A classification of ahadith in which words or deeds of Muhammad are considered to be the inspired words of Allah, by which they can still be emulated, even though they may contradict the Qur'an (ie. stoning). This is a 'workaround' solution to the otherwise violation of Bukhari's 3rd criteria for a Sahihnarration.
- Road to Muslim dignity
- Suffering and Evil in the World
- Medicine of the Prophet (Tibb al-Nabvi) A Message Par Excellence
- Status of Women in Islam
- Islam: The Religion of Proofs
- Polygamy İn Islamic Law
- Islam and Modern Science
- Islam And Modern Man
- The Miracle of Islamic Science
- The Islamic Stance on Music: Ghamidi’s View-Part 1
- Music A Question of Faith or Da'wah?
- Bank interest and Muslim society
- Does The Quran Allow Beating Of Women?
- The Islamic Stance on Music – Part 2
- The Epistemological Hijab
- The Epistemological Hijab
- Muslim Decline & Future Prospects
- An Islamic Perspective on Women in the Political System
- Islam without Islamic Law
- Women in the Mosque
- Shariah, Fiqh and the Sciences of Nature - Part 1
- Shariah, Fiqh and the Sciences of Nature – Part 2
- Shariah, Fiqh and the Sciences of Nature - Part 3
- Shariah, Fiqh and the Sciences of Nature - Part 4
- Shariah, Fiqh and the Sciences of Nature - Part 5
- Shariah, Fiqh and the Natural Sciences - Part 6
- Shariah, Fiqh and Women’s Rights – Part 7
- Islamic Banking Isn’t Islamic
- Indian heart, Muslim soul
- Myth About Islam