Arafat is a pilgrimage site, about 25 kilometers east of Makkah al-Mukaramah. Standing on 'Arafat on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah and staying there from mid-day to sunset is the essence of the Hajj (the Pilgrimage).
- Ruling on celebrating the birthday of the Prophet
- Definition of Hijab for Muslim Men
- What Is Wrong With The Muslim Community?
- What is the Quran?
- What is 'Ehsaan'?
- The Story of Hazrat Umar and the Roman Envoy
- The Seven Phases of Prophet Muhammad's Life *
- The Meaning of Jihad
- The Fasting of Ramadan: A Time for Thought, Action, and Change!
- Study paints rare portrait of Muslim-Americans
- Some miracles of the holy quran including "numbers of word repetitions"?
- Scintific Facts Mentioned in the Qur’an
- Science and the Islamic World
- Ramadhan Checklist
- Reciting Al-Quran
- Red on Women Drives Men Wild
- Ramadan: The month of the Qur’an-Mozammel Haque
- Ramadan, the Month of the Qur'an
- Ramadan, month of immense bestowal
- Ramadan thoughts: Haj & Umrah Frequently Asked Questions
- Ramadan resolutions
- Ramadan is About Sharing and Forgiving
- Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast and reflect
- Ramadan In History
- Ramadan - The month of Quran
- Ramadan - more than just fasting, a time to give
- The Journey Towards Islam
- Muslims, Modernity and the West: the Great Deception (part 1)
- Muslims, Jews and the Nobel Prize
- Muslims vs. Muslims - Who’s right?