflect the person's difficulty adjusting to the reality that speaking to the person is now impossible. Positively, calls from the deceased may reflect your wish to have a sign that they are safe or happy in the spiritual world.
To dream of being put on hold on the telephone may reflect feelings about not being a priority to someone else. Feeling that you are not as important to deal with as another person or project. Feeling that someone doesn't care about you as much as someone else. Feeling stupid caring about a person or opportunity too much when they aren't respecting
you. Accepting yourself as less important. Feeling that someone isn't listening your feelings or needs.
To dream of putting others on hold on the telephone represents people or situations you are intentionally delaying or temporarily avoiding to focus on something of higher priority. Making promises with good intentions that you can't keep. Awareness of yourself not having to respect someone or listen to their feelings.
To dream of calls that hang up on you may reflect your feelings about people being careless with your feelings. Feelings about people wanting to do things with you or for and then suddenly changing their mind at the last minute. Feelings about a person or situation you want to be involved with being insensitive about your feelings. Feelings about yourself not mattering or not being special. Feeling that someone intentionally cared about making you feel that you are not important.
Example: A woman dreamed of calling her therapist on the telephone and always getting voicemail no matter how may times she called. In waking life he felt that he therapist wasn't listening or responsive enough during her sessions.
Example 2: A person once dreamed of making telephone calls and then being interrupted by a voice that said "This is the monitoring office, this is the monitoring office." In waking life they lived in Nazi Germany and felt that the government was starting to feel paranoia and anxiety about the government invading their privacy or that everything they did in life was be watched by others who may report them to the government. The act of making phone calls in the dream may have reflected her attempts to be involved with things she liked or speak freely to people she knew.
*Please See Cell Phones.
*Please See Iphone.
To dream of watching television represents a situation or experience you are creating for yourself or that you want to observe.
An experience or situation that think is wonderful or like noticing yourself having. Watching a television may also reflect some level of control about how a situation will turn out.
To dream of a tv turned off represents a situation or experience that you can have if you want to, but aren't interested in. Options or choices that are available that you have chosen to ignore or avoid. You choose not to go a certain route and instead want to a more interesting or safer type of experience.
Example: A child once dreamed of a television that was turned off when in real life they were experiencing their parents having a divorce and chose to leave their mother. The mother offered to allow the child to move back in with them at anytime, but the child didn't want to. The television turned off represents the experience of living with the mother that the child wasn't interested in having.
Text Messages
To dream of text messages represents unspoken communication of ideas or intentions. Telling someone what you're thinking without actually telling them. Text messages may reflect body language, tone of voice, or an unspoken gesture.
Example: A girl dreamed of her sister text messaging a boy she liked. In real life she was insecure about the boy she liked liking her sister more after she introduced them. The sister text messaging the boy she liked reflected her anxieties about the unspoken body language or rapport she feared between them.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of checking text messages on her cellphone. In waking life she was flirting with men at work and making gestures to signal interest.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of sending her boyfriend a text message. In waking life she had decided to breakup with him and signal this to him by no longer calling him.
VHS Tape
*Please See Videotape.
Video Camera
To dream of using a video camera represents committing an experience to memory. Noticing or remembering every single thing that you're witnessing. It may also represent your attempt to document an event or entire process for later use. There might also be a lot of information or details that you want to share with others.
A video camera may be a sign that you don't want to forget a large amount of information that you're being presented with. You don't want to miss anything.
To dream of a hidden video camera represents your attempt to observe or keep tabs on someone in stealth. Keeping a close eye on someone without their knowledge. Alternatively, a hidden camera may reflect behavior that is nosy or bordering on stalking. Invading others privacy or inappropriately paying attention to people you know you shouldn't be.
Example: A man dreamed of using a video camera to film a wedding. In waking life he started a journal about everything that was happening to him with a new work project.
Video Games
To dream of a video game represents a challenging experience you are having. A win or lose situation. You also may be experiencing a situation where you need to do everything right in order to achieve a goal. The type of video game adds additional symbolism into what kind experience you are having.
Competition that feels casual. Two opposing forces trying to prove they are better than each other. A competition where you are enjoying trying to overcome a challenge faster than someone else.
Negatively, a video-game may reflect a competition between people who want to get back at each other. Two people trying to humiliate each other that they are better than the other person. Petty feuding or teenage competition. A cold or casual view of a competition with big stakes.
Alternatively, a video game symbolizes an escape from your problems, instead of confronting them. Intentionally wasting time.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing himself stealing 2 video-games from someone who didn't like him. In waking life he was running a business and confronting a dishonest person who was trying to compete with him illegally. This dishonest person who was trying to compete with him illegally had a very casual attitude about competing even though there was a lot of money at stake. The dreamer has to strategically take legal actions to defeat the illegal competitor, but the competitor just kept trying to compete anyway.
*Please See Computer Games.
*Please See Arcade.
*Please See Cellphone Games.
