Dhimmis: These are conquered peoples living under Muslim rule, generally the Jews and Christians who are called "people of the Book." They are protected and can have certain rights such as privately worshipping according to their religion. However, they must pay protection money and are never considered citizens.
- Music and Islam
- Is Music Haraam?
- Challenges of Muslims Living in America
- Dates - Medicinal Food of the Qur’an
- Declaring something halal or haram: Lessons from Imam Malik
- Decoupling Honour Killings From Islam
- Zamzam Water - A Miracle
- Yearning for Allah
- Women who taught their husbands
- Women’s Share in Inheritance
- Why We Love Ramadhan - Dedicated to Muslims in Western Countries
- Why should we read the Qur’an with tajweed?
- Why I Became a Muslim?
- Why I Am Not A Muslim
- Who Needs An Islamic State?
- What to Do with Islam?
- What Kind of Muslim Am I
- Why do we read the Quran, even if we can’t understand a single Arabic word?
- Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an?
- Whatever Allaah Does - It Is For Our Best
- What is the punishment for rape in Islam? What happens to the rape victim?
- What is the point of fasting beyond Ramadan?
- What is the Muslim month of Ramadan?
- What Is Tasawwuf
- What is Salat?
- What is ISLAM ?
- What is after Ramadhaan?
- What every Muslim needs to know about Ramadan
- What does Islam say about bad breath and body smell?
- What do Islam and public health have in common?