The collective worldwide body of Muslim believers.
- Islamic headgear is not essential
- Hirabah versus Jihad
- QUR'AN: Playing into the Hands of the Extremists? (Khan Qur'an)
- The Place of Tolerance in Islam
- The Qur'an: A Divine Guidance or a Historical Document
- Intolerant Faith
- Islam and the Theology of Power
- The Nature and Role of Hadith: An Analysis of a Re-evaluation
- Misinterpretation of some verses of Surah Ahzab on Hijab
- Islam Terrorism, and the “Separation of Church and State”
- American Muslim Community Should Rise to the Occasion
- Non-Muslims in Muslim History
- Women and Masjid
- Real Debate About the Status of Women
- Faywas, Their Acceptability and Their Relevance
- RAMADAN - Mending habits and developing character
- God's Command to Angels
- Muslim Women Scholars Must Bloom Again
- Rape against Muslim Women
- The Qur'an Does Not Mandate Hijab
- What's your problem with Islam?
- Logic, Reason, and the Spirit of Inquiry
- Does Islam permit critical thinking?
- Religion and Reason
- Revolutionary Role of Islam
- Islam and Scientific Fundamentalism
- The Koran and Cloning
- Justice, Gender and Islam
- The Characteristics of The Islamic Society
- Is music prohibited in Islam?