Observance of Hijab by female Muslims can consist of the Jilbāb; any long and loose-fitting garment, the Khimar; a scarf or wrap (often referred to simply as 'hijab') used to cover the head and neck, and the Niqāb; a piece of cloth which veils the face.
- Islamic Concept of Conscience
- The Three Shaitaans
- Islam The Next American Religion?
- Honor of The Noble Prophet
- Freedom Of The Oppressed
- The Amazing Quran
- Hijab and Hajibs
- Islamic Concept of Prophethood
- Islamic Concept of Jehad
- The Day of Judgment in Islam
- The Development of Hijab
- Islamic Concept of Poetry
- GOD (Allah) Glorified be He, the most High And His Religion
- Imam Husain, the Defender of Truth
- The Names of Allah in the Quran
- On The Character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Who is A Muslim?
- The Islamic View on War
- Words of Wisdom from the Qur'an
- Islam and Unity
- Islam and Mysticism
- The Quran Speaks About the Quran
- Headscarf in Islam
- Medicine and Medical Education in Islamic History
- Islamic Medicine: 1000 years ahead of its times
- Issues: Hijab
- Angels- A Scientific Perspective
- Hydrology or Water Cycle in Qur'an
- Muslim Surgeons: 1,000 Years Ahead of Their Times
- Alphabets of Success fro the Quran