Meaning distortion, corruption, alteration. The vast majority of today's Muslims assume the Taurat and Injil have been corrupted, but the Qur'an never says the physical scriptures of the previous revelations were corrupted, only their interpretations. Many early and contemporary Muslim scholars (e.g. Ibn ‘Abbas, Ibn al-Layth, Ibn Rabban, Ibn Qutayba, Al-Ya'qubi, Al-Tabari, Al-Baqillani, Al-Mas'udi,) agree with the conclusion.
- Myth About Islam
- Is Veil/Hijab Becoming a Symbol of American Muslims?
- Veiling and Hijab as understood by Muslim feminists
- Brain Death – An Islamic Perspective
- Misinterpretation Of Quranic Verses On Hijab
- Islamic headgear is not essential
- Hirabah versus Jihad
- QUR'AN: Playing into the Hands of the Extremists? (Khan Qur'an)
- The Place of Tolerance in Islam
- The Qur'an: A Divine Guidance or a Historical Document
- Intolerant Faith
- Islam and the Theology of Power
- The Nature and Role of Hadith: An Analysis of a Re-evaluation
- Misinterpretation of some verses of Surah Ahzab on Hijab
- Islam Terrorism, and the “Separation of Church and State”
- American Muslim Community Should Rise to the Occasion
- Non-Muslims in Muslim History
- Women and Masjid
- Real Debate About the Status of Women
- Faywas, Their Acceptability and Their Relevance
- RAMADAN - Mending habits and developing character
- God's Command to Angels
- Muslim Women Scholars Must Bloom Again
- Rape against Muslim Women
- The Qur'an Does Not Mandate Hijab
- What's your problem with Islam?
- Logic, Reason, and the Spirit of Inquiry
- Does Islam permit critical thinking?
- Religion and Reason
- Revolutionary Role of Islam