Ja'iz, Halal, Mubah
Ja'iz, Halal, Mubah
Ja'iz, Halal, Mubah: permitted, allowed, lawful, legal. The acts or things which are permitted and lawful. There is no reward for performing it nor any punishment for neglect¬ing it. Mubah is exclusively used for lawful things, not for permitted actions. An example, drinking tea.
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- Islam not inherently violent any more than Christianity is
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- Islam's divinity through science - The savior of Western Civilization?
- Islam, Science and Civilisation
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- Islamic Perspective
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- Islamic Renaissance
- The Surah Al-Hadeed 57
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- The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
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- Issues: Misrepresentation in the Name of Islam
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- Humility
- Extension of Halal Concept to the Personal Habits of the Muslims
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- Inshah Allah Allah So Willing--The Metaphysics of the Future
- Abortion
- Life (existence) before Birth and Life after Death
- Quran Ispires Modern Science
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- The Global Bazaar and Islamic Civilization
- Consider the Culture to Gauge Women's Rights