The doctrine, based on Qur'an 2:106, Qur'an 13:39, Qur'an 16:101, Qur'an 17:86, Qur'an 87:6-7, that Allah rescinded some previous revelations. The most crucial topic for any infidel is the rule of abrogations through which Allah allowed Himself to change His mind. Apart from this silliness stands the fact that most of the peaceful verses (written in Mecca) likely quoted by Islamic apologists, were, in fact, substituted by others (later written in Medina): mainly all the bloody verses found in chapters 3 (-Chr.89-), 5 (-Chr.112-), 8 (-Chr.88-) and chapter 9 (-Chr.113-), particularly its 'Verse of the Sword' (9.5).
- Islamic Renaissance
- The Surah Al-Hadeed 57
- Understanding Tasawwuf
- The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
- The Status of Parents in Islam
- Issues: Misrepresentation in the Name of Islam
- "Stoning is in Conflict with Qur'anic Injunction"
- Islam Does Not Inhibit Science
- Benefits of Breast Feeding
- Notes On The Education Of Muslim Children
- Humility
- Extension of Halal Concept to the Personal Habits of the Muslims
- The Need For Islamic Renaissance
- Family Planning
- Inshah Allah Allah So Willing--The Metaphysics of the Future
- Abortion
- Life (existence) before Birth and Life after Death
- Quran Ispires Modern Science
- Ehsan, The Forgotten Dimension of Islam
- The Global Bazaar and Islamic Civilization
- Consider the Culture to Gauge Women's Rights
- Jamaluddin Afghani
- Can Human beings be Cloned?
- Organ Donation Problems
- Muslim Unity Through Science and Technology in the 21st Century
- America the Global Leader in Science and Technology
- Gender Equality and Justice in Islam
- What Does It Mean To Be a Muslim Today?
- Women in Islam: Body, Mind and Spirit
- From Taqwa to Fatwa