To dream of a video tape represents an experience that must be repeated if you make a mistake or miss something. It may reflect embarrassing or annoying situations where there is no room for error.
To dream of a horror video tape represents a very scary or negative experience that must be repeated if you don't everything perfect.
Example: A man dreamed of being given a videotape. In waking life he was undergoing testing for a new job that required him to start over completely if he failed anything at all.
Web Cam
To dream of a web cam represents absolute clarity about your thoughts, feelings, or activities to others. You are doing something to make sure that your intentions or objectives are obvious to other people. You may also wish to prove yourself show others that you aren't hiding anything.
To dream of unwanted people watching your web cam represents too much private or personal information being revealed about you. Being open, honest, or trying to prove yourself may have backfired or embarrassed you.
To dream of WiFi internet represents feelings about how exceptionally easy it is to be connected to other people in shared experiences without effort. A higher degree of feeling that it's easy to have desired experiences without thinking about it. Feeling that there is an "air of easiness" to your life. Connected experiences with other people that are automatic, convenient, with few obstacles.
Negatively, dreams about WiFi internet may reflect jealousy or annoyance at how easy other people lives are working out. A dislike for how easy it is for other people to connect or share experiences.
Answering Machine
To dream of an answering machine represents ideas, insights, advice, or clear instructions that were given to you when you weren't listening to it. "Nobody was home" when something important was said. Feeling that you didn't listen to someone enough when it was important.
Negatively, to dream of an answering machine represents ideas, insights, or advice that you aren't listening to. You've "gotten the message", but aren't doing anything about it. You may have difficulties or frustration in understanding an idea or viewpoint. Something isn't "hitting home" as quickly as it should be. Willfully ignoring advice in the present because you have more important things to do. Preferring to enjoy yourself not having to be concerned a problem until it becomes a big problem.
Example: A man dreamed of his father leaving a message on his answering machine. In real life he was experiencing a moral dilemma with consequences that he was well aware of. His father on the answering machine represented the decision to do the right thing (conscience) being willfully ignored until he was ready to listen to it.
Example 2: A man dreamed of hearing a badly garbled message on an answering machine from his father. In waking life his father had died and he couldn't remember what his father had told him to do about certain property issues after is death.
To dream of a blog represents a personal account of a situation. It may also reflect sharing of personal details or opinions.
Call Display Caller ID
To dream of caller ID represents foresight about how a situation will turn out, or expectations about how something might effect you emotionally if you choose to except it or embrace it. You know what something is or how it will turn out before you actually experience it.
To dream of not looking at your caller ID may represent not caring about how a situation will turn out or effect you emotionally.
To dream of seeing "Unknown Caller" on your caller ID represents foresight about a situation that makes you feel cautious or like it can't be trusted.
To dream of seeing a blank caller ID screen may symbolize your foresight about a situation never being what you want or hope it to be.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing an old friend's name on their call display and picking up the phone. This friend was someone who always made them fell self-conscious. In real life the dreamer was about to make a dramatic lifestyle change. The friend's name on the call display reflected their foresight about how making the big change would begin to "connect" them to their concern about what other people think. They knew what to expect from the change as the time for change was at hand.
*Please See Video Camera.
To dream of a camera represents the ability to decide how something will be remembered. Your perspective on a situation and how it may influence your memories or opinion of yourself later on. An important moment or crossroads that you get to decide the outcome of. Decisions that will effect how you remember the rest of your life. The ability to control how a situation will be remembered by your actions. A wish to look your best so that it will be remembered in a good way for years to come. A pivotal moment or choice that will decide how a situation will be remembered. A wish to avoid making history in a dishonest way.
Negatively, a camera may reflect feelings about bad choices that could effect the rest of your life. Knowing a choice may bring unhappiness, failure, or embarrassment for the rest of your life. Anxiety or paranoia about being remembered in a positive way for the rest of your life. An excessive need to plan how you will make your mark in the world and be remembered for it. A wish to make history in a dishonest way. Choices that will lead to remembering mistakes. Too much concern for appearances.
A camera may also reflect how beliefs or opinions you currently have will effect your memories or impression of a person or situation.
Any pictures taken with a camera in a dream represent impressions or memories that are being formed based on your beliefs or choices.
To dream of adjusting camera settings may reflect your attempts to change the way you see a situation before forming any final impressions or making an important decision.
Example: A man dreamed of someone he didn't like telling him how nice his camera was. In waking life he was warned by a co-worker that he had to appear at a company event or he'd be remembered by other employees like he didn't care about the company. He decided not to go to the company event anyway deciding to put up with whatever bad opinion was made about him. The camera in this case may have reflected his feelings about himself having the power to influence how he would be remembered for the rest of his professional life if he chose not to attend the company event.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her old broken camera working again. In waking life she had just gotten back together with an ex-boyfriend with whom she has had previous tried to sneak getting pregnant without asking him. The broken camera that was now working again might have reflected her feelings about her ability to choose how to remember the rest of her life if she returned to her attempts to get pregnant without asking her boyfriend.
