

Holidays and birthdays in dreams are symbols for important times in your life where you will have experiences, insights, or face your karma.


To dream of an anniversary represents a heightened sense of priorities. A waking life experience that humbles you, or reminds you about what is most important in your life. A sign that you may have to sacrifice petty issues or put off things that aren't crucial.
A dream anniversay points to a heightened sense of morality, facing your own arrogance, or having to confront problems you have avoided. It may also reflect a need to "shed fat" or get rid of the garbage in your life.
To dream of your parents anniversary represents a life situation that reenforces sounds judgment. Something that makes you do the right thing regardless of how you feel about it.


To dream of a birthday represents a time where you or some aspect of yourself is experiencing the realization of wishes or desires. A time where you feel lucky or successful.

To dream of someone else having a birthday represents some aspect of your personality feeling lucky or getting what it wants.

Example: A man dreamed of a bithday party that was about to happen. In waking life his rich abusive father was about to die.

Birthday Cake

To dream of a birthday cake represents a situation in your waking life that makes you feel lucky or special. Something good has happened that is just for you. You may be getting exactly what you wanted. A wish may have been realized.
If you see a birthday cake with blood on it may reflect a negative situation that overshadows your good luck. It may also represent guilt you have with something negative you did to achieve your good fortune.
A pink birthday cake may reflect good fortune that you are obsessed with. Something good has happened and you want to experience it all the time. It may also reflect sexual favor during a special event. Someone may be flirting with during a special moment.

Birthday Gift

To dream of a birthday gift represents a special moment of good luck or good fortune. Lucking out or enjoying a pleasant surprise. Something good happened that you wanted.


To dream of Christmas represents situations in life where it feels that you are getting something long deserved. Feeling that someone else has no choice but to give you a deserved break or special treatment. A joyous occasion. Renewed happiness that your health is returning or that something you've wanted for a long time is finally happening.
Alternatively, dreaming about Christmas may reflect social situations where it feels important for everyone to put effort into making other people feel cared about. Social festivity that is very caring or putting extra effort into treating people special. Leisure time or closeness with family.
Negatively, Christmas in a dream may reflect a dislike of feeling forced to care about other people or enjoy spending time with family. Not enjoying feeling forced to take a break or long deserved vacation. Alternatively, it may reflect jealousy of other people deserving to be treated more special than you. Feeling grateful for deserving something that should have been easy or already given to you. Allowing someone to abuse their power over you by giving you something that is already yours as though it's special.
Example: A man dreamed of Christmas time with family and wanting to leave. In waking life he was experiencing discomfort at having to attend a party because he was very anti-social and easily made nervous with talking to people. The Christmas symbolism may have reflected his feelings about all the effort people were putting into making others feel special at the party. It felt like it was too much closeness for his comfort level.
Example 2: A man dreamed of walking into the living room of his Grandmother's house and seeing that it was Christmas time. In waking life he was given an temporary break from a very strenuous job at work. He felt an enormous sense of relief as his employers were very demanding under unique conditions. Christmas in this case may have reflected his feelings of having a much deserved break to pursue other things he liked besides work since he rarely gets a break with the serious nature of his job.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of Christmas time. In waking life she had been ill for a very long time and was finally starting to get her health back. Christmas time may have reflected her feelings about life or God finally treating her fair by restoring her health after such a long time of long doing so.

Christmad Cards

To dream of Christmas cards represents making an effort to show other people that you care about them. Making an effort to show other people that you love them. Reciprocating feelings of togetherness. Reminding people that you are thinking about them and hoping they are happy. Extra efforts made to care about other people's feelings.
To dream of old Christmas card may reflect feelings about how close, special, or loving a relationship use to be. Remembering the effort that used to be put into showing people they were cared about in the past. Remembering better times with family. Feelings about current family life being more snobby than it used to be.
Example: A woman dreamed of people throwing old family Christmas cards in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her family was falling apart and purposely distancing themselves from each other due to a divorce in the family.

Christmas Gifts

To dream of a christmas gift symbolizes deserved change. Positively, a christmas gift reflects good luck, getting something you wanted, finally experiencing something you've been waiting for.
Negatively, a christmas gift may reflect something negative happening to you that someone else feels you deserve. Embarrassment or shame that you acknowledge.
Blue gifts are positive intentions, feelings or situations. Red gifts are negative intentions, feelings, or situations.

Christmas Tree

To dream of a Christmas tree represents an established aspect of your life that requires special treatment or dedicated time to observing something special. Moments in life where family time or vacation time is important to observe and respect. A reason in your life to join family or friends for festivus behavior.
Negatively, a Christmas tree may reflect your dislike of having to take a forced vacation or feeling forced to spend time with family. A situations where you feel you deserve to be treated as special as other people after earning it through hard work or hardship. Feeling that "jerks" in your life holding power over you finally have to give you a much deserved break.
Alternatively, a Christmas tree may reflect feelings about having to spend time with your family at Christmas. A reflection of your feelings about what the social interaction with your family may be like during the holidays.
To dream that you have your Christmas tree up for longer than normal represents an extended need to respect and treat people special. A prolonged need for family time or dedicated time to vacationing. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are unnecessarily prolonging a reason to participate in festivus behavior. Taking too much time off work.
To dream of a Christmas tree on fire represents a choices that whether intentional or not have ruined other people's opportunity to enjoy festivus behavior or special family time. Mistakes, conflicts, or crisis that ruins your time off work.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Christmas tree. In waking life he was annoyed at having to take a vacation off work due to a technicality and spend time with his family. The Christmas tree may have reflected the forced vacation time that was beneficial to all members of his family.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a Christmas tree with a spider crawling on it. In waking life she was an older woman and felt that her family was drifting part leaving her with nobody special around during the holidays. The Christmas tree in this case may have reflected her feelings about the Christmas holidays creating a reason to have to spend time with love ones while the spider reflected the scary feelings about feeling trapped alone as she was older.