Example 3: A young man dreamed of using a camera to take a picture of a meteor, but then realized that the image was not really a meteor. In waking life he was witnessing his friend doing something important and didn't want to ruin his memory of the moment.
*Please See Video Camera.
Cassette Tapes
To dream of a cassette tape represents issues or situations that are interesting enough to set aside time or resources to exploring. It may reflect making plans to experience something or making a concerted effort to do something. Plans you want to make, hobbies you care about, or anything that you'd have to go out of your way to feel.
To dream of cassette tapes that you don't want to listen to represents resistance to doing something that is up too much time or work. You may think something is too unpleasant or too much work to bother with.
Example: A man dreamed of finding an old cassette tape. In waking life he discovered his old comic books and decided to sit around for the day looking at them.
CD Player
To dream of a CD player represents an ability to control the tone, mood, agenda of a given situation.. Having things your way. You have control over how a situation feels and may be able to change it or stop it if you don't like it.
*Please See CDs Compact Disks.
CDs Compact Disks
To dream of a CD represents memories, feelings, or a sequence of thoughts that you choose to play internally. It reflects a chosen tone, mood, or agenda. "Toeing the line" or conforming to a set standard of thinking.
To dream of giving someone else a cd may represent an attempt to influence another person with certain beliefs or feelings. It may also reflect your own attempt to listen to new ideas.
To dream of buying CD's represents a choice to feel a certain way or to "tow a line" of thinking. A situation has influenced you to conform to a set standard of thinking. Who or where you buy a cd from symbolizes what it is that's influencing you.
Cell Phones
To dream of a cellphone represents emotional or psychological closeness. Urgent feelings of needing something. Wishes, beliefs, desires, or feelings that you feel are important to have or that you don't want to lose. Cellphones may also reflect resources or connections to other people that you always want available to you. Things you want to have, want to experience, or just think about a lot.
To talk on a cellphone in a dream symbolizes your focus on issues that are important to you or emotionally valuable. You are spending a lot of time thinking about something or have a strong interest in making something happen. Talking on a cellphone many also reflect emotional urgency. You feel you need something in order to function.
To dream of losing your cellphone represents emotional disconnection from what's important to you. Difficulties that distract you or prevent you thinking or feeling as you wish.
To dream of being unable to reach someone on your cellphone represents feelings of separation or being cut off. You may be unable to communicate with someone you care about or feel cut off from something that is emotionally supportive. Family members who are separated from loved ones often dream of being unable to use their cellphone to contact that person.
To dream of a cracked cell phone represents feelings about formerly easy connections or access in life being compromised or ruined. Feeling that friendships or relationships you need have some kind of irrecoverable damage to them. Convenient relationships or access feels permanently compromised due to conflicts that are too difficult to overcome. Feeling cut off. Not liking an unpleasant overtone overshadowing a formerly easy thing to do in your life. Special treatment may feel lost. Difficulty letting go of someone or something because life is more difficult without them.
To dream of dropping a cellphone represents waking life situations where you feel that emotional or psychological closeness has been let go of. Accidental loses of access, connections, or feelings that are important to you. Feeling that access or connections have been "dropped." Choosing to intentionally let go of your cellphone may reflect feelings of intentionally disregarding or letting go of something stressful.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing an old friend talking on a cellphone with a girl he liked. This old friend was someone who never gives up. In waking life the young man was rejected by the girl he liked and couldn't stop liking her. The old friend on a cellphone reflected his need to desire this girl in order to function and his unwillingness to stop thinking of her.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of finding a cracked cell phone. In waking life she kept having feelings about getting back with her ex-boyfriend after a very big argument that she felt may have made it impossible to reconcile their very good past relationship. She felt it was no longer easy to be friends with her ex.
*Please See Iphone.
*Please See Telephone.
Cell Phone Charger
To dream of a cellphone charger represents feelings about wishing to ensure the continuation of psychological closeness. Making sure that some area of your life will continue working in the manner that you would like. Feelings about things you are doing now that will ensure that an important area of you life functions perfect the next time you try. Patiently waiting for your next opportunity to connect closely to something important in your life.
Alternatively, a cell phone charger may reflect time off a relationship, project, or situation in order to better functioning and closeness at a later time.
Example: A woman dreamed of looking for her cell phone charger. In waking life she had exhausted all attempts to keep believing that she could restore a relationship with her ex-boyfriend and so she was looking for ways to renew her prospects of restarting the relationship.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of the batteries on her cell phone being totally drained and looking trying to find a charger. In waking life she felt that she had exhausted her ability to keep speaking to a man she liked and was patiently thinking up news ways to speak to him while fearing calling him back too soon.
To dream of circuitry represents aspects of your life that need or require power to work. Things you would like to see happen that require resources or a motivating factor.
To dream of electricity flowing through a circuit represents empowerment to attain goals or make something happen. Experiences or desires you want are materializing as the resources or momentum needed is available.
To dream of a computer represents the brain and how you think. What you do or see on a computer symbolizes issues you are focused on or interests you have. You are noticing the manner in which you are thinking and may be motivated to explore issues or improve yourself.
Problems with your computer or glitches reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.
Computer Games
To dream of playing computer games, represents a win or lose situation in your waking life. Consider the type of game and how may symbolically parallel your life.
Alternatively, a computer game may represent situations where you are very concerned about doing everything right. You may sensitive about making any mistakes.
*Please See Video Games.
Computer Lab
To dream of a computer lab represents awareness, focus, or interest on what other people are thinking. Other people's true feelings or beliefs may be visible to you.
Computer Memory
To dream of computer memory represents your short term memory. You may be cramming for a test or trying very hard to remember a lot of information. It may also reflect your ability to apply what you know while under pressure or to adapt to difficult situations.
Computer Mouse
To dream of a computer mouse represents control over your thoughts. The direction of your thinking. Telling yourself what to focus on or what to do. It may also reflect the ability to prioritize.
To dream of a computer mouse being controlled by someone else represents an aspect of your personality that is guiding your decisions. It may also reflect people who are telling you what to or what to focus on.
To give or sell someone a computer mouse may represent helping yourself or someone else to think for themselves. Negatively, it may also point to giving up the ability to think independently or losing sight of what's most important.
To dream of a malfunctioning computer mouse represents confusion, setbacks, or delays.
Computer Virus
To dream of a computer virus represents uncontrollable issues that frustrate you. Ideas or thoughts that cause irritability or anxiety. Feeling forced to think about something that you can't stand. Negative thoughts or feelings that seem impossible to get off your mind. Being got at by another person.
Example: A young man dreamed of his computer getting a computer virus. In waking life he feared embarrassing himself revealing his true feelings toa girl he liked. He felt that if he embarrassed himself with the girl he could never stop being like a idiot who is being noticed thinking stupid for having been honest about his feelings.
Digital Audio Recorder
To dream of digital audio recorder represents choices for the future that can be easily changed. It may reflect a decision you are making that you know you may regret later or wish to change your mind about in the future. Non-serious decisions.
To dream of using a digital audio recorder represents choices for the future that you are making now. Dreams, plans, or a direction in life that you are choosing to pursue.
To dream of listening to a digital audio recorder represents a reexamination of choices that you felt were important. and are considering changing.
*Please See Tape Recorder.
To dream of a DVD represents an experience that you can have whenever you want. A situation or encounter that you can triggered at will. It may also reflect an ability to relive or repeat a certain kind of experience whenever you feel like it.
A DVD may reflect leisurely experiences you can enjoy whenever you want, the ability to manipulate people or situations to your will, or the ability to take time off whenever you please to pursue interests.
To dream of someone stealing your DVDs represents a person or situation that has compromised your ability to do what you want. You may feel less free, less welcome, or unable to enjoy yourself. People may also not respond to you the same or have as much time to spend with you as before.
Example: A girl once dreamed of watching a smurf dvd with her boyfriend. In waking life she was enjoying talking to him daily about all the wonderful things they were going to do with each other like sharing a house, having kids, or going places together.
To dream about email represents a delayed realization or "figuring it out on your own." Figuring something out or "getting the point" after it'd already happened. It reflects a lack of understanding about a current situation where you will "get the message", gain insight, or develop a better understanding later on. Surprise that something has slipped your attention. Awareness or discoveries gained in hindsight.
Positively, dreaming receiving email may reflect delayed realizations that a person in your life was looking out for you or considering your feelings when you were too preoccupied with other things. Unexpected surprised feelings that someone wasn't a jerk. Positive discoveries made in hindsight.
Negatively, receiving an email in a dream may represent shock, embarrassment, or unpleasant feelings about being misinformed about something you had no idea was occurring. Social signals that you are too late to respond to. Anxiety that you've overlooked something or are too late to respond effectively to a problem. Feelings about someone else that may not yet be receptive to the truth. Embarrassment that a problem you've overlooked or misunderstood has not gotten a lot worse because you had no way of clearly understanding it. Negative discoveries made in hindsight.
To dream of emailing someone else represents your intent to let someone else figure out a problem on their own or "get the point" when they are more receptive to the truth. Taking action now that will be clearly understood at a later time.
The people you receive email from in a dream may reflect situations in waking life that bring awareness through hindsight. They may also reflect insight that will be gained at a future date by someone you know due to your current actions.
Example: A girl dreamed of trying to write an email to the girlfriend of a guy she liked, but she kept getting interrupted by the guy she liked and could never finish the email. In waking life she was trying to distance herself from the guy she liked because he already had a girlfriend, but found it hard because the guy would keep showing up wherever she went.
The unfinished emails to the guy's girlfriend in this dream may have reflected her uncomfortable feelings about the guy's girlfriend discovering she liked the guy at some later date and her feelings about being unable to distance herself from the guy now in an obvious way so that if the girlfriend ever did find out about her feelings for the boyfriend at a later date the "delayed realization" would be that she already gave up on pursuing him long ago.
GPS Unit
To dream of GPS represents feelings about a clear sense of direction, purpose, or status based on someone else's intuition, knowledge, or previous experience. Blindly following an expert's advice. Feeling advantaged to follow an expert's advice to easily achieve your goals or understand your current status. Feeling that someone in your life is "paving the way" for you. A clear sense of direction, purpose, or status.
Negatively, a GPS unit may reflect too much reliance on someone else's unproven knowledge or experience. Embarrassment that you followed or trusted someone else's advice as though they were an expert when they aren't.
To dream of using GPS to track someone may reflect abuse or exploitation of secret advantages to dishonestly keep yourself informed about the status of a person or situation. Having people spy on other people for you to keep tabs on them.
Hard Drive
To dream of a hard drive represents the accumulation of knowledge, beliefs, memories, or skills. Areas of your life that you have become adept at or experienced with. A cache of personal experience.
To dream of formatting a hard drive may represent a major change to your belief system or priorities. You may be giving up old interests for new ones. It may also represent new developments that change everything you know. A major correction of some kind.
To dream of throwing out a hard drive represents abandoning an area of your life. You are giving up something that you have a lot of experience with or that was of great interest to you.
To dream of the Internet represents
interests or experiences you want to be a part of. Experiences or resources you wish to gain access to. The ability to connect with people, resources, or situations that give you a desired type of experience. It can also be a reflection of what you wish to achieve, discover, or experience with others.
The Internet may also symbolize the hidden network of life that seems to bring us closer to what we want through friends, family, or coincidences. The invisible force that always seems to give you what you need or introduces you to people who can help you. Perhaps, you thought of something and then a person showed up to make it happen.
To dream of downloading something or talking to someone on the Internet may reflect waking life experiences where you have met someone or discovered something you wanted.
See the themes section of websites.
*Please See Hacking.
*Please See Computers.
Internet Radio
To dream of an Internet radio show represents experiences or interaction with others where there is absolute control. You or someone else wants to direct the flow of ideas or totally control a situation with other people.
To dream of an Ipad represents a carefree thinking style about an issue in your life. A more comfortable outlook on an existing situation. Noticing that it's easier to think about issues if you don't focus on anything serious. A thinking style that feels convenient or free of jealousy.
Negatively, an Ipad may be a sign that you are spending too much time enjoying yourself thinking about all the easy aspects of a change you are considering with no focus on the negative difficult aspects. Deluding yourself by overlooking anything that makes you jealous.
Example: A woman dreamed of using an Ipad. In waking life she was very focused on leaving her cheating husband. At first she enjoyed how easy it was to have the courage to seriously plan to move, but then had the tendency to revert back to a fearful serious mindset when she had to focus on the reality of her of husband trying to control her, stop her, to prevent her from taking any property when she tried to leave.
To dream of an Iphone represents an increased sense of confidence about issues that have importance or value to you emotionally. It may also represent an important area of your life that has noticeably improved in some manner. Connections or important relationships that you feel are better than what everyone else has.
Example: A young dreamed of losing his Iphone. In waking his relationship with his brother began to drift after months of growing closer.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing someone using a iphone to target and shoot her cheating husband. In waking life she believed that because she was a faithful Christian that God would treat her more special than usualy by punishing her husband. The iPhone in this case may have reflected her feelings about her connection to God being better than other people because she was more devout than they were.
*Please See Cell Phones.
To dream of an Ipod represents an ablity to feel exactly the way you want whenever you want at all times. The ability to do as you please as your mood permits. Instant access to customized enjoyment. Not having to do anything you don't like. The power to stop or change anything unpleasant at any time. iPods may show up in dreams if rich people or people with more than one sexual partner.
To dream of having your songs erased from your Ipod represents unpleasant situations which make you less comfortable or that force you to confront negative emotions. A person or situation prevents you from feeling the way you want. Feeling uncomfortable about loses choice or options to enjoy yourself with.
Example: A man dreamed of having his iPod erased. In waking life he had his porn collection off his computer erased.
To dream of a keyboard represents articulation of views or expression of ideas.
To dream of using a keyboard to communicate over the internet may represent your attempt to express ideas or concerns to other people.
To dream of using as keyboard off-line to write a story, report, or other document may represent working on getting your ideas expressed the correct way or realizing your concerns.
To dream of a laptop computer represents awareness of a thinking style that looks better or is more sophisticated than average. A higher level of interest in how you are thinking. You may be more motivated or excited to explore yourself or improve yourself. Whereas a regular computer reflects a general awareness of what you are thinking, a laptop reflects more enthusiasm in yourself (professional, rich, good job, good at something). Awareness of yourself thinking in ways that are modern, making progress, or savvy. Liking organization, making serious plans, or thinking of issues related to success. Thinking related to enjoying living a professional life. What you do or see on a laptop computer symbolizes areas of your life that are the most interesting or motivating for you to think about. You may want to improve yourself, change beliefs, or cut out bad habits. Making plans on how to get ahead in life.
Problems with your laptop computer reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.
To dream of losing your laptop or having your laptop stolen may reflect fears of having to start over from scratch when you believed you were getting ahead in life. Losing power, employment, or resources that allow you think about the more interesting areas of your life. Feeling that you've lost your ability to get ahead in life or plan interesting things. Feelings about losing the ability to enjoy success or a professional job.
If a laptop computer is your sole computing device then also consider looking up the definition for "computers" for a more general explanation.
Example: A young woman dreamed of having her laptop stolen. In waking life she feared losing her an extension on her employment. The loss of the laptop in this case may have reflected her fears of losing the ability to think of herself as a successful sophisticated business professional in life if she lost her employment extension and her income.
*Please See Computers.
Laser Printer
To dream of a laser printer represents communicating or expressing what you are thinking with absolute clarity. Perfect articulation.
Alternatively, a laser printer may symbolize the realization of plans in a careful or meticulous manner.
Memory Card
To dream of a photo memory card represents an impermanent impression or accumulation of events. Beliefs, opinions, or notions that can be changed. A fresh start is always an option if you decide to change your mind. Your impression of a situation based on a choice that can be changed at anytime.
A memory card is a sign that a decision you made has left a noticeable or lasting impression on you, and that you can "wipe" this impression clean by changing your mind.
Example: A man dreamed of having a 64 Gig photo memory card. In waking life he refused to go along with demands being made of him knowing it would punish him with terrible lasting memories that he could have chosen to live through differently if he wanted to.
To dream of a computer monitor represents your perception about something you or someone else is thinking. Consider the color of the monitor for additional symbolism.
To dream of a password represents the only solution to a problem. It may also symbolize the only answer known to be right.
A password in a dream may be a sign that you're dealing with issues that have very limited means of being confronted. You need a perfect answer or solution.
Alternatively, passwords in a dream may reflect secretive feelings about some area of your life. A wish for privacy or security. Feeling that there is are things about yourself that you don't like other people knowing. Protecting privacy. A wish to deny access to some area of your life. Feeling denied access to some area of of your life. Feeling that you can't meet certain conditions that other people want perfectly enough. Feeling locked out or excluded. Anxiety about security.
Example: A woman dreamed of a password being changed on a computer network. In waking life she she broke up with a man with whom she was attracted to and felt cut off from a psychic connection that she believed would give her the ability to change his mind to start dating her. The changed password in this case may have reflected her feelings of being excluded from her psychic ability since they weren't helping her to date the man after he rejected her.
Password Cracker
To dream of a password cracker represents situations where everything possible is being done to embarrass or defy someone. You or someone else may be unwilling to take no for an answer or are highly motivated to find a solution to a very rigid problem.
To dream of a password cracker that fails represents inability to find the right solution or answer to very difficult problem.
To dream of a printer represents an ability or wish to express thoughts or ideas so that others can understand.
Communcating what you are thinking or making your plans known. Articulation.
Alternatively, a printer may symbolize the realization of plans.
*Please See Laser Printer.
To dream that you are listening to the radio represents one sided communication. You may be listening to someone that doesn't listen to you. It may also reflect constant orders or instructions that you can't discuss or debate. Situation or agenda that you have no control over. A one way flow of ideas. Hearing the radio may also symbolize the "voice in your head" that you keep listening to.
Negatively, a radio may reflect eavesdropping on other people. It may also reflect the one way nature of authoritarian control that doesn't listen at all.
Alternatively, listening to the radio may represent your feelings about ESP, psychic, or telepathic communication you believe you are experiencing.
To dream of a radio being turned off may represent your unwillingness to listen to someone that is doing all the talking or decision-making. You may be tired of not being listened to or included.
To dream of changing the radio station represents a wish to be directed or informed differently. Preferring to be walked through a situation by someone different.
Example: A dreamer heard the radio repeatedly saying over and over "In the name of the Fuhrer, In the name of the Fuhrer." In waking life this dream occurred to a German living in Nazi Germany during the war. The dream may have reflected the person's growing unease about one way nature of the Nazi authority that society seemed to blindly follow and the growing use of propaganda.
Security Cameras
To dream of security cameras represents feelings of being monitored, or scrutinized. You may also be concerned about what other people think you or something you're doing.
Alternatively, it may reflect a close observation of someone you are interested in or don't trust.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing security cameras filming him while he was in a music store trying to buy a cd. In waking life he was becoming annoyed with his employers at work because they were starting to watch every single thing he did at work which prevented him from enjoying his breaks.
*Please See Hidden Cameras.