Christmas Tree Ornaments
To dream of Christmas tree ornaments represents feelings about intentionally making others feel good deserving something they want. A signal to others that they should be encouraged to enjoy themselves or feel deserving of special treatment.
Negatively, Christmas tree ornaments may reflect feelings about irresponsible behavior encouraging bad things to happen to you that others might claim you deserved. A trap that has made you feel that you deserved something.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing an evil tree that froze people and then hung then up as Christmas tree ornaments on it's branches. In waking life she felt that her mother was very unsupportive of her emotional recovery after being raped. The mother blamed the young woman and made her feel that she deserved the rape. The Christmas tree ornaments in this case may reflected the dreamer's feelings about her mother making her feel that the men deserved to enjoy themselves raping her.
Father's Day

To dream of Father's day represents an event or special time in your life where you are very focused on doing the right thing, or making time to confront a problem.

The reason for this is because fathers in dream represent the conscience and fathers day is a time when you care about your father more than any other.


To dream of Halloween represents situations that scare you. Being overwhelmed by fear or terribleness. Situations that you don't feel care about anything positive at all.

*Please See Trick-Or-Treating.

*Please See Halloween Costume.

Halloween Costume
To dream of a Halloween costume represents a false negative persona. You may be trying to appear angrier or more dangerous than you really are. It may also reflect a deceptive attempt to scare other people.
Alternatively, a halloween costume may represent you or someone else that feels good pretending to have a negative or dangerous attitude. Not really being serious about how negative or dangerous you are acting. A phony negative persona.
Mother's Day

To dream of Mother's Day represent an event or special time in your life where you are being careful about the future. Being more responsible than you usually are. Your choices are very focused on staying out of trouble before it begins. Being focused on prevention.

Alternatively, Mother's Day may reflect how lucky you feel or a lot of coincidences you are experiencing at once. You may be feeling very fortunate to have made a good decision ahead of time.

The reason for this symbolism is because mothers in dreams represent the intuition, or long term instincts.

New Year's Eve

To dream of New Year's Eve represents events or life experiences where you have the opportunity to make a fresh start, and to think differently. A New Year's Eve dream reflects an opportunity to change. An opportunity to forget the past. Spontaneous change or an optimistic attempt to get your life back on track.
Negatively, a dream about New Year's Eve may reflect an excessive amount of planning or expectations for a big change you are planning on making that results in nothing happening at all.
To dream of not enjoying your New Year's Eve may reflect jealousy of other people having much better or easier time making big changes to their lives. Not liking to have ask permission, be patient, or care about other people while wanting to change your life. Feeling that you can't be spontaneous about making a change.
Example: A woman dreamed of New Year's Eve. In waking life she was planning to quit smoking.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of New Year's Eve celebrations. In waking life she had just had an amazing night out dancing after breaking up with her boyfriend.

Example 3: A woman dreamed that New Year's Eve was close at hand. In waking life she was heavily pregnant and about to give birth to her first child. New Year's Eve in this case may have reflected her feelings about getting a new start in life by being a responsible mother.


To dream of thanksgiving represents feelings about situations where you intentionally make efforts to show you are grateful. Situations where you or others are making efforts to show that you don't think you are better than other people. Negatively, thanksgiving in a dream may reflect feelings about dishonest efforts to show gratitude for no other reason except to avoid further problems, blame, or having to repay a debt. Being nice to people so that you don't have to accept responsibility for having been a jerk.
Alternatively, thanksgiving in a dream may reflect feelings about family occasions. Your dislike of family gatherings or social occasions.

Valentine's Day

To dream of Valentines Day represents an a romantic encounter, event, or waking life experience where you are interested in dating someone, falling in love, or spending time with someone you really like or are in love with.
Negatively, Valentine's day may reflect romantic disappointments or longing for more affection. Desiring someone to show you with their actions that they care about you.
People who experience breakups with partners or romantic disappointments commonly dream of missing valentines day or not spending it with the person they care about.
To dream of spending valentines day in a basement may represent rejection or the realization that someone you like isn't interested in you. Romantic gestures during a crisis.
Example: A woman dreamed of being angry because her boyfriend would take another woman out to dinner for $200 and not her. In waking life she felt that her boyfriend was not being romantic enough and would never so anything special on Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day Card

To dream of a Valentine's day card represents interested in dating someone or letting someone know how you feel. This could also reflect your projection of someone else who is signaling their interest in you.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of a boy she had a crush on giving her a Valentine's Day Card. In waking life she was thinking of getting closer to him, spending time with him, or letting him know how she felt.