Software Programs
To dream of software represents your personality traits, behaviors and habits. A way of thinking. Consider the type of software. Installing or downloading software onto your computer may represent adapting to a new way of thinking of a different way of doing things.
Tape Recorder
To dream of tape recorder represents choices for the future that can't be easily changed. It may reflect a decision you are making that you know you may regret later or that will be difficult to change later on.
To dream of using a tape recorder represents more serious or permanent choices for the future that you are making now. Dreams, plans, or a direction in life that you are choosing to pursue.
To dream of listening to a tape recorder represents a reexamination of choices that you felt were important, or that are difficult to change.
*Please See Digital Audio Recorder.
To dream of a telephone represents psychological communication with an aspect of yourself or issues that need attention. The ability to "get through" to people, listen to an inner voice, or realize an objective at will. It may also reflect an situations that could be "called " into being if desired. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others.
To dream of phoning someone represents a desire to make available, get through, or be connected to certain feelings, situations, people. An aspect of yourself that you are to "calling into being" or want attention from. Beliefs, feelings, or situations that you want available to you right now. Negatively, phoning someone may point to reliance on bad habits or negative thinking patterns.
To dream that a phone doesn't work or is broken represents an inability to initiate a situation or desired reaction. Feeling extremely frustrated or cut off from power. There is no means to go about starting something. A situation may have gone awry and you feel that you can't do anything about it. You can only think of wanting to try something. Feeling cut off from resources or abilities. It may also reflect an inability to get in touch with someone. Feeling socially cut off.
To dream of phoning someone with no answer represents frustration or failure to achieve an objective. Alternatively, you may feel unable to get through to someone or unable to get attention. People may not be listening to you or respecting your wishes.
To dream of being ignored on the phone may represent failure to listen to your inner voice or get help or attention. It may also reflect a need to speak up more in waking life situations where someone may not being listening to your concerns enough.
To dream of a phone ringing or that someone is calling you represents aspects of your personality that are "getting through" to you. Something in your life wants attention. You are more open or perceptive to insight or realizations. A situation might be becoming clearer to you. You may also be a lot more cooperative with another person or listening to someone more. Negatively, it may point to unpleasant issues that you are being forced to confront.
To dream of an unanswered phone ringing represents areas of your life that you are ignoring. Issues or situations that you don't want to deal with or refuse to see. You may need to pay closer attention to something. Refusing to listen to advice.
To dream of emergency calls or calling 911 represents an urgent need or strong desire to avoid something. Desperation to get rid of a problem.
To dream of a very large telephone represents the importance of a message you wish to convey to others or a significant influence that you may be considering opening yourself up to. You or someone else may be close to accepting a big idea or making a dramatic change.
To dream of phone being left off the hook represents shutting yourself out. Issues or problems that you want no part of or can't be bothered with.
To dream of a busy signal represents people or situations you feel forced to be patient with. Feeling frustrated having to wait.
To dream of having troubling dialing a phone in a dream represents frustrations with initiating a situation. Having problems knowing how to start something. Unsure of yourself. Feeling nervous about doing something right. Feeling nervous about asking someone for help. Not believing that what you are trying to do will work. Feeling unsure how to connect to someone or initiate a conversation.
To dream of calling the wrong person or reaching the wrong person represents waking life miscommunication. It may also reflect disappointment that something is not doing what you expected it to do.
To dream if having a bad connection on the telephone represents disrupted waking life communication or insecurity about a relationship. Bad communication skills. It may also reflect a lack of confidence in your ability to maintain a strong position or do something you are usually quite confident about.
Dreams of telephone calls from the deceased are very common when people are grieving. The dreams may reflect the person's desire to speak to the person again. It may also reflect the person's difficulty adjusting to the reality that speaking to the person is now impossible. Positively, calls from the deceased may reflect your wish to have a sign that they are safe or happy in the spiritual world.
To dream of being put on hold on the telephone may reflect feelings about not being a priority to someone else. Feeling that you are not as important to deal with as another person or project. Feeling that someone doesn't care about you as much as someone else. Feeling stupid caring about a person or opportunity too much when they aren't respecting
you. Accepting yourself as less important. Feeling that someone isn't listening your feelings or needs.
To dream of putting others on hold on the telephone represents people or situations you are intentionally delaying or temporarily avoiding to focus on something of higher priority. Making promises with good intentions that you can't keep. Awareness of yourself not having to respect someone or listen to their feelings.
To dream of calls that hang up on you may reflect your feelings about people being careless with your feelings. Feelings about people wanting to do things with you or for and then suddenly changing their mind at the last minute. Feelings about a person or situation you want to be involved with being insensitive about your feelings. Feelings about yourself not mattering or not being special. Feeling that someone intentionally cared about making you feel that you are not important.
Example: A woman dreamed of calling her therapist on the telephone and always getting voicemail no matter how may times she called. In waking life he felt that he therapist wasn't listening or responsive enough during her sessions.
Example 2: A person once dreamed of making telephone calls and then being interrupted by a voice that said "This is the monitoring office, this is the monitoring office." In waking life they lived in Nazi Germany and felt that the government was starting to feel paranoia and anxiety about the government invading their privacy or that everything they did in life was be watched by others who may report them to the government. The act of making phone calls in the dream may have reflected her attempts to be involved with things she liked or speak freely to people she knew.
*Please See Cell Phones.
*Please See Iphone.
To dream of watching television represents a situation or experience you are creating for yourself or that you want to observe.
An experience or situation that think is wonderful or like noticing yourself having. Watching a television may also reflect some level of control about how a situation will turn out.
To dream of a tv turned off represents a situation or experience that you can have if you want to, but aren't interested in. Options or choices that are available that you have chosen to ignore or avoid. You choose not to go a certain route and instead want to a more interesting or safer type of experience.
Example: A child once dreamed of a television that was turned off when in real life they were experiencing their parents having a divorce and chose to leave their mother. The mother offered to allow the child to move back in with them at anytime, but the child didn't want to. The television turned off represents the experience of living with the mother that the child wasn't interested in having.
Text Messages
To dream of text messages represents unspoken communication of ideas or intentions. Telling someone what you're thinking without actually telling them. Text messages may reflect body language, tone of voice, or an unspoken gesture.
Example: A girl dreamed of her sister text messaging a boy she liked. In real life she was insecure about the boy she liked liking her sister more after she introduced them. The sister text messaging the boy she liked reflected her anxieties about the unspoken body language or rapport she feared between them.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of checking text messages on her cellphone. In waking life she was flirting with men at work and making gestures to signal interest.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of sending her boyfriend a text message. In waking life she had decided to breakup with him and signal this to him by no longer calling him.
VHS Tape
*Please See Videotape.
Video Camera
To dream of using a video camera represents committing an experience to memory. Noticing or remembering every single thing that you're witnessing. It may also represent your attempt to document an event or entire process for later use. There might also be a lot of information or details that you want to share with others.
A video camera may be a sign that you don't want to forget a large amount of information that you're being presented with. You don't want to miss anything.
To dream of a hidden video camera represents your attempt to observe or keep tabs on someone in stealth. Keeping a close eye on someone without their knowledge. Alternatively, a hidden camera may reflect behavior that is nosy or bordering on stalking. Invading others privacy or inappropriately paying attention to people you know you shouldn't be.
Example: A man dreamed of using a video camera to film a wedding. In waking life he started a journal about everything that was happening to him with a new work project.
Video Games
To dream of a video game represents a challenging experience you are having. A win or lose situation. You also may be experiencing a situation where you need to do everything right in order to achieve a goal. The type of video game adds additional symbolism into what kind experience you are having.
Competition that feels casual. Two opposing forces trying to prove they are better than each other. A competition where you are enjoying trying to overcome a challenge faster than someone else.
Negatively, a video-game may reflect a competition between people who want to get back at each other. Two people trying to humiliate each other that they are better than the other person. Petty feuding or teenage competition. A cold or casual view of a competition with big stakes.
Alternatively, a video game symbolizes an escape from your problems, instead of confronting them. Intentionally wasting time.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing himself stealing 2 video-games from someone who didn't like him. In waking life he was running a business and confronting a dishonest person who was trying to compete with him illegally. This dishonest person who was trying to compete with him illegally had a very casual attitude about competing even though there was a lot of money at stake. The dreamer has to strategically take legal actions to defeat the illegal competitor, but the competitor just kept trying to compete anyway.
*Please See Computer Games.
*Please See Arcade.
*Please See Cellphone Games.
To dream of a video tape represents an experience that must be repeated if you make a mistake or miss something. It may reflect embarrassing or annoying situations where there is no room for error.
To dream of a horror video tape represents a very scary or negative experience that must be repeated if you don't everything perfect.
Example: A man dreamed of being given a videotape. In waking life he was undergoing testing for a new job that required him to start over completely if he failed anything at all.
Web Cam
To dream of a web cam represents absolute clarity about your thoughts, feelings, or activities to others. You are doing something to make sure that your intentions or objectives are obvious to other people. You may also wish to prove yourself show others that you aren't hiding anything.
To dream of unwanted people watching your web cam represents too much private or personal information being revealed about you. Being open, honest, or trying to prove yourself may have backfired or embarrassed you.
To dream of WiFi internet represents feelings about how exceptionally easy it is to be connected to other people in shared experiences without effort. A higher degree of feeling that it's easy to have desired experiences without thinking about it. Feeling that there is an "air of easiness" to your life. Connected experiences with other people that are automatic, convenient, with few obstacles.
Negatively, dreams about WiFi internet may reflect jealousy or annoyance at how easy other people lives are working out. A dislike for how easy it is for other people to connect or share experiences.
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- Are Videogames Permissible in Islam?
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- Muslim views